Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (Sentinel 3): Pre-mission development of clear-cloud-aerosol classification

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leicester
Department Name: Physics and Astronomy


From 2013 onwards, a series of sensors called Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometers (SLSTRs ) will be operational on European satellites. These SLSTRs will have unique capabilities for long-term observation of Earth's surface and atmosphere, especially for climate applications. SLSTRs will capture images of Earth from each overpass from two viewing directions rather than capturing a single image, which greatly adds to the scientific information that can be deduced from the imagery. SLSTR observations will also be more accurate than those of most comparable sensors. Examples of the scientific information that will be obtained from SLSTRs are land surface temperature (LST), occurrence and intensity of fire (burning of forests and grasslands), surface reflectance (albedo and vegetation products), and the amount of smoke and mineral dust in the atmosphere. Using current techniques, the accuracy of these will be compromised by inadequate 'classification'. To explain: for the best results an accurate interpretation has to be made for each area of the image as to whether there is smoke, other aerosols, or clouds present. This is sometimes difficult even for a human expert, and the current software techniques are even less reliable. So, we propose to find a better solution for this classification problem, to maximize the scientific benefit of SLSTR for observation of land surface temperature (LST), fire, surface reflectance (albedo and vegetation products), and atmospheric aerosol. Without this project, the SLSTR estimates of these parameters will be compromised for climate applications. We will develop and prove effective techniques for the classification of imagery over land into areas of clear sky, cloud-cover and elevated aerosol (smoke and mineral dust). We will do this by building on a physically based, probabilistic approach that has proven effective for cloud/clear sky discrimination , and which will be enhanced with advanced aerosol modelling and fitting techniques. The project will develop a multi-way Bayesian classifier of clear-cloud-aerosol conditions, meeting the different needs of LST, fire, surface reflectance and aerosol retrieval. Our objective is scientifically important because of the importance of these parameters in the climate system, particularly to Earth's radiative balance and carbon cycle. Accurate and representative space-based observations on a global scale are essential to adequate understanding and modelling of these processes. It is also just the right time to undertake this work. Assuming success, we will try to ensure that the new techniques are used right from the time the first SLSTR is launched. The work may also offer more immediate benefits, since the new techniques will be prototyped using images from an existing, similar sensor. So, the new techniques could also be used to improve estimates of these parameters over the last two decades.


10 25 50
Description New techniques are being establsihed for cloud classification of satellite images, where both thermal infra-red and visible data are available.
Exploitation Route Use by non-academic SMEs and commercial EO data producers Applications to other satellite missions
Sectors Other

Description Improved cloud clearing research has led to use In the operational European Space Agency/Eumetsat algorithm for Sentinel-3 SLSTR (an instrument on a satellite). The data are incorporated into the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service with hundreds of users.
First Year Of Impact 2016
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Environment
Impact Types Economic

Policy & public services

Description Invited Expert onto the GCOS-TOPC Panel
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
Description LSTM Mission Advisory Group
Geographic Reach Europe 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
Description ARCI, Sentinel 3 MPC
Amount £21,406 (GBP)
Funding ID EOS-2015-2 
Organisation European Space Agency 
Sector Public
Country France
Start 08/2014 
End 08/2015
Description Assessment of the potential use of high resolution Thermal Infra-Red (TIR) bands
Amount € 400,000 (EUR)
Funding ID 4000120368/17/NL/AF/hh 
Organisation ESA - ESTEC 
Sector Public
Country Netherlands
Start 04/2017 
End 04/2020
Amount € 1,500,000 (EUR)
Organisation European Space Agency 
Sector Public
Country France
Start 01/2020 
End 12/2021
Description EO4Society - Restore-IT
Amount € 150,000 (EUR)
Funding ID 4000136484/21/I-DT-lr 
Organisation European Space Agency 
Sector Public
Country France
Start 12/2021 
End 12/2022
Description ESA CCI Land Surface Temperature
Amount € 1,745,720 (EUR)
Funding ID 4000123553/18/I-NB 
Organisation European Space Agency 
Sector Public
Country France
Start 04/2018 
End 10/2021
Description ESA Earth Observation Envelope Programme - Data User Element (GlobTemperature)
Amount € 332,995 (EUR)
Funding ID 4000xxx/13/I-AM 
Organisation European Space Agency 
Sector Public
Country France
Start 11/2013 
End 12/2017
