Computation and regulation of pain dynamics in the human central nervous system

Lead Research Organisation: University of Cambridge
Department Name: Engineering


Chronic pain affects one in five people and is the leading cause of disability in the world; musculoskeletal pain alone costs the UK healthcare system £10.2 billion per year. There are unresolved questions that urgently require answers to treat pain effectively, a crucial one being how the feeling of pain arises from brain activity. The brain does not passively receive information from the nerves but rather interprets it based on what it already knows, anticipating and trying to adjust its responses to what will happen next. It remains to be discovered how the brain accomplishes these fundamental functions when we are in pain. This is a critical concern, as our interpretations and expectations of pain determine not only how much pain we feel but also how well we cope with it.

I hypothesise that the brain tries to learn how pain fluctuates over time; by doing so, it generates a 'mental' template of the temporal evolution of pain. Even if pain fluctuates randomly, the brain could learn that information. The brain then uses the template it has learned to predict how pain is likely to evolve in the future. These predictions may regulate the response to pain in the brain and spinal cord, modifying how much pain we feel; indeed, previous work has shown that expecting pain to worsen enhances the brain and spinal-cord response to pain, whereas expecting relief reduces the brain and spinal response to pain (as in the nocebo/placebo effects). I will test these hypotheses using a combination of mathematical models, behavioural and neuroimaging experiments in humans.

If the brain cannot accurately guess how pain evolves over time, it may fail to regulate its response to pain effectively, resulting in unnecessarily amplified pain (much like a false alarm). Why would the brain fail to learn the temporal evolution of pain? There may be many reasons, but anxiety is likely to be the most relevant to the risk of developing a great variety of chronic pain disorders. Thus, I will test whether the computations that the brain uses in attempting to learn and regulate the temporal evolution of pain are dysfunctional in persons who are anxious about pain. Importantly, I will develop a new, non-pharmacological intervention to improve how the brain computes and tries to control the temporal evolution of pain. In the future, this intervention could be used to ease the anxiety's grip on pain in vulnerable individuals, improving pain management and wellbeing.

My research will provide a set of quantitative measures that capture how the brain computes and tries to control the temporal evolution of pain. These measures could be used to examine whether they are dysfunctional in chronic pain disorders, such as back pain. This new research avenue could advance our understanding of chronic pain, help individualise treatments and monitor their outcomes. The research path opened by this project will ultimately contribute to reducing the societal and financial burden of pain.

Technical Summary

Persistent pain is a major clinical problem, but our understanding of the neural mechanisms underpinning pain is insufficient to treat persistent pain effectively. I focus on the human brain mechanisms that mediate pain perception and behaviour. My approach to the problem draws from recent evidence that the brain interprets (i.e. actively infers) incoming sensory signals based on internal representations (i.e. models) learned from past experience. These neural inferences shape perception and behaviour. It is not known how the brain learns to infer how pain fluctuates in intensity over time, but this question is central to understanding the brain's response to pain.

Taking this perspective, I hypothesise that, when receiving persistent nociceptive inputs, the brain computes an internal model of how pain changes over time by learning the temporal statistics of these signals. When new input is detected, this model is used to infer whether pain is likely to increase or decrease in the future. These neural inferences could regulate the transmission of nociceptive inputs from the spinal cord to the brain (as conscious expectations do), thereby controlling pain perception. I will test this new hypothesis using computational modelling, behavioural and neuroimaging experiments in humans.

If the brain cannot learn to accurately predict nociceptive inputs, it follows that it would fail to regulate its responses effectively, amplifying pain and pain-related anxiety. I will test this clinical prediction in anxious individuals with a tendency to catastrophize pain, a risk factor for developing chronic pain. Finally, I will develop and test a cognitive intervention to help people more accurately make inferences about pain states; this intervention might be used for the secondary/tertiary prevention and management of chronic pain in vulnerable individuals.

