Quantifying the likely magnitude of nature-based flood mitigation effects across large catchments (Q-NFM)

Lead Research Organisation: Lancaster University
Department Name: Lancaster Environment Centre


The 2007 floods prompted the UK Government's "Pitt review", which came up with the idea that we need to start to deal with the causes of flooding upstream of the affected communities, rather than rely solely on the downstream engineering solutions. This stimulated a range of organisations to introduce "natural" features into the landscape that may have benefits in terms of reducing flooding (so called "Natural Flood Management, NFM"). Having introduced features these organisations, and local stakeholders working with them, are increasingly asking "Are these features working?" This has highlighted to funders, those implementing the features and scientists alike that there are gaps in the evidence of how individual features (e.g. a single farm pond or a small area of tree planting) work and what are potential downstream benefits for communities at risk of flooding. Stakeholders want both questions answered at the same time, making this one of the most important academic challenges for hydrological scientists in recent years. The only way to quantify the effects of many individual features at larger scales is to use computer models. To be credible, these models also need to produce believable results at individual feature scales. Meeting this challenge is the focus of this research project.

Consequently, our primary objective is to quantify the likely effectiveness of these NFM features for mitigating flood risk at large catchment scales in the most credible way. In this context, credibility means being transparent and rigorous in the way that we deal with what we do know and what we don't know when addressing this problem using models. In doing this we need to address particular scientific challenges in the following ways:

* We need to show that our models are capable of reproducing downstream floods while at the same time matching observed local hydrological phenomena, such as patterns of soil saturation. Integral to our methodology are observations of these local phenomena to further strengthen the credibility of the modelling.

* We use the same models to predict NFM effects by changing key model components. These changes to the components are made in a rigorous way, initially based upon the current evidence.

* As evidence of change is so critical, our project necessarily includes targeted experimental work to address some of the serious evidence gaps, to significantly improve the confidence in the model results.

* This rigorous strategy provides us with a platform for quantifying the magnitude of benefit that can be offered by different spatial extents of NFM implementation across large areas.

By addressing these scientific goals we believe that we can deliver a step change in the confidence of our quantification of the likely effectiveness of NFM measure for mitigating flood risk at large catchment scales.

Planned Impact

The most important impact from this project will be to support the appropriate use of NFM in large catchments. This will involve building an understanding of the benefits of NFM shared between flood risk engineers, catchment management professionals and communities at risk of flooding. Decisions about committing to NFM in flood risk management are made difficult by uncertainty about the flood risk mitigation benefits. This difficulty can be exacerbated by overly optimistic claims of the catchment management community who understand that the multiple benefits of NFM make it a key component of most catchment plans. Affected communities need progress towards reducing flood risk, and need confidence that NFM will make a difference if implemented. This project has been designed to build shared understanding, and consequently trust, between these groups. Credible, scientifically robust estimates of the benefits of NFM, co-designed with the affected communities using local knowledge, will support the appropriate use of NFM in large catchments. Quantifying the inherent uncertainties about NFM explicitly within this process strengthens this shared understanding.

Building the technical capacity within the catchment management community to deliver and maintain NFM will allow the appropriate level of NFM to be delivered. While there is excellent localised experience of delivering NFM to provide local flood risk benefits, experience of delivery in large catchments is a long term endeavour which requires new skills and knowledge to be developed and tested. This project is designed to build the scientific evidence required to strengthen knowledge, capacity and skills across the all the partner organisations involved in the Cumbrian catchments, and beyond. The engagement work-package (Task 7) is designed as a two way process: at the catchment scale the engagement revolves around the co-design of NFM interventions and the development of shared understanding between the partners. At a national scale the engagement is focused on sharing the knowledge gained with other groups who are implementing NFM and providing the opportunity for debate around this knowledge and emerging learning and experience from across the country to flourish.

Overcoming policy barriers to the appropriate implementation of NFM in large catchments will have a significant impact. Some of the barriers are based on knowledge gaps which will be filled in this research call. However, a number of barriers are based on the fact that NFM delivery requires disparate technical disciplines and organisations to work together in partnership at a catchment scale. Policy makers already accept the benefits of this type of approach and have implemented it in the policy framework which gave rise to the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA). The flood risk community have to date remained separate from CaBA, however, one of the aims of the Defra Cumbria Catchment Pioneers is to unite flood risk, water resources and water quality to deliver a genuinely integrated catchment based approach as part of the 25 Year Environment Plan. This project is focused on the Cumbrian catchment Pioneers and will provide policy makers with a case study for this multi sector working which can feed directly into the 25 YEP.


