Developing effective rodent control strategies to reduce disease risk in ecologically and culturally diverse rural landscapes

Lead Research Organisation: University of Aberdeen
Department Name: Inst of Biological and Environmental Sci


Diseases transmitted from rodents to humans are a serious threat to health, with the highest risk in low-income countries. The risk from rodent-borne infections (RBI) depends on the abundance of infected rodents, as well as how socio-cultural practices and beliefs influence human-rodent interactions. Many rodent species implicated in disease transmission are also pests that feed on crops and stored food, and consequently management to reduce rodent numbers could have a wide impact on health and well-being.

However, controlling rodent populations effectively is challenging. Breeding and movement from adjacent populations may rapidly cancel out the impact of control. Innovative approaches that exploit ecological understanding of where and when rodents breed have been developed in the agricultural sector, primarily in Asia, with communities working together to target control and significantly reduce crop damage. However, such techniques are poorly developed in Africa, and their potential to reduce the risk from RBI is unknown. In some circumstances, changes to rodent movements following control could increase disease transmission and prevalence in rodent populations, potentially increasing risk to humans.

Ultimately, this project aims to reduce the risk from RBI in Africa by increasing the knowledge and expertise needed to develop holistic rodent management applicable for local conditions and communities. Working with communities in Tanzania and Madagascar, in the first stage of the project we will address specific unanswered questions, whilst in the second phase we will develop and test rodent management strategies.

Two questions we will address are: how do rodent movements change after localised control, and how does control influence the prevalence of RBI in rodent populations? To make sure our approach is widely relevant, we will work with rodent species and diseases that have large impacts and contrasting ecologies. We will focus on the multi-mammate mouse, a key pest species in Africa, and the black rat, a globally important invasive pest, and consider three RBI: plague, leptospirosis and rickettsioses, which differ in key aspects of their epidemiology. We will combine field studies with sophisticated computer models to explore how control in different locations and at different times of the year impacts on rodent movement, abundance and the prevalence of RBI. The results will provide important insights into how ecological and epidemiological factors influence the impact of different control strategies on RBI and rodent damage.

We will also work with local communities using a range of approaches to address three further questions: how do communities perceive the health threat from rodents, how do communities currently interact with and manage rodents, and how feasible are different management strategies? As effective control strategies have to be accepted and sustainable for local communities, we need to understand local perceptions and practices. For example, high labour requirements during specific key periods in the agricultural cycle may mean that some rodent control strategies are not feasible.

The insights from this research during the first phase of the project will be used to inform the development of community-led trials of rodent management strategies. The impact of these trials on rodent abundance and the prevalence of RBI will be monitored, and the results used to refine and test our computer models.

We will use this comparative study to identify common features that determine the effectiveness or uptake of a strategy. To ensure our research informs policies, we will conduct workshops with service providers involved in agriculture, health and the environment. Across these sectors we will explore current attitudes, policies and communication practices, and provide training in adaptive management approaches. Our project will also build research capacity through collaboration and training.

Technical Summary

Research is designed to answer whether sustainable community-based rodent management can reduce risks of disease transmission and improve overall human health and wellbeing. Multidisciplinary activities will be conducted in Tanzania and Madagascar, focus on three rodent-borne infections (leptospirosis, plague and rickettsiosis) and proceed in two stages. First we fill knowledge gaps, and deepening our existing collaborations with communities and stakeholders, allowing us to co-develop rodent control that will be holistically evaluated in the second stage. We will develop a spatially-realistic modelling tool to explore likely responses of rodent populations and rodent-borne infections to localised rodent control. Analyses of rich archived datasets and new experimental trials will be used to parameterise models and test output. In the first stage, we will work in 12 villages, where villages act as replicates, experimentally determining how rodent movements and the prevalence of RBI are impacted by control. We will also use a range of qualitative and quantitative social science to produce a deeper understanding of community practices, behaviour and understanding around relevant issues of health, hygiene and pest management, and work with stakeholders from health, agriculture and environment spheres to understand perceptions, policies and support services. In the second stage, we will conduct a comparative trial in 12 intervention - non-intervention village pairs (n=24), co-developing and trialling rodent management strategies over one year, and monitoring changes to human practices and attitudes, rodent damage, disease within the rodent population (i.e. leptospirosis, plague and rickettsiosis), human health indicators and time/financial inputs. Collaborative workshops will facilitate cross-country comparisons and high-level training to early career researchers.