Planned Impact

This work will impact:

1) Persons at risk of developing chronic pain and persons suffering from chronic pain conditions - My research takes a hypothesis-driven, computational neuroscience approach to identify the quantifiable computational principles that mediate how the brain represents and regulates the temporal evolution of pain. This approach assumes that the brain processes information by taking inputs and forming outputs in order to adapt to the environment. In this framework, a dysfunction can be defined as a set of parameters in this input/output relationship that is related to an individual's characteristics and that leads to maladaptive pain processing in the brain and in the spinal cord. Dysfunctional brain computations of the temporal evolution of pain are likely to mediate the vicious loop that interlocks pain and anxiety; anxiety is a risk factor for many chronic pain disorders, and pain is a risk factor for anxiety and mood disorders. Understanding and correcting neural computations of pain dynamics could help break the maladaptive cycle that maintains pain and anxiety in vulnerable individuals, thereby improving the secondary/tertiary prevention and management of pain.
This research will: (a) provide a set of behavioural and brain measures that can be used to determine whether they predict the risk and severity of chronic pain and the exacerbation of pain-related anxiety (in 5-10 years), thereby helping individualise treatments and monitor their outcomes; (b) improve the prevention and management of chronic pain, thanks to a new cognitive intervention that aims to break the vicious cycle between pain and anxiety; (c) promote pain education, through public engagement and dissemination of informational materials summarising the results of this research.

2) Pain medicine clinicians and health psychologists - by: providing the quantitative measures that can be used to assess, and potentially treat, dysfunctions in brain evaluation and regulation of pain signals; developing a new cognitive intervention to diminish the mutually-worsening effects of pain and anxiety.

3) Staff on the project - by providing interdisciplinary quantitative training and developing skills transferrable to non-academic employment sectors (including computational modelling, problem-solving, public communication).

4) Health-care policymakers - by writing policy briefings and engaging policymakers in a roundtable discussion about possible strategies to break the vicious cycle between pain and anxiety and to reduce the number of people slipping into pain chronicity.

5) Society and economy - This research will contribute to reducing the societal and financial burden of pain, in the timeframe of 8-15 years, by improving the secondary/tertiary prevention, assessment and treatment of chronic pain.


