Controls over Ocean Mesopelagic Interior Carbon Storage (COMICS)
Lead Research Organisation:
Department Name: Science and Technology
The surface ocean is home to billions of microscopic plants called phytoplankton which produce organic matter in the surface ocean using sunlight and carbon dioxide. When they die they sink, taking this carbon into the deep ocean, where it is stored on timescales of hundreds to thousands of years, which helps keep our climate the way it is today. The size of the effect they have on our climate is linked to how deep they sink before they dissolve - the deeper they sink, the more carbon is stored. This sinking carbon also provides food to the animals living in the ocean's deep, dark 'twilight zone'. Computer models can help us predict how future changes in greenhouse gas emissions might change this ocean carbon store. Current models however struggle with making these predictions. This is partly because until recently we haven't even been
able to answer the basic question 'Is there enough food for all the animals living in the twilight zone?'. But in a breakthrough this year we used new technology and new theory to show that there is indeed enough food. So now we can move on to asking what controls how deep the carbon sinks. There are lots of factors which might affect how deep the material sinks but at the moment we can't be sure which ones are important. In this project we will make oceanographic expeditions to two different places to test how these different factors affect carbon storage in the deep ocean. We will measure the carbon sinking into the twilight zone and the biological processes going on within it. Then we will determine if the systems are balanced - in other words, what goes in, should come out again. We will then write equations linking all the parts of the system together and analyse them to make them more simple. At the same time we will test whether the simple equations are still useful by seeing if they produce good global maps of ocean properties for which we have lots of data. Finally, when we are happy that our new equations are doing a good job we will use them in a computer model to predict the future store of carbon in the ocean.
able to answer the basic question 'Is there enough food for all the animals living in the twilight zone?'. But in a breakthrough this year we used new technology and new theory to show that there is indeed enough food. So now we can move on to asking what controls how deep the carbon sinks. There are lots of factors which might affect how deep the material sinks but at the moment we can't be sure which ones are important. In this project we will make oceanographic expeditions to two different places to test how these different factors affect carbon storage in the deep ocean. We will measure the carbon sinking into the twilight zone and the biological processes going on within it. Then we will determine if the systems are balanced - in other words, what goes in, should come out again. We will then write equations linking all the parts of the system together and analyse them to make them more simple. At the same time we will test whether the simple equations are still useful by seeing if they produce good global maps of ocean properties for which we have lots of data. Finally, when we are happy that our new equations are doing a good job we will use them in a computer model to predict the future store of carbon in the ocean.
Planned Impact
COMICS will ultimately result in improved predictions of future ocean carbon storage, hence contributing essential knowledge for evidence based policy-making. This project has been designed to provide an immediate and direct benefit to the ongoing development of the NERC-Met Office UK Earth System Model (ESM) which is the UK's platform for future IPCC assessments. COMICS will establish a pipeline for new insights from our in situ work to be translated through into recommendations for novel model parameterisations for a key component of the global carbon cycle, which will then be incorporated in the UK-ESM. This will build on work currently funded under the NERC Process Based Model Evaluation programme, which is part of the UKESM development strategy. To ensure that the results from our observational programme are translated into practical parameterisations for climate models, Prof Colin Jones (Head of the UKESM project) will sit on our project advisory board.
In addition to the Met Office, we have engaged stakeholders in Cefas (an executive Defra agency) which is responsible for delivering evidence-based advice on marine management issues. Our proposed work on marine environment modelling and predicting the marine impacts of climate change are directly relevant to Cefas. COMICS will ensure a direct link to Cefas/Defra through the inclusion on our programme advisory board of Dr Robert Thorpe (Fisheries Scientist) who will also provide a route to policy makers via the Marine Climate Change Centre.
COMICS will contribute to the UK's international standing, and capacity building in developing nations. One output of this project will be computationally efficient new parameterisations for carbon remineralisation which can be incorporated into any suitable global biogeochemical climate model. COMICS thus has the potential to influence future climate models at the international level. We will also contribute to capacity building in developing nations by proposing researcher exchange programmes and mentoring development of early career researchers.
COMICS also includes a programme of public engagement activities, targeting both the general public and the next generation of marine scientists. These activities aim to increase awareness of the importance of ocean carbon uptake for regulating Earth's climate in an era of increasing greenhouse gas emissions.
These goals will be achieved through a dedicated impact effort, through dedicated staff time from NOC's communications office and the COMICS programme manager, with input from all members of the COMICS team.
Our impact programme includes funds for: a targeted stakeholder event that will be held at the end of year 3 in London to present our results from the specific standpoint of policy makers; design and distribution of glossy literature aimed at stakeholders and the general public; development of a programme website including professional graphic design; development of display materials for public events, such as science fairs.
Proposed additional impact activities for which we do not request NERC funds include: a Royal Society scientific programme meeting to which both stakeholders and the broader academic community will be invited (to take place in year 4); a collaborative researcher exchange programme with South African colleagues via the Newton Fund; supporting development of early career researchers from developing countries through the POGO fellowship scheme; daily cruise blog from on board the ship; Twitter feed (#comicscarbon), including two live Twitter Q&A events during the cruises; articles aimed at the interested public in Planet Earth; editorial feature in a popular science magazine; regular media
releases associated with cruises, journal articles, events etc.
In addition to the Met Office, we have engaged stakeholders in Cefas (an executive Defra agency) which is responsible for delivering evidence-based advice on marine management issues. Our proposed work on marine environment modelling and predicting the marine impacts of climate change are directly relevant to Cefas. COMICS will ensure a direct link to Cefas/Defra through the inclusion on our programme advisory board of Dr Robert Thorpe (Fisheries Scientist) who will also provide a route to policy makers via the Marine Climate Change Centre.
COMICS will contribute to the UK's international standing, and capacity building in developing nations. One output of this project will be computationally efficient new parameterisations for carbon remineralisation which can be incorporated into any suitable global biogeochemical climate model. COMICS thus has the potential to influence future climate models at the international level. We will also contribute to capacity building in developing nations by proposing researcher exchange programmes and mentoring development of early career researchers.
COMICS also includes a programme of public engagement activities, targeting both the general public and the next generation of marine scientists. These activities aim to increase awareness of the importance of ocean carbon uptake for regulating Earth's climate in an era of increasing greenhouse gas emissions.
These goals will be achieved through a dedicated impact effort, through dedicated staff time from NOC's communications office and the COMICS programme manager, with input from all members of the COMICS team.
Our impact programme includes funds for: a targeted stakeholder event that will be held at the end of year 3 in London to present our results from the specific standpoint of policy makers; design and distribution of glossy literature aimed at stakeholders and the general public; development of a programme website including professional graphic design; development of display materials for public events, such as science fairs.
Proposed additional impact activities for which we do not request NERC funds include: a Royal Society scientific programme meeting to which both stakeholders and the broader academic community will be invited (to take place in year 4); a collaborative researcher exchange programme with South African colleagues via the Newton Fund; supporting development of early career researchers from developing countries through the POGO fellowship scheme; daily cruise blog from on board the ship; Twitter feed (#comicscarbon), including two live Twitter Q&A events during the cruises; articles aimed at the interested public in Planet Earth; editorial feature in a popular science magazine; regular media
releases associated with cruises, journal articles, events etc.
- NATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHY CENTRE (Lead Research Organisation, Project Partner)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (Project Partner)
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (Project Partner)
- GEOMAR Helmholtz Ctr for Ocean Res Kiel (Project Partner)
- Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (Project Partner)
- University of East Anglia (Project Partner)
- Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (Project Partner)
- University of Washington (Project Partner)
- Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Project Partner)
- Technical University of Denmark (Project Partner)
- University of Leeds (Project Partner)
![publication icon](/resources/img/placeholder-60x60.png)
Ainsworth J
Iron cycling during the decline of a South Georgia diatom bloom
in Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography
![publication icon](/resources/img/placeholder-60x60.png)
Belcher A
Respiration rates and active carbon flux of mesopelagic fishes (Family Myctophidae) in the Scotia Sea, Southern Ocean
in Marine Ecology Progress Series
![publication icon](/resources/img/placeholder-60x60.png)
Belcher A
Respiration of mesopelagic fish: a comparison of respiratory electron transport system (ETS) measurements and allometrically calculated rates in the Southern Ocean and Benguela Current
in ICES Journal of Marine Science
![publication icon](/resources/img/placeholder-60x60.png)
Bressac M
Resupply of mesopelagic dissolved iron controlled by particulate iron composition
in Nature Geoscience
![publication icon](/resources/img/placeholder-60x60.png)
Coggins A
Surface ocean carbon budget in the 2017 south Georgia diatom bloom: Observations and validation of profiling biogeochemical argo floats
in Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography
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De Melo Viríssimo F
Seasonality in Carbon Flux Attenuation Explains Spatial Variability in Transfer Efficiency
in Geophysical Research Letters
![publication icon](/resources/img/placeholder-60x60.png)
De Melo Viríssimo F
Influence of Seasonal Variability in Flux Attenuation on Global Organic Carbon Fluxes and Nutrient Distributions.