Description ESA LSTM End-2-End Mission Performance Simulator (E2ES) Study
Amount € 250,000 (EUR)
Funding ID 4000125870/18/NL/LF 
Organisation ESA - ESTEC 
Sector Public
Country Netherlands
Start 11/2018 
End 03/2020
Description ESA Sentinel-3 Mission Performance Centre (S3MPC)
Amount € 354,466 (EUR)
Funding ID 4000111836/14/I-LG 
Organisation European Space Agency 
Sector Public
Country France
Start 09/2018 
End 12/2021
Description EUMETSAT Visiting Scientist Scheme (Intercomparison of the CM SAF and GlobTemperature LST TCDR Project)
Amount € 21,000 (EUR)
Organisation European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites 
Sector Public
Country Germany
Start 03/2016 
End 10/2016
Description Ground-Based Observations for validation (GBOV) of Copernicus Global Land Products
Amount € 172,000 (EUR)
Organisation European Commission 
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 09/2017 
End 06/2021
Description Ground-Based Observations for validation (GBOV) of Copernicus Global Land Products - Phase 2
Amount € 2,000,000 (EUR)
Organisation European Union 
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 12/2021 
End 12/2025
Description Land Surface Temperature Climate Change Initiative (LST_cci) Phase-2
Amount € 1,300,000 (EUR)
Funding ID 4000123553/18/I-NB 
Organisation European Space Agency 
Sector Public
Country France
Start 03/2022 
End 03/2025
Description New EO methods for land surface temperature data:SEN4LST
Amount £21,538 (GBP)
Organisation European Space Agency 
Sector Public
Country France
Start 04/2011 
End 05/2013
Description Newton-Fund CSSP-China VEgetation near Real time Detection And moNiToring for China (VERDANT) Project
Amount £221,755 (GBP)
Funding ID P107722 
Organisation Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2020 
End 03/2021
Description Optical Mission Performance Cluster (OPT-MPC)
Amount € 20,000,000 (EUR)
Organisation European Space Agency 
Sector Public
Country France
Start 01/2022 
End 12/2026
Description SPRINT - ESDIM (Environmental Sites Data Intelligent Monitoring)
Amount £49,950 (GBP)
Organisation UK Space Agency 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2021 
End 03/2022
Description Thermal InfraRed Imager Scientific sIMulation study (TIRI-SIM)
Amount € 90,000 (EUR)
Funding ID 4000117242/16/NL/FF/mc 
Organisation ESA - ESTEC 
Sector Public
Country Netherlands
Start 06/2016 
End 06/2017
Title LST_cci AATSR 
Description ESA Land Surface Temperature Climate Change Initiative (LST_cci): Land surface temperature from AATSR (Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer), level 3 collated (L3C) global product (2002-2012), version 3.00 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Climate model evaluation 
Title LST_cci ATSR-2 
Description ESA Land Surface Temperature Climate Change Initiative (LST_cci): Land surface temperature from ATSR-2 (Along-Track Scanning Radiometer 2), level 3 collated (L3C) global product (1995-2013), version 3.00 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Climate model evaluation 
Title LST_cci Aqua-MODIS 
Description ESA Land Surface Temperature Climate Change Initiative (LST_cci): Land surface temperature from MODIS (Moderate resolution Infra-red Spectroradiometer) on Aqua, level 3 collated (L3C) global product (2002-2018), version 3.00 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Climate model evaluation 
Title LST_cci IRCDR 
Description ESA Land Surface Temperature Climate Change Initiative (LST_cci): Multisensor Infra-Red (IR) Low Earth Orbit (LEO) land surface temperature (LST) time series level 3 supercollated (L3S) global product (1995-2020), version 2.00 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Climate model evaluation 
Title LST_cci IRMGP 
Description ESA Land Surface Temperature Climate Change Initiative (LST_cci): Multisensor Infra-Red (IR) Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) land surface temperature (LST) level 3 supercollated (L3S) global product (2009-2020), version 1.00 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Climate model evaluation 
Title LST_cci SLSTR-A 
Description ESA Land Surface Temperature Climate Change Initiative (LST_cci): Land surface temperature from SLSTR (Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer) on Sentinel 3A, level 3 collated (L3C) global product (2016-2020), version 3.00 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Climate model evaluation 
Title LST_cci SLSTR-B 
Description ESA Land Surface Temperature Climate Change Initiative (LST_cci): Land Surface Temperature from SLSTR (Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer) on Sentinel 3B, level 3 collated (L3C) global product (2018-2020), version 3.00 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Climate model evaluation 
Title LST_cci Terra-MODIS 
Description ESA Land Surface Temperature Climate Change Initiative (LST_cci): Land Surface Temperature from MODIS (Moderate resolution Infra-red Spectroradiometer) on Terra, level 3 collated (L3C) global product (2000-2018), version 3.00 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Climate model evaluation 
Title Land Surface Temperature (LST) dataset from the (A)ATSR instruments 
