Lethal Psi: Characterising critical embolism thresholds for Amazon tree survival

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leeds
Department Name: Sch of Geography


The Southern Amazon faces the greatest climatic threat of all Amazon regions. This region is drier and warmer than 'core' areas of the Amazon and has been subject to the most pronounced drying and warming trends. It is also the region of the Amazon where increases in tree mortality have been most marked and where atmospheric measurements suggest forests are no longer acting as a carbon sink but as a net source of carbon to the atmosphere. Given that Southern Amazon is at the front line of the Amazon's battle against climate change, it is essential that we better understand how resistant its forest species are to climate stress.

In Lethal Psi, we will construct a new 1-hectare drought experiment to better understand the physiological survival limits of southern Amazon trees. It has become increasingly clear that the process of hydraulic failure plays an important role in drought-induced tree mortality. Water is transported from the soils to the canopy under tension. As drought ensues and the soil dries, the tension in the xylem vessels that transport water intensifies and this can lead to the formation of air bubbles (embolism) in xylem vessels, disrupting water transport to the canopy and ultimately resulting in tree death. While this process is understood in general terms, one critical current knowledge gap is that we don't know the thresholds in embolism formation that result in the death of tropical trees. This lack of understanding of the physiological thresholds that result in death constitutes a key uncertainty for accurately modelling tree mortality under climate change.

Determining the hydraulic thresholds of tree death is not an easy task and requires monitoring tree hydraulic status up to the point of death. In Lethal Psi, we track key indicators of hydraulic function (e.g. leaf water potentials and sap flux) from the beginning of our imposed drought all the way to the death of the tree to quantify how loss of xylem conductance translates into mortality risk. While other drought experiments have been set up in Amazonia, these did not monitor embolism status before and during the mortality process and were thus unable to provide insights into physiological thresholds of survival. Up to now, drought experiments have only been set up northeastern Amazonia, where annual rainfall is almost twice that of our study site and where changes in climate have been much less pronounced than in southern Amazonia. Given their ecotonal nature and the rapid climate change experienced in southern Amazonia, we expect that trees in this region are much closer to their climatic limits and will experience much more accentuated mortality under imposed drought than observed in northeastern experiments.

Ultimately, we plan to use the newly acquired field data to develop improved mortality functions that we will apply more broadly across southern Amazonia to better predict drought mortality risk of this critically important region. This will be done by updating a unique trait-based model specifically developed to simulate Amazon forests and their responses to environmental change.


10 25 50
Description Bolsas de Doutorado CAPES [for UNEMAT based students]
Amount R$ 288,960 (BRL)
Organisation Coordenação de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior 
Sector Public
Country Brazil
Start 03/2023 
End 02/2027
Title Large-scale throughfall exclusion 
Description A 1-hectare scale throughfall exclusion is being set-up to exclude ~50% of the rainfall from hitting the forest floor. This involves installing a network of gutters and panels that divert the rainfall to outside the plot. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2024 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Construction of experiment due to start in May 2024. 
Description Lethal Psi Collaboration with UNEMAT 
Organisation Mato Grosso State University
Country Brazil 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Via Lethal Psi, we are constructing a novel throughfall exclusion experiment in the southern Brazilian Amazon to evaluate the hydraulic thresholds associated with drought-induced mortality. Lethal Psi is funding the installation of the exclusion infrastructure, the payment of the full-time project team responsible for core data collection, the equipment necessary for data collection and modelling-focused PDRA.
Collaborator Contribution UNEMAT has a pivotal role in enhancing the research output of the project through inclusion of postgraduate students who will use the project infrastructure to undertake their dissertation/thesis work. Currently, six UNEMAT-based PhD researchers and at least one UNEMAT-based MRes researcher will use the project infrastructure as a platform for their research. These include studies focusing on hydraulic vulnerability, whole plant hydraulic conductance, non-structural carbohydrates, impact of drought on reflectance and mycorhizzal uptake. In-kind costs reflects costs of UNEMAT studentships associated with the award.
Impact Project is still in the initial, project installation phase. No specific Lethal Psi outputs to report thus far.
Start Year 2023