Determining structural dynamics of membrane proteins in their native environment: focus on bacterial antibiotic resistance

Lead Research Organisation: King's College London
Department Name: Chemistry


Cellular health is determined by the structure, movement, and interplay of its biomacromolecules. Being able to interrogate the behaviour of biomacromolecules within a native cellular context would enable us to gain an enhanced understanding of how these molecules dictate a cells behaviour and function. Proteins are an essential class of biomacromolecule which perform a wide range of cellular processes such as enzyme catalysis, cell signalling and scaffolding, and DNA replication. They consist of a linear chain of amino acids, defined as a polypeptide, their sequence being determined by the genetic sequence which encodes them. An important subset of proteins is integral membrane proteins which reside within cellular membranes and account for about 30% of cellular proteins. Cellular membranes are dynamic structures consisting mostly of protein and lipid which act to compartmentalise the cell, providing barriers to the external environments of the cell and its organelles. Integral membrane proteins are defined by their content of hydrophobic polypeptide stretches which enable parts of their structure to be embedded within, or associated with, the cellular membrane. They are responsible for a variety of dynamic cellular processes, such as sensation, cellular regulation, and cell-to-cell adhesion. A membrane protein's functional capability and their level of expression will largely decide the ionic composition, and therefore the metabolic levels of a given cell type, making them essential for all life, as well as key drug targets.

My main aim is to determine structural dynamic information of membrane proteins directly within their native cellular membrane environment, including within live cells. It is important to understand the structural dynamics of proteins, as their fluctuations frequently represent motions and states that are critical for protein function. To do this I will develop general strategies which enable membrane protein structure and dynamics to be deciphered within complex environments by advanced structural mass spectrometry methods. Structural mass spectrometry uses high-resolution mass information on polypeptides and their peptide building blocks to infer on the structural properties of a protein molecule - their shape, interactions, and movements. Using techniques such as hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (which measures the extent and rate of exchange of protein backbone amide hydrogens for deuterium), both global and local information on protein interactions, ligand binding, and structural dynamics can be delivered. Here, I propose the development of chemical biology and advanced mass spectrometry strategies for membrane protein structural investigation within different native membrane environments.

One key area in which integral membrane proteins are important is in the development of antimicrobial resistance. Combating antimicrobial resistance is a key societal challenge which, if not addressed, has the potential to become a global health crisis. In bacterial cell lines, the development of multiple drug resistance to structurally unrelated chemicals have been correlated to the function of multidrug efflux membrane protein transporters, which expel a broad range of toxic substances and result in reduced inhibitory effects of antibiotics. My research will focus on developing the aforementioned methods in the context of multidrug efflux membrane protein systems which are known to play major roles in bacterial antibiotic resistance. This will enable an unprecedented insight into the structure, dynamics, and function of these systems, particularly on the impact of drug and lipid interactions, and clinically relevant mutations. More generally, the ability to achieve structural insight into biomacromolecules within cells would be a huge step forward in our understanding of how they shape the function of healthy and diseased cells.

Planned Impact

Impact on the third and public sectors:

Important to this research proposal is the development of techniques and protocols that will allow new structural insights into the mechanisms of multidrug efflux membrane protein transporters, which play major roles in bacterial antibiotic resistance. Thus, understanding and developing techniques to probe these systems will have long term economic and societal impacts in improving quality of life and health. Especially in the generation of novel tools for in vivo membrane proteins structural interrogation, which will contribute greatly to the expertise and health of multi-disciplinary areas used to investigate complex processes.

By participating in public outreach activities (facilitated by the Widening Participation scheme at KCL) the proposal will allow me to raise public awareness of the potential benefits of enhancing bioanalytical science and its potential benefit on health and pharmaceutical research. For example, taking part in Discover Science Days which are open to KS4 and 5 school students and their parents and offer a unique opportunity to find out more about studying physical sciences at undergraduate level. Through this participation I expect to inspire, encourage and enthuse young school students to pursue further education and careers in bioanalytical disciplines for health, particularly in areas such as drug discovery and antimicrobial resistance.

Impact on the commercial sector:

Intellectual property arising from the research is expected. By identifying and protecting any arising intellectual property, commercial opportunities arising from the work and approaches can be capitalized upon. If new intellectual property is generated pursuits to license the technology with pharmaceutical or bioanalytical service companies or even develop a 'spin-out' company associated with King's College London will be made, contributing to economic development. R&D investment and/or collaboration will be pursued with companies interested in the development of the technology, such as Waters (mass spectrometry), GlaxoSmithKline and UCB (biopharmaceutics). I have previous experience with licensing products for bioanalytical science - with a licensed patent for the use of mass spectrometry in drug discovery (licensed by OMass Technologies in 2016) - and working previously with the pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline.

