Predicting the fate of CO2 in geological reservoirs for modelling geological carbon storage

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: Earth Atmospheric and Env Sciences


This proposal is to use natural geological examples to evaluate the fate and ultimate safety of disposing of carbon-dioxide deep underground in geological formations. Separation of carbon-dioxide from power station fuels or exhaust products, and the injection and storage of the CO2 underground in geological formations is an economical and practical way for global society to manage energy supplies while transforming to a low carbon economy. The existence of geological sites where natural carbon-dioxide has remained stored for millions of years suggests removal for more than the 10000-year period needed to protect climate maybe practical and safe. However the processes which govern the fate of carbon-dioxide in brine-filled aquifers are complex and to guarantee the safety and efficiency of the storage it is necessary to be able to predict these over the ~ 10000 year storage period, a time much longer than industry currently models reservoir processes. Many of the processes which operate on supercritical or gaseous carbon-dioxide underground may enhance its storage potential. The buoyant CO2 will dissolve in the formation brines to form denser CO2-saturated brine which will sink. The CO2-saturated brine is relatively reactive but current models suggest that the reactions with carbonate and silicate minerals in the reservoir will ultimately lead to a significant proportion of the CO2 being precipitated as carbonate minerals stored permanently. However the CO2-charged brines may also react with the caprocks which retain the carbon-dioxide and it is not known whether this will enhance the seals by mineral precipitation or degrade them by mineral dissolution. A major limitation in our ability to predict these fluid-mineral reactions is that the reactions proceed slowly at variable rates (days or months to many years) and our knowledge of the reaction rates in real field settings is very limited. This project will study fluids and gasses from natural carbon-dioxide reservoirs and, where possible, from sites where carbon dioxide is being actively injected underground, to determine the rates of the mineral-fluid reactions in natural settings. We will duplicate the reactions in laboratory experiments where it will be possible to study the processes under controlled conditions, study individual reactions from the complex set of coupled reactions which take place in the natural rocks and examine the effects of varying potential rate-controlling parameters. The ultimate objective is to inform site assessment, risk and monitoring for geological carbon storage. The research will benefit other areas of the environmental sciences where rates of kinetically-limited fluid-mineral reactions govern important processes.


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Byrne D (2017) Noble gases in conventional and unconventional petroleum systems in Geological Society, London, Special Publications

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Lollar B. Sherwood (2010) Moving beyond tracers: 13C insights into carbon sequestration in GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA

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Warr O (2015) Optimizing Noble Gas-Water Interactions via Monte Carlo Simulations. in The journal of physical chemistry. B

Description This research has funded the development of new techniques to date old crustal fluids (Holland et al., Nature 2013). This type of information is key for developing safety cases for the siting for hazardous materials requiring deep geological disposal such as nuclear waste and anthropogenic CO2. This information is also an important component in identifying how hydrocarbon deposits have formed and is of interest to the hydrocarbon industry. This work has directly led to the reassessment of the hydrogen generation rate within the continental crust (Sherwood Lollar et al., NAture 2015). Hydrogeni generation is of huge academic interest relevant to understanding life in extreme environments but also critical when making a safety case for waste repositories as it can play a key role in bio-activity and redox.

Another significant component of the research has been the development of using the noble gas tracers to identify and quantify how water interacts with subsurface non-water phases(Zhou et al., GCA 2012). Important for using this technique has been developing the physical chemical data base that describes the effect of pressure and temperature on the way the noble gas tracer partitions between different phases. Significant advances in both experimental determination of these parameters and theoretical modelling has been made (Warr et al., 2015a; 2015b; 2016)

A significant field effort to identify the fate of CO2 in an EOR injection program has resulted in important studies investigating the water/CO2/rock reactions. A tracer injection program has only recently yielded data and publications are yet expected from this work that will link the rate of reactions to injection - a key objective of the consortium.
Exploitation Route Engagement with oil industry (in progress)
Sectors Energy


Description One publication resulting from the project showed the new development of techniques able to place ages on geological fluids in systems identified for CO2 storage (Holland et al., Nature 2013). A NERC press release resulted in significant media attention and this discovery was ranked in the top ten science news stories of 2013 by the Discovery Chanel and Fox news ( and This work further attracted a quote from: David Willetts, Minister for Universities and Science 'This is excellent pioneering research. It gives new insight into our planet. It has also developed new technology for carbon capture and storage projects. These have the potential for growth, job creation and our environment.' The ability to date fluids is also of direct interest to the hydrocarbon industry and because of this work we have attracted funding from Exxon Mobil and Statoil to inform their exploration teams.
First Year Of Impact 2013
Sector Energy
Impact Types Economic

Title Gas solubility method 
Description Developed a novel approach to running gas solubility experiments for gases with very low solubility (e.g. noble gases). 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2015 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Has not yet resulted in specific scientific/technical impacts. However, the noble gas work has resulted in increased dialogue with noble gas researchers. 