in Global biogeochemical cycles
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De Melo Viríssimo F
Seasonality in carbon flux attenuation explains spatial variability in transfer efficiency
![publication icon](/resources/img/placeholder-60x60.png)
Giering S
Vertical imbalance in organic carbon budgets is indicative of a missing vertical transfer during a phytoplankton bloom near South Georgia (COMICS)
in Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography
![publication icon](/resources/img/placeholder-60x60.png)
Giering S
The Interpretation of Particle Size, Shape, and Carbon Flux of Marine Particle Images Is Strongly Affected by the Choice of Particle Detection Algorithm
in Frontiers in Marine Science
Description | We have been able to reconcile multiple seemingly contradictory perspectives about what controls the depth penetration or organic matter into the ocean and show that both community structure and temperature are important. These key findings have been either published or are being prepared for publication. |
Exploitation Route | We anticipate that our outcomes will support multiple future grant applications and programmes (including NERC's BIO-Carbon programme) and also improve our ability to model the future evolution of climate. |
Sectors | Environment |
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Description | The JETZON initiative described in the last return continues to gather momentum and is providing a useful framework to coordinate international actions |
First Year Of Impact | 2020 |
Sector | Environment |
Impact Types | Societal |
Title | Acoustic backscatter data from two visits to site P3 (P3A and P3B) during COMICS cruise DY086 in November to December, 2017 |
Description | Acoustic backscatter data were collected at five frequencies (18, 38, 70, 120 and 200 kHz) across two visits to site P3 (P3A, P3B), South Georgia, aboard the RRS Discovery during DY086. Acoustic backscatter was measured with a Simrad EK60. The data consistently shows no evidence of synchronised diel vertical migration (Cook et al. 2023). |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2024 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | These data were used to show the diel vertical migration of zooplankton during COMICS. |
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Title | CTD sensor and related bottle data analyses from RRS Discovery cruise DY086 at site P3 |
Description | Physical, chemical and biogeochemical measurements derived from CTD-rosette deployments during three visits to site P3 (November to December, 2017) in the South Atlantic. Measurements were made during COMICS cruise DY086 on the RRS Discovery using a trace metal free Titanium Rosette (events 4, 7, 15, 19, 24, 26, 29) and a Stainless Steel Rosette (all other events). Physical parameters include temperature, salinity, density, photosynthetically active radiation and turbulence; chemical parameters include dissolved oxygen, dissolved oxygen saturation, nitrate, phosphate and silicate; biogeochemical parameters include turbidity, beam transmittance, beam attenuation, fluorescence, particulate organic carbon (POC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), chlorophyll-a, net primary productivity (NPP), ambient leucine assimilation and bacterial cell count. To determine turbulence, a downward facing lowered acoustic doppler current profiler (LADCP, Teledyne Workhorse Monitor 300 kHz ADCP) was attached to the CTD frame. Shear and strain, which are obtained from velocity and density measurements, were used to estimate the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy and the diapycnal eddy diffusivity from a fine-scale parameterisation. Estimates are calculated by parameterising internal wave-wave interactions and assuming that wave breaking modulates turbulent mixing. A detailed description of the method for calculating diffusivity from LADCP and CTD can be found in Kunze et al. (2006). Two datasets with different vertical resolutions were produced: one in which the shear is integrated from 150 to 300 m and the strain over 20-150 m, and one in which the shear is integrated from 70 to 200 m and the strain over 30-200 m. Nutrients (nitrate, phosphate, silicate) were determined via colourimetric analysis (see cruise report, Giering and Sanders, 2019), POC was determined as described in Giering et al. (2023), DOC and DOC flux were determined as described in Lovecchio et al. (2023), NPP was determined as described in Poulton et al. (2019), and ambient leucine assimilation and bacterial cell count were determined as described in Rayne et al. (2024). Bacterial abundance and leucine assimilation were made from bottle samples of six CTD casts of the stainless-steel rosette. Water was collected at six depths (6 m, deep-chlorophyll maximum, mixed layer depth + 10, 100, 250 and 500 m). Acid-cleaned HDPE carboys and tubing were used for sampling. Samples were then stored in the dark and at in-situ temperature prior to on-board laboratory sample preparation or analysis. Flow cytometry was used to measure bacterial abundance. Room