Laboratory members will be trained (3-8 members over the course of the fellowship) in novel and emerging structural mass spectrometry methodologies, as well as in molecular biology, cell biology, structural biology, and membrane protein biochemical investigation. These techniques are important for drug discovery in non-academic professions, therefore, by training and developing highly skilled people in these disciplines the proposal will have both a societal and economic impact. I have demonstrated my ability to train graduate students through my experience in both student supervision and lecturing. I have continuously co-supervised PhD/Master students and solely supervised my own summer student in 2016, both involved allocating projects and laboratory training, with my summer student's work contributing to a recent publication in Angewandte Chemie. I have also attended the EMBO laboratory management course for group leaders which strengthened my laboratory and people management skills, teaching in areas such as laboratory leadership, support, organisation, and effective communication.


Impact on the third and public sectors and intellectual property generation will come immediately after research publication, dissemination, and outreach; predicted to be within 2 - 7 years of the Fellowship. Economic and societal impacts will likely come with advancement of the methodologies and creation of higher throughput bioanalytical tools that enable many drug targets to be screened and assessed; this is predicted to be anywhere between 5 - 10 years.
Description Membrane proteins are key targets for more than half of modern drugs, and the team's findings serve to further advance the battle against multidrug resistance, which has become a global societal challenge. Research led by the Reading group at King's, and published in Nature Communications, Essays in Biochemistry and Trends in Biochemical Sciences journals, has produced a deeper understanding of the structural dynamics of membrane proteins, and its impact upon antibiotic and multidrug resistance (MDR). With a specific focus on multidrug efflux pumps - sets of proteins which recognize and pump out antimicrobials - the team's research has revealed that an efflux pump inhibitors enhance biotic activity by restraining protein dynamics, rather than preventing antibiotic binding. Currently, no clinically-approved pump inhibitors have been developed - partially due to insufficient understanding of protein mechanisms of action.

These works have been achieved through a combination of biochemical, computational, and structural mass spectrometry expertise, this collaborative research effort was conducted between the Reading, Booth and Politis groups at King's Department of Chemistry, Professor Helen Zgurskaya (University of Oklahoma, USA), Professor Laura Piddock (University of Birmingham, UK), Professor JC Gumbart (Georgia tech., USA) and Dr Attilio Vargiu (University of Cagliari, Italy). Additionally, our group has investigated the potency of novel peptide-based inhibitors against multidrug efflux pumps, published in the Biochemistry journal, in collaboration with the group of Prof Charles Deber (SickKids, Toronto, Canada).

A direct outcome of these publications are new, international collaborations that have been formalized with the renowned multidrug resistance expert Prof Elena Zgurskaya (UoOklahoma, USA) and the industrial partner UCB Biopharma. A PhD student leading on the project was awarded a talk at the Antibiotic Discovery Accelerator (ABX) Network Conference in Dec' 2021 (see: and International HDX Conference in 2022. This worked has now been published in Nature Communications and was picked up by over 30 news outlets, with another follow up publication in construction, both focused on understanding how multidrug efflux pumps function and how we can inhibit them better to restore antibiotic efficacy.

In our next steps, we next want to explore these systems in more complex environments which better reflect their cellular situation, especially in the context of the membrane lipid milieu which surround these proteins. Advances in this aim have been achieved with published work in Analytical Chemistry on the first automated system to analyse membrane proteins in lipid environments using HDX mass spectrometry (this paper made it into the 'Most Read' list for Analytical Chemistry). Our continued work in this area has just been granted an invited talk (for the PDRA on the project) at the international American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) conference in June 2023. Achieving improved structural insight into proteins within these contexts would be a significant step forward in understanding how they shape cellular function when in diseased/healthy states. We made further progress on these work and have filed a patent based around our technology for accessing protein dynamics in complex environments, including in live cells. This work is currently being refined for publication as a preprint (and hopefully a published article) this year, so as to disseminate these findings to the wider academic community.

Due to the COVID pandemic we also used our unique knowledge to contribute to understanding the fundamental biology driving viral infection by the Sars-CoV-2 virus. This was not a main focus of our lab but performed in collaboration with others and resulted in two publications in Nature Communications and Cell in 2023, which have led to new insights into the evolution of the spike protein and a novel cell entry mechanism resolved, both which have been well received by the academic audience as evidenced by high citation numbers in a short period (<6 months).

