Aerosol-Cloud Interactions - A Directed Programme to Reduce Uncertainty in Forcing (ACID-PRUF) through a Targeted Laboratory and Modelling Programme

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leeds
Department Name: School of Earth and Environment


Aerosol particles act as sites for cloud droplet and ice particle formation. Cloud properties can be perturbed through the addition of aerosol particles into the atmosphere from anthropogenic and natural processes. This addition influences cloud microphysical properties, and subsequently affects cloud dynamics and thermodynamics, and the way the cloud interacts with radiation. The Earth's radiation budget is very greatly affected by clouds, and human-induced changes to the particle loading affecting them, known as indirect effects, are large and highly uncertain. A large part of this uncertainty is the result of poor knowledge of the fundamental aerosol and cloud properties and processes, leading to their poor representation in models. A programme of research is proposed here to i) directly investigate these processes in the laboratory, ii) evaluate the sensitivity of climate relevant parameters to the studied processes, iii) interpret the laboratory studies with detailed model investigations and iv) to incorporate and test new descriptions of the studied processes in cloud-scale and, where possible, global scale models. The programme will thereby reduce the uncertainty in estimates of radiative forcing and climate feedbacks relating to aerosol and cloud processes. The studies are split into those affecting warm clouds (those containing only liquid droplets) and those affecting clouds containing ice particles. The programme brings together an interdisciplinary team of researchers with expertise in 'warm' and 'cold' cloud and aerosol processes combining laboratory and multiscale modelling activities to deliver the improved predictive capability. The 'warm' laboratory work focuses on two major aspects i) the rate at which water is taken up by growing aerosol particles as they become cloud droplets (or 'activate) and ii) the ability of aerosol particles of various compositions to act as seeds for cloud droplets. These studies use a number of techniques including single particle optical levitation and investigations in a large photochemical chamber coupled to a large number of chemical and physical probes of ensembles of particles formed in simulated atmospheric chemical processes. The 'cold' work uses a similar coupling of a large, well-instrumented cloud chamber experiments and single particle levitation studies. The chambers used in both aspects will be coupled to investigate the impacts of aerosol transformation conditions on warm and cold cloud formation, using the instrumental payload from both chambers. A range of detailed models will be used to explicitly describe the processes by which aerosol particles interact with increasing relative humidity and reducing temperature to form cloud droplet and ice crystals and to their properties. The processes and properties will be represented in dynamical frameworks to predict the interactions between aerosols and clouds and their radiative effects at cloud resolving scales and radiative forcing of some of the investigated properties on global radiative forcing and feedbacks. The sensitivity of climate relevant parameters to the fundamental parameters investigated in the laboratory programme and their improved quantification will be evaluated using a simplified model 'emulator'.


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Description A detailed model that calculates physical processes in clouds has been used to test whether barriers to the uptake of water vapour onto cloud droplets (described by the accomodation coefficient) makes any difference to the production and development of ice and precipitation particles. Values from the literature were used while waiting for laboratory results being produced in another part of the grant. It was found that the ice and precipitation production and growth was not sensitive to a wide range of values of the accomodation coefficient.
Exploitation Route Improved forecasts of all processes involving clouds and global climate models. The results will be used in numerical weather prediction models and global climate models.
Sectors Environment