Description CRIUS consortium 
Organisation University of Cambridge
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution CRIUS consortium: BGS contributed: - At the start of the project, a broad range of expert advice to other project partners about CO2-water-rock reaction and sources of information (especially in terms of European information). - Expertise on elevated pressure/temperature lab-based CO2-water-rock lab experimental geochemical investigations. At various times, 2 researchers from the University of Leeds, and 1 researcher from the university of Manchester/Oxford (same researcher - moved university) came to use the elevated pressure/temperature lab facilities at BGS under supervision of BGS staff. - Assessment of natural CO2-rich sites. 2 BGS staff undertook sedimentological/mineralogical field studies of a site in Utah with naturally-high carbon dioxide concentrations and evidence for CO2-water-rock reactions. Results were shared with researchers at the the University of Cambridge. 1 BGS member of staff assisted researchers at the the University of Cambridge during a drilling operation at a site in Utah, and in particular during downhole fluid sampling and analysis of fluids in the field.
Collaborator Contribution University of Cambridge: Consortium co-ordination, fieldwork in the USA, isotopic analyses and interpretation, geochemistry of CO2-water-rock reaction University of Manchester: Noble gas studies University of Leeds: Geochemistry of CO2-water-rock reaction
Impact A) J. Rosenqvist, C.A. Rochelle and B.W.D. Yardley (2010). Experimental investigations of the effect of carbon dioxide on mineral-water interactions. GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition, Denver, 31 October - 3 November 2010. GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 42, No. 5, abstract number 179280. J) A.E. Milodowski, C.A. Rochelle, A. Lacinska and D. Wagner (2011). A natural analogue study of CO2-cement interaction: Carbonation of calcium silicate hydrate-bearing rocks from Northern Ireland. Energy Procedia, 4, 5235-5242. J) K. Bateman, C. Rochelle, A. Lacinska, D. Wagner, H. Taylor and R. Shaw (2011). CO2-porewater-rock reactions - Large-scale column experiment (Big RIG II). Energy Procedia, 4, 4937-4944. J) J.M. Pearce, G.A. Kirby, A. Lacinska, L. Bateson, D. Wagner, C.A. Rochelle and M. Cassidy (2010). Reservoir-scale CO2-fluid rock interactions: Preliminary results from field investigations in the Paradox Basin, Southeast Utah. Energy Procedia, 4, 5058-5065. A) Kilpatrick, C. Rochelle and D. Noy (2011). Experimental visualisation and modelling of the formation and migration of density plumes during CO2 storage. Flows and mechanics in natural porous media: From pore to field scale (Pore2Field). IFP Energies Nouvelles. Paris, France, 16-18 November 2011. J) C.A. Rochelle and A.E. Milodowski (2013). Carbonation of borehole seals: comparing evidence from short-term lab experiments and long-term natural analogues. Applied Geochemistry 30, 161-177. R) C.A. Rochelle, G. Purser, J. Rosenqvist, A.D. Kilpatrick and B.W.D. Yardley (2013). The dissolution kinetics of illite, labradorite and siderite in CO2-saturated brine: A BGS and Leeds University contribution to the GaMin'11 international intercomparison exercise. British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/13/017. 59 pp. P) V. Thiéry, C.A. Rochelle and A.E. Milodowski (2013). Aperçu des mécanismes d'hydration du ciment et analogues naturels. Géochronique, 126, 30-32. J) N. Kampman, A. Maskell, M.J. Bickle, J.P. Evans, M. Schaller, G. Purser, Z. Zhou, J. Gattacceca, E.S. Petrie, C. Rochelle, C. Ballentine, A. Busch and Scientists of the GRDP (2013). Scientific drilling and downhole fluid sampling of a natural CO2 reservoir: Green River, Utah. Scientific Drilling, 16, 33-43. *A) G. Purser, C.A. Rochelle, and L. Jones (2013). In-situ pH and carbon dioxide solubility in NaCl fluids. Goldschmidt 2013 conference abstracts, p 2005, Mineralogical Magazine DOI:10.1180/minmag.2013.077.5.16. Goldschmidt conference 25-30 August 2013, Florence, Italy. A) J. C. Rushton, D. Wagner, G. Purser, J. M. Pearce and C.A. Rochelle (2013). Green River CO2 natural analogue, Utah: insights into Fe mobilisation from jarosite fracture mineralisation. Goldschmidt 2013 conference abstracts, p 2102, Mineralogical Magazine DOI:10.1180/minmag.2013.077.5.18. Goldschmidt conference 25-30 August 2013, Florence, Italy. A) O. Warr, A. Masters, C.A. Rochelle and C.J. Ballentine (2013). Noble gas partitioning: a critical assessment of current assumptions. Goldschmidt 2013 conference abstracts, p 2467, Mineralogical Magazine DOI:10.1180/minmag.2013.077.5.23. Goldschmidt conference 25-30 August 2013, Florence, Italy. J) N. Kampman, M.J. Bickle, A. Maskell, H.J. Chapman, J.P. Evans, G. Purser, Z. Zhou, M. Schaller, J. Gattacceca, P. Bertier, F. Chen, A.V. Turchyn, N. Assayag, C. Rochelle, C.J.Ballentine and A. Busch (2014). Drilling and sampling of a natural CO2 reservoir: Implications for fluid flow and CO2-fluid-rock reactions during CO2 migration through the overburden. Chemical Geology, 369, 51-82. A) G. Purser, C. Rochelle, J. Rushton and J. Pearce (2014). An experimental study of iron release from red sandstones. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27 April - 2 May 2014. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, EGU2014-4020. A) J. Rosenqvist, A.D. Kilpatrick, B.W.D. Yardley and C.A. Rochelle (2014). Dissolution of K-feldspar at CO2-saturated conditions. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27 April - 2 May 2014. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, EGU2014-10909. A) Ostertag-Henning, C.; Risse, A.; Thomas, B.; Rosenbauer, R.; Rochelle, C.; Purser, G.; Kilpatrick, A.; Rosenqvist, J.;Yardley, B.; Karamalidis, A.; Griffith, C.; Hedges, S.; Dilmore, R.; Goodman, A.; Black, J.; Haese, R. ; Deusner, C.; Bigalke, N.; Haeckel, M.; Fischer, S.; Liebscher, A.; Icenhower, J.P.; Daval, D.; Saldi, G.D.; Knauss, K.G.; Schmidt, M.; Mito, S.; Sorai, M.; Truche, L. (2014). GaMin'11 - an international interlab comparison for geochemical CO2 - saline fluid - mineral interaction experiments. 12th International conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies (GHGT-12), 5-9 October 2014, Austin, Texas, USA. A) G. Purser, C.A. Rochelle, J. Rushton, J.M. Pearce, D. Wagner (2014). An experimental and analogue study of iron release from red sandstones. 12th International conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies (GHGT-12), 5-9 October 2014, Austin, Texas, USA. A) J. Rosenqvist, A.D. Kilpatrick, B.W.D. Yardley, and C.A. Rochelle (2014). Dissolution of K-feldspar at CO2-saturated conditions. Abstract in the proceedings of Goldschmidt 2014. A) O. Warr, A. Masters, C.A. Rochelle and C.J. Ballentine (2014). Defining noble gas partitioning for carbon capture and storage environments. Abstract in the proceedings of AGU 2014. A) O. Warr, C.A. Rochelle, A. Masters and C.J. Ballentine (2014). Using noble gases to define CO2 behaviour in geological CO2 storage analogues. GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 46, No. 6. Abstract T186. J) G. Purser, C.A. Rochelle, H. Wallis, J. Rosenqvist, A. Kilpatrick and B. Yardley (in press). CO2-mineral dissolution experiments using a rocking autoclave and a novel titanium reaction cell. Review of Scientific Instruments, 85, paper 86109, 10.1063/1.4893642. J) Ostertag-Henning, C.; Risse, A.; Thomas, B.; Rosenbauer, R.; Rochelle, C.; Purser, G.; Kilpatrick, A.; Rosenqvist, J.;Yardley, B.; Karamalidis, A.; Griffith, C.; Hedges, S.; Dilmore, R.; Goodman, A.; Black, J.; Haese, R. ; Deusner, C.; Bigalke, N.; Haeckel, M.; Fischer, S.; Liebscher, A.; Icenhower, J.P.; Daval, D.; Saldi, G.D.; Knauss, K.G.; Schmidt, M.; Mito, S.; Sorai, M.; Truche, L. (2014). GaMin'11 - an international interlab comparison for geochemical CO2 - saline fluid - mineral interaction experiments. Energy Procedia, 63, 5538-5543, 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.587. J) G. Purser, C.A. Rochelle, J. Rushton, J.M. Pearce, D. Wagner (2014). An experimental and analogue study of iron release from red sandstones. Energy Procedia, 63, 3268-3274, 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.354. J) O. Warr, C.A. Rochelle, A. Masters and C.J. Ballentine (2015). Determining noble gas partitioning within a CO2-H2O system at elevated temperatures and pressures. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 159, 112-125. J) O. Warr, C.A. Rochelle, A. Masters and C.J. Ballentine (2016). A dual temperature closed loop batch reactor for determining the partitioning of trace gases within CO2-water systems. Review of Scientific Instruments, 87, 016102, doi: 10.1063/1.4938159. Plus 2 that are about to be submitted: - Mineralisation in CO2-rich flow zones in Utah - Rates of K-feldspar dissolution in CO2-rich solutions.
Start Year 2008
Description CRIUS consortium 
Organisation University of Leeds
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution CRIUS consortium: BGS contributed: - At the start of the project, a broad range of expert advice to other project partners about CO2-water-rock reaction and sources of information (especially in terms of European information). - Expertise on elevated pressure/temperature lab-based CO2-water-rock lab experimental geochemical investigations. At various times, 2 researchers from the University of Leeds, and 1 researcher from the university of Manchester/Oxford (same researcher - moved university) came to use the elevated pressure/temperature lab facilities at BGS under supervision of BGS staff. - Assessment of natural CO2-rich sites. 2 BGS staff undertook sedimentological/mineralogical field studies of a site in Utah with naturally-high carbon dioxide concentrations and evidence for CO2-water-rock reactions. Results were shared with researchers at the the University of Cambridge. 1 BGS member of staff assisted researchers at the the University of Cambridge during a drilling operation at a site in Utah, and in particular during downhole fluid sampling and analysis of fluids in the field.
