ARBOLES: A trait-based Understanding of LATAM Forest Biodiversity and Resilience

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leeds
Department Name: Sch of Geography


Latin American forests cover a very large latitudinal and climate gradient extending from the tropics to Southern hemisphere high latitudes. The continent therefore hosts a large variety of forest types including the Amazon - the world's largest tropical forest - as well as the diverse Atlantic forests concentrated along the coast, temperate forests in Chile and Argentina as well as the cold rainforests of Valdivia and the Nothofagus forests of Patagonia. These forests are global epicentres of biological diversity and include several tropical and extra-tropical biodiversity hotspots. For example, the Amazon rainforest is home to ~10% of terrestrial plant and animal species and store a large fraction of global organic carbon. hotspots.

Some of these Latin American forests still cover a large fraction of their original (pre-colombian) extent: the Amazon still covers approximately 5 Million km2, which is 80% of its original area. However, others, such as the Atlantic forest, have nearly disappeared and are now heavily fragmented. Temperate forests have also shrunk, despite efforts to halt further reduction. However, economic development, population rises and the growth in global drivers of environmental change mean that all forests now face strong anthropogenic pressures. Locally stressors generally result from ongoing development, selective logging, the hunting of larger birds and mammals, over-exploitation of key forest resources such as valuable palm fruits, mining, and/or forest conversion for agricultural use. Global environmental drivers stem from the world's warming climate. Yet it is not clear how these local pressures and changing environmental conditions will alter the composition of Latin American forests, and whether there are thresholds between human impacts - such as the lack of dispersers in heavily fragmented forest landscapes or climate conditions exceeding limits of species tolerance - and the community level responses of forest plants.
We aim to investigate this, supporting the development of strategies that can preserve the diversity of these forests and their functioning. We achieve this by investigating the relationships between diversity and functioning of these forests; exploring whether there are thresholds in functioning resulting both from pressures of forest use and changing climate; by experimentally testing responses; and by generalizing predictive capability to large scales. ARBOLES aims to achieve these goals by integrating established forest inventory approaches with cutting-edge functional trait, genomics, experimental and remote sensing approaches.

Our approach involves combining forest plots with plant traits, which will enable us to characterize state and shifts over time in the face of local human disturbance and changing climate and atmospheric composition. We will focus on traits along the following axes: (i) life-history strategies measuring investment in structure (like wood density, leaf mass per area, maximum height), (ii) investment in productive organs (like leaf nutrients), (iii) investment in reproductive organs, (iv) tolerance to water stress and heat stress. The work is being conducted in collaboration with research groups in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Peru - and will provide a first cross-continent assessment of how humans are influencing Latin American forests.

Planned Impact

ARBOLES has clear societal applications. Results of our analyses will demonstrate which plant species groups are most impacted by global environmental change and by local disturbances. Furthermore, they will inform us about which plant attributes (traits) underpin ongoing changes in composition across LATAM forests. Our results will further highlight the relative impacts of different forms of disturbance (e.g. defaunation, logging) thus providing a basis for prioritising policy for conservation. Our experimental work (warming/drying) on key plant species used for restoration will provide a basis for restoration practitioners to select species which are more tolerant to climate change (climate-smart agriculture). Similar work conducted on taxa of important agricultural and forestry values will further yield insights into the sensitivity of these species to climate change. Finally, our remote sensing work will provide new large-scale insights into the resilience of LATAM forests to local and global change that are likely to have important development and conservation implications, providing regional policymakers with understanding of how vulnerable different forest types may be to local and global stressors.

ARBOLES team members span four LATAM countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru). The project will enhance scientific capacity within LATAM countries by promoting clear opportunities for early-career scientists to be part a leading scientific team. The reach of the scientific capacity building we propose will be supported by the diverse range of research institutions involved beyond the funded partner countries (including project partner participation from Bolivia, Colombia and Venezuela). ARBOLES will fully supporting science-society links by engaging with government and non-government institutions involved in natural resource management or monitoring, such as the National Institute of Space Research(INPE) who oversee monitoring activities in Brazil, the Forestry Institute (INFOR) in Chile who have been undertaking forest inventories across the country, the Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) who coordinate community-based restoration in Mato Grosso and the Jardin Botánico de Missouri who are a scientific and education NGO based in Oxapampa in Peru. These linkages will ensure that our results have a clear path to policy impact.
Description Although several core ARBOLES papers have still to be published, the grant has contributed to several key research findings to date. These include:

1) The largest analysis of the causes of tree mortality in Amazon rainforests undertaken to date (Esquivel Muelbert et al. 2020, Nature Communications,, based on 120,000 trees from over 3800 species. The analysis evaluates how species and individual-level traits affect the probability of mortality of Amazon trees.