Description Land Surface Temperature (LST) products from the Along-Track Scanning Radiometers (ATSRs) at Level-2 (swath) and Level-3 (gridded) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2014 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Use of this dataset in multiple user applications 
Title Land Surface Temperature (LST) datasets from the MODIS instruments 
Description Land Surface Temperature (LST) datasets from the MODIS instruments with uncertainties estimated from first principles 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2015 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Use the dataset in investigative studies on data assimilation into NWP, and building relationships between land and air temperature to fill the gaps in the global air temperature coverage 
Title Land Surface Temperature Climate Data Record from ATSRs 
Description A first Climate Data Record (CDR) of Land Surface Temperature from the ATSR sensors 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2016 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact First publications in preparation Collaborations with other group in intercomparing the CDR with Air Temperature data records 
Title Land Surface Temperature from SLSTR 
Description Operational Land Surface Temperature from the SLSTR sensor 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Operational Sentinel dataset available to the wide user community via Copernicus 
Title Multi-sensor Merged Land Surface Temperature Dataset 
Description 3-hourly Multi-sensor GEO + LEO Merged Land Surface Temperature dataset to resolve the diurnal cycle on a global basis 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2016 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Exploitation of this dataset in first publications 
Description H2020 EUSTACE Project 
Organisation Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI)
Country Denmark 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Work Package Leader on Validation and Intercomparison Provision of satellite Land Surface Temperature data and associated uncertainties from the MODIS instruments
Collaborator Contribution Project Leadership Building relationships between surface temperature and air temperature
Impact Production of MODIS Land Surface Temperature Product to be added to the UK CEDA Archive for use by the wider science community
Start Year 2015
Description H2020 EUSTACE Project 
Organisation Meteorological Office UK
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Work Package Leader on Validation and Intercomparison Provision of satellite Land Surface Temperature data and associated uncertainties from the MODIS instruments
Collaborator Contribution Project Leadership Building relationships between surface temperature and air temperature
Impact Production of MODIS Land Surface Temperature Product to be added to the UK CEDA Archive for use by the wider science community
Start Year 2015
Description H2020 EUSTACE Project 
Organisation Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute
Country Netherlands 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Work Package Leader on Validation and Intercomparison Provision of satellite Land Surface Temperature data and associated uncertainties from the MODIS instruments
Collaborator Contribution Project Leadership Building relationships between surface temperature and air temperature
Impact Production of MODIS Land Surface Temperature Product to be added to the UK CEDA Archive for use by the wider science community
Start Year 2015
Description H2020 EUSTACE Project 
Organisation Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Work Package Leader on Validation and Intercomparison Provision of satellite Land Surface Temperature data and associated uncertainties from the MODIS instruments
Collaborator Contribution Project Leadership Building relationships between surface temperature and air temperature
Impact Production of MODIS Land Surface Temperature Product to be added to the UK CEDA Archive for use by the wider science community
Start Year 2015
Description H2020 EUSTACE Project 
Organisation University of Bath
Department Department of Mathematical Sciences
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Work Package Leader on Validation and Intercomparison Provision of satellite Land Surface Temperature data and associated uncertainties from the MODIS instruments
Collaborator Contribution Project Leadership Building relationships between surface temperature and air temperature
Impact Production of MODIS Land Surface Temperature Product to be added to the UK CEDA Archive for use by the wider science community
Start Year 2015
Description H2020 EUSTACE Project 
Organisation University of Bern
Country Switzerland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Work Package Leader on Validation and Intercomparison Provision of satellite Land Surface Temperature data and associated uncertainties from the MODIS instruments
Collaborator Contribution Project Leadership Building relationships between surface temperature and air temperature
Impact Production of MODIS Land Surface Temperature Product to be added to the UK CEDA Archive for use by the wider science community
Start Year 2015
Description H2020 EUSTACE Project 
Organisation University of Reading
Department Department of Meteorology