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Description The NERC-funded Q-NFM project has focused on quantifying the likely magnitude of nature-based flood mitigation effects across large catchments. This work has centred on farmed grasslands (with woodlands) in the Cumbrian Mountains with extensive utilisation of Cumbria-wide meteorological data plus river discharge records for the Kent, Derwent and Eden catchments. Three principles underpin our findings:

1) Ensuring that we get the 'right results for the right reasons' where the baseline model is consistent with our perceptual hydrological model (Beven and Chappell, 2021) and is capable of uncertainty constraint via our new 'limits of acceptability' approach (developed as part of Q-NFM eg Beven, Lane et al., 2022);

2) Parameter shifts applied to our baseline models of periods of historic Cumbrian flooding in 2005, 2009 and 2015 based on direct observations of NFM feature functioning (based on our network of monitoring at 20-200 sq m scales to ca. 1 sq km micro-basins in Cumbria - see Mindham et al 2023, supplemented with re-analysis of others' raw observations); and

3) A focus on an analysis of floods with an Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) of between 1 and 500 years for flood-affected catchments ranging in scale from micro-basins (1 sq km) to meso-basins (eg 10-200 sq km eg Beven, Page et al 2022) and macro-basins of over 2000 sq km (eg Hankin, Chappell et al 2021).
Our large number project partners (examples include Lowther Estates, Cumbria Wildlife Trust, Woodland Trust, Cumbria County Council, Brackenburgh Estate, West Cumbria Rivers Trust, Eden Rivers Trust and many more) have installed the NFM interventions in Cumbria that we have monitored. These partners received their funding from a range of sources including the Environment Agency's £15m NFM programme.

To ensure commensurability with our physics-based modelling, we classify the NFM interventions by hydrological process. The five process-based interventions studied were: 1) Enhanced evaporation (by woodland); 2) Enhanced in-channel storage; 3) Enhanced hillslope surface-storage; 4) Enhanced soil permeability, and 5) Enhanced floodplain storage. Illustrative findings associated with each of these interventions in the Cumbrian context follow:

1/ Enhanced evaporation by woodland: Our re-analysis of raw data from pertinent plot studies in temperate climates demonstrated significant rates of wet-canopy evaporation (interception loss) for rain-events of over 50mm per day and even over 300mm per day, and potential for this to take place during major Cumbria floods in 2005, 2009 and 2015. This was due to an unsaturated atmosphere in many places and an overestimation of the aerodynamic resistances (eg Page et al 2020). While such effects may be delivered by even leafless woodland - very extensive mature woodland cover is needed for significant effects (Page et al in review).

2/ Enhanced in-channel storage: Behaviour of new in-channel storage ('leaky dams') is compared directly with discharge measured on the same channel with a trapezoidal flume at several sites across Cumbria. Many such dams in sequence have been shown to impact the peak of large storms at the Flimby NFM (Hankin, Hewitt et al 2020), but at Tebay NFM we show that it is difficult to achieve a long enough residence time for the new storage without first diverting the water onto an enhanced floodplain (Follett et al in review IAHS2022).

3/ Enhanced hillslope surface-storage (EHS): Given the uncertainty inherent in the modelling of large catchments, to be able to present credible simulations of EHS across the 209 sq km Kent catchment necessitated 10,000 Monte Carlo baseline simulations of the Nov-Dec 2015 period containing the 1-in-500 year Storm Desmond. By evaluating these simulations against multiple criteria, we were able to reduce the uncertainty to 67 acceptable simulations (Beven, Lane et al., 2022). We then applied an EHS scenarios to these 67 credible realisations of the baseline behaviour. Such scenarios centred on the placement bunds at all the hillslope places shown within our previous WwNP research (Hankin, Chappell et al 2018 SC150005/R6) as likely to accumulate overland flow. Measurable reductions were seen in the flood peak for an example 1-in-5 year event. While smaller, peak reductions were also seen for the 1-in-500 year Desmond event at the flood-affected community of Kendal town and would have given £626k of damages avoided (Beven, Page et al 2022). However, for such benefits, and enormous task of constructing 1594 hillslopes bunds across the farms of the catchment would be needed!

4/ Enhanced soil permeability: For Q-NFM we undertook an extensive investigation of existing raw data on the observed contrast between topsoil permeability below trees or woodland versus nearby grassland. We found a factor of 5.14 larger permeability below woodland, and combined this with Cumbria-observed enhancements of soil moisture deficit below woodland for a series of simulations of the Kent catchment. The enhanced soil permeability was applied to 20 percent of every 'Hydrological Response Unit' of the catchment. Smaller changes to flood hydrographs were seen in comparison to the EHS scenarios, and some actually increased risk due to increasing the speed of the shallow throughflow (Chappell et al in prep).