Title Cloud Condensation Nuclei number concentrations over the Southern Ocean during the austral summer of 2016/2017 on board the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE). 
Description Dataset abstract Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) are a subclass of atmospheric aerosol particles, which can be activated to cloud droplets at a certain supersaturation, with respect to water. Due to their abundance, these particles can affect micro-physical properties of clouds, while acting as CCN. It was found that CCN are relevant for the Earth's radiation budget, by affecting cloud albedo and lifetime. When giving a number concentration of CCN, also the supersaturation at which it was measured has to be given. With additional information on particle number size distribution, the hypothetical diameter of particle activation (critical diameter) was derived. Further, the particle hygroscopicity parameter (kappa) was calculated using the critical diameter. Values of kappa can be a proxy for bulk chemical composition of the sampled CCN population. Our dataset gives CCN number concentrations measured by a CCN counter (type CCN-100 by DMT, Boulder, US) operated at five different levels of supersaturation (0.15%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.5%, 1%) during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE) cruise over the Southern Ocean, as part of the ACE-SPACE project. Temporal coverage is from December 20, 2016 to March 19, 2017. We give 5-minute averaged and quality controlled CCN number concentrations, critical diameter and kappa values. Dataset contents ACESPACE_cloud_condensation_nuclei_number_concentration_SS015.csv, data file, comma-separated values ACESPACE_cloud_condensation_nuclei_number_concentration_SS020.csv, data file, comma-separated values ACESPACE_cloud_condensation_nuclei_number_concentration_SS030.csv, data file, comma-separated values ACESPACE_cloud_condensation_nuclei_number_concentration_SS050.csv, data file, comma-separated values ACESPACE_cloud_condensation_nuclei_number_concentration_SS100.csv, data file, comma-separated values ACESPACE_cloud_condensation_nuclei_critical_diameter_SS015.csv, data file, comma-separated values ACESPACE_cloud_condensation_nuclei_critical_diameter_SS020.csv, data file, comma-separated values ACESPACE_cloud_condensation_nuclei_critical_diameter_SS030.csv, data file, comma-separated values ACESPACE_cloud_condensation_nuclei_critical_diameter_SS050.csv, data file, comma-separated values ACESPACE_cloud_condensation_nuclei_critical_diameter_SS100.csv, data file, comma-separated values ACESPACE_cloud_condensation_nuclei_hygroscopicity_parameter_SS015.csv, data file, comma-separated values ACESPACE_cloud_condensation_nuclei_hygroscopicity_parameter_SS020.csv, data file, comma-separated values ACESPACE_cloud_condensation_nuclei_hygroscopicity_parameter_SS030.csv, data file, comma-separated values ACESPACE_cloud_condensation_nuclei_hygroscopicity_parameter_SS050.csv, data file, comma-separated values ACESPACE_cloud_condensation_nuclei_hygroscopicity_parameter_SS100.csv, data file, comma-separated values data_file_header_number_concentration.txt, metadata, text data_file_header_critical_diameter.txt, metadata, text data_file_header_hygroscopicity_parameter.txt, metadata, text change_log.txt, metadata, text README.txt, metadata, text The files listed above contain Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) number concentration (N_CCN), critical diameter (D_crit) and particle hygroscopicity parameter (KAPPA) values for the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition from in-situ measurements. Each file contains only N_CCN, D_crit or KAPPA values for one of the five measured levels of supersaturation (SS), e.g., N_CCN at SS=0.15% in ACESPACE_cloud_condensation_nuclei_number_concentration_SS015.csv or N_CCN at SS=0.2% in ACESPACE_cloud_condensation_nuclei_number_concentration_SS020.csv etc. In addition, for each N_CCN value the respective temperature of the CCNCs measurement column (T_col) is given. Values are from 1 Hz measurements and averaged to represent 5-minute intervals. For every given value of CCN number concentration, the respective supersaturation level is given, although files only contain values for one level only. Additionally, longitude and latitude for the ship's position at the start time of the averaging period are given. For latitude and longitude nan values are given, in cases where positioning data was not available for the given time period. There are no nan values for CCN number concentration included, in a way that only quality assured data is given. Change log v1.1 - data files updated change dataset title to specify ACE cruise change time resolution to 5 minutes addition of critical diameter data addition of hygroscopicity parameter data create separate data_file_headers add change log v1.0 - initial release of dataset 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Ice Nucleating Particle number concentration from low-volume sampling over the Southern Ocean during the austral summer of 2016/2017 on board the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE). 
Description Dataset abstract Ice nucleating particles (INP) are a subclass of atmospheric aerosol particles, which can force heterogeneous freezing of cloud droplets at temperatures above -38 degrees C. In contrast, ice particles form from cloud droplets at temperatures below -38 degrees C due to homogeneous freezing, without INP. Due to their abundance, these particles can affect micro-physical properties of clouds, while acting as INP. During the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE) around the Southern Ocean, off-line filter sampling was performed. Filters were stored on the ship and analysed after the cruise at Leibniz-Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS) concerning INP abundance. Here, we give INP number concentrations for sampling of 8 hour periods. Dataset contents ACESPACE_ice_nucleating_particles_frozen_fraction_from_lowvolume_filters.csv, data file, comma-separated values ACESPACE_ice_nucleating_particles_number_concentration_from_lowvolume_filters.csv, data file, comma-separated values data_file_header_frozen_fraction.txt, metadata, text format data_file_header_number_concentration.txt, metadata, text format README.txt, metadata, text format change_log.txt, metadata, text format Change log v1.1 - data files updated change dataset title to reflect low-volume sampling method addition of INP number concentration data from different temperatures addition of fraction of frozen droplets data addition of field blank filter data create separate data_file_header files add change log v1.0 - initial release of dataset 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes