Utilizing gametocyte immunity to reduce malaria transmission

Lead Research Organisation: University of Glasgow
Department Name: College of Medical, Veterinary, Life Sci


The continuing success of the current malaria elimination campaign requires novel tools to efficiently block human infection and subsequent transmission of the parasite to mosquitoes. Current transmission blocking strategies target the development of the parasite in the mosquito stage, requiring complicated mosquito feeding readouts to measure efficacy. We recently identified the bone marrow as the major site of transmission stage development during infection. Based on this finding we hypothesized that the underlying host parasite interactions could be exploited to block parasite transmission. Indeed our preliminary studies demonstrate natural immune responses against parasite surface antigens and their functionality in terms of immune clearance. Here we utilize this new understanding to systematically define the immunity targeting malaria transmission with the ultimate goal of prioritizing a set of novel transmission blocking vaccine candidates.

Technical Summary

Malaria transmission from man to mosquito requires the uptake of male and female gametocytes from an infected host during a mosquito blood meal. Gametocytes are therefore essential for successful onward infection to new hosts and a major target for interventions. Our recent work demonstrates that gametocytes, together with a subset of asexual parasites, develop in the hematopoietic environment of the bone marrow before being released into circulation as transmission competent mature forms. Our preliminary studies have revealed natural immune responses targeting immature gametocytes that are correlated with reduced gametocyte burden in malaria patients. Using a combination of surface proteomics and immune profiling of immunised mice we have identified a series of putative surface antigens on gametocyte-infected red blood cells. The majority of them is shared with asexual stage parasites suggesting shared function in host cell interactions during development in the bone marrow. Here we propose to systematically investigate the targets and functionality of natural gametocyte immunity as a basis for novel vaccine development. For this purpose, we will combine a series of field studies in malaria endemic areas and experimental human infections, in vitro functional assays to define antigen-specific antibody activity and B-cell epitopes, as well proof-of-principle experiments in the rodent malaria model.

Planned Impact

The recent gains in malaria control have contributed to a renewed interest in malaria elimination and worldwide eradication. Thirty-five countries have fewer than 1000 malaria cases per year and are actively pursuing malaria elimination. In most African settings, malaria elimination is considered unrealistic with the currently available tools such as firstline treatment with artemisinin combination therapy (ACT), deployment of insecticide treated nets and indoor residual spraying. Tools or approaches that specifically aim to reduce malaria transmission are considered highly valuable for elimination efforts in these settings. In addition, the genuine threat of ACT resistant malaria parasites in the Greater Mekong Subregion has highlighted the need for interventions that can reduce and prevent the spread of (resistant) malaria parasites.

Malaria transmission blocking vaccines are high on the priority list of international academic groups that set the research agenda for malaria eradication (e.g. malERA), policy makers including the World Health Organization and funders with an interest in malaria vaccination or elimination strategies (e.g. PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation). The current project answers fundamental questions about malaria biology and immunology, which in itself forms an excellent justification for academic research. In addition, it forms a solid basis for future vaccine development projects. If successful, the current project will open new avenues for malaria vaccine development and vaccination strategies. All current and historic efforts to develop malaria transmission blocking vaccines focus on gamete antigens or mosquito antigens. The current project is the first to directly target gametocytes prior to ingestion by mosquitoes. A vaccination approach that aims to prevent gametocyte formation or maturation has utility as stand-alone intervention in settings of resistant malaria, epidemic or seasonal malaria and may be of particular use when combined with other vaccines that target other malaria life stages. When combined with pre-erythrocytic or bloodstage malaria vaccines, a vaccine targeting (the formation of) gametocytes may protect the partner vaccine and augment its community impact in reducing the force of infection.

The investigators and collaborators have solid networks that involve the above mentioned stakeholders, maximizing the chance that the findings from the current project will result in follow-up funding, are disseminated to policy makers at the highest possible level (as well as at a lower level to national malaria control programmes and country managers) and are shared with academic think tanks on malaria elimination and eradication.