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Work Package Leader on Validation and Intercomparison Provision of satellite Land Surface Temperature data and associated uncertainties from the MODIS instruments
Collaborator Contribution Project Leadership Building relationships between surface temperature and air temperature
Impact Production of MODIS Land Surface Temperature Product to be added to the UK CEDA Archive for use by the wider science community
Start Year 2015
Description Implementation of new retrievals in ESA operational system 
Organisation European Space Agency
Country France 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Provision of PAN retrieval expertise
Collaborator Contribution Implementation into operational code
Impact Code for implementation
Start Year 2010
Description International Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Working Group (ILSTE) 
Organisation ACRI-ST
Country France 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Setup and Coordination of this International Working Group Leading the effort to reclassify Land Surface Temperature (LST) as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) Production of community-wide protocols and formats: Validation Protocol; Harmonised Data Format; Common Terminology Organisation of International Meetings of the Working Group
Collaborator Contribution Setup and population of the ILSTE Website Contributions to the effort to reclassify LST as an ECV Contributions to the community protocols and data formats
Impact Direct influence on the decision by GCOS to add LST as an ECV in the next Implementation Plan of 2016 Community-wide established LST Validation Protocol, Harmonised Data Format for LST, and Common Terminology
Start Year 2014
Description International Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Working Group (ILSTE) 
Organisation Estellus
Country France 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Setup and Coordination of this International Working Group Leading the effort to reclassify Land Surface Temperature (LST) as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) Production of community-wide protocols and formats: Validation Protocol; Harmonised Data Format; Common Terminology Organisation of International Meetings of the Working Group
Collaborator Contribution Setup and population of the ILSTE Website Contributions to the effort to reclassify LST as an ECV Contributions to the community protocols and data formats
Impact Direct influence on the decision by GCOS to add LST as an ECV in the next Implementation Plan of 2016 Community-wide established LST Validation Protocol, Harmonised Data Format for LST, and Common Terminology
Start Year 2014
Description International Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Working Group (ILSTE) 
Organisation European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
Country Germany 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Setup and Coordination of this International Working Group Leading the effort to reclassify Land Surface Temperature (LST) as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) Production of community-wide protocols and formats: Validation Protocol; Harmonised Data Format; Common Terminology Organisation of International Meetings of the Working Group
Collaborator Contribution Setup and population of the ILSTE Website Contributions to the effort to reclassify LST as an ECV Contributions to the community protocols and data formats
Impact Direct influence on the decision by GCOS to add LST as an ECV in the next Implementation Plan of 2016 Community-wide established LST Validation Protocol, Harmonised Data Format for LST, and Common Terminology
Start Year 2014
Description International Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Working Group (ILSTE) 
Organisation European Space Agency
Country France 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Setup and Coordination of this International Working Group Leading the effort to reclassify Land Surface Temperature (LST) as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) Production of community-wide protocols and formats: Validation Protocol; Harmonised Data Format; Common Terminology Organisation of International Meetings of the Working Group
Collaborator Contribution Setup and population of the ILSTE Website Contributions to the effort to reclassify LST as an ECV Contributions to the community protocols and data formats
Impact Direct influence on the decision by GCOS to add LST as an ECV in the next Implementation Plan of 2016 Community-wide established LST Validation Protocol, Harmonised Data Format for LST, and Common Terminology
Start Year 2014
Description International Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Working Group (ILSTE) 
Organisation Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Setup and Coordination of this International Working Group Leading the effort to reclassify Land Surface Temperature (LST) as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) Production of community-wide protocols and formats: Validation Protocol; Harmonised Data Format; Common Terminology Organisation of International Meetings of the Working Group