Collaborator Contribution University of Cambridge: Consortium co-ordination, fieldwork in the USA, isotopic analyses and interpretation, geochemistry of CO2-water-rock reaction University of Manchester: Noble gas studies University of Leeds: Geochemistry of CO2-water-rock reaction
Impact A) J. Rosenqvist, C.A. Rochelle and B.W.D. Yardley (2010). Experimental investigations of the effect of carbon dioxide on mineral-water interactions. GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition, Denver, 31 October - 3 November 2010. GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 42, No. 5, abstract number 179280. J) A.E. Milodowski, C.A. Rochelle, A. Lacinska and D. Wagner (2011). A natural analogue study of CO2-cement interaction: Carbonation of calcium silicate hydrate-bearing rocks from Northern Ireland. Energy Procedia, 4, 5235-5242. J) K. Bateman, C. Rochelle, A. Lacinska, D. Wagner, H. Taylor and R. Shaw (2011). CO2-porewater-rock reactions - Large-scale column experiment (Big RIG II). Energy Procedia, 4, 4937-4944. J) J.M. Pearce, G.A. Kirby, A. Lacinska, L. Bateson, D. Wagner, C.A. Rochelle and M. Cassidy (2010). Reservoir-scale CO2-fluid rock interactions: Preliminary results from field investigations in the Paradox Basin, Southeast Utah. Energy Procedia, 4, 5058-5065. A) Kilpatrick, C. Rochelle and D. Noy (2011). Experimental visualisation and modelling of the formation and migration of density plumes during CO2 storage. Flows and mechanics in natural porous media: From pore to field scale (Pore2Field). IFP Energies Nouvelles. Paris, France, 16-18 November 2011. J) C.A. Rochelle and A.E. Milodowski (2013). Carbonation of borehole seals: comparing evidence from short-term lab experiments and long-term natural analogues. Applied Geochemistry 30, 161-177. R) C.A. Rochelle, G. Purser, J. Rosenqvist, A.D. Kilpatrick and B.W.D. Yardley (2013). The dissolution kinetics of illite, labradorite and siderite in CO2-saturated brine: A BGS and Leeds University contribution to the GaMin'11 international intercomparison exercise. British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/13/017. 59 pp. P) V. Thiéry, C.A. Rochelle and A.E. Milodowski (2013). Aperçu des mécanismes d'hydration du ciment et analogues naturels. Géochronique, 126, 30-32. J) N. Kampman, A. Maskell, M.J. Bickle, J.P. Evans, M. Schaller, G. Purser, Z. Zhou, J. Gattacceca, E.S. Petrie, C. Rochelle, C. Ballentine, A. Busch and Scientists of the GRDP (2013). Scientific drilling and downhole fluid sampling of a natural CO2 reservoir: Green River, Utah. Scientific Drilling, 16, 33-43. *A) G. Purser, C.A. Rochelle, and L. Jones (2013). In-situ pH and carbon dioxide solubility in NaCl fluids. Goldschmidt 2013 conference abstracts, p 2005, Mineralogical Magazine DOI:10.1180/minmag.2013.077.5.16. Goldschmidt conference 25-30 August 2013, Florence, Italy. A) J. C. Rushton, D. Wagner, G. Purser, J. M. Pearce and C.A. Rochelle (2013). Green River CO2 natural analogue, Utah: insights into Fe mobilisation from jarosite fracture mineralisation. Goldschmidt 2013 conference abstracts, p 2102, Mineralogical Magazine DOI:10.1180/minmag.2013.077.5.18. Goldschmidt conference 25-30 August 2013, Florence, Italy. A) O. Warr, A. Masters, C.A. Rochelle and C.J. Ballentine (2013). Noble gas partitioning: a critical assessment of current assumptions. Goldschmidt 2013 conference abstracts, p 2467, Mineralogical Magazine DOI:10.1180/minmag.2013.077.5.23. Goldschmidt conference 25-30 August 2013, Florence, Italy. J) N. Kampman, M.J. Bickle, A. Maskell, H.J. Chapman, J.P. Evans, G. Purser, Z. Zhou, M. Schaller, J. Gattacceca, P. Bertier, F. Chen, A.V. Turchyn, N. Assayag, C. Rochelle, C.J.Ballentine and A. Busch (2014). Drilling and sampling of a natural CO2 reservoir: Implications for fluid flow and CO2-fluid-rock reactions during CO2 migration through the overburden. Chemical Geology, 369, 51-82. A) G. Purser, C. Rochelle, J. Rushton and J. Pearce (2014). An experimental study of iron release from red sandstones. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27 April - 2 May 2014. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, EGU2014-4020. A) J. Rosenqvist, A.D. Kilpatrick, B.W.D. Yardley and C.A. Rochelle (2014). Dissolution of K-feldspar at CO2-saturated conditions. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27 April - 2 May 2014. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, EGU2014-10909. A) Ostertag-Henning, C.; Risse, A.; Thomas, B.; Rosenbauer, R.; Rochelle, C.; Purser, G.; Kilpatrick, A.; Rosenqvist, J.;Yardley, B.; Karamalidis, A.; Griffith, C.; Hedges, S.; Dilmore, R.; Goodman, A.; Black, J.; Haese, R. ; Deusner, C.; Bigalke, N.; Haeckel, M.; Fischer, S.; Liebscher, A.; Icenhower, J.P.; Daval, D.; Saldi, G.D.; Knauss, K.G.; Schmidt, M.; Mito, S.; Sorai, M.; Truche, L. (2014). GaMin'11 - an international interlab comparison for geochemical CO2 - saline fluid - mineral interaction experiments. 12th International conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies (GHGT-12), 5-9 October 2014, Austin, Texas, USA. A) G. Purser, C.A. Rochelle, J. Rushton, J.M. Pearce, D. Wagner (2014). An experimental and analogue study of iron release from red sandstones. 