The molecular ecology of arsenic; probing the biogeochemical basis of a humanitarian disaster

Lead Research Organisation: University of Bristol
Department Name: Chemistry


The use of groundwaters containing high concentrations of arsenic for drinking and irrigation is poisoning millions worldwide. For example, in West Bengal and Bangladesh arsenic levels can reach mg quantities of arsenic per litre of water, and this has led to what has been described as 'the worst mass poisoning in human history'. Despite the urgent need for fundamental information in the mechanism of arsenic release from sediments into water, the causes of this humanitarian disaster remain controversial. Several possible mechanisms may release arsenic sorbed to minerals in the sediments, and all have been debated vigorously. These include changes in the sediment minerals from the oxidation of arsenic-rich pyrite in the upper regions of the aquifers or the breakdown of arsenic-rich Fe(III) oxyhydroxides under reducing conditions deeper in the sediments, while other ions in the water could also mobilise sorbed arsenic e.g. phosphate or carbonate. Although these changes are chemical, there is a growing consensus that microorganisms in the sediments may well drive these reactions. Indeed, recent results from our laboratory have shown that specialist subsurface microorganisms mobilise the toxic arsenic sorbed to minerals in the sediments. Growing in the absence of oxygen, these 'metal-reducing bacteria' gain energy from the reduction of sorbed As(V) coupled to the oxidation of organic matter. With growing support from studies in other laboratories, there is now a consensus that this form of microbial metabolism plays a critical role in controlling arsenic concentrations in aquifer sediments worldwide. There is, however, little information on the identity of the bacteria responsible, and no model organisms on which to base 'geomicrobiological' studies on the mechanism of arsenic reduction and mobilisation in aquifers in the Ganges delta. This information is needed urgently to underpin remediation efforts or help develop safer practices for water use, as it is clearly very difficult to solve an environmental problem without a detailed understanding of the cause. The aim of this work is to address our limitations of the understanding of the mechanism of As mobilisation in aquifers by conducting a detailed and long overdue study of the microbiology of such an aquifer in W. Bengal, alongside the application of state of the art molecular biology techniques to identify the genes and proteins involved in arsenic release from the sediments. By feeding microbial communities with isotopically labeled organic matter (acetate and lactate as proxies for new organic matter drawn into the aquifers by water abstraction and petroleum which is an electron donor in deeper sediments), we will isolate the labeled nucleic acids synthesized from bacteria that are active in the sediments when arsenic is mobilised, and use genetic fingerprinting techniques to identify these 'active' bacteria, and the corresponding arsenic reducing/mobilising genes that they contain. As many of the arsenic genes will be novel, we will look for them in 'metagenomic libraries' which will contain large fragments of DNA from the sediments that encode both the As(V) reductase genes and other highly conserved marker genes that we can use to identify the bacteria accurately. This will be the first time that metagenomic library construction and screening has been used in this field to identify potentially novel As(V)-respiring bacteria without the need to culture them. Finally, so that we can gain a better picture of the role of these biological transformations in the arsenic cycle, we will also study the mineral phases and groundwater composition using state of the art mineralogical and geochemical techniques, while we are monitoring changes in the microbial communities and the genes that they are expressing. This will allow us to develop a detailed molecular-scale picture of the impact of microbial metabolism on the aqueous and mineral-bound forms of arsenic.
Description The use of groundwaters containing high concentrations of arsenic for drinking and irrigation is poisoning millions worldwide. For example, in West Bengal and Bangladesh arsenic levels can reach mg quantities of arsenic per litre of water, and this has led to what has been described as "the worst mass poisoning in human history". There is a growing consensus that microorganisms may drive geochemical reactions that mobilize As in these aquifers, through the dissimilatory reduction of sorbed As(V) to the more mobile As(III). There was, however, little information on the identity of the bacteria responsible, and no model organisms on which to base "geomicrobiological" studies on the mechanism of arsenic reduction and mobilisation in aquifers in the Ganges delta. This information is needed urgently to underpin remediation efforts or help develop safer practices for water use. The aim of this project was to address our limitations of the understanding of the mechanism of As mobilisation in aquifers by conducting a detailed and long overdue study of the microbiology of high arsenic aquifers in W. Bengal and Cambodia, alongside the application of state of the art molecular biology techniques to identify the genes and proteins involved in reductive mobilization of arsenic from the sediments. Eight main objectives were described in the original grant application focusing broadly on identification of the biogeochemical conditions underpinning arsenic mobilisation in microcosms prepared from W. Bengal sediments, through to identifying the organisms causing As-bearing Fe mineral alterations (using culturing and molecular techniques including SIP and metagenomic tools) and the key organic components of the sediments that promote the microbial reduction of As(V) and the subsequent release of As(III).
All 8 objectives were tackled resulting in the identification of microbial communities dominated by Geobacter species with arrA gene encoded respiratory As(V) reductases, responsible for arsenic mobilization in sediments from Bengal and Cambodia. Labile organic components that stimulated these microbial processes were also identified, and these included natural petroleum compounds in a range of samples. SIP techniques were, for the first time, used to identify the causative organisms within the active fraction of the microbial communities in sediment microcosms, and these studies include the first use of C-13 labelled synthetic and natural alkanes in such experiments. SIP fractions were also analysed by pyrosequencing techniques, in the first metagenomic studies of arsenic contaminated sediments from SE Asia. Other significant firsts include (1) identification of As-attenuating processes (sulfate reduction) supported by low concentrations of naturally occurring organic matter in sediments (2) the isolation and (and sequencing of the genome) of the first microorganism capable of oxidising As(III) or reducing As(V) depending on the redox environment (3) identification of novel biochemical processes mediating As(V) and Fe(III) reduction in this organism. These latter experiments focused on As-bearing marine hydrothermal sediments, and this grant has therefore contributed to major advances in the understanding of arsenic biogeochemistry in both freshwater and marine environments. Through this programme we have successfully developed a molecular-level understanding of the mechanism of arsenic mobilization in sedimentary environments, and we now have the tools to quantify the expression of As(V)-reducing genes in situ, and correlate with rates of As(III) mobilisation in aquifer sediments. From early on in this study it became obvious that we needed major investment to facilitate the collection and processing of undisturbed sediments from SE Asia, and after presentation of our NERC-supported data at a Chapman conference in Cambodia, we were invited to lead the microbial characterisation component of major international initiative through the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program led by Columbia University. We are therefore very well placed to build on the major advances generated by this NERC grant in follow up studies (ongoing).
This grant generated 14 publications in major international journals, 3 invited book chapters and > 20 conference presentations at meetings including the 2009 AGU Chapman Conference on Arsenic in Groundwater in Cambodia, 2009 and 2010 ISEB meetings in Hamburg and Istanbul, 2007/8/9 Goldschmidt Conferences in Cologne/Vancouver/Davos, 2008 ISME Conference in Cairns and the keynote talk at 2008 ISSM in Shizuoka.
Exploitation Route Due to progress on this grant, we were invited to lead the microbial characterisation component of major international initiative through the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program led by Columbia University. We are therefore very well placed to build on the major advances generated by this NERC grant in follow up studies (ongoing). We are also continuing with microbial research linked to CoI Dave Polya's NERC-funded field project on As in SE Asia.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


