NSFGEO-NERC: Collaborative Research: Coupling Erosion, Weathering, and Hydrologic Function in an Active Orogenic System

Lead Research Organisation: University of Cambridge
Department Name: Earth Sciences


The collision of continents driven by the movement of the Earth's tectonic plates raises the Earth's greatest mountain ranges. This has fundamental impacts on the habitability of large areas of the continents as well as controlling their geological evolution and moderating global climate. The prime modern example of a continental collision is the northward movement of India colliding with Asia which has raised the Himalayas and Tibet over the last 50 million years. This region sources freshwater for more than one-fifth of the global population and the floodplains of the rivers draining the region provide their food. The Himalayas and Tibet have a major impact on the climate of east and south-east Asia dominated by the summer monsoonal rains. The mountain range is the source of the major natural hazards in the region including earthquakes, landslides and floods. Continental collisions also have a major impact on the geological evolution the continental crust deforming, burying, heating and melting the crust and the associated uplift and erosion provides large amounts of sediment. The continental collisions are also thought to play an important part in moderating global climate on the greater than million-year timescales as the chemical reactions between carbon-dioxide dissolved in rainwater and the eroded sediment enhance the flux of dissolved carbon-dioxide and calcium to the oceans to be deposited as limestone removing carbon-dioxide from the atmosphere and limiting global temperatures.

However the evolution of collisional mountain ranges involves complex interactions between tectonics, erosion and climate. The collision thickens the continents which elevates their surface topography, enhances erosion by landslides and the steeper river profiles. The topographic elevation also alters the local climate, for example by increasing rainfall which enhances erosion by increasing landslide frequency and the ability of rivers to transport sediments. The evolving topography of mountain belts is thought to represent a balance between the thickening of the continental crust by the collision balanced by the tendency of the thickened crust to spread under its own weight and the erosion of the crust forced by the topography and local climatic impacts.

This project will study these complex interactions between the tectonic processes, the erosive processes dominated by landslides and the impact of climate by studying the Melamchi Khola river catchment in Nepal. The catchment spans the dramatic gradient in topography from the foothills to the high mountains, a gradient which is reflected by a marked increase in erosion rates towards the high mountains. The detailed study in one location will enable us to understand the interactions between the controlling processes. For example how does the exhumation rate control landslide formation and the erosion rate. How does the local climate, particularly rainfall, impact this relationship? How does removal of rock by erosion impact the controlling tectonics and propensity for earthquakes and landslides?
The work will involve:
1) Determining how the physical and chemical properties of rock change by fracturing and chemical alteration as groundwater flows through the fractures as they are brought to the surface and the relationship of these changes to both the local tectonics and to climate.
2) Quantify how the topography is shaped by the competing processes of tectonically-driven uplift and erosion by landslides. How are these major processes impacted by the evolution of the rock mass and the groundwater flow through the subsurface.
3) Determine the flow paths of water as rain falls on the mountains and then enters fractured rock before feeding rivers below.
4) Quantify how the chemical alteration of the rock depends on the local climate (temperature and rainfall), groundwater flow paths and erosion rate.
Description We are in the process of analysing a suite of groundwaters from the Himalaya, to determine the key mechanism by which they acquire their solutes as they travel through the subsurface. The initial data is highly interesting, revealing flow path lengths of groundwaters and chemical evolution along those pathways.
Exploitation Route Quality of water
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy




Democracy and Justice

Description A. Joshua West 
Organisation University of Southern California
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution As a part of this collaboration, we have conducted field world in Melamchi basin, Nepal to collect more than 90 spring, stream and bed sand from varying elevations from 900 to 3300m across the pronounced gradient from low relief Middle Hills to the steep High Himalayas. We measured solute concentrations to identify the sources of ions in groundwater and streams and to evaluate the role of flow path length, groundwater fluxes and temperature on elemental and isotopic compositions. Our preliminary results shows an increase in elemental concentration and decrease in Ca normalised elemental ratios with decreasing elevations, consistent with increased weathering intensity due to longer flow path lengths at lower elevations and/or more rapid weathering at the higher temperature at lower elevations. A significant correlation between Na/Ca and Sr/Ca, suggests inputs from both carbonate and silicate sources. Systematic variation in ratios of silicate-derived elements (e.g., Na to Si) in higher altitude catchments may be interpreted to imply that the increases in elemental concentrations with decreasing altitude relate to flow path length. Lower altitude catchments exhibit more varied compositions related to higher intensity silicate weathering reactions.
Collaborator Contribution He works at the intersection of Earth's landscapes, water & soil resources, and the carbon cycle & climate, focusing especially on mountains and their interaction with surrounding floodplains. His work addresses questions about how topography forms and evolves; how mountains control fluxes of water, sediment, and nutrients; how they interact with global biogeochemical cycles to regulate the long-term evolution of Earth's life-sustaining environment; and how they contribute to generating natural hazards, particularly landslides and debris flows. He has been directly involved in this project and leading all the field planning, coordination and exection of research plans. This led to successful completion of previous field works. The next field work has been planned in April 2022 and he is leading field too. His contributions are critical to the scientific outcome of the project.
Impact We aim to gain general understanding through this work about the main controls on stream, groundwater or spring water chemistry in Melamchi basin, as these waters are directly used by the local residents for all their water requirements, and the Melamchi River supplies water to the Kathmandu Valley as part of the Melamchi Water Supply Project. Therefore, the outcomes of this project have direct impact on the society. Further, this project has provided the opportunity to three M.Sc. dissertation and one B.Sc. students from department of Environmental Studies And Earth Sciences, Tribhuvan University to conduct their field work with project team members in Melamchi basin in Nepal. These students are working on their dissertation thesis in close collaboration with the project team members. Further, the outcome from this project will be disseminated to the scientific community at international conferences at Geochemistry Group Research in Progress (GGRiP) meeting at University of Cambridge during 18th-20th April 2023 and Goldschmidt Conference at Lyon France during 9-14 July 2023.
Start Year 2020
Description Abra Atwood 
Organisation University of Southern California
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This collaboration will help to do the longterm and time series monitoring of spring and ground water in the Melamchi basin, Nepal. As a part of this collaboration, we have conducted field world in Melamchi basin, Nepal to collect more than 130 spring, stream and bed sand from varying elevations from 900 to 3300m across the pronounced gradient from low relief Middle Hills to the steep High Himalayas during 2018, 2019 and 2022. We measured solute concentrations to identify the sources of ions in groundwater and streams and to evaluate the role of flow path length, groundwater fluxes and temperature on elemental and isotopic compositions.
Collaborator Contribution Abra Atwood is a PhD student at University of Southern California working on understanding chemical weathering and critical zone architecture development across scales in the Melamchi Valley. She does this through a range of geochemical techniques including groundwater chemistry and transit times (using SF6, CFCs and 3H/3He), thin section analysis and XRF geochemistry in weathering pits and boreholes as well as soil production rates using 10Be cosmogenic nuclides. She has participated in the two previous field works in 2018 and 2019 in the Melamchi Basin Nepal to collect the spring, stream and ground water. These samples along with the new samples collected during 2022 and 2023 to descriminate the source of ions in these waters. Further, these will be used to understand the role of flowpath length and temperature on the elemental and isotopic composition of spring/stream/groundwater.
Impact Our preliminary results shows an increase in elemental concentration and decrease in Ca normalised elemental ratios with decreasing elevations, consistent with increased weathering intensity due to longer flow path lengths at lower elevations and/or more rapid weathering at the higher temperature at lower elevations. A significant correlation between Na/Ca and Sr/Ca, suggests inputs from both carbonate and silicate sources. Systematic variation in ratios of silicate-derived elements (e.g., Na to Si) in higher altitude catchments may be interpreted to imply that the increases in elemental concentrations with decreasing altitude relate to flow path length. Lower altitude catchments exhibit more varied compositions related to higher intensity silicate weathering reactions. Further, the outcome from this collaboration will be presented to the scientific community at international conferences at Geochemistry Group Research in Progress (GGRiP) meeting at University of Cambridge during 18th-20th April 2023 and Goldschmidt Conference at Lyon France during 9-14 July 2023.
Start Year 2020
Description Abra Atwood 
Organisation University of Southern California
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This collaboration will help to do the longterm and time series monitoring of spring and ground water in the Melamchi basin, Nepal. As a part of this collaboration, we have conducted field world in Melamchi basin, Nepal to collect more than 130 spring, stream and bed sand from varying elevations from 900 to 3300m across the pronounced gradient from low relief Middle Hills to the steep High Himalayas during 2018, 2019 and 2022. We measured solute concentrations to identify the sources of ions in groundwater and streams and to evaluate the role of flow path length, groundwater fluxes and temperature on elemental and isotopic compositions.
Collaborator Contribution Abra Atwood is a PhD student at University of Southern California working on understanding chemical weathering and critical zone architecture development across scales in the Melamchi Valley. She does this through a range of geochemical techniques including groundwater chemistry and transit times (using SF6, CFCs and 3H/3He), thin section analysis and XRF geochemistry in weathering pits and boreholes as well as soil production rates using 10Be cosmogenic nuclides. She has participated in the two previous field works in 2018 and 2019 in the Melamchi Basin Nepal to collect the spring, stream and ground water. These samples along with the new samples collected during 2022 and 2023 to descriminate the source of ions in these waters. Further, these will be used to understand the role of flowpath length and temperature on the elemental and isotopic composition of spring/stream/groundwater.
Impact Our preliminary results shows an increase in elemental concentration and decrease in Ca normalised elemental ratios with decreasing elevations, consistent with increased weathering intensity due to longer flow path lengths at lower elevations and/or more rapid weathering at the higher temperature at lower elevations. A significant correlation between Na/Ca and Sr/Ca, suggests inputs from both carbonate and silicate sources. Systematic variation in ratios of silicate-derived elements (e.g., Na to Si) in higher altitude catchments may be interpreted to imply that the increases in elemental concentrations with decreasing altitude relate to flow path length. Lower altitude catchments exhibit more varied compositions related to higher intensity silicate weathering reactions. Further, the outcome from this collaboration will be presented to the scientific community at international conferences at Geochemistry Group Research in Progress (GGRiP) meeting at University of Cambridge during 18th-20th April 2023 and Goldschmidt Conference at Lyon France during 9-14 July 2023.
Start Year 2020
Description Student's fieldwork and dissertation 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact We aim to gain general understanding through this work about the main controls on stream, groundwater or spring water chemistry in Melamchi basin, as these waters are directly used by the local residents for all their water requirements, and the Melamchi River supplies water to the Kathmandu Valley as part of the Melamchi Water Supply Project. Therefore, the outcomes of this project have direct impact on the society. Further, this project has provided the opportunity to three M.Sc. dissertation and one B.Sc. students from department of Environmental Studies And Earth Sciences, Tribhuvan University to conduct their field work with project team members in Melamchi basin in Nepal. These students are working on their dissertation thesis in close collaboration with the project team members. Further, the outcome from this project will be disseminated to the scientific community at international conferences at Geochemistry Group Research in Progress (GGRiP) meeting at University of Cambridge during 18th-20th April 2023 and Goldschmidt Conference at Lyon France during 9-14 July 2023.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022,2023
URL https://sites.google.com/usc.edu/nepal-fres/research?authuser=0