Planned Impact

Our project will support policy decisions on rodent management across Africa, leaving a long-term legacy for continual improvement of rodent management in African countries through (i) development of a generic modelling tool that can be used to simulate how different management strategies impact on rodent populations and disease transmission across landscapes, (ii) identification of common or, in contrast, specific factors that influence the effectiveness or sustainability of management and (iii) an increase in human capacity amongst both researchers and stakeholders.

Beneficiaries include those concerned with meeting the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. At the highest level, this includes the World Health Organisation (WHO) which increasingly recognises that endemic and outbreak diseases linked to rodents are becoming more common and in need of solutions, as demonstrated by their recent global expert meeting on "Innovative Control Approaches Of Rodent-Borne Epidemic Diseases And Other Public Health Consequences Of Rodents' Proliferation". The WHO has expressed the need to "develop targeted prevention and control strategies for rodents and improve prevention and control strategies for the rodent-borne diseases with the highest public health impact." Outcomes of the proposed project will assist the WHO in its development of global policy. As the rodents we focus on are also key pest species of crops, other global beneficiaries will include organisations such as the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO).

In the focal countries, beneficiaries will include government agencies and other organisations involved in public health, infectious disease control and pest management. In addition to the health and agricultural sectors, our research will benefit organisations in the environment sector trying to improve small-holder productivity and sustainable agriculture. Local beneficiaries will include agriculture and health support services.

The most important beneficiaries will be rural communities, who will benefit from increased awareness of the risk from rodent-borne infections and improved capacity to both reduce disease risks and sustainably manage rodent populations. We will explicitly investigate how rodent management can reduce the potential risk from rodent-borne infections through modelling and empirical studies on infection prevalence in rodent populations. Fewer rodents can result in other dramatic changes in people's livelihoods, with tangible benefits that can be recognised by rural communities and policy makers. These include improved food and nutrition security and reduced damage to costly personal possessions (e.g. mosquito nets, clothing, utensils) and infrastructure (wires, buildings).

National and local stakeholder beneficiaries and communities will be directly involved in project activities to ensure we understand their perceptions and needs, allow the co-development of solutions and build capacity within and between sectors. We will use community meetings and stakeholder workshops to actively encourage knowledge dissemination at different levels, e.g. farmer to farmer, between communities and services providers, between researchers and decision makers, such that awareness spreads though each country, increasing impact at the national level. We will also delivering a policy discussion document that is backed up by high quality peer-reviewed publications.

Ultimately the outcomes will be relevant to rural communities throughout most low- and middle-income countries facing problems with high numbers of rodent pests and disease.
Description Rodents represent a serious threat to food security and public health. The extent to which rodent control can mitigate the risk from rodent-borne disease depends on both the effectiveness of control in reducing rodent abundance and the impact on disease epidemiology.

Analyses of data from previous studies conducted in a plague-endemic region of Madagascar allowed us to compare the effectiveness of three methods (live-traps, snap-traps, and rodenticides), with the control implemented inside houses for a few days each month. While all 3 control strategies appeared to reduce in-house rodent activity in the short term, we found no evidence of a longer-term effect, with in-house rodent abundance in treated sites comparable to non-treatment sites by the following month. Endemic flea, Synopsyllus fonquerniei, is a key plague vector usually found on rats living outdoors. We found no evidence that its abundance inside houses increased following control. The presence of S. fonquerniei in houses was more likely when S. fonquerniei abundance on outdoor rats was higher, which in turn correlated with high rat abundance.
Our current field-work is following on this work, using daily intensive trapping inside houses in 3 treatment villages, and monitoring the impacts on rodent abundance and flea abundance.

As rodent pests can have major social, economic, and environmental impacts, their management represents a complex socio-ecological problem involving a network of stakeholders from across different sectors, with diverging and sometimes competing interests. Failure to incorporate stakeholder interests can result in ineffective or unsustainable management programmes, with unintended negative consequences. Participatory approaches to decision-making have been proposed as suitable strategies to tackle complex problems, yet, these processes are often considered too difficult, costly, or time-consuming to implement.

