The Pathogenesis of Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Institute of Neurology


Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy (SBMA) is a rare form of adult motor neuron disease. It leads to slowly progressive weakness in the muscles used for speech and swallowing as well as in the arms, legs and face. Patients usually first start noticing symptoms between the ages of 30 and 50 with cramps and mild weakness in their legs but they can end up needing a wheelchair, having problems with speaking and swallowing drinks and requiring full-time care.

SBMA is rare and it is caused by a problem in the androgen receptor on the X Chromosome. The disease affects males and occurs when the faulty androgen receptor binds to testosterone the male sex hormone. There is no cure for SBMA and there are currently no treatments available for this disease.

Motor neurons are large nerve cells with long processes that extend from the spinal cord to the muscles and carry the messages to make the muscles contract. In SBMA the motor neurons become dysfunctional and eventually die, this is called neurodegeneration. It is not yet understood exactly how this genetic problem leads to the motor neurons dying. Although SBMA is a rare disease, it is particularly interesting as it has many similarities to other neurodegenerative diseases including the aggressive form of motor neuron disease (MND) and Huntington's Disease. Looking at how the motor neurons die in SBMA may also provide insights into how neurodegeneration occurs in these other conditions.

I am going to look at possible pathways leading to neurodegeneration in SBMA. These pathways have been identified from previous research in SBMA and other neurodegenerative diseases.

1. Axonal transport - axons are like the motorways of the cell carrying the messages between the cell body which is the control centre of the cell and the synapses where the cell communicates with other cells. Motor neurons have very long axons and so are at risk if there is a problem with the transport (like a traffic jam on the motorway).

2. Protein handling - this is how the cells cope with stress. A series of protective steps usually happen in a cell in response to stress (heat, lack of oxygen, too much protein) however in SBMA there is some evidence that motor neurons do not cope with stress as well as a normal motor neuron.

3. Endoplasmic reticulum stress - the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is important for making new proteins in a cell. In SBMA the protein is abnormal because of the genetic mutation. This can lead to stress of the ER as it tries to cope. If the ER becomes overloaded it triggers a mechanism that causes the cell to die.

4. Mitochondria - these are like the batteries of the cell and provide most of the energy needed for all the things that cells do. If there is a problem with the mitochondria, this will affect the energy levels of the cell and may lead to the cell dying.

5. Astrocytes - these cells provide support to motor neurons and communicate with them. In motor neuron disease it has been shown that problems in the astrocytes, and how they speak to the motor neurons, can lead to motor neuron death. This has not been studied in SBMA yet.

So far, research in SBMA has been done in cell and animal models of SBMA and this means that the findings may not actually be applicable to human patients. Recent advances in science have led to a technique which makes stem cells (cells which can turn into any human cell) from patients' skin cells. These cells are called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). For this project, I will grow the iPSCs into motor neurons and therefore I will be able to look at human motor neurons "in a dish".

In summary, this project will investigate some of the mechanisms that have been suggested to cause motor neuron degeneration in SBMA using motor neurons "in a dish" which have been created from patients cells. As there is no cure for SBMA, one of the main aims of this project is to identify potential targets for drug treatments.

Technical Summary

All the experimental protocols described are established in my host labs

0-18m: Characterise iPSCMNs
Initially 2 patient, 2 healthy control lines. More lines are available
Differentiate MN: Spinal: Developmentally rationalised cues used including retinoic acid (RA) and Sonic Hedghog (SHH). Bulbar: WNT agonist combined with RA for rostrocaudal patterning. MN creation: Immunocytochemistry (HB9, ISL1, SMI32, ChAT), electrophysiology
SBMA: karyotype analysis, CAG using Sanger sequencing, expression and localisation of AR
Cell death: cell counts +/- dihydrotestosterone by immunofluorescent staining using Dapi, B-III tubulin and actived caspase 3 (quantified with Western Blot)
Axonal transport: Live cell imaging and a fluorescent atoxic tetanus toxin fragment for retrograde AT, Mitotracker for anterograde/retrograde mitochondrial AT
Protein mishandling: WB and immunostaining for components of heat shock response (HSR) at baseline and following exposure to cell stressors
ER stress: Changes in cytosolic Ca2+ levels using ER stressors (thapsigargin, ionomycin) and fura-2. Markers (PDI, CHOP, BiP ATF4) with WB and immunostaining
Mitochondria: Live cell imaging with fluorophores (TMRM, FCCP, Rhod 5N, Indo-1 AM) to measure: membrane potential, redox state, and Ca2+ levels. Electron microscopy to assess morphology