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Description Member of Translational research Centre advisory committee
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description Roundtable about bioelectronics with senior Westminster civil servants
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Description Translational strategy workshop
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Title Computational models of statistical learning for pain 
Description Computational models of statistical learning 
Type Of Material Model of mechanisms or symptoms - human 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Open source computational analyses tools 
Title Computational and neural mechanisms of statistical pain learning. 
Description Pain invariably changes over time. These fluctuations contain statistical regularities which, in theory, could be learned by the brain to generate expectations and control responses. We demonstrate that humans learn to extract these regularities and explicitly predict the likelihood of forthcoming pain intensities in a manner consistent with optimal Bayesian inference with dynamic update of beliefs. Healthy participants received probabilistic, volatile sequences of low and high-intensity electrical stimuli to the hand during brain fMRI. The inferred frequency of pain correlated with activity in sensorimotor cortical regions and dorsal striatum, whereas the uncertainty of these inferences was encoded in the right superior parietal cortex. Unexpected changes in stimulus frequencies drove the update of internal models by engaging premotor, prefrontal and posterior parietal regions. This study extends our understanding of sensory processing of pain to include the generation of Bayesian internal models of the temporal statistics of pain. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Neuroimaging dataset and modelling code 
Title Confidence of probabilistic predictions modulates the cortical response to pain 
Description Initial release Article published in PNAS. Description This project provides the codes written to analyze the data of the above article and produce all figures shown in the manuscript. The folder /TSL_experiments/ contains the codes to generate and deliver the sequences of stimuli. Associated data are available on an OSF repository. Running All codes are written in Matlab and were ran using Matlab R2019b. To collect data and run experiments in the lab, you need a stimulator and DAQ device Matlab with the DAQ and Psychtoolbox all codes can be ran from run_all_stim_TCS2.m (check sessions, training, test sessions) To analyze the behavioral data behavioral data from the OSF repository always start by running add_all_paths_TSL.m that will add the required sub-folders to the Matlab path TSL_anayze_ratings.m: loads and analyzes the behavioral data of all the subjects, for one model and one parameter set. The path fn_dir should correspond to the behavioral data folder. TSL_fit_on_ratings.m: computes the fit of different models (with different parameters) and does the model comparison. To analyze the EEG data EEG data from the OSF repository always start by running add_all_paths_TSL.m that will add the required sub-folders to the Matlab path TSL_analyze_EEG.m: loads and analyzes the EEG recordings. The path fn_dir_EEG should correspond to the EEG data folder. Data are saved as specified in the function and can be reloaded and plotted using other functions. TSL_plot_avg_EEG.m: reloads useful data and displays the average EEG responses. Data must have been saved by running TSL_analyze_EEG.m with save_avg_eeg = 1 beforehand. TSL_plot_IO_fit.m: reloads useful data and displays the model fitting. Data must have been saved by running TSL_analyze_EEG.m with IO_fit_opt = 1 beforehand. To perform the parameter recovery analysis, using codes from the folder /param_recovery/ start by running add_paths_recov.m to add the required folders to the Matlab path simulate_behavior.m: simulates behavior using a range of parameters consistent with the ones observed in the original data set. fit_simulated_data.m: computes the quality of fit on data simulated in simulate_behavior.m. disp_param_recovery.m: plots the outcomes of the parameter recovery analysis. The data saved in /data_simu/ enables producing the figures without re-computing the simulations. Dependencies The codes for the Bayesian models (in the "IdealObserversCode" folder) were written by Florent Meyniel and Maxime Maheau (Minimal Transition Probs Model Library - Meyniel F, Maheu M, Dehaene S (2016) Human Inferences about Sequences: A Minimal Transition Probability Model. PLoS Comput Biol 12(12): e1005260). These codes are provided in this repository with some updates enabling to test variants of the initial models (with different priors, learning AF, ...). The VBA toolbox (in the "VBA-toolbox" folder) was developed by J. Daunizeau, V. Adam, L. Rigoux (2014): VBA: a probabilistic treatment of nonlinear models for neurobiological and behavioural data. PLoS Comp Biol 10(1): e1003441. Contact You can contact me at dounia **dot** mulders **at** for any question. :-) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Modelling code 
Title Confidence of probabilistic predictions modulates the cortical response to pain. 
Description Pain typically evolves over time, and the brain needs to learn this temporal evolution to predict how pain is likely to change in the future and orient behavior. This process is termed temporal statistical learning (TSL). Recently, it has been shown that TSL for pain sequences can be achieved using optimal Bayesian inference, which is encoded in somatosensory processing regions. Here, we investigate whether the confidence of these probabilistic predictions modulates the EEG response to noxious stimuli, using a TSL task. Confidence measures the uncertainty about the probabilistic prediction, irrespective of its actual outcome. Bayesian models dictate that the confidence about probabilistic predictions should be integrated with incoming inputs and weight learning, such that it modulates the early components of the EEG responses to noxious stimuli, and this should be captured by a negative correlation: when confidence is higher, the early neural responses are smaller as the brain relies more on expectations/predictions and less on sensory inputs (and vice versa). We show that participants were able to predict the sequence transition probabilities using Bayesian inference, with some forgetting. Then, we find that the confidence of these probabilistic predictions was negatively associated with the amplitude of the N2 and P2 components of the vertex potential: the more confident were participants about their predictions, the smaller the vertex potential. These results confirm key predictions of a Bayesian learning model and clarify the functional significance of the early EEG responses to nociceptive stimuli, as being implicated in confidence-weighted statistical learning. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact EEG dataset 
Description Intracortical insula recording 
Organisation Catholic University of Louvain
Country Belgium 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Experimental design, computational modelling
Collaborator Contribution Data
Impact Still ongoing collaboration between neurosurgery, clinical neuroscience, exp psychology and information engineering
Start Year 2021
Description Predicting chronic pain fluctuations 
Organisation Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU Munich)