Title Batch screen of host RBCs for immune recognition assays 
Description Variation in host RBC has a big impact in serum recognition of P. falciparum infected RBCs (iRBC). Some RBC batches are nonspecifically bound by anti-human secondary antibodies not specific to the parasite. To minimise this interference and reduce background binding, batches of RBCs are regularly screened for cross-reactivity anti-human antibodies using flow cytoemtry. iRBCs are stained using known positive and negative controls as well as the anti-human secondary antibody. Batches that show high background are discarded and only batches wilt low nonspecific background binding are collected for bulk parasite preparation and cryopreservation for downstream assays. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This method help to minimise batch to batch variation of samples preps and therefore less noise in the data. The parasite samples generated can then be used across sites within the grant and ensure more standardised data. Reducing variation across assays, sites and cohorts will enable easy data comparison. 
Title Biological samples - Cross-sectional samples from a cohort experiencing P. falciparum infections in Uganda (plasma and nucleic acids) 
Description Materials from a single time-point were collected for 523 individuals who were enrolled in a cohort study - and thus have known prior malaria exposure and subsequent malaria risk. This samples were used for a multiplex bead-based analysis of markers of malaria exposure/asexual and late and early gametocyte antigens by ELISA. All samples were further processed by standard membrane feeding assay to determine their functional transmission-blocking phenotype. 
Type Of Material Biological samples 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This is a uniquely well-characterized cohort in terms of epidemiological characteristics and (broad and gametocyte-specific) immune responses to malaria antigens. The dataset forms an ideal testcase for the existence of early gametocyte immunity and its association with immune markers of malaria and gametocyte exposure. 
Title Enrichment of reticulocytes from peripheral blood and bone marrow aspirates 
Description We have optimised a system to enrich reticulocytes from blood and commercially sourced bone marrow, and use these cells to culture P falciparum asexual and gametocytes 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Immature gametocytes predominantly sequester in hematopoietic niches (bone marrow and spleen) that are enriched in reticulocytes, for this reason we used these cells to more closely model the in vivo environment. We have observed an increase in invasion and maturation rates of parasites in these cells, and an increase in serum and antibody recognition of gametocyte-infected erythrocytes matured in bone marrow derived reticulocytes. This will enable us to identify high immature gametocyte-reactive sera from our cohorts. 
Title Gametocyte enriched protein microarray 
Description A bespoke protein microarray was designed at Radboud UMC and LSHTM to assess novel antibody responses to putative gametocyte antigens. Inclusion of proteins on the array was determined with a pipeline criteria related to gametocyte specificity, likelihood of membrane association/presentation, and prior empirical/annotated evidence. Un-supervised inclusion was based principally on a gametocyte enrichment score generated to enable the arrays design [PMID: 29323249]. In short, the specificity of any protein for the gametocyte stage was scored by determining how often it had been detected across 11 proteomic analyses. Proteins were binned from low to high abundance and weighted according to the retrieval rates of proteins in two curated lists of 'gold standard' gametocyte and asexual genes, consisting of genes that are known to be specific for either asexual stages (n = 45) or gametocytes (n = 41). High expression of gametocyte gold standard proteins with concurrent absence of non-gametocyte gold standard proteins resulted in a high gametocyte score, calculated from the fraction of retrieved gametocyte genes over retrieved non-gametocyte genes. All scores were log-transformed and summed over all data sets. Specific criteria for inclusion were: 1. Proteins with evidence for presence or enrichment in gametocytes (score >0) PLUS presence of transmembrane domains (tm), signal peptides (sp), or GO term indicating membrane or surface expression (excluding mitochondrial proteins) [n=372] 2. Proteins without unique peptides in any proteomic analysis PLUS high gametocyte transcript score (>9.63), PLUS presence of TM/SP/GO term indicating membrane or surface expression (excluding mitochondrial proteins) [n=36, cumulative total = 407] 3. Gametocyte protein score >-10 (some evidence of gametocyte expression) PLUS presence of GPI anchor [22] or predicated export protein (PlasmoDB) [22] [n=60, cum. total = 436] 4. Proteins putatively