In June 2023 the Reading lab moved from King's College London to the University of Southampton.
Exploitation Route The outcomes of these works have been made accessible to all professional practitioners within academic, healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors through publication, in some cases in open access format, and through dissemination at relevant conferences. This will enable those in the field of multidrug efflux pumps to apply what we have learnt to their own studies and, possibly, help to drive new and improved inhibitor understanding and development to combat antimicrobial resistance caused by these protein classes. An MTA has been agreed with the Balchin group at the Crick institute to use some our our discoveries in the use of HDX mass spectrometry to understand co-translational protein folding and dynamics.
Sectors Healthcare

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description Key people: Dr Eamonn Reading, School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton Dr Jonathan West, Cancer Sciences, University of Southampton Prof Mark Howarth, Department of Pharmacology, University of Cambridge Dr Alfonso Espada, Analytical Technologies, Eli Lilly and Company Dr Zainab Ahdash, Early Solutions, UCB Biopharma UK Malcolm Anderson, Waters Corp, UK Prof Mark Sutton, UKHSA Porton Down, UK Summary of the impact/ pathways to impact: Membrane proteins are ubiquitous biological macromolecules which reside within highly complex cellular membranes, and concurrently are key targets for more than half of modern drugs. We have developed techniques to obtain structural insights into these biomolecules within more native-like lipid environments, including in live cells, to better understand how they shape cellular function. This led to partnerships with analytical and biopharma industries and emerging relationships with the UKHSA. The impact will be focused on the uptake of our technologies to understand membrane proteins of medical and societal interest, e.g. GPCRs and AMR, and their use in drug discovery efforts. References to the underpinning research: (2023) United Kingdom Patent Application No. 2315107.9; Oxford University Innovation Limited et al. Polypeptides and peptide tags capable of spontaneous isopeptide bond formation at low temperature and low pH and uses thereof (2021-25) (BBSRC SoCoBio iCASE with UCB Biopharma - 50% UCB funded) (2023-25) Eli Lilly LRAP Award (100% funded postdoc by Eli Lilly) - (2023) 10.1021/acs.analchem.2c04876 - publication with Waters Corp partners with an iCASE Waters funded studentship on new mass spectrometry technology for membrane proteins. In January 2023 it reached the Top20 list of the most read articles (2023) 10.1038/s41467-023-39615-x - publication on use of mass spectrometry to study proteins involved in AMR; Altimetric score of 234 (paper picked up by 34 news outlets and 3 blogs, with a story in the London Evening Standard)
Sector Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology
Impact Types Societal