0-24m: Isogenic controls
CRISPR spacers to replace expanded CAG repeat with normal length sequence in a patient line and insert an expanded repeat into a control line. Confirm genetic correction with PCR

18- 36m: Astrocyte-neuronal interaction
Differentiate astrocytes: Precursors cycle in FGF2 for >80d then terminal differentiation with BMP4 and LIF
Phenotype: Reactive state using process length, GDNF and GFAP upregulation. Co-cultures of iPSC-astrocytes and MNs, to examine Ca2+ regulation and mitochondria function

28-36m: Therapeutics
Test potential therapeutics which may ameliorate MN dysfunction as described in the experiments above

Planned Impact

For patients and patient organisations:
- This research may provide relevant insights for the development of mechanism-targeted therapeutic agents
- A therapeutic drug would improve/prevent progression of disability in patients and hopefully improve quality of life.

For the wider public
- This research could contribute significantly to the much wider field of neurodegeneration.
- Identifying common pathways in cell death may suggest potential therapeutic targets to ameliorate other neurodegenerative diseases.

To academic colleagues
- Developing motor neurons derived from iPSCs will provide an invaluable model to researchers in Prof Greensmith's lab investigating other aspects of SBMA pathology.
- Characterising axonal transport and features of bulbar motor neurons in iPSCs will be of value to other iPSC researchers.

To commercial and private sector beneficiaries
- Understanding of mechanisms and causes of motor neuron loss could lead to identification of potential therapeutic targets which would be of significant interest to pharmaceutical companies.
- A model to screen drugs which may impact motor neuron survival in this disease would also be beneficial to drug development.

For policy makers
- Better understanding of neurodegenerative mechanisms and identifying therapeutic drugs which ameliorate these processes has significant implications and benefits for policy makers by potentially decreasing the burden of disease, increasing the quality of life and functional independence of patients with SBMA and hopefully other neurodegenerative conditions.


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Title Video blogs about motor neuron disease 
Description I created a series of short animated jargon-free videos about motor neurons and how we are using stem cells to study motor neuron disease with Peter Barker from Orinoco Communications. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2016 
Impact 3500 views Positive response from MND community As a result of this collaboration Peter is now making engaging videos for other science labs and he has now developed a company for science communication. Initial videos meant I could apply for, and was successful achieving further funding for science engagement. 
Description Clinical Newcastle University Academic Track Fellowship
Amount £616,000 (GBP)
Organisation Newcastle University 
Department Mitochondrial Research Group
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2023 
End 10/2028
Description EXPERTS-ALS
Amount £8,000,000 (GBP)
Funding ID NIHR158515 
Organisation National Institute for Health Research 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Description Pathfinder Award
Amount £96,582 (GBP)
Organisation LifeArc 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2023 
End 09/2024
Description Starter Grants for Clinical Lectures
Amount £29,997 (GBP)
Funding ID SGL028\1061 
Organisation Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS) 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2023 
End 04/2025
Description Filming vlogs related to research in motor neuron disease 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I set up a youtube channel for my lab with a videographer - Peter Barker - to create videos and video blogs, initially to explain what the focus of the lab was but then to develop a conversation with viewers about our research. We have developed 8 videos with between 100-850 views over the last six months. Patients from the MNDa and KD-UK were involved in the development of these videos.

I was awarded a UCL train and engage award - a public engagement award - to create a further video. The aim is to explain the difference between bulbar and spinal motor neurones and to ask patients with the disease whether they think I should focus on developing a model of bulbar or limb motor neuron dysfunction in the first instance and thus guide my research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Imperial science festival 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I attended the Imperial Science Festival at a stand for my lab. I was involved in developing a colouring book for younger children and a fact book for older children to take away from the festival. We also ran a drawing competition.

The main event on the stage was a dance performance in collaboration with the lab called Action Potential to engage the public with 3 parts: 1. How we use our muscles 2. An interactive section for children about how motor neurones transmit signals 3. A modern interpretive dance of the impact of an MND diagnosis
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description MND Engage 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact MND Engage is a project exploring the use of video as a tool for engagement between those affected by motor neurone disease (MND) and scientists.
Video has traditionally been used to disseminate information to an audience. With the explosion of social media, however, people are increasingly used to engaging with - and creating their own - digital content, and we aimed to harness the ready accessibility of video as a medium to foster dialogue between patients and researchers in our lab.