exported by and specific to early or late gametocytes [n=30, cum. total = 443] 5. Gametocyte protein score of >9.69 (Gametocyte enriched), regardless of protein structure/function, and an average peptide score of 9 in each of the gametocyte databases [n=107, cum. total = 518) 6. Gametocyte specific proteins from early literature PLUS seropositive in field sera in >50% of samples after transmission season or with >20% sero-prevalence increase after transmission season (n=43, cum. total 451) 7. Gold standard gametocyte proteins in list used to generate transcript and protein score [n=41, cum. total = 538) 8. A priori protein selection. Markers of sexual stage exposure, TBV candidates, 6-cys proteins, proteins implicated in gamete fertility, asexual markers etc. (n=37, cum. total = 561) 9. Inclusion based on previous gametocyte array analysis (SIGNAL project) of differently reactive proteins in naturally occurring transmission blockers [n=45, cum. total = 580), 10. Inclusion based on association with the giRBC surface of immature gametocytes (PMID: 31167926): KEY PILOT STUDY [n=47, cumulative total and total number of IVTT targets on array = 600]. The array has been printed in two iterations: by the university of California Irvine (UCI), in collaboration with Prof Phil Felgner, and by Antigen Discovery (Irvine, CA). New iterations of the array have been developed since 2022 including new protein controls. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The array will be used exclusively by our research teams. Pilot studies assessing the immune response to gametocyte antigens in controlled human malaria infections indicate significant recognition of giRBC surface proteins. Array analyses will be performed on samples with and without giRBC surface recognition as identified in the gametocyte flow cytometry assays developed during this project and detailed elsewhere. 
Title High-throughput assay to screen plasma samples for binding to gametocytes and trophozoites 
Description Building up from previous work, a high-throughput assay was developed for simultaneous detection of antibodies binding to intact asexual (trophozoite) and/or sexual (gametocyte) blood stages of P. falciparum. This was performing by high-throughput flow cytometry, using florescently labeled gametocytes and trophozoites. The assay has now been validated and is ready for use. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Of the 768 donors screened for reactivity to the asexual and sexual blood stages of P. falciparum, 16 donors were identified with high reactivity (> mean + 2 S.D.) to gametocytes while 48 donors were identified with detectable response to trophozoites. However, only 1 donor was identified with high reactivity for both gametocytes and trophozoites. 
Title Longitudinally monitored P. falciparum infections (plasma and nucleic acids) 
Description A cohort study in Burkina Faso was specifically designed to examine (factors associated with) gametocyte production and maturation. Fieldwork with 120 asymptomatically infected individuals followed for 28 days was funded externally; as part of the current project we extracted RNA and analysed gametocyte commitment and the presence and density of mature gametocytes. This molecular work has been completed. 
Type Of Material Biological samples 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact We now have the first very detailed cohort where we quantified gametocyte commitment and maturation. Plasma samples will be made available for serological analysis in the upcoming reporting period and will allow us to demonstrate whether early gametocyte immune responses affect maturation.. 
Title Luminex bead based antibody quantification panel for immunological profiling 
Description To quantify antibody responses to down selected biomarkers, LSHTM developed an asexual/sexual stage antigen panel using Luminex technology. In summary, the panel measures IgG antibody density against 14 antigens, 1 targeting pre-erythrocytic stages (Circumsporozoite protein [CSP]), 11 targeting the asexual blood stage (Erythrocyte binding antigen [EBA140, EBA175 and EBA181]; Glutamate rich protein 2 [GLURP-R2]; Merozoite surface protein 1-19 [MSP1-19], Merozoite surface protein 2 [MSP2-ch150/9 (3D7 family allele), and MSP2-DD2 (FC27 family allele)]; Apical membrane antigen 1 [AMA1], and Reticulocyte binding protein homologue [RH2.2, RH4.2, RH5.1]), and 2 targeting sexual stages (Pfs48/45-10c; Pfs230-CMB) using a Luminex MAGPIX© suspension bead array. Recombinant protein biomarkers can be added to this panel after validation in upstream serological screens. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact We have published a methodology paper focused on this technique and its comparison to array technologies, and one primary research outcome utilising samples from a controlled human malaria infection trial to assess sexual stage immunity. Several other outputs are in preparation. 