Description Member of the Foundation Future Leaders Programme
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
Impact The aim of the programme is to develop links and understanding across Government, Parliament, industry and the research community, by establishing a cohort of 30 people, consisting of 8 government civil servants, two parliamentary civil servants, 10 researchers and 10 people from industry. There was a series of meetings and visits for this cohort - which I have a strong lead in designing - and a conference at the end of the year (which included a talk and Q&A with Sir Patrick Vallence (Chief Scientific Adviser to the UK Government)). During the program we engaged with a diverse set of practitioners from a range of sectors on UK scientific policy, scientific funding, and the role science does/should have on informing policy; a non-exhaustive list of the people we directly engaged with is: The Rt Hon Chris Skidmore MP - Former Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation; Dr Olivia Champion, CEO, Biosystems Technology; Karen Brooks, Programme Director, The Set Squared Partnership; The Rt Hon David Willetts MP; Dr Julie Maxton CBE - Executive Director of the Royal Society; Paul Mason - Director of Innovate UK; Professor Sir Mark Walport - Chief Executive of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI); Alan Whitehead MP - Former Shadow Minister for Energy and Climate Change and current Shadow Minister for Energy and the Green New Deal; Professor Kiran Trehan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Partnerships and Engagement, University of York; Professor Dame Nancy Jane Rothwell - President of the University of Manchester. In addition, members of the cohort were invited to all of the main discussion debates of the Foundation for Science and Technology, where the Foundation Future Leaders take part in discussions on topics which bridge the space between research, government, Parliament and industry.
Description PostDoc Tutor for KCL Chemistry
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact In my capacity as Postdoc Tutor I birthed the inaugural PostDoc Chemistry Community at King's College London. The PostDoc Chemistry Community (PostDoc ChemComm) represents the research and career development of postdocs, contracted researchers and postdoc fellowship holders within the Department of Chemistry at King's College London. We are a platform open to every researcher who has wondered how to improve their research and career, how to get better impact or who simply wants to share their experiences and concerns within the community. We disseminate possible funding and careers opportunities for our post-doc's and organise post-doc focused seminars and social events. In my role as Postdoc tutor I passionately foster a thriving research community and facilitate a productive and rewarding environment for early career researchers. I feed into departmental meetings about post-doc issues and support the running of PostDoc ChemComm in partnership with their post-doc representatives. I also feed into faculty meetings about post-doc issues through continued attendance and cooperation with the NMS Postdoctoral Research Staff Committee, who in turn will attempt to implement KCL wide changes.
Description BBSRC LIDo iCASE Studentship (in partnership with UCB Biopharma): Unravelling the structure and conformational dynamics of membrane proteins using H/D-exchange mass spectrometry and cryo-EM
Amount £176,744 (GBP)
Organisation London Interdisciplinary Doctoral Biosciences Consortium 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2021 
End 09/2025
Description BBSRC LIDo iCASE Studentship (in partnership with Waters Corporation UK): Developing automated H/D-exchange mass spectrometry for membrane protein structural biology
Amount £171,967 (GBP)
Organisation London Interdisciplinary Doctoral Biosciences Consortium 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 02/2021 
End 01/2025
Description Lilly Research Award Program (LRAP) - Devising Hydrogen/Deuterium eXchange Mass Spectrometry (HDX-MS) technology for drugging membrane protein interactions
Amount £373,048 (GBP)
Organisation Eli Lilly & Company Ltd 
Sector Private
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2023 
End 10/2025
Description UoSouthampton FELS Knowledge Exchange and Enterprise Fund - 'Viewing the Invisible Nanomachines of Nature'
Amount £5,922 (GBP)
Organisation Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2024 
End 03/2024
Description BBSRC iCASE LIDo studentship in partnership with UCB Biopharma 
Organisation UCB Pharma
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution A dynamic studentship which includes experience working in both academic and pharmaceutical industry environments: the project is performed in partnership between laboratories at both King's College London and UCB Pharma (Slough, 20 miles West of Central London). The ideal candidate will enjoy creative and multidisciplinary approaches to answering questions. The objective of the PhD project is to employ techniques such as molecular biology, structural biology, and mass spectrometry. Students will liaise with industrial partners and academics to ensure research is translational and aligned to medical outcomes. Membrane proteins are biological macromolecules that are present within dynamic and complex cellular membranes. They have diverse complex cellular functions and represent more than half of drug targets; however, the molecular mechanisms governing their modes of action remain poorly understood. Most membrane proteins are highly dynamic and undergo structural and conformational rearrangements to perform their function. Whilst HDX-MS and cryo-EM each provide unique information, both techniques complement and validate each other providing static pictures as well as dynamics and flexibility information of large and complex systems. This project focuses on the elucidation of the structure and conformational dynamics of membrane proteins important for human health through the development of HDX-MS and cryo-EM workflows.
Collaborator Contribution This PhD includes the participation of KCL, a world class research and post-graduate training university, and industrial expertise from a leading multinational biopharmaceutical company, UCB Pharma. The student will become a member of the Dr Eamonn Reading group at the Department of Chemistry, King's College London ( and will work in partnership with Dr Zainab Ahdash at UCB Pharma ( The project will include time spent at UCB Pharma, where appropriate, for knowledge transfer and technical training.