2) Quantification of the net CO2 emissions associated with Amazonian wildfires (Silva et al. 2020, Environmental Research Letters,

3) New insights into the tolerance of leaves of southern Amazon tree species to extreme temperatures (Tiwari et al. 2020, Plant, Cell and Environment, The study evaluates key thermal sensitivity traits of of trees in the Amazon's most-stressed region.

4) First analysis of the thermal safety margins (i.e. how close leaf temperatures are to leaf damage thresholds) of trees in the Amazon-Cerrado transition. (Araujo et al. 2021, Environmental Research Letters,

Current work either in review or in preparation evaluates how traits that that indicate sensitivity to heat and drought vary across Latin American forests, how plant functional traits have shifted over time and how these are related to forest function.
Exploitation Route The results published thus far are highly relevant for our understanding of how LATAM forests respond to climate change and anthropogenic degradation. The new insights of the functional trait basis of forest function and resilience is of great relevance for modelling groups seeking to better improve predictions of global change impacts on Latin American forests and also practitioners who wish to restore degraded areas.

ARBOLES is already directly contributing to several PhD and MSc studentships in South America, as well as to BSc dissertations (Brazil, Peru and Chile). In Brazil alone, ARBOLES datasets and infrastructure are contributing to eight PhD and Master's theses. Furthermore, the new greenhouse infrastructure set up in Peru and Brazil will have lasting scientific impact, enabling continued use for scientific research well beyond the official end of the project.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


Description Although it is too early for ARBOLES' findings to translate into non-academic impact at policy level, the project has already helped to substantially build capacity of young researchers in South America. This has been achieved through postgraduate training workshops and through ARBOLES-associated PhD/Masters theses/dissertations in Brazil. ARBOLES directly contributed/still contributes to the disserations/theses of six students in Brazil and two in Peru that focus on understanding which tropical forest species are most sensitive to heat and drought and their interactive effects. These results are still being written up, but suggest that heat differentially impacts species and plant functional groups and that elevated temperatures exacerbate the effect of water stress.
First Year Of Impact 2021
Sector Environment
Impact Types Societal