Title Malawi cohort study 
Description 140 participants (6m and older) living in 4 clusters of 6-8 households enrolled in a cohort study beginning in November 2021. Participants are visited every two weeks to obtain finger prick blood samples including: blood smear to detect asexual and gametocyte stage parasites, dried blood spot on filter paper for molecular detection of parasites, whole blood in RNA preservative for to detect gametocyte specific mRNA and markers of sexual commitment, and plasma for anti-gametocyte antibody screening. If gametocytes are detected, venipuncture blood is obtained for membrane feeding assays. Twice during cohort follow-up, PBMCs will also be collected. 
Type Of Material Biological samples 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Samples will be used the the assays described in the other outcomes. 
Title Mice sera immunized with early gametocyte proteins 
Description Mice were immunized with six early gametocyte proteins to evaluate immunogenicity and generate antibodies. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Sera were obtained from mice immunized for six different early gametocyte proteins. These sera will be assessed to evaluate expression of the different proteins on infected RBCs and their immunological potential against early stage gametocytes. 
Title Phagocytosis assay to measure the opsonic activity of antibodies in immune serum against P. falciparum gametocyte-infected erythrocytes 
Description Opsonic phagocytosis is a plausible antibody mechanism of parasite clearance in vivo and may contribute to transmission reducing immunity. This assay will allow evaluation of this functional activity of immune sera. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This functional assay will help to prioritise selection of donors for future downstream assays 
Title Plasmodium falciparum surface serum recognition assay using frozen parasite preparation 
Description We have developed a protocol to generate and cryopreserve parasite material for use in flow cytometry and live microscopy assays. Late stage asexual parasites and stage I-II gametocytes are magnetically purified to enrich for parasite infected RBCs (iRBC). iRBCs are cryopreserved using a Sorbitol-Glycerolyte solution (28% Glycerol, 3% Sorbitol, 0.65% NaCl in Distilled water). 1x106 iRBC cells/ml per vial are mixed with human serum and Sorbitol-Glycerolyte solution then frozen in liquid nitrogen until needed. To measure serum surface recognition by flow cytometry frozen parasite preparations are thawed from liquid nitrogen in a water bath at 37°C for 1-2 min. NaCl solutions of lowering concentration (12% NaCl and 1.6% NaCl) are added dropwise to the parasite preps. Parasites are then washed 3 times using incomplete media and visually assessed by giemsa stain. The samples are then ready for use in flow cytometry or immunofluorescent staining. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This protocol enables standardisation of parasite sample preparation for downstream assays. Bulk production of material from fewer batches of host iRBC used to grow the parasites reduces sample variability, a limitation of this type of assay. It enables standardised bulk generation of parasite material that can be used across several sites within the grant and avoid site to site variation. Additionally the streamlined process increases overall efficiency. 
Title S2 cells expressing different early gametocyte proteins 
Description S2 (Drosophila melanogaster) cells were stably transfected with plasmids for expression of early gametocyte proteins. 
Type Of Material Cell line 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Expression of these proteins will be used for immunizations to validate surface expression and immunological potential. 