12th International conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies (GHGT-12), 5-9 October 2014, Austin, Texas, USA. A) J. Rosenqvist, A.D. Kilpatrick, B.W.D. Yardley, and C.A. Rochelle (2014). Dissolution of K-feldspar at CO2-saturated conditions. Abstract in the proceedings of Goldschmidt 2014. A) O. Warr, A. Masters, C.A. Rochelle and C.J. Ballentine (2014). Defining noble gas partitioning for carbon capture and storage environments. Abstract in the proceedings of AGU 2014. A) O. Warr, C.A. Rochelle, A. Masters and C.J. Ballentine (2014). Using noble gases to define CO2 behaviour in geological CO2 storage analogues. GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 46, No. 6. Abstract T186. J) G. Purser, C.A. Rochelle, H. Wallis, J. Rosenqvist, A. Kilpatrick and B. Yardley (in press). CO2-mineral dissolution experiments using a rocking autoclave and a novel titanium reaction cell. Review of Scientific Instruments, 85, paper 86109, 10.1063/1.4893642. J) Ostertag-Henning, C.; Risse, A.; Thomas, B.; Rosenbauer, R.; Rochelle, C.; Purser, G.; Kilpatrick, A.; Rosenqvist, J.;Yardley, B.; Karamalidis, A.; Griffith, C.; Hedges, S.; Dilmore, R.; Goodman, A.; Black, J.; Haese, R. ; Deusner, C.; Bigalke, N.; Haeckel, M.; Fischer, S.; Liebscher, A.; Icenhower, J.P.; Daval, D.; Saldi, G.D.; Knauss, K.G.; Schmidt, M.; Mito, S.; Sorai, M.; Truche, L. (2014). GaMin'11 - an international interlab comparison for geochemical CO2 - saline fluid - mineral interaction experiments. Energy Procedia, 63, 5538-5543, 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.587. J) G. Purser, C.A. Rochelle, J. Rushton, J.M. Pearce, D. Wagner (2014). An experimental and analogue study of iron release from red sandstones. Energy Procedia, 63, 3268-3274, 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.354. J) O. Warr, C.A. Rochelle, A. Masters and C.J. Ballentine (2015). Determining noble gas partitioning within a CO2-H2O system at elevated temperatures and pressures. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 159, 112-125. J) O. Warr, C.A. Rochelle, A. Masters and C.J. Ballentine (2016). A dual temperature closed loop batch reactor for determining the partitioning of trace gases within CO2-water systems. Review of Scientific Instruments, 87, 016102, doi: 10.1063/1.4938159. Plus 2 that are about to be submitted: - Mineralisation in CO2-rich flow zones in Utah - Rates of K-feldspar dissolution in CO2-rich solutions.
Start Year 2008
Description CRIUS consortium 
Organisation University of Manchester
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution CRIUS consortium: BGS contributed: - At the start of the project, a broad range of expert advice to other project partners about CO2-water-rock reaction and sources of information (especially in terms of European information). - Expertise on elevated pressure/temperature lab-based CO2-water-rock lab experimental geochemical investigations. At various times, 2 researchers from the University of Leeds, and 1 researcher from the university of Manchester/Oxford (same researcher - moved university) came to use the elevated pressure/temperature lab facilities at BGS under supervision of BGS staff. - Assessment of natural CO2-rich sites. 2 BGS staff undertook sedimentological/mineralogical field studies of a site in Utah with naturally-high carbon dioxide concentrations and evidence for CO2-water-rock reactions. Results were shared with researchers at the the University of Cambridge. 1 BGS member of staff assisted researchers at the the University of Cambridge during a drilling operation at a site in Utah, and in particular during downhole fluid sampling and analysis of fluids in the field.
Collaborator Contribution University of Cambridge: Consortium co-ordination, fieldwork in the USA, isotopic analyses and interpretation, geochemistry of CO2-water-rock reaction University of Manchester: Noble gas studies University of Leeds: Geochemistry of CO2-water-rock reaction
Impact A) J. Rosenqvist, C.A. Rochelle and B.W.D. Yardley (2010). Experimental investigations of the effect of carbon dioxide on mineral-water interactions. GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition, Denver, 31 October - 3 November 2010. GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 42, No. 5, abstract number 179280. J) A.E. Milodowski, C.A. Rochelle, A. Lacinska and D. Wagner (2011). A natural analogue study of CO2-cement interaction: Carbonation of calcium silicate hydrate-bearing rocks from Northern Ireland. Energy Procedia, 4, 5235-5242. J) K. Bateman, C. Rochelle, A. Lacinska, D. Wagner, H. Taylor and R. Shaw (2011). CO2-porewater-rock reactions - Large-scale column experiment (Big RIG II). Energy Procedia, 4, 4937-4944. J) J.M. Pearce, G.A. Kirby, A. Lacinska, L. Bateson, D. Wagner, C.A. Rochelle and M. Cassidy (2010). Reservoir-scale CO2-fluid rock interactions: Preliminary results from field investigations in the Paradox Basin, Southeast Utah. Energy Procedia, 4, 5058-5065. A) Kilpatrick, C. Rochelle and D. Noy (2011). Experimental visualisation and modelling of the formation and migration of density plumes during CO2 storage. Flows and mechanics in natural porous media: From pore to field scale (Pore2Field). IFP Energies Nouvelles. Paris, France, 16-18 November 2011. J) C.A. Rochelle and A.E. Milodowski (2013). Carbonation of borehole seals: comparing evidence from short-term lab experiments and long-term natural analogues. Applied Geochemistry 30, 161-177. R) C.A. Rochelle, G. Purser, J. Rosenqvist, A.D. Kilpatrick and B.W.D. Yardley (2013). The dissolution kinetics of illite, labradorite and siderite in CO2-saturated brine: A BGS and Leeds University contribution to the GaMin'11 international intercomparison exercise. British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/13/017. 59 pp. P) V. Thiéry, C.A. Rochelle and A.E. Milodowski (2013). Aperçu des mécanismes d'hydration du ciment et analogues naturels. Géochronique, 126, 30-32. J) N. Kampman, A. Maskell, M.J. Bickle, J.P. Evans, M. Schaller, G. Purser, Z. Zhou, J. Gattacceca, E.S. Petrie, C. Rochelle, C. Ballentine, A. Busch and Scientists of the GRDP (2013). Scientific drilling and downhole fluid sampling of a natural CO2 reservoir: Green River, Utah. Scientific Drilling, 16, 33-43. *A) G. Purser, C.A. Rochelle, and L. Jones (2013). In-situ pH and carbon dioxide solubility in NaCl fluids. Goldschmidt 2013 conference abstracts, p 2005, Mineralogical Magazine DOI:10.1180/minmag.2013.077.5.16. Goldschmidt conference 25-30 August 2013, Florence, Italy. A) J. C. Rushton, D. Wagner, G. Purser, J. M. Pearce and C.A. Rochelle (2013). Green River CO2 natural analogue, Utah: insights into Fe mobilisation from jarosite fracture mineralisation. Goldschmidt 2013 conference abstracts, p 2102, Mineralogical Magazine DOI:10.1180/minmag.2013.077.5.18. Goldschmidt conference 25-30 August 2013, Florence, Italy. A) O. Warr, A. Masters, C.A. Rochelle and C.J. Ballentine (2013). Noble gas partitioning: a critical assessment of current assumptions. Goldschmidt 2013 conference abstracts, p 2467, Mineralogical Magazine DOI:10.1180/minmag.2013.077.5.23. Goldschmidt conference 25-30 August 2013, Florence, Italy. J) N. Kampman, M.J. Bickle, A. Maskell, H.J. Chapman, J.P. Evans, G. Purser, Z. Zhou, M. Schaller, J. Gattacceca, P. Bertier, F. Chen, A.V. Turchyn, N. Assayag, C. Rochelle, C.J.Ballentine and A. Busch (2014). Drilling and sampling of a natural CO2 reservoir: Implications for fluid flow and CO2-fluid-rock reactions during CO2 migration through the overburden. Chemical Geology, 369, 51-82. A) G. Purser, C. Rochelle, J. Rushton and J. Pearce (2014). An experimental study of iron release from red sandstones. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27 April - 2 May 2014. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, EGU2014-4020. A) J. Rosenqvist, A.D. Kilpatrick, B.W.D. Yardley and C.A. Rochelle (2014). Dissolution of K-feldspar at CO2-saturated conditions. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27 April - 2 May 2014. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, EGU2014-10909. A) Ostertag-Henning, C.; Risse, A.; Thomas, B.; Rosenbauer, R.; Rochelle, C.; Purser, G.; Kilpatrick, A.; Rosenqvist, J.;Yardley, B.; Karamalidis, A.; Griffith, C.; Hedges, S.; Dilmore, R.; Goodman, A.; Black, J.; Haese, R. ; Deusner, C.; Bigalke, N.; Haeckel, M.; Fischer, S.; Liebscher, A.; Icenhower, J.P.; Daval, D.; Saldi, G.D.; Knauss, K.G.; Schmidt, M.; Mito, S.; Sorai, M.; Truche, L. (2014). GaMin'11 - an international interlab comparison for geochemical CO2 - saline fluid - mineral interaction experiments. 12th International conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies (GHGT-12), 5-9 October 2014, Austin, Texas, USA. A) G. Purser, C.A. Rochelle, J. Rushton, J.M. Pearce, D. Wagner (2014). An experimental and analogue study of iron release from red sandstones. 12th International conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies (GHGT-12), 5-9 October 2014, Austin, Texas, USA. A) J. Rosenqvist, A.D. Kilpatrick, B.W.D. Yardley, and C.A. Rochelle (2014). Dissolution of K-feldspar at CO2-saturated conditions. Abstract in the proceedings of Goldschmidt 2014. A) O. Warr, A. Masters, C.A. Rochelle and C.J. Ballentine (2014). Defining noble gas partitioning for carbon capture and storage environments. Abstract in the proceedings of AGU 2014. A) O. Warr, C.A. Rochelle, A. Masters and C.J. Ballentine (2014). Using noble gases to define CO2 behaviour in geological CO2 storage analogues. GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 46, No. 6. Abstract T186. J) G. Purser, C.A. Rochelle, H. Wallis, J. Rosenqvist, A. Kilpatrick and B. Yardley (in press). CO2-mineral dissolution experiments using a rocking autoclave and a novel titanium reaction cell. Review of Scientific Instruments, 85, paper 86109, 10.1063/1.4893642. J) Ostertag-Henning, C.; Risse, A.; Thomas, B.; Rosenbauer, R.; Rochelle, C.; Purser, G.; Kilpatrick, A.; Rosenqvist, J.;Yardley, B.; Karamalidis, A.; Griffith, C.; Hedges, S.; Dilmore, R.; Goodman, A.; Black, J.; Haese, R. ; Deusner, C.; Bigalke, N.; Haeckel, M.; Fischer, S.; Liebscher, A.; Icenhower, J.P.; Daval, D.; Saldi, G.D.; Knauss, K.G.; Schmidt, M.; Mito, S.; Sorai, M.; Truche, L. (2014). GaMin'11 - an international interlab comparison for geochemical CO2 - saline fluid - mineral interaction experiments. Energy Procedia, 63, 5538-5543, 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.587. J) G. Purser, C.A. Rochelle, J. Rushton, J.M. Pearce, D. Wagner (2014). An experimental and analogue study of iron release from red sandstones. Energy Procedia, 63, 3268-3274, 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.354. J) O. Warr, C.A. Rochelle, A. Masters and C.J. Ballentine (2015). Determining noble gas partitioning within a CO2-H2O system at elevated temperatures and pressures. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 159, 112-125. J) O. Warr, C.A. Rochelle, A. Masters and C.J. Ballentine (2016). A dual temperature closed loop batch reactor for determining the partitioning of trace gases within CO2-water systems. Review of Scientific Instruments, 87, 016102, doi: 10.1063/1.4938159. Plus 2 that are about to be submitted: - Mineralisation in CO2-rich flow zones in Utah - Rates of K-feldspar dissolution in CO2-rich solutions.
