Parasites and Communities; Empirical and Theoretical Scaling

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leeds
Department Name: Inst of Integrative & Comparative Biolog


Parasites interest ecologists because, by making animals ill, they alter how those animals interact with other species in natural communities. We have studied the parasites of two species of native and invading shrimps and found that parasites alter how often the shrimp of one species eat the other shrimp species (a process called intraguild predation), and the other types of prey that they select to eat. In addition, shrimp may respond to the threat of being eaten by predators (fish) by becoming less active and so potentially less likely to eat other animals. The challenge now is to study the consequences of these effects for the wider community: how parasites and predators influence which species we find in the community and how common they are. We will use lab and field experiments, and mathematics to look at this problem, to: firstly, build up a picture of how parasites and predators affect interactions between two or three species; secondly, examine how these effects alter the relationships between other species in the community. 1. We will examine how parasites affect predation, for example using laboratory experiments to measure the functional response (the relationship between a predator's consumption rate of prey and the density of the prey) for infected shrimp compared with uninfected shrimp in the presence and absence of predator cues. This will help us build mathematical models in which parasites alter their hosts' functional responses so that we can investigate how behaviour modification affects population dynamics (changes in population size over time). 2. We will use stable isotope analysis (which measures chemical variation to tell us about an animal's diet) of natural shrimp populations to see whether parasites cause a shift in host diets. We will also investigate this idea using laboratory experiments. We will build a mathematical model that links together the interactions of parasitism, predation, and intraguild predation, and use this to investigate the population dynamics of the species involved and see whether the parasite-induced changes in functional responses and diet that we expect to find in the shrimp community can change community structure. Our findings will be of interest to other scientists concerned with the impact of parasites on interactions between species, and their impact in the broader community and environment. It will also interest agencies who manage natural habitats, diversity and invasions (Environment Agency; N. Ireland Environment Agency, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, N. Ireland). It is important to study parasites for many reasons. Firstly, as they are often 'hidden' members of the community, and do not often kill their hosts, their effects have been neglected compared to other interactions between species (such as predation and competition). Nevertheless, they can have dramatic impacts on communities, altering the balance between competing species, sometimes allowing two species to coexist where one would go extinct if parasites were not present (this makes the parasite a 'keystone species'). Secondly, parasites are often involved in biological invasions by foreign species into a new environment; in many cases an invading species does more damage because it is not as badly infected by the parasites in that environment, or it introduces new parasites that cause illness/death of the native species. Indeed, in our study system, one of the shrimps is an invading species and we are keen to understand the forces driving its success so that we can better protect the native species. Thirdly, parasites have important public health and economic consequences: emergent diseases (parasites that cross the species boundary to infect a new species) are an increasing threat to human health, domestic animals and wildlife. This project will help to understand these important problems by improving what we know about the effects of parasites in natural communities.


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publication icon
Bunke M (2015) Eaten alive: cannibalism is enhanced by parasites. in Royal Society open science

publication icon
Doherty-Bone TM (2018) Invasive alien shredders clear up invasive alien leaf litter. in Ecology and evolution

Description 1. Indirect effects of parasitism, acting through effects on host traits and mortality, can alter species coexistence/exclusion outcomes.

2. Trait-mediated effects of parasites can be as important for community structure as more conventionally considered effects on host mortality.

3. Predator cues drive strong trait mediated changes in communities.

4. Parasitism drives changes in rates of cannibalism and the evolution of parasite avoidance strategies

5. Processes underlying the spread of emerging infectious diseases bear many similarities to processes involved in biological invasion; comparison between these research areas could be mutually informative.
Exploitation Route Understanding and predicting impact of invasive species.
Parallels between EID and invasion processes can inform management and control
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy


Description nerc dTP
Amount £60,000 (GBP)
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2015 
End 09/2019
Description nerc innovation
Amount £106,000 (GBP)
Funding ID NE/P016766/1 
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 05/2017 
End 06/2019
Title Data associated with 'Invasive alien shredders clear up invasive alien leaf litter' 
Description Biological invasions have the potential to alter ecosystem processes. However, interactions between different invasive alien species, and their cumulative impact on ecosystem functioning,remain poorly understood. Some invasive riparian plants (e.g. Rhododendron) deposit leaf litterin freshwaters, thatmay be unconsumed by indigenous species potentially affecting habitatheterogeneity and flow of energy to the food web. Invasive alien decapod crustaceans are effectiveconsumers of leaf litter, and it was hypothesised that they would consume inputs of invasive riparian leaf litter. This study examined decomposition rates of one native and two alien leaf litter species in response to one native and two invasive alien decapod crustaceans. Invasive alien signal crayfish and mitten crabs broke down all types of leaf litter, including invasive alien Rhododendron at a higher rate than did the indigenous white clawed crayfish.Secondary products were more varied, with more fine particulate organic matter generated for less palatable alien leaf litter species.Impacts of riparian invasions on detritus accumulation in freshwaters are thus potentially buffered by invasive alien decapods. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Data from: Predicting invasive species impacts: a community module functional response approach reveals context dependencies 
Description 1. Predatory functional responses play integral roles in predator-prey dynamics, and their assessment promises greater understanding and prediction of the predatory impacts of invasive species. 2. Other inter-specific interactions, however, such as parasitism and higher-order predation, have the potential to modify predator-prey interactions and thus the predictive capability of the comparative functional response approach. 3. We used a four-species community module (higher-order predator; focal native or invasive predators; parasites of focal predators; native prey) to compare the predatory functional responses of native Gammarus duebeni celticus and invasive Gammarus pulex amphipods towards three invertebrate prey species (Asellus aquaticus, Simulium spp., Baetis rhodani), thus quantifying the context dependencies of parasitism and a higher-order fish predator on these functional responses. 4. Our functional response experiments demonstrated that the invasive amphipod had a higher predatory impact (lower handling time) on two of three prey species, which reflects patterns of impact observed in the field. The community module also revealed that parasitism had context dependent influences, for one prey species, with the potential to further reduce the predatory impact of the invasive amphipod or increase the predatory impact of the native amphipod in the presence of a higher-order fish predator. 5. Partial consumption of prey was similar for both predators and occurred increasingly in the order A. aquaticus, Simulium spp., and B. rhodani. This was associated with increasing prey densities, but showed no context dependencies with parasitism or higher-order fish predator. 6. This study supports the applicability of comparative functional responses as a tool to predict and assess invasive species impacts incorporating multiple context dependencies. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2015 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Description Environment Agency 
Organisation Environment Agency
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution main supervisor new nerc case studentship
Collaborator Contribution case supervisor nerc case studetnship
Impact Evidence from previous work has led to changes in Environmetn agency biosecurity policy and practice. Ongoing project developing biosecurity practice and uptake
Start Year 2016