Collaborator Contribution Setup and population of the ILSTE Website Contributions to the effort to reclassify LST as an ECV Contributions to the community protocols and data formats
Impact Direct influence on the decision by GCOS to add LST as an ECV in the next Implementation Plan of 2016 Community-wide established LST Validation Protocol, Harmonised Data Format for LST, and Common Terminology
Start Year 2014
Description International Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Working Group (ILSTE) 
Organisation Meteorological Office UK
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Setup and Coordination of this International Working Group Leading the effort to reclassify Land Surface Temperature (LST) as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) Production of community-wide protocols and formats: Validation Protocol; Harmonised Data Format; Common Terminology Organisation of International Meetings of the Working Group
Collaborator Contribution Setup and population of the ILSTE Website Contributions to the effort to reclassify LST as an ECV Contributions to the community protocols and data formats
Impact Direct influence on the decision by GCOS to add LST as an ECV in the next Implementation Plan of 2016 Community-wide established LST Validation Protocol, Harmonised Data Format for LST, and Common Terminology
Start Year 2014
Description International Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Working Group (ILSTE) 
Organisation National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Department Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Setup and Coordination of this International Working Group Leading the effort to reclassify Land Surface Temperature (LST) as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) Production of community-wide protocols and formats: Validation Protocol; Harmonised Data Format; Common Terminology Organisation of International Meetings of the Working Group
Collaborator Contribution Setup and population of the ILSTE Website Contributions to the effort to reclassify LST as an ECV Contributions to the community protocols and data formats
Impact Direct influence on the decision by GCOS to add LST as an ECV in the next Implementation Plan of 2016 Community-wide established LST Validation Protocol, Harmonised Data Format for LST, and Common Terminology
Start Year 2014
Description International Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Working Group (ILSTE) 
Organisation National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Setup and Coordination of this International Working Group Leading the effort to reclassify Land Surface Temperature (LST) as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) Production of community-wide protocols and formats: Validation Protocol; Harmonised Data Format; Common Terminology Organisation of International Meetings of the Working Group
Collaborator Contribution Setup and population of the ILSTE Website Contributions to the effort to reclassify LST as an ECV Contributions to the community protocols and data formats
Impact Direct influence on the decision by GCOS to add LST as an ECV in the next Implementation Plan of 2016 Community-wide established LST Validation Protocol, Harmonised Data Format for LST, and Common Terminology
Start Year 2014
Description International Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Working Group (ILSTE) 
Organisation Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA)
Country Portugal 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Setup and Coordination of this International Working Group Leading the effort to reclassify Land Surface Temperature (LST) as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) Production of community-wide protocols and formats: Validation Protocol; Harmonised Data Format; Common Terminology Organisation of International Meetings of the Working Group
Collaborator Contribution Setup and population of the ILSTE Website Contributions to the effort to reclassify LST as an ECV Contributions to the community protocols and data formats
Impact Direct influence on the decision by GCOS to add LST as an ECV in the next Implementation Plan of 2016 Community-wide established LST Validation Protocol, Harmonised Data Format for LST, and Common Terminology
Start Year 2014
Description International Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Working Group (ILSTE) 
Organisation University of Reading
Department Department of Meteorology
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Setup and Coordination of this International Working Group Leading the effort to reclassify Land Surface Temperature (LST) as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) Production of community-wide protocols and formats: Validation Protocol; Harmonised Data Format; Common Terminology Organisation of International Meetings of the Working Group
Collaborator Contribution Setup and population of the ILSTE Website Contributions to the effort to reclassify LST as an ECV Contributions to the community protocols and data formats
Impact Direct influence on the decision by GCOS to add LST as an ECV in the next Implementation Plan of 2016 Community-wide established LST Validation Protocol, Harmonised Data Format for LST, and Common Terminology
Start Year 2014