Start Year 2008
Description CRIUS consortium 
Organisation University of Oxford
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution CRIUS consortium: BGS contributed: - At the start of the project, a broad range of expert advice to other project partners about CO2-water-rock reaction and sources of information (especially in terms of European information). - Expertise on elevated pressure/temperature lab-based CO2-water-rock lab experimental geochemical investigations. At various times, 2 researchers from the University of Leeds, and 1 researcher from the university of Manchester/Oxford (same researcher - moved university) came to use the elevated pressure/temperature lab facilities at BGS under supervision of BGS staff. - Assessment of natural CO2-rich sites. 2 BGS staff undertook sedimentological/mineralogical field studies of a site in Utah with naturally-high carbon dioxide concentrations and evidence for CO2-water-rock reactions. Results were shared with researchers at the the University of Cambridge. 1 BGS member of staff assisted researchers at the the University of Cambridge during a drilling operation at a site in Utah, and in particular during downhole fluid sampling and analysis of fluids in the field.
Collaborator Contribution University of Cambridge: Consortium co-ordination, fieldwork in the USA, isotopic analyses and interpretation, geochemistry of CO2-water-rock reaction University of Manchester: Noble gas studies University of Leeds: Geochemistry of CO2-water-rock reaction
Impact A) J. Rosenqvist, C.A. Rochelle and B.W.D. Yardley (2010). Experimental investigations of the effect of carbon dioxide on mineral-water interactions. GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition, Denver, 31 October - 3 November 2010. GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 42, No. 5, abstract number 179280. J) A.E. Milodowski, C.A. Rochelle, A. Lacinska and D. Wagner (2011). A natural analogue study of CO2-cement interaction: Carbonation of calcium silicate hydrate-bearing rocks from Northern Ireland. Energy Procedia, 4, 5235-5242. J) K. Bateman, C. Rochelle, A. Lacinska, D. Wagner, H. Taylor and R. Shaw (2011). CO2-porewater-rock reactions - Large-scale column experiment (Big RIG II). Energy Procedia, 4, 4937-4944. J) J.M. Pearce, G.A. Kirby, A. Lacinska, L. Bateson, D. Wagner, C.A. Rochelle and M. Cassidy (2010). Reservoir-scale CO2-fluid rock interactions: Preliminary results from field investigations in the Paradox Basin, Southeast Utah. Energy Procedia, 4, 5058-5065. A) Kilpatrick, C. Rochelle and D. Noy (2011). Experimental visualisation and modelling of the formation and migration of density plumes during CO2 storage. Flows and mechanics in natural porous media: From pore to field scale (Pore2Field). IFP Energies Nouvelles. Paris, France, 16-18 November 2011. J) C.A. Rochelle and A.E. Milodowski (2013). Carbonation of borehole seals: comparing evidence from short-term lab experiments and long-term natural analogues. Applied Geochemistry 30, 161-177. R) C.A. Rochelle, G. Purser, J. Rosenqvist, A.D. Kilpatrick and B.W.D. Yardley (2013). The dissolution kinetics of illite, labradorite and siderite in CO2-saturated brine: A BGS and Leeds University contribution to the GaMin'11 international intercomparison exercise. British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/13/017. 59 pp. P) V. Thiéry, C.A. Rochelle and A.E. Milodowski (2013). Aperçu des mécanismes d'hydration du ciment et analogues naturels. Géochronique, 126, 30-32. J) N. Kampman, A. Maskell, M.J. Bickle, J.P. Evans, M. Schaller, G. Purser, Z. Zhou, J. Gattacceca, E.S. Petrie, C. Rochelle, C. Ballentine, A. Busch and Scientists of the GRDP (2013). Scientific drilling and downhole fluid sampling of a natural CO2 reservoir: Green River, Utah. Scientific Drilling, 16, 33-43. *A) G. Purser, C.A. Rochelle, and L. Jones (2013). In-situ pH and carbon dioxide solubility in NaCl fluids. Goldschmidt 2013 conference abstracts, p 2005, Mineralogical Magazine DOI:10.1180/minmag.2013.077.5.16. Goldschmidt conference 25-30 August 2013, Florence, Italy. A) J. C. Rushton, D. Wagner, G. Purser, J. M. Pearce and C.A. Rochelle (2013). Green River CO2 natural analogue, Utah: insights into Fe mobilisation from jarosite fracture mineralisation. Goldschmidt 2013 conference abstracts, p 2102, Mineralogical Magazine DOI:10.1180/minmag.2013.077.5.18. Goldschmidt conference 25-30 August 2013, Florence, Italy. A) O. Warr, A. Masters, C.A. Rochelle