Description Understanding the Climate Resilience of Southern Amazon Tree Species
Geographic Reach South America 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Description Modelagem das margens de segurança climática de florestas do sul da Amazônia
Amount R$ 200,000 (BRL)
Funding ID 401833/2022-4 
Organisation National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) 
Sector Public
Country Brazil
Start 05/2022 
End 06/2024
Description PhD of Igor Araujo
Amount R$ 100,000 (BRL)
Organisation Government of Brazil 
Department Coordination of Higher Education Personnel Training (CAPES)
Sector Public
Country Brazil
Start 03/2020 
End 02/2024
Title High-temperature Greenhouses 
Description We have developed a new approach to evaluating the impacts of high temperature on plant functioning in the Southern Amazon. This involved installing two greenhouses on campus, in which one is maintained at control temperatures and the other at 2-5 degrees above ambient temperatures. The temperature differentials between both houses are maintained in two ways: 1) exhaust fans whose rotation/speed is controlled via an arduino-based system and 2) differential lining of the side walls of the greenhouses (the control is lined only with a mesh that allows free mixing of the external air with the internal environment. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This has provided new infrastructure on the UNEMAT Campus in Mato Grosso, Brazil that locally-based postgraduate students and researchers can use for their research. 
Title New LATAM-wide compilation of plant traits 
Description In ARBOLES, we are working with a wide network of project partners to compile an extensive suite of plant traits which range from leaf and seed traits to very specific and much harder to measure physiological traits (e.g. P50). 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The trait data set is still in the process of being compiled, but will ultimately be linked to data on species composition and habitat status to better understand the impact of habitat degradation and changing climate on forests across Latin America. 
Title New database of plant thermal traits 
Description In ARBOLES, we are measuring key thermal traits across LATAM forests. These include the temperature optima and maxima of leaf photosynthesis, the temperature dependency of leaf dark respiration and leaf thermotolerance measurements. This is the first large-scale database of its kind. Traits campaigns have already been carried out in two sites, with a further six trait campaigns due to take place this year. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This database will allow for the first assessment of how different LATAM forests vary in their sensitivity to temperature. Furthermore, it will provide key parameters for improving ecosystem models that predict the impact of climate change on tropical forests. 
Title Temperature and humidity data supporting use of an in situ passive heating method, and associated whole tree responses, Cerrado, Brazil, 2020 
Description The data include temperature and relative humidity (RH) values recorded every minute inside and outside whole-tree, passive heating, open top chambers. Respiration and photosynthesis rates were recorded (at incremental controlled leaf temperatures) on leaves on study individuals of Erythroxylum suberosum growing inside and outside the chambers. Temperature, RH, and solar irradiance were measured every 15 minutes by local weather station are also included for the whole testing period, June to September 2020, in an area of typical Cerrado, Bacaba Park, Nova Xavantina, Brazil. The data were collected to enable development of methodology and testing of, a novel in situ passive heating method for evaluating whole-tree responses to daytime warming in remote environments using an open top chamber. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Description Co-supervision of Masters student Akhil Javad, IISER Pune 
Organisation IISER Pune
Country India 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Ongoing regular meetings and field work design and co-supervision jointly with Dr. Deepak Barua. Will result in at least one publication.
Collaborator Contribution Mutual contribution
Impact Topic is thermoregulation of tropical forest canopies. Project advances very well.
Start Year 2022
Description Collaboration with INPE (Brazilian Space Institute) 
Organisation National Institute for Space Research Brazil
Country Brazil 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution INPE lead an important component of the the project - namely the mapping of canopy traits from space using deep learning techniques. Current efforts involve the mapping of community-weighted mean wood density across Amazonia. UK partners provide an important role in providing base layers for validation of trait prediction algorithms (e.g. community-weighted mean density inferred from forest plot inventory data).
Collaborator Contribution INPE lead on the remote sensing component of the project, providing advanced expertise in artificial intelligence methods that UK partners in the project do not current possess.
Impact No specific outputs as yet
Start Year 2019
Description Collaboration with UNEMAT 
Organisation UNEMAT - Nova Xavantina
Country Brazil 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution One component of ARBOLES involves setting up climatically controlled greenhouses in the UNEMAT campus to evaluate the impact of controlled heat and drought on the performance of seedlings of commercially important species. ARBOLES contributes towards the costs of constructing the greenhouses and the installation of the temperature regulation system in the greenhouses. The project also pays for a full-time technician based in UNEMAT to run the greenhouses. ARBOLES directly contributed to two PhD students (Igor Araujo and Calil Torres) and three MRes students (Carla Heloisa Luz, Edimeia Souza, Jose Wemerson Soares) at UNEMAT, co-supervised by David Galbraith, Emanuel Gloor, Beatriz Schwantes Marimon and Ben Hur Marimon. Igor Araujo has now defended his PhD while Calil Torres is currently in Leeds on a sandwich year here. Two of the MRes students (Edimeia Souza and Jose Wemerson) funded by the project have now defended their dissertations with the third student (Carla Luz) due to defend later this week.
Collaborator Contribution Our UNEMAT partners in Nova Xavantina are Prof. Ben Hur Marimon Junior and Prof. Beatriz Schwantes Marimon, who oversee greenhouse activities locally. The greenhouses are currently in the process of being constructed on the UNEMAT campus, next to the Plant Ecology laboratory, which Prof. Ben Hur and Prof. Beatriz coordinate. They have contributed a substantial amount of time into this component of the work. They also formally co-supervise the PhD students and MRes students listed above.