Impact No outputs as of yet, as student started in Oct' 2021
Start Year 2021
Description BBSRC iCASE LIDo studentship in partnership with Waters Corporation 
Organisation Waters Corporation
Department Waters Corporation
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The student will develop structural mass spectrometry and protein engineering approaches to decipher native membrane protein structural behaviour. The project will involve advancement and training on cutting-edge H/D eXchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) for HDX structural analysis of membrane protein dynamics. With an emphasis being placed on understanding the role of drugs and the lipid metabolism on protein function. Importantly, the student will perform molecular biology and biochemical investigations alongside technology development to fully understand membrane protein behaviour and function.
Collaborator Contribution This project is performed in partnership with Waters Corporation which will include a 3-month placement at the Waters Mass Spectrometry Headquarters facility at Wilmslow, UK. During their placement, Waters Corporation will provide education and training on how a large scientific company is organised and run. This will include meeting members from a variety of departments and disciplines, both formally and informally, to understand their business strategy, hierarchy, and how teams work together. They have contributed £29,000 towards the studentship.
Impact Student started in Feb' 2021 (delayed start due to COVID).
Start Year 2021
Description Dr Attilio Vargiu 
Organisation University of Cagliari
Country Italy 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Structural mass spectrometry and biophysical analysis on the multidrug efflux transporter AcrB in the presence of antibiotics and inhibitors. Studying the wildtype protein and a clinically relevant multidrug resistance (MDR) mutation.
Collaborator Contribution Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation analysis on the multidrug efflux transporter AcrB in the presence of antibiotics and inhibitors. Studying the wildtype protein and a clinically relevant multidrug resistance (MDR) mutation.
Impact A highlight being the recently published paper in Nature Communications as the main corresponding author, which comes directly out of my fellowship work investigating multidrug efflux membrane protein dynamics in antimicrobial resistance. I led the research and built the collaborations with internationally renowned microbiology and computational experts (Prof Laura Piddock, UoBirmingham, and Dr Attilio Vargiu, UoCaligari).
Start Year 2019
Description Prof Charles Deber 
Organisation The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)
Country Canada 
Sector Hospitals 
PI Contribution Native mass spectrometry analysis of peptide-based inhibitors (designed in the Deber lab) impact on multidrug efflux pump AcrB structure, to aid in tackling antibiotic and multidrug resistance in bacteria.
Collaborator Contribution Deisn and synthesis of peptide-based inhibitors against multidrug efflux pump AcrB function, to aid in tackling antibiotic and multidrug resistance in bacteria.
Impact Manuscript currently under review at Journal of Biological Chemistry in which I am co-corresponding (senior) author.
Start Year 2019
Description Prof Helen Zgurskaya 
Organisation University of Oklahoma
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Our research group is providing structural mass spectrometry, membrane biochemistry, and molecular biology experimental data to a collaborative project on the investigation of efflux pump inhibitors against the AcrAB-TolC efflux pump (which is the main target of this grant).
Collaborator Contribution The Zgurskaya is providing complementary molecular biology and biophysical experimental data on the collaborative project on the investigation of efflux pump inhibitors against the AcrAB-TolC efflux pump (which is the main target of this grant), as well as consultation on experimental design.
Impact The PhD student leading on the project was awarded a talk at the Antibiotic Discovery Accelerator (ABX) Network Conference in Dec' 2021 (see: and is currently writing up this work for publication. Publication in Nature Communications in 2023 on the mechanism of action of an efflux inhibitor against the AcrA section of the AcrAB-TolC efflux pump. Another paper under construction together currently. Collaboration is multi-disciplinary bringing together microbiology, chemical biology and computational biology areas together.
Start Year 2021
Description Prof Laura Piddock 
Organisation University of Birmingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Structural mass spectrometry and biophysical analysis on the multidrug efflux transporter AcrB in the presence of antibiotics and inhibitors. Studying the wildtype protein and a clinically relevant multidrug resistance (MDR) mutation.
Collaborator Contribution Microbiological analysis of the multidrug efflux transporter AcrB in the presence of antibiotics and inhibitors. Studying the wildtype protein and a clinically relevant multidrug resistance (MDR) mutation.
Impact A highlight being the recently published paper in Nature Communications as the main corresponding author, which comes directly out of my fellowship work investigating multidrug efflux membrane protein dynamics in antimicrobial resistance. I led the research and built the collaborations with internationally renowned microbiology and computational experts (Prof Laura Piddock, UoBirmingham, and Dr Attilio Vargiu, UoCaligari).
Start Year 2019
Description Prof Mark Howarth 
Organisation University of Oxford
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Developing structural mass spectrometry approaches for the determination of native membrane protein structural biology information. Using these developments, alongside molecular biology and biochemical investigation, to decipher the mechanisms of multidrug efflux transporters which play major roles in bacterial antibiotic resistance.