Title Screen for antibody binding to Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes and trophozoites 
Description Pf2004 trophozoites were stained with 1:200 anti-ms glycophorin A and 10 ug/mL DAPI for 30 minutes at 4C. Following the stain, trophozoites were washed in 0.5% BSA in PBS and stained with 1:200 anti-mouse IgG Alexa-Fluor 488 for 30 minutes at 4C. DAPI-stained trophozoites were mixed at a 1:2 ratio with TdTomato-gametocytes and diluted 1:200. 15 uL of parasites were added to each well and mixed with 15 uL plasma diluted 1:10. The samples were incubated for 30 minutes at 4C, washed twice, and acquired on the iQue HT flow cytometer. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This assay assesses the binding of many samples from malaria-exposed or vaccinated individuals for antibody binding to different parasite stages, allowing us to choose candidates for monoclonal antibody isolation. 
Title Set of qPCRs for gametocyte commitment/maturation 
Description qPCRs were optimized for gametocyte commitment markers and early gametocytes (ap2-g, gexp-2, surfin 1.2, surfin 13.1) and asexual multiplication (sir2a). In addition, qPCRs for housekeepking genes (sbp1, uce) were optimized using synchronous asexual parasites. qPCRs for male and female gametocytes (targeting mget and Ccp4) were already available prior to the start of the current project. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Together, these tools are essential components of a portfolio of molecular assays to monitor parasite development longitudinally. The findings and protocols will be published in the upcoming reporting period. 
Title Tagged 1149100 protein in NF54 
Description CRISPR-Cas9 was used to make parasites expressing PF3D7_1149100 with HA or GFP tag 
Type Of Material Cell line 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Getting insight into the localisation and possible function of PF3D7_1149100 
Title Bayesian model for parasite kinetics and gametocyte commitment 
Description A bayesian modeling framework was developed based on molecular parasite density data from malaria-naive volunteers who were exposed to P. falciparum by mosquito bite or blood stage parasite inocula. Gametocyte sequestration in the bone marrow and release were modeled based on individual data on ring-stage parasites and gametocytes. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The model, that will be submitted for publication later in 2022, provides a critical framework to test the impact of early gametocyte immunity on gametocyte maturation and release. It will thus be of great value in quantifying the epidemiological impact of early gametocyte immunity in naturally exposed populations. 
Title ELISA serum reactivity of human samples to early gametocyte proteins 
Description 100 samples (NECTAR) from known gametocyte carriers were analysed using ELISA for serum reactivity to six early gametocyte proteins 
Type Of Material Data analysis technique 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Insight in the natural immunity against potential early-gametocyte proteins of gametocyte carriers. 
Title Flow cytometry assay to measure serum surface recognition of asexual and gametocyte-infected erythrocytes 
Description Screened 397 sera by flow cytometry for surface reactivity against asexual and gametocyte iRBCs 
Type Of Material Data analysis technique 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Identification of gametocyte-reactive individual sera for association studies and for selection of sera for other assays in the programme 
Title Flow cytometry data analysis 
Description Developing a flow cytometry data analysis protocol 
Type Of Material Data analysis technique 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Standard method for analysis to enable comparisons across sites and cohorts 
Title Immunofluorescence assay (IFA) to measure reactivity of new antibodies 
Description We have used IFA assays to measure reactivity of newly generated mouse antisera of six early gametocyte proteins, to internal and surface antigens of gametocytes 
Type Of Material Data analysis technique 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Immunogenicity of the new antibodies against immature and mature gametocytes was measured and was observed to be low in immature stages. Thus we have planned to screen additional gametocyte protein targets to identify more reactive antibodies to immature gametocytes 
Title Serum surface recognition of gametocyte-infected erythrocytes in a Ugandan cohort 
Description We have completed the screening for surface recognition of gametocyte-infected erythrocytes by 314 serum samples from the Uganda PRISM1 cohort. We have classified the sera as high or low gametocyte reactive and selected 25 top and bottom sera to use as test and control sera for downstream protein array and phagocytosis experiments 
Type Of Material Data analysis technique 
Year Produced 2024 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Identification of gametocyte-reactive individual sera for association studies, for protein array and phagocytosis assays and for selection of PBMCs to identify B-cell epitopes targeting gametocyte surface antigens 
Title Set of human samples characterized for late gametocyte immune responses 
Description 2500 samples from a Ugandan cohort were characterised for anti-gametocyte and anti-blood stage immunity. This work so far focused on late-stage gametocyte responses and a panel of known markers of parsite exposure/asexual targets. These analyses were performed by ELISA, surface immunofluorescence assays (SIFA) and Luminex and will be complemented with immune assays for early gametocyte proteins once these proteins become available. 