Impact 1. PhD Thesis of Igor Araujo. 'Sul da Amazônia no limite: Relações entre atributos hidráulicos, estrutura e crescimento das árvores.' Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso. Viva date: 26/10/2023. 2. MRes Dissertation for José Wemerson Soares. 'AVALIAÇÃO DAS RELAÇÕES ENTRE CONDUTÂNCIA ESTOMÁTICA, POTENCIAL HIDRÍCO FOLIAR E VPD EM ÁREAS DA BORDA SUL DA AMAZÔNIA'. Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso. Viva date: 08/03/2023. 3. MRes Dissertation for Edimeia Souza. POTENCIAL DE ACLIMATAÇÃO FOTOSSINTÉTICA E DE RESPIRAÇÃO DE PLÂNTULAS DE ESPÉCIES FLORESTAIS DA BORDA SUL DA AMAZÔNIA". Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso. Viva date: 07/03/2024
Start Year 2019
Description Collaboration with Universidad Austral de Chile 
Organisation Austral University of Chile
Country Chile 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Universidad Austral de Chile is a key LATAM partner in this work, receiving funding from CONICYT to lead new measurements of vegetation traits extending from Mediterranean evergreen forests in the north to wet Patagonian Nothofagus pumilio forests in the south. This is overseen by Project Co-Is Rocio Urrutia and Antonio Lara. The Chilean PDRA, Daniel Carvajal, was trained by a University of Leeds team to make measurements of key plant hydraulic and thermal traits.
Collaborator Contribution The collaboration with Chile has been very important for developing the field-based spectral capture of plant traits, led by the University of Oxford. Oxford Co-I Yadvinder Malhi and PDRA Jesus Aguirre-Gutierrez have visited Chile to take the drone-based multispectral reflectance data in various plots along the transect.
Impact No specific outputs yet
Start Year 2019
Description Collaboration with the Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonia Peruana 
Organisation Peruvian Amazon Research Institute
Country Peru 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution IIAP is a core Latin American Project partner in ARBOLES, receiving CONCYTEC funding to establish climate-conditioned greenhouses to test the sensitivity of commercially sensitive tree species to temperature and water stress. The experimental set-up in IIAP mimics that being set up in our study site in Nova Xavantina, Brazil. Leeds has provided important inputs into the design of the greenhouse and the temperature regulation system.
Collaborator Contribution IIAP partners (Jhon Aguilar, Nallaret Davila, Euridice Honorio) have coordinated the construction of the greenhouse (now in place) and are currently undertaking germination studies to decide on the species for the first round of warming experiments. IIAP will also lead the data collection within the Peruvian experiments.
Impact No outputs yet
Start Year 2019
Description Multiple collaborations enabled via 
Organisation Universities UK International
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Via we are entering into dozens of new collaborations each year, mostly academic exchanges of data, skills, training, and with increasing research outputs as well as some support for science policy. These are detailed here where they are updated regularly is global-leading research infrastructure hosted at the University of Leeds. The partnerships are worldwide, and powering global collaborations including much support for developing country scientists. This particular NERC-funded project has contributed to the development of the shared resource and particularly to the successful networking with our many partners in South America.
Collaborator Contribution is led from the University of Leeds by Professor Oliver Phillips and colleagues, but it exists as a collective effort whose benefits and contributions are widely shared. Partners contribute immensely valuable field data from the tropics, and ideas for projects which they are now leading. They also contribute funded work (ie is now growing more due to NON-UK funded research than to UK-funded research). UK funding has therefore acted as a powerful multiplier.
Impact There are too many to list and the outputs increase month-on-month. Outputs are reported on the ForestPlots website, eg
Start Year 2016
Description Delivery of Climate Sensitivity workshop in Acre, Brazil 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact This workshop was run by a University of Leeds team (David Galbraith, Julia Tavares, Emma Docherty) at the Universidade Federal do Acre (UFAC), Brazil, in November 2019. At the workshop, postgraduate students were taught how to make key traits indicative of climate sensitivity (hydraulic and thermal traits), advanced analysis of trait data in R and the basics of ecosystem modelling with Python.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Invited Talk for International Tree Mortality Network 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact ~60 people attended the talk online, as part of a seminar series organised by the International Tree Mortality Network. The talk generated interesting discussion about best approaches to evaluate the sensitivity of tropical species to climate change.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Invited panellist at UKRI's Latin America COP26 Climate and Biodiversity Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Panel discussion on the role of UK science in climate and biodiversity in Latin America
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Invited talk Plant Ecophysiology Workshop Kerala Forestry Institute KFRI 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Invited talk
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Live lecture to postgraduate students at the Universidade Federal do Pará 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact This was a live lecture, streamed via youtube, on the carbon cycle of Amazon rainforests and its sensitivity to climate and land use change. The lecture was followed by a Q&A session where students from across Brazilian universities engaged with the discussion.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Panellist and speaker at launch of "Science Panel for the Amazon" in main event of COP26 in Glasgow. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Launch of science panel for the Amazon report on impact ongoing
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Q&A and 45 min panel discussion in session on "Amazon Development Pathways: Fostering Conservation and Prosperity 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Q&A and 45 min panel discussion in session on "Amazon Development Pathways: Fostering Conservation and Prosperity". Included spotlight report on me
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020