Collaborator Contribution Providing expertise, materials and experiments on the use of covalent and non-covalent binding protein partners (designed in the Howarth lab) to facilitate structural mass spectrometry investigations of proteins in native environments.
Impact None as of yet - collaboration just begun.
Start Year 2020
Description Professor James C Gumbart 
Organisation Georgia Institute of Technology
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Our teams are working together to understand how the dynamics of multidrug efflux pumps result in their function as highly efficient and promiscuous agents in bacterial AMR and MDR, and how we can develop molecules which inhibit them to restore antibiotic efficacy. Our team provides experimental measures of protein dynamics and the Gumbart lab provides atomistic molecular dynamics detail using theoretical computational methods - both complement and support each other to provide detailed insights into the structure dynamics relationships within these complex drug transporters.
Collaborator Contribution Our teams are working together to understand how the dynamics of multidrug efflux pumps result in their function as highly efficient and promiscuous agents in bacterial AMR and MDR, and how we can develop molecules which inhibit them to restore antibiotic efficacy. Our team provides experimental measures of protein dynamics and the Gumbart lab provides atomistic molecular dynamics detail using theoretical computational methods - both complement and support each other to provide detailed insights into the structure dynamics relationships within these complex drug transporters.
Impact Publication in Nature Communications in 2023 on the mechanism of action of an efflux inhibitor against the AcrA section of the AcrAB-TolC efflux pump. Another paper under construction together currently. Collaboration is multi-disciplinary bringing together microbiology, chemical biology and computational biology areas together.
Start Year 2022
Description Programmatic satellite at the Francis Crick Institute, London 
Organisation Francis Crick Institute
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution A programmatic satellite for my research group was awarded in 2021 (delayed due to COVID). A programmatic satellite links with multiple Crick groups or STPs to my research group and to collaborating groups in King's College London, either by providing new facilities or technologies or a larger-scale collaborative programme. My group, and that of my King's College London cohort (labs of Drs Antoni Borysik and Argyris Politis), will provide expertise in the application of HDX technology to studying protein systems important for human health. The expertise that the satellite would bring to the Crick could potentially be extremely valuable for the institute, and for London as a whole. In particular, the Crick panel agreed that the application of HDX technology was very exciting. However, the panel expressed some concern regarding the proposed plans and agreed that, at present, the proposed research plan was lacking in defined scientific questions that would be addressed using the technology. The panel suggested that it would be useful to pilot the satellite group for a shorter period, in order to further understand the likely success of the programme. In light of this feedback, the panel agreed that your programmatic satellite should be approved for 2 years in the first instance, with a milestone review taking place at the end of the second year. Assuming this milestone review is satisfactory, the satellite would then be approved for the remaining two years.
Collaborator Contribution A programmatic satellite for my research group was awarded in 2021 (delayed due to COVID). A programmatic satellite links with multiple Crick groups or STPs to my research group and to collaborating groups in King's College London, either by providing new facilities or technologies or a larger-scale collaborative programme.
Impact None yet - as delayed until Spring '21, due the impact of COVID.
Start Year 2021
Title Polypeptides and peptide tags capable of spontaneous isopeptide bond formation at low temperature and low pH and uses thereof 
Description The present invention relates to a two-part linker comprising a peptide (peptide tag) and a polypeptide (protein) that is capable of spontaneously forming an isopeptide bond. In particular, the two-part linker is able to spontaneously form an isopeptide bond efficiently in low temperature and pH conditions, such as quench conditions used in protein analysis methods, e.g. Hydrogen Deuterium Exchange (HDX) mass spectrometry. In particular, the polypeptide and peptide may be viewed as a peptide tag and polypeptide binding partner cognate pair that can be conjugated via a covalent bond when contacted under conditions that allow the spontaneous formation of an isopeptide bond between the peptide tag and its polypeptide binding partner. Also provided herein are recombinant or synthetic polypeptides comprising the polypeptide or peptide tag, nucleic acid molecules encoding the polypeptide, peptide tag or recombinant polypeptides, vectors comprising said nucleic acid molecules, and host cells comprising said vectors and nucleic acid molecules. A kit and apparatus comprising said polypeptide and peptide tag and various methods and uses of the polypeptide and peptide tag are also provided, e.g. use in protein analysis methods, such as Hydrogen Deuterium Exchange (HDX) mass spectrometry. 
IP Reference 2315107.9 
Protection Patent / Patent application
Year Protection Granted 2023
Licensed No
Impact None as yet
Description Appointed Member of the BBSRC Pool of Experts 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Supporters
Results and Impact Pool of Experts members typically serve on BBSRC Research Committees, leading on the assessment of their responsive mode applications.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Co-organised 10th Analytical Biosciences Group Early Career Researcher Meeting 2023 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This year's meeting is particularly special as we celebrate our 10th edition and our first in person event since 2020. The meeting is open to everyone, and aims to engage early career researchers in debate and discussions about all areas of analytical biosciences, and provide the opportunity to build networks with other researchers in the field.