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Computational modelling of behavioural and neuroimaging datasets
Collaborator Contribution Providing data
Impact Clinical neuroscience and information engineering collaboration Work is ongoing
Start Year 2021
Description Role of learning in musculoskeletal pain 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Oxford Neuroscience
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have applied for a UKRI SPF APDP grant, which has been awarded and will start in May 2022. The collaboration allows the clinical translation of our research on the role of learning in chronic pain. I contributed to writing the proposal and the design of the tools to assess learning in chronic pain.
Collaborator Contribution My key collaborator Ben Seymour (Oxford) is the lead of the project. He has contributed expertise and researchers time into the project.
Impact The project will officially start in May and we will research a set of open tools (online games and analyses pipelines) for the assessment of learning and decision making in chronic pain, around May this year.
Start Year 2021
Title Computational and neural mechanisms of statistical pain learning 
Description v1.0.0 initial release # Computational and neural mechanisms of statistical pain learning Suyi Zhang, Ben Seymour, Flavia Mancini In press in Nature Communications An older version of the paper: doi: ## Usage The code in folder exp_code is used to generate the sequence of stimuli. The experiment is launched by the matlab function exp_MR_1500ms(sub,sess,stimCurrent,MR_state). See detailed comments inside the exp_MR_1500ms.m file. For behavioural data analysis, the following directories contain code for specific use. * data (behavioural data from fMRI sessions) * model_fit (fit models to behavioural data) * model_comparison (performs model comparison) * model_gen (generate parametric modulators for fMRI analyses using fitted model parameters) For imaging analysis, * imaging (1st and 2nd level analysis scripts based on nipype) * imaging_plot (result visualisation using nilearn) Please change data paths and parameter settings within the scripts. The analysis code is written by Suyi Zhang. The raw MRI data are available on [OpenNeuro]( ## Requirements To run the code for sequence generation, you will need: * MATLAB * [Psychotoolbox 3]( * a DAQ * a stimulus generator To run the code for behavioural analyses, you will need the following: * MATLAB * [Minimal Transition Probs Model package]( * [VBA toolbox]( For imaging analyses, the required python packages are listed in `requirements.txt`. Nipype scripts are best run inside its docker/singularity container, a useful tutorial can be found [here]( 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact scientific publication that can drive new research 
Title Confidence of probabilistic predictions modulates the cortical response to pain 
Description Initial release Article published in PNAS. Description This project provides the codes written to analyze the data of the above article and produce all figures shown in the manuscript. The folder /TSL_experiments/ contains the codes to generate and deliver the sequences of stimuli. Associated data are available on an OSF repository. Running All codes are written in Matlab and were ran using Matlab R2019b. To collect data and run experiments in the lab, you need a stimulator and DAQ device Matlab with the DAQ and Psychtoolbox all codes can be ran from run_all_stim_TCS2.m (check sessions, training, test sessions) To analyze the behavioral data behavioral data from the OSF repository always start by running add_all_paths_TSL.m that will add the required sub-folders to the Matlab path TSL_anayze_ratings.m: loads and analyzes the behavioral data of all the subjects, for one model and one parameter set. The path fn_dir should correspond to the behavioral data folder. TSL_fit_on_ratings.m: computes the fit of different models (with different parameters) and does the model comparison. To analyze the EEG data EEG data from the OSF repository always start by running add_all_paths_TSL.m that will add the required sub-folders to the Matlab path TSL_analyze_EEG.m: loads and analyzes the EEG recordings. The path fn_dir_EEG should correspond to the EEG data folder. Data are saved as specified in the function and can be reloaded and plotted using other functions. TSL_plot_avg_EEG.m: reloads useful data and displays the average EEG responses. Data must have been saved by running TSL_analyze_EEG.m with save_avg_eeg = 1 beforehand. TSL_plot_IO_fit.m: reloads useful data and displays the model fitting. Data must have been saved by running TSL_analyze_EEG.m with IO_fit_opt = 1 beforehand. To perform the parameter recovery analysis, using codes from the folder /param_recovery/ start by running add_paths_recov.m to add the required folders to the Matlab path simulate_behavior.m: simulates behavior using a range of parameters consistent with the ones observed in the original data set. fit_simulated_data.m: computes the quality of fit on data simulated in simulate_behavior.m. disp_param_recovery.m: plots the outcomes of the parameter recovery analysis. The data saved in /data_simu/ enables producing the figures without re-computing the simulations. Dependencies The codes for the Bayesian models (in the "IdealObserversCode" folder) were written by Florent Meyniel and Maxime Maheau (Minimal Transition Probs Model Library - Meyniel F, Maheu M, Dehaene S (2016) Human Inferences about Sequences: A Minimal Transition Probability Model. PLoS Comput Biol 12(12): e1005260). These codes are provided in this repository with some updates enabling to test variants of the initial models (with different priors, learning AF, ...). The VBA toolbox (in the "VBA-toolbox" folder) was developed by J. Daunizeau, V. Adam, L. Rigoux (2014): VBA: a probabilistic treatment of nonlinear models for neurobiological and behavioural data. PLoS Comp Biol 10(1): e1003441. Contact You can contact me at dounia **dot** mulders **at** for any question. :-) 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact code can be used in new research 
Description Le Pub scientifique talk 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I gave an online talk for the general public, followed by a roundtable discussion, discussing brain mechanisms of pain and learning. It was recorded and it is currently streamed on demand. It was attended by 200 people, including chronic pain patients, clinicians, physiotherapists, psychologists, occupational therapists.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Lecture on neurotech for pain 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact lecture in an online neurotechnology for pain course
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Outreach talk at Cambridge festival 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact talk about neurotechnology for pain at Cambridge Festival
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Patient group online meetings 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact PPE activities to discuss ongoing and planned research
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022,2023
Description recurrent PPI groups 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact Recurrent engagement with chronic pain patients using online tools and zoom meetings to give feedback on our research at all stages, especially at design stage.
We have 40 people in our panel, but we work more intensively with 5 of them.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021,2022