5/ Enhanced floodplain storage: The role of channel diversion in enhancing floodplain storage (EFS) was shown at the Bessy micro-basin scale (eg Hankin, Page et al 2021). At the meso-basin scale, the role of natural swales in floodplain storage was quantified at the Setterah NFM site, and the effect of a potential 2,400 cubic metre per sq km basin was shown to impact a 1 in 2 year flood peak (Hankin et al 2019). Constructed EFS above a flood-affected community in Grange-over-Sands is shown to be effective at reducing flood incidence (NERC NFM Programme Policy document, forthcoming).

In summary, we see evidence that if sufficient intervention volume per unit basin area is created, significant reductions to flood peaks of even extreme events at large scales may, at least in principle, be delivered. However, with insufficient deployment or insufficient focus on design to deliver effect during those events that flood communities, flood risk may be unchanged or even worsened; even at small scales.
Exploitation Route NERC Q-NFM project research findings already being used to support the design and evaluated the effectiveness of NFM interventions being deployed in the EA-funded Cumbria Innovative Flood Resilience project (CiFR), part of Defra's £200m Flood and Coastal Resilience Innovation programme. Our NERC-funded evidence that NFM can reduce flood damages is given in Beven et al (2022), Chappell et al (2023 https://zenodo.org/records/10361737) and Elliott and Giritharan (2003 ISBN 978-1-915754-03-5).
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Communities and Social Services/Policy



Democracy and Justice

URL https://www.lancaster.ac.uk/lec/sites/qnfm/qout.htm
Description The primary goal of the Q-NFM project (for three Cumbrian basins) and the NERC NFM research programme nationally was to quantify the potential effects of numerous local NFM interventions (of many types) at the scale of small to large catchments. To help deliver end-user impact of our research, interactions with end-users of the science were fully embedded in our Q-NFM research programme. In particular, we have worked very closely with the teams delivering the Defra/EA NFM pilots in Cumbria. Monitoring of these pilots followed the 'evidence of hydrological change' strategy developed for Q-NFM. This has also greatly benefited Q-NFM, as the Q-NFM monitoring network has been greatly expanded by adding compatible monitoring associated with Defra/EA NFM pilot projects in Cumbria. The Environment Agency managed the Defra NFM pilots, but local environmental NGOs were often the scheme developers and implementers for the Agency. As a result, we have also supported the environmental NGOs with advice on monitoring and what types of intervention might be more effective at particular localities. Key elements of this learning is presented in Chappell and Beven (Environ. Res. Lett. in submission). The monitoring installed on streams upstream of flood-affected communities in Cumbria is visible on a public websites, real-time, e.g., our Eggerslack gauging station used for flood warning in Grange-over-Sands by the LLFA and EA: dashboard.hobolink.com/public/eggerslack. We have continued to work with Cumbrian end-user partners, and with NERC support produced two versions of a short film with our lead partner the Environment Agency. This is the slightly longer version: https://www.lancaster.ac.uk/lec/sites/qnfm/qnfm2.mp4. Further, we have deepened and broadened our local collaborations. We used utilised NERC Q-NFM findings to develop a design and monitoring strategy for the new £6.5M EA-funded 'research-by-doing' project on implementing NFM in Cumbria. This new funded project is part of the 6-year £200M Defra/EA Flood and Coastal Resilience Innovation programme. We have worked closely with the two partner projects within the national NERC NFM research programme - to deliver coherent policy implications (e.g., Chappell et al 2023 https://zenodo.org/records/10361737) and Elliott and Giritharan 2003 ISBN 978-1-915754-03-5). A central end-user message arising from the components of the NERC-funded Q-NFM research project is the need for NFM design in flood schemes (Chappell and Beven, Environ. Res. Lett. in submission). Within our Q-NFM programme of outputs (including over 30 journal papers), we see evidence that if sufficient intervention volume per unit basin area is created, significant reductions to flood peaks of even extreme events at large scales may, at least in principle, be delivered (e.g., Beven et al 2022; Chappell et al 2023). However, with insufficient deployment or insufficient focus on design to deliver effect during those events that flood communities, flood risk may be unchanged or even worsened; even at small scales. Consequently, the Q-NFM investigator team suggest 'NFM design' means that green infrastructure should be: 1/ optimised to work in events that flood properties; 2/ have sufficient freeboard (empty storage capacity) immediately ahead of target flood events; 3/ have optimal floodwater retention times; 4/ critically, deliver sufficient equivalent storage given upstream catchment area (as a total or around the flood peak); 5/ designed with consideration given to potential for feature collapse or other temporal changes in effectiveness; 6/ measurements capable of showing hydrograph change and other performance criteria are incorporated in to NbS systems; and 7/ designed with consideration given to size of upstream area (and hence size of NFM systems needed) that effect properties at risk, i.e., financial cost of NFM interventions needed to reduce risk per number of properties benefiting.
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Communities and Social Services/Policy,Education,Environment,Government, Democracy and Justice
Impact Types Societal

Policy & public services