A number of keynote speakers have been invited who will give their perspectives of the analytical biosciences from academia and industry. This will be followed by presentations from early career researchers. Together, this will provide an overview of current research into new technologies and applications of analytical chemistry in biological science.

We aim to give delegates a broad overview of the current state of the art for analytical techniques, with detailed examples of their applications in biosciences. As such, each contribution will aim to demonstrate the quality and value of each methodology.

In addition to the speaker program there will be poster sessions throughout the event and an opportunity to tour our host Illumina's customer solution center laboratory. A conference dinner will be held on the Thursday evening to provide further opportunity for networking and discussion.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Co-organised a internationally recognized Biochemical Society conference on "Structural Mass Spectrometry of Membrane Proteins" 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This two-day meeting will focus on new advancements and technological developments in mass spectrometry for studying the structure and function of membrane proteins. It will bring together MS practitioners and structural biologists from academia and industry and will include sessions across many aspects of structural mass spectrometry of membrane proteins.

The conference programme will focus on the ever-growing developments and applications of structural mass spectrometry of membrane proteins and their complexes, as well as new advancements and technological developments in mass spectrometry.

Topics for discussion will include the latest developments in instrumentation, intact membrane protein complexes, data analysis, software development and a range of applications to membrane proteins, such as lipid and drug interactions, dynamics of transporters and channels, membrane protein folding, and the study of large macromolecular complexes (e.g. ATPases).

The inaugural "Structural Mass Spectrometry of Membrane Proteins" meeting successfully brought together academic and industrial scientists who are working at the forefront of the technology.

We saw presentations on how structural mass spectrometry can decipher membrane protein structure and function, either as a standalone tool or as a powerful integrative technique alongside other structural biology methods. We had examples of how it has been applied to medically important membrane protein systems such as, GPCRs, ATPases, and those involved in antibiotic resistance and cancer. A highlight was a dedicated session on the development of structural mass spectrometry for protein analysis within live cells - seeing the expansion of the technique to living cells (and even live worms!) acting to inspire where this field can go.

A key success was the dissemination and sharing of ideas which will enable the incredible work of our (relatively) small field to be applied and developed further - with the hope that non-specialist users will increasingly utilize these techniques to answer their most important membrane biology questions. From this meeting we could see that the field is expanding and its reach into structural biology is being increasingly welcomed. We, therefore, see this meeting as just the beginning.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Invited to speak at the 11th BBSRC Fellows' Conference in Glasgow, UK 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Welcome Message from Melanie Welham, BBSRC Executive Chair:

I am very pleased to welcome you to the 11th BBSRC Fellows' Conference. We have held these conferences biennially since 1999, and I hope you will find this event to be as stimulating and as beneficial as past conferences have been. I am proud to be Executive Chair of BBSRC as we hold this latest conference. As many of you will know as a result of my own BBSRC Fellowship that I held earlier in my career I attended previous conferences as a fellow - like many of you are now - and this has constantly made me appreciate the importance and value of these events to all involved. I am sure this year's conference will build on the success of the very successful special tenth anniversary conference held in Leeds in 2017 and again be an event to inspire all in attendance.

I am sorry not to be able to be with you in person this year but as I hope you understand my current role as Executive Chair requires me to be in many places often at the same time - which of course is very hard to achieve! The ongoing successful transition to UK Research and Innovation of course makes my time even more difficult to share around.

Many of you will have been in Leeds in 2017 and most likely earlier events as we now are so pleased to see more former fellows also accept the invitation to attend. I believe fellows from all the cohorts right back to the earlier years of the Millennium are due to attend this year which is very pleasing as BBSRC is constantly looking to build and nurture its fellowship alumni.

As I have said many times fellowships form part of BBSRC's career-long programme of support to attract and retain high-calibre scientists within the UK's bioscience research base, ensuring we have the expertise to respond to new scientific challenges and opportunities.

BBSRC has awarded five cohorts of Discovery Fellows (formerly entitled Future Leader Fellows) since 2014 and so many, both current and former, will be attending the conference highlighting how successful this scheme has been in attracting the most promising scientific leaders of the future with their exciting projects. Of course the well-established and highly regarded David Phillips scheme also continues to attract top class scientists. I would like to also welcome a number of fellows funded by other affiliated schemes including of course Daphne Jackson Fellows who have attended now for a number of years.

UK Research and Innovation has introduced a pan-UKRI new Future Leader Fellowship scheme, the first 41 fellowships awarded from its' first call have recently been announced. Although these new fellows are not attending this event one successful candidate - Dr Eamonn Reading - who previously held a BBSRC fellowship award is due to speak in Glasgow, highlighting the potential for career progression through the schemes both BBSRC and UKRI now offer.