Description The main users of this research include water companies aiming to provide clean arsenic-free water, and in effected countries in SE Asia various Govt agencies and NGOs. Through this NERC project and other parallel SEAES initiatives, Manchester scientists and social scientists have influenced public policy-making through meetings with government agencies in various parts of Europe, south-east Asia (notably Cambodia and Lao PDR) and India. In India, the Chairman of the Government of West Bengal Arsenic Task Force and the Chief of the Public Health Engineering Directorate participated in an introductory workshop of the UKIERI British Council funded PRAMA Project (Polya PI) on probabilistic risk assessment of groundwater arsenic, held in Kolkata in January 2008. The PHED, which is largely responsible for delivery of a $500 million arsenic remediation programme, is focussed on improving drinking water quality. Lloyd was also on the organising committee of the AGU Chapman Conference on Arsenic inGroundwater of Southern Asia at Siem Reap, Cambodia in March 2009 which reviewed a decade of Earth science research on the mechanism(s) of arsenic mobilization in groundwater of southern Asia, and focused on identifying short to medium term means of dealing with the problem. The conference was attended by leading academics and NGOs and other stakeholders. Presentations were made by both Lloyd and Polya, and several high impact position documents were prepared based on the proceedings (e.g. Polya and Charlet, 2009, Nature Geoscience 2 383-384).
First Year Of Impact 2008
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Environment,Healthcare
Impact Types Policy & public services

Description School visit, Winchester 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact JRL gave talk to 6th form students at Peter Symonds College, Winchester. Feedback positive ... better engagement with environmental science/geomicrobiology
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017