temperature paraformaldehyde was used to fix 1.6 ml samples for 30 minutes. Then, using liquid nitrogen, the samples were flash frozen and stored at -80°C. Samples were then defrosted before being stained using SYBR Green I and run through the flow cytometer (BD FACSort™). The method of Hill et al. (2013) was applied to determine prokaryotic leucine assimilation using L-[4,5-³H] leucine which has a specific activity of 89.3 Ci/mmol. In the mixed and upper layers of the water column, the protocol in Zubkov et al. (2007) was followed. Below the mixed layer, adaptions to the method included reducing the concentration of ³H-Leucine to 0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.04 and 0.05 nM; increasing experimental volumes to 30 ml; enhancing incubation times to 30, 60, 90 and 120 min. These adaptions were made to improve accuracy where lower rates of leucine assimilation were expected. Data were provided by the British Oceanographic Data Centre and funded by the National Environment Research Council. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2024 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | These data are the base of most of the project's publications. The collated data will be useful for future projects and researchers, particularly the modelling community. |
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Title | DOM Compilation Hansell et al 2021-v2 |
Description | This package consists of measurements of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and other chemical and hydrographic parameters obtained during the global ocean surveys from 1994-01-01 to 2021-05-29. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2021 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | COMICS contributed to this dataset, which provides a comprehensive global database of DOM, useful to ocean biogeochemists. |
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Title | Discrete particulate organic carbon (POC) concentration and flux data from three visits to site P3 in 2017 |
Description | Discrete measurements of particulate organic carbon (POC) concentration and flux were made on the RRS Discovery during COMICS cruise DY086 at site P3 in the South Atlantic from November to December, 2017 (Giering et al. 2023). Data is from a variety of equipment including marine snow catchers, neutrally-buoyant sediment traps (PELAGRA) and a stand-alone pump system. Marine snow catchers settled on-deck for 2 hours. Slow sinking particles were collected from the base and fast sinking particles were collected from the tray. These data were used along with bottle POC data to calibrate glider backscatter data from the GOCART project. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2024 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | These data underpin the results of most of the outputs of COMICS and will be useful in future to researchers investigating the biological carbon pump and ocean carbon storage. |
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Title | Meteorological data from RRS Discovery cruise DY086 at site P3 |
Description | Meteorological data were collected across three visits to site P3 during COMICS cruise DY086 aboard the RRS Discovery in November and December, 2017. Measurements included: air pressure, temperature and humidity; solar and photosynthetically active radiation at both Port and Starboard sides. Data were provided by the British Oceanographic Data Centre and funded by the National Environment Research Council. BODC advised that the ship's anemometer shows inconsistencies and so data from the instrument were not included. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2024 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | These data provide the background environmental setting for the COMICS cruise and will be useful for modellers and future in-depth analysis of the COMICS data. |
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Title | Net-derived biomass, respiration and ingestion data from three visits to site P3 during an austral spring bloom in 2017 |
Description | Data derived from net catches for zooplankton and micronekton during the COMICS cruise DY086 in November to December, 2017. Raw catch counts and biomass measurements have been used alongside published values to provide biomass, respiration and ingestion data between 0 and 500 metres depth (Belcher et al. 2022, Cook et al. 2023, Stowasser et al. 2020). Data values are from multiple net deployments and the number of deployments for each value are provided in the dataset. Bongo, Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) and Rectangular Midwater Trawl (RMT) nets collected small (100 µm mesh; day only), medium (330 µm mesh; day and night) and large (4000 µm mesh; day and night) samples, respectively. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2024 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | These data were used to unravel the role of zooplankton on the biological carbon pump during the COMICS cruise. |
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