So, to sum up, as I welcome you to this 11th conference there is always much for us to celebrate now and to be excited and positive about for the future of BBSRC and UKRI Fellowships. Enjoy the conference and please make the most of this opportunity to network with so many other fellows all in one place at the same time!
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Performed the Chemistry Christmas Lecture as part of the Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences Christmas Lecture Series 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact The Christmas Lectures give secondary school pupils from the ages of 15-18 an opportunity to explore a variety of Christmas themed topics in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) through lectures and demonstrations from university teaching staff. There will also be an opportunity to have a tour of our Strand Campus and meet current students and academics from the faculty.

The talks were:

Once upon a time, there was a photon who helped Santa to freeze time by Dr Amelle Zair
How to win your Christmas family board game by Professor Igor Wigman
Father Christmas' naughty or nice detector by Dr Emma Robinson
Santa's little helper: A robot that can travel inside your body by Dr Hongbin Liu
The gift wrap of life by Dr Eamonn Reading
All I want for Christmas is...a robot that can do my homework by Dr Helen Yannakoudakis
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2021,2022,2023
Description School visit (outreach talk) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Outreach talk in 2021 on 'Directed evolution of plastic-eating enzymes' at Woodhouse College, London, UK. Around 50 students attended, questions and discussion afterwards, and the school reported increased interest in related subject areas (including direct e-mails from some students who expressed interest in doing Chemistry at University level).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description School visit (outreach talk) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Outreach talk in 2021 on 'Directed evolution of plastic-eating enzymes' at Alleyn School (and associated partners). This was part of their Science talk programme for students which seventeen local schools, who are part of the Southwark Schools Learning Partnership (, took part. Talks were aimed at A-Level students, with younger students invited, and cover a broad range of science themes. Over 100 students attended, questions and discussion afterwards, and the school reported increased interest in related subject areas (including direct e-mails from some students who expressed interest in doing Chemistry at University level).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Served on the sift and interview panels for the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Committee D 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact Served on the sift panels for the BBSRC responsive mode 22RM2 for Committee D. I was required to participate in the assessment of applications submitted to the BBSRC 22RM2 competition as an additional member of Committee D. As an additional member, my role was to assess up to 12 proposals. The Committee meeting and assessment of proposals submitted to the competition was carried out virtually through the secure BBSRC Extranet and by video conferencing. The virtual sift meeting was planned for the 11th October 2022, however in advance of that, it will now be preceded by 4 weeks of structured time using discussion boards on the Extranet . This will provide 3 weeks for the Committee Members to share their assessments, observations, post comments and agree provisional consensus scores. The fourth week will serve for the Committee Chairs to review the comments across all applications, and for the BBSRC Secretariat to complete final preparations for the meeting.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Served on the sift and interview panels for the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Committee E 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Responsible for the award of fellowships and other personal awards and providing key mentoring support to Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) fellows. Members are expected to be well respected within their field and to have demonstrable interest in supporting career development.

Research Committee E will:

undertake the peer review of fellowships and other personal awards, and applications for other people movement schemes according to BBSRC processes and best practice, and to provide recommendations for awards to BBSRC Executive
provide mentoring, support and regular feedback to fellows through face-to-face visits and meetings, through the annual progress update system and attendance at fellows' induction events and the annual fellows' conference organised by BBSRC
provide input to BBSRC and its strategy advisory panels and sub-groups on the recommendations it makes on the award of fellowships and other personal awards
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Served on the sift and interview panels for the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Committee E. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact Served on the sift panels for the BBSRC Discovery and David Phillips Fellowships assessment processes. Served on the interview panel for BBSRC Discovery Fellowships assessment processes. I was required to participate in the assessment of applications submitted to the BBSRC Fellowships competition as an additional member of Committee E. As an additional member, my role was to assess up to 22 fellowship proposals.

The Committee meeting and assessment of fellowship proposals submitted to the competition was carried out virtually through the secure BBSRC Extranet and by video conferencing. The virtual sift meeting was planned for the 9th December, however in advance of that, it will now be preceded by 4 weeks of structured time using discussion boards on the Extranet starting w/c 4th November. This will provide 3 weeks for the Committee Members to share their assessments, observations, post comments and agree provisional consensus scores. The fourth week will serve for the Committee Chairs to review the comments across all applications, and for the BBSRC Secretariat to complete final preparations for the meeting.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020,2021
Description Spotlight on Research blog post 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact 'Spotlight on research' article on recent publication in Nature Communications, which disseminated the research to a broader audience and contextualized the collaborative nature of the work.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Synthesized the Reading Group website 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Dedicated website to the outputs and news of the Reading group has been set up to aid in research dissemination, group recruitment, and collaborative activity.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019