and C.J. Ballentine (2013). Noble gas partitioning: a critical assessment of current assumptions. Goldschmidt 2013 conference abstracts, p 2467, Mineralogical Magazine DOI:10.1180/minmag.2013.077.5.23. Goldschmidt conference 25-30 August 2013, Florence, Italy. J) N. Kampman, M.J. Bickle, A. Maskell, H.J. Chapman, J.P. Evans, G. Purser, Z. Zhou, M. Schaller, J. Gattacceca, P. Bertier, F. Chen, A.V. Turchyn, N. Assayag, C. Rochelle, C.J.Ballentine and A. Busch (2014). Drilling and sampling of a natural CO2 reservoir: Implications for fluid flow and CO2-fluid-rock reactions during CO2 migration through the overburden. Chemical Geology, 369, 51-82. A) G. Purser, C. Rochelle, J. Rushton and J. Pearce (2014). An experimental study of iron release from red sandstones. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27 April - 2 May 2014. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, EGU2014-4020. A) J. Rosenqvist, A.D. Kilpatrick, B.W.D. Yardley and C.A. Rochelle (2014). Dissolution of K-feldspar at CO2-saturated conditions. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27 April - 2 May 2014. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, EGU2014-10909. A) Ostertag-Henning, C.; Risse, A.; Thomas, B.; Rosenbauer, R.; Rochelle, C.; Purser, G.; Kilpatrick, A.; Rosenqvist, J.;Yardley, B.; Karamalidis, A.; Griffith, C.; Hedges, S.; Dilmore, R.; Goodman, A.; Black, J.; Haese, R. ; Deusner, C.; Bigalke, N.; Haeckel, M.; Fischer, S.; Liebscher, A.; Icenhower, J.P.; Daval, D.; Saldi, G.D.; Knauss, K.G.; Schmidt, M.; Mito, S.; Sorai, M.; Truche, L. (2014). GaMin'11 - an international interlab comparison for geochemical CO2 - saline fluid - mineral interaction experiments. 12th International conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies (GHGT-12), 5-9 October 2014, Austin, Texas, USA. A) G. Purser, C.A. Rochelle, J. Rushton, J.M. Pearce, D. Wagner (2014). An experimental and analogue study of iron release from red sandstones. 12th International conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies (GHGT-12), 5-9 October 2014, Austin, Texas, USA. A) J. Rosenqvist, A.D. Kilpatrick, B.W.D. Yardley, and C.A. Rochelle (2014). Dissolution of K-feldspar at CO2-saturated conditions. Abstract in the proceedings of Goldschmidt 2014. A) O. Warr, A. Masters, C.A. Rochelle and C.J. Ballentine (2014). Defining noble gas partitioning for carbon capture and storage environments. Abstract in the proceedings of AGU 2014. A) O. Warr, C.A. Rochelle, A. Masters and C.J. Ballentine (2014). Using noble gases to define CO2 behaviour in geological CO2 storage analogues. GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 46, No. 6. Abstract T186. J) G. Purser, C.A. Rochelle, H. Wallis, J. Rosenqvist, A. Kilpatrick and B. Yardley (in press). CO2-mineral dissolution experiments using a rocking autoclave and a novel titanium reaction cell. Review of Scientific Instruments, 85, paper 86109, 10.1063/1.4893642. J) Ostertag-Henning, C.; Risse, A.; Thomas, B.; Rosenbauer, R.; Rochelle, C.; Purser, G.; Kilpatrick, A.; Rosenqvist, J.;Yardley, B.; Karamalidis, A.; Griffith, C.; Hedges, S.; Dilmore, R.; Goodman, A.; Black, J.; Haese, R. ; Deusner, C.; Bigalke, N.; Haeckel, M.; Fischer, S.; Liebscher, A.; Icenhower, J.P.; Daval, D.; Saldi, G.D.; Knauss, K.G.; Schmidt, M.; Mito, S.; Sorai, M.; Truche, L. (2014). GaMin'11 - an international interlab comparison for geochemical CO2 - saline fluid - mineral interaction experiments. Energy Procedia, 63, 5538-5543, 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.587. J) G. Purser, C.A. Rochelle, J. Rushton, J.M. Pearce, D. Wagner (2014). An experimental and analogue study of iron release from red sandstones. Energy Procedia, 63, 3268-3274, 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.354. J) O. Warr, C.A. Rochelle, A. Masters and C.J. Ballentine (2015). Determining noble gas partitioning within a CO2-H2O system at elevated temperatures and pressures. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 159, 112-125. J) O. Warr, C.A. Rochelle, A. Masters and C.J. Ballentine (2016). A dual temperature closed loop batch reactor for determining the partitioning of trace gases within CO2-water systems. Review of Scientific Instruments, 87, 016102, doi: 10.1063/1.4938159. Plus 2 that are about to be submitted: - Mineralisation in CO2-rich flow zones in Utah - Rates of K-feldspar dissolution in CO2-rich solutions.
Start Year 2008