In Madagascar, we identified and mapped key stakeholders and developed a multisector framework for guiding rodent management programmes. We then carried out interviews and focus groups with stakeholders and end-users to validate the final framework. The final framework unifies stakeholder interests around the dimensions of People, Resources, Knowledge and Power. Combined application of the stakeholder map and framework provides decision-makers with the tools to identify stakeholder interests; to explore areas of conflict, as well as areas of agreement; and to ensure that these are addressed within the design of control programmes. We are following this work up with a workshop with stakeholders in Madagascar, where we will present the initial results from the current project and discuss ways of supporting and up-scaling effective rodent management. The exercise on stakeholder mapping and interviews is now being repeated in Tanzania.
Exploitation Route Our results emphasize that control strategies for pests need to consider connectivity between pest populations, and the impacts on effective control and, where relevant, disease.
We recommend the application of the stakeholder map and framework approach to encourage and strengthen participatory approaches aimed at rodent pest control. Due to the inclusive and interdisciplinary nature of the framework, it can be applied to address numerous complex social, environmental, and economic issues across scales, sectors, and systems.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


Description Community meetings/discussions in rural Tanzania 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Focus group discussions with farmers and other members of communities in Tanzania (4 rounds of discussions in 6 villages with 4 discussion groups per village at each round and 6-20 participants per group). These communities are participating in trials of rodent management strategies. The objectives of the discussion groups were to develop a more in-depth understanding of the issues surrounding rodents and their management within these communities, encourage community feedback on project activities, facilitate the use of adaptive management techniques and co-development of future rodent management strategies. Discussion meetings have facilitated community engagement in project and fed back important information to the project team.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022,2023
Description Community meetings/discussions in study area in rural Madagascar 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Focus group discussions with farmers and other members of communities in Madagascar (five rounds of discussions conducted in 6 villages with an average 4 discussion groups per village during each round and 6-20 participants per group). These communities are participating in trials of rodent management strategies. The objectives of the discussion groups were to develop a more in-depth understanding of the issues surrounding rodents and their management within these communities, encourage community feedback on project activities, facilitate the use of adaptive management techniques and co-development of future rodent management strategies and raise awareness within communities of aspects related to rodents (e.g. rodent ecology, rodent reproduction). Discussion meetings have facilitated community engagement in project and fed back important information to the project team.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022,2023
Description Institutional stakeholder workshop in Madagascar 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The two-day workshop brought together 46 national stakeholders concerned with rodent control in Madagascar, representing the health, agriculture, and environment sectors. The objective of the workshop was to bring together multi-sector stakeholders to discuss rodent impacts, identify the objectives of rodent management, and explore how more effective and sustainable rodent management could be achieved in different contexts in Madagascar. Sessions included expert presentations, question and answer sessions, and interactive exercises designed to facilitate discussions on:
• the impact of rodent pests;
• the strengths and weaknesses of the different rodent management strategies currently available;
• and the potential of novel strategies for controlling rodents, including those used elsewhere in the world
There were representatives from four Ministries of the Madagascar Government present, as well as multiple non-governmental organisations working in different sectors.
During discussions, workshop participants identified short to long term research priorities, as well as suggestions related to policy development implementation and communications. A workshop report was written and sent to all participants. Following on from the workshop we will be developing a toolkit resource package intended to guide organisations on how to trial community-level rodent management. There will be a second follow-up workshop in 2024.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Short-course training on Ecological Principles and the Management of Rodents in Agricultural Ecosystems in Tanzania 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Our project contributed to the planning, implementation and financing of a short course training on rodent ecology and management run at one of our collaborating partner institutes, Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania. The course was delivered to postgraduate students and some third-party organisations. The students primarily came from Tanzania but there were also participants from Madagascar. International experts gave presentations in-person and online, and participating students had the opportunity to present their own projects and receive feed-back. Our project supported team-members from collaborating institutions in Tanzania, Madagascar and the UK to attend the course as well as a site visit afterwards to learn about implementation of ecological based rodent management techniques from an international expert. We also part supported two staff from a non-governmental organisation in Madagascar (Impact Madagascar) to attend as part of our initiative to explore scaling-up our research findings through partnerships. The course overall was an important capacity-building event for students and early career researchers, and has also led to an ongoing knowledge-exchange collaboration between the project and Impact Madagascar.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description national newspaper special feature in the Telegraph Saturday magazine on 19th Feb 2022 as well as online under Global Health Security 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact a special feature on rodent research related to two different UKRI funded projects, both projects are mentioned in the article.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022