Type Of Material Data handling & control 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This dataset described sample characteristics to allow selection of donors with an interesting phenotype (i.e. high or low gametocyte responses with known (high) malaria exposure). This efforts thus provides an important starting point to select donors for B-cell work and for targeted immune phenotyping. 
Description A talk or presentation - Presented data on gametocyte commitment markers and their ability to predict the appearance of mature gametocytes (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Seattle 2022) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A well-attended poster session where data were co-presented by a junior researcher from Burkina Faso (Dr. Aissata Barry) and a lead researcher on the project (Prof. Bousema). The work examined the utility of different markers of gametocyte commitment, early gametocytes and asexual multiplication in predicting gametocyte appearance 14 days later and will be of immediate importance as tool for evaluating the impact of early gametocyte immune responses in affecting this gametocyte appearance.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Presentation of the concepts and evidence of early gametocyte immunity for a panel of vaccine developers and funders 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Supporters
Results and Impact In a meeting on the development of multi-stage malaria vaccines, Prof. Bousema and Dr. Jore illustrated the concept of early gametocyte immunity for vaccine development. The audience consisted of researchers with ongoing vaccine studies, funders, mathematical modelers and NGOs supporting vaccine development. The concept of transmission blocking vaccines was well appreciated - a change in thinking compared to some years ago - and the inclusion of novel antigens was broadly supported as a research need. This includes late stage gametocyte antigens, as well as early stage gametocyte antigens.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Presentation on early and late stage gametocyte immunity at American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact During a selected oral presentation, I presented a Ugandan cohort that we are using to examine early gametocyte immunity in relation to exposure and subsequent gametocyte production. The talk, followed by a Q&A session, was well appreciated and attended by parasitologists, immunologists and medical specialists interest in malaria and malaria immunity.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Presented data utilising early and late gametocyte protein microarray in anlaysis of gametocyte immune response after controlled human malaria infection (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Seattle 2022) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Presented novel data from our studies utilising protein microarrays developed within this project to assess natural immune responses among Dutch volunters to an inoculum of P. falciparum, under sub-curative drug prophylaxis. Gametocyte development was observed and analysed over a 51 day time frame, allowing for in depth assesment of the impact of gametocyte expusre on early and late gametocyte antibody responses. A number of early gametocyte candidate antigens were identified in this work for futher investigation.

The talk was well recieved by a large international audience of cross disicplinary scientists and stakeholders. The work was published in a respected journal in an invited edition on missing pieces in vaccine related immunology.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Talk presented at BioMalPar XIX conference on Reversible host cell surface remodeling of Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes limits immune recognition and maximizes transmission 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact I presented a talk on our ongoing research investigating gametocyte maturation, host cell remodelling and immune evasion. I highlighted the new findings on the mechanisms of remodelling of the host cell membrane, showing that both parasite and host phospholipid scramblases play a role in remodelling of the host cell membrane lipid asymmetry. Inhibiting these scramblases had an impact on parasite-infected red blood cell immune clearance by phagocytic cells. I will utilise this phagocytosis assay in the next steps of this award, to compare immune recognition and antibody-mediated clearance of parasites across our cohorts.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Talk presented at BioMalPar XVIII conference on host cell remodelling by gametocytes and immune recognition 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact I presented a talk on our findings showing that gametocytes reversibly alter the infected host red blood cell, rendering the immature forms immunogenic, while reversing this process at maturation. The data and tools are the basis of my next steps in this study on immune recognition and clearance of immature gametocytes to limit transmission.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022