Description Optical Mission Performance Cluster (OPT-MPC) 
Organisation ACRI-ST
Country France 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Sentinel-3 Land Surface Temperature mission quality assurance
Collaborator Contribution Service delivery lead
Impact Mission quality
Start Year 2022
Description Sentinel-3 Mission Performance Centre (S3MPC) - SLSTR Expert Support Laboratory 
Organisation ACRI-ST
Country France 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Sentinel-3 Land Surface Temperature (LST) Validation Scientist and Algorithm Manager
Collaborator Contribution Expert Support Laboratory coordination and other expert teams
Impact Sentinel-3 SLSTR Cal-Val Plan and Gap Analysis Preparations for Sentinel-3 Level-2 Product commissioning
Start Year 2014
Description Sentinel-3 Mission Performance Centre (S3MPC) - SLSTR Expert Support Laboratory 
Organisation King's College London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Sentinel-3 Land Surface Temperature (LST) Validation Scientist and Algorithm Manager
Collaborator Contribution Expert Support Laboratory coordination and other expert teams
Impact Sentinel-3 SLSTR Cal-Val Plan and Gap Analysis Preparations for Sentinel-3 Level-2 Product commissioning
Start Year 2014
Description Sentinel-3 Mission Performance Centre (S3MPC) - SLSTR Expert Support Laboratory 
Organisation Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Sentinel-3 Land Surface Temperature (LST) Validation Scientist and Algorithm Manager
Collaborator Contribution Expert Support Laboratory coordination and other expert teams
Impact Sentinel-3 SLSTR Cal-Val Plan and Gap Analysis Preparations for Sentinel-3 Level-2 Product commissioning
Start Year 2014
Description Sentinel-3 Mission Performance Centre (S3MPC) - SLSTR Expert Support Laboratory 
Organisation University of Reading
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Sentinel-3 Land Surface Temperature (LST) Validation Scientist and Algorithm Manager
Collaborator Contribution Expert Support Laboratory coordination and other expert teams
Impact Sentinel-3 SLSTR Cal-Val Plan and Gap Analysis Preparations for Sentinel-3 Level-2 Product commissioning
Start Year 2014
Description Sentinel-3 New Products 
Organisation ACRI-ST
Country France 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Sentinel-3 Cloud Masking algorithm for Level-2 Land Surface Temperature (LST), Aerosol over Land, and Fire Radiative Power Products
Collaborator Contribution Project Leadership Cloud Masking over Sea Level-1 Cloud Masking
Impact Project only just started
Start Year 2016
Description Sentinel-3 New Products 
Organisation Brockmann Consult
Country Germany 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Sentinel-3 Cloud Masking algorithm for Level-2 Land Surface Temperature (LST), Aerosol over Land, and Fire Radiative Power Products
Collaborator Contribution Project Leadership Cloud Masking over Sea Level-1 Cloud Masking
Impact Project only just started
Start Year 2016
Description Sentinel-3 New Products 
Organisation King's College London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Sentinel-3 Cloud Masking algorithm for Level-2 Land Surface Temperature (LST), Aerosol over Land, and Fire Radiative Power Products
Collaborator Contribution Project Leadership Cloud Masking over Sea Level-1 Cloud Masking
Impact Project only just started
Start Year 2016
Description Sentinel-3 New Products 
Organisation Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Sentinel-3 Cloud Masking algorithm for Level-2 Land Surface Temperature (LST), Aerosol over Land, and Fire Radiative Power Products
Collaborator Contribution Project Leadership Cloud Masking over Sea Level-1 Cloud Masking
Impact Project only just started
Start Year 2016
Description Sentinel-3 New Products 
Organisation Swansea University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Sentinel-3 Cloud Masking algorithm for Level-2 Land Surface Temperature (LST), Aerosol over Land, and Fire Radiative Power Products
Collaborator Contribution Project Leadership Cloud Masking over Sea Level-1 Cloud Masking
Impact Project only just started
Start Year 2016
Description Sentinel-3 New Products 
Organisation University of Reading
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Sentinel-3 Cloud Masking algorithm for Level-2 Land Surface Temperature (LST), Aerosol over Land, and Fire Radiative Power Products
Collaborator Contribution Project Leadership Cloud Masking over Sea Level-1 Cloud Masking
Impact Project only just started
Start Year 2016
Title Multi-sensor Matchup Database for Surface Temperature 
Description Matchup Database for validating extracted satellite observations with in situ measurements, extracted satellite observations with simulated surface temperature, and intercomparsions between multiple instrument datasets 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2016 
Impact A key step in the processing chain of multi-sensor full archive Land Surface Temperature data products 
Description Formal Working Group on Land Surface Temperature 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Forum for the data providers and users to come together to share knowledge
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014,2015,2016