End-to-end Quantification of Uncertainty for Impacts Prediction (EQUIP)

Lead Research Organisation: Newcastle University
Department Name: Civil Engineering and Geosciences


Society is becoming increasingly aware of climate change and its consequences for us. Examples of likely impacts are changes in food production, increases in mortality rates due to heat waves, and changes in our marine environment. Despite such emerging knowledge, precise predictions of future climate are (and will remain) unattainable owing to the fundamental chaotic nature of the climate system and to imperfections in our understanding, our climate simulation models and our observations of the climate system. This situation limits our ability to take effective adaptation actions. However, effective adaptation is still possible, particularly if we assess the level of precision associated with predictions, and thus quantify the risk posed by climate change. Coupled with assessments of the limitations on our knowledge, this approach can be a powerful tool for informing decision makers. Clearly, then, the quantification of uncertainty in the prediction of climate and its impacts is a critical issue. Considerable thought has gone into this issue with regard to climate change research, although a consensus on the best methods is yet to emerge. Climate impacts research, on the other hand, has focussed primarily on a different set of problems: what are the mechanisms through which climate change is likely to affect for example, agriculture and health, and what are the non-climatic influences that also need to be accounted for? Thus the research base for climate impacts is sound, but tends to be less thorough in its quantification of uncertainty than the physical climate change research that supports it. As a result, statements regarding the impacts of climate change often take a less sophisticated approach to risk and uncertainty. The logical next stage for climate impacts research is therefore to learn from the methods used for climate change predictions. Since climate and its impacts both exist within a broader earth system, with many interrelated components, this next stage is not a simple transfer of technology. Rather, it means taking an 'end-to-end' integrated look at climate and its impacts, and assessing risk and uncertainty across whole systems. These systems include not only physical and biological mechanisms, but also the decisions taken by users of climate information. The climate impacts chosen in EQUIP have been chosen to cover this spectrum from end to end. As well as aiding impacts research, end-to-end analyses are also the logical next stage for climate change research, since it is through impacts that society experiences climate change. The project focuses primarily on the next few decades, since this is a timescale of relevance for societies adapting to climate change. It is also a timescale at which our projections of greenhouse gas emissions are relatively well constrained, thus uncertainty is smaller than for, say, the end of the century. Work on longer timescales will also be carried out in order to gain a greater understanding of uncertainty. EQUIP research will build on work to date on the mechanisms and processes that lead to climate change and its impacts, since it is this understanding that forms the basis of predictive power. This knowledge is in the form of observations and experiments (e.g. experiments on crops have demonstrated that even brief episodes of high temperatures near the flowering of the crop can seriously reduce yield) and also simulation models. It is through effective use and combination of climate science and impacts science, and the models used by each community, that we will be able to quantify uncertainty, assess risk, and thus equip society to deal with climate change.
Description We have developed models for estimating future rainfall together with uncertainty limits which can be used to advise water companies in preparing their investment plans for future water resource infrastructure. We have further used climate model outputs to inform future drought and hearwave impoacts for the whole of Europe. 4. Guerreiro, S.B., Birkinshaw, S., Kilsby, C., Fowler, H.J., Lewis, E. 2017 Dry getting drier - the future of transnational river basins in Iberia Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2017.05.009
Exploitation Route Findings on future drought and heatwaves can be used by health and city planning agencies for formulating plans and advice to developers and the general population in designing future cities and systems.
Sectors Environment


Description Our research on the limits of predictability of future rainfall and drought has contributed to future water resource management plans for water companies, notably Yorkshire Water and Southern Water.
First Year Of Impact 2013
Sector Environment,Other
Impact Types Economic

Description NWL 
Organisation Northumbrian Water
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Strategic inputs to operations ranging from urban flooding and sewer modelling to climate change impact assessment for water resource and flooding. Several consultancy projects in the same areas.
Collaborator Contribution Support and partnership in numerous RCUK and other funded projects in the areas of urban flood management. Provision of data sets including whole sewer network of Newcastle.
Impact Ongoing collaboration advising on Blue-Green infrastructure developments in Newcastle including a Learning Action Alliance bringing all Flood Riosk Management stakeholders together in a highly effective network. Working computer model of urban drainage of Newcastle region.
Start Year 2010