The project was divided into three main stages:
1. I initially created videos explaining some of the research from our lab to explore whether patients with MND found video acceptable as a tool to access research ( I presented these at a branch meeting of the Motor Neuron Disease Association (MNDa). Viewers liked the opportunity to view a video several times; that they could be shared through social media; and that the videos could allow patients with poor mobility to be involved in research projects and have their views heard.
2. I then wanted to explore whether video could be used to guide our research questions. I made a video discussing my PhD project and asked patients to vote based on their personal experience where they would like me to focus my research (
3. Based on these initial findings Jasmine Harley, Giulia Tyzack and I organised an MND Engage video-making participation day at the Francis Crick Institute. The event brought together researchers, clinicians, the MNDa, patients and carers to explore video as an effective means of public engagement in MND. Videos were created by attendees in a video-making session, to answer questions asked by people living with MND. The videos are now available on YouTube for viewers to vote and comment on which video they enjoyed the most (e.g.

The key outcomes of the project:
• Successful video-making participation day engaging researchers, patients, carers, clinicians and the MNDa: 61 people attended the MND Engage event (28 researchers from 10 labs, 2 patients, 3 carers, 7 clinicians, 6 members of the MNDa team including the CEO and 5 creatives).
• New skills, new contacts and perspectives: the MND Engage event empowered participants in their public engagement efforts, by giving researchers new skills in creating content, bringing stakeholders together in an innovative and engaging day, and educating researchers on the importance of public engagement through direct contact with patients and carers.
On the day creative professionals with experience of making digital content around MND through earlier stages of the project delivered training on making effective and engaging short videos, including introducing basic editing tools and techniques. The participants tried out and developed these new skills on the day, and left with the basic building blocks of how to create further content for their own public engagement efforts. To support and empower this, each of the 10 labs represented on the day has been given on-going access to video-making software.
• Patient-led digital content created by the MND Engage Project now available as a free and accessible resource for patients and other stakeholders: on the participation day, diverse teams collaborated to devise, film and edit a series of videos answering specific questions that we collected from patients with MND in advance of the day. This tangible work product is now available as a resource through a portal on the MNDa website, with a dedicated space for researcher and patient interaction. This offers patients (including those with limited mobility) the opportunity to access our research and to ask questions through comments or through directly contacting us. In this way we established a clear dialogue between patients and researchers. As researchers we found it very interesting to find out what questions patients wanted to ask and this will help guide our research, as well as our future public engagement efforts.
• We have established a partnership with the MNDa and we are in the planning phase for a follow up event in 2020. We aim to increase patient and carer attendance at future sessions and are gathering feedback on reasons for some last minute drop-outs from this cohort to seek to increase future participation.
• The experience of devising, planning and delivering the participation day developed the skills of the organising team in putting on events for public engagement. We solicited feedback, and had a strong response rate by including the feedback form in the voting process for participants' favourite videos at the end of the day. Feedback was positive, and there were some helpful learning points (for example, we would now include a confirmatory email as part of the registration process).
• We have shown that digital video is a good tool for achieving patient engagement, including in contributing to the direction of future research questions. We learned through analytics that most views were on twitter, but the mediums that attracted the most patient voting were the video being viewed on a closed patient facebook group and from a link included in a patient research update newsletter. This will guide were we target videos in the future. As a tangible example of this engagement process, patients with Kennedy's Disease, a rare form of motor neuron disease) who watched a video discussing various types of motor neurones voted that, from their personal experiences, their walking most affected their quality of life - and I am therefore focusing my research on pathological processes in spinal motor neurons (which are involved in walking).
• Peter Barker, the creative professional who has collaborated on the MND Engage Project, now focusses his work on science engagement, setting up Orinoco Communications to create engaging video content for science engagement and communication. He has subsequently created videos for the WT Centre for Mitochondrial Research, the Francis Crick Institute and the Physiology Society among others and runs the Research Communications podcast.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Presentation to West London branch of the Motor Neurone Disease Association 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact I presented my research and engagement activities to the WL MNDa branch to inform patients about research currently being undertaken at UCL using stem cells to study MND. I also used the opportunity to discuss the use of video blogs in disseminating research findings and how research is undertaken to patients - with patients responding that it was particularly useful to be able to watch over again rather than potentially missing sections of a prepared lecture, and also for patients who would be unable to travel to meetings to keep well informed and ask questions. Patients had lots of questions about the use of stem cells and the possibility of developing personal medication.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Thought to flesh 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Involved in developing a play about a patient and their response to a diagnosis of motor neutron disease. The focus of the play was on female patient who was the primary caregiver in a family and how this role and her perception of herself within the family changed as she became increasingly reliant on care from others.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016