Lead Research Organisation: University of East Anglia
Department Name: Biological Sciences


In 1992 John Gray wrote a now famous book 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus' (Harper Collins). In this he illustrated the many differences between males and females using the book title as the central metaphor. He imagined that the sexes are so different that one might as well consider them as originating from different planets.

One of the main ideas in the book is that men and women assess or 'score' the currency of their relationship - but that they score according to different scales! This is evident, Gray suggests, when the amount of give and take within a relationship is not assessed or scored equitably. This can lead to a perceived or actual imbalance in the relationship, leading to resentment and so on. Overall, the ideas in this book proved to be a popular way of thinking about how relationships work - or not - in terms of sex differences.

Whatever one thinks about the book and its legacy, the central ideas described above accord surprisingly well with evidence drawn from plants and animals. It was realised in the 1970s, for example, that rather than being co-operative ventures, the interactions between the sexes over reproduction are often characterized by conflict rather than co-operation. Hence the sexes often 'disagree' about how much energy and resources to invest in reproduction and how often to make that investment.

A good example is evolutionary disagreements over how often to mate. Males often gain from mating frequently and females often do not. Furthermore, females often suffer significantly reduced lifespan from mating too frequently (an effect that we now know is also true in humans). Such lifespan reduction arising from mating frequently is not incurred to anything like the same degree in males.

It has recently been realised that these sexual interactions, i.e. the effect of males on female lifespan and vice versa, could actually underlie an important and long-standing puzzle: why it is that males and females often have very different longevity. For example, human females generally live at least 4 years longer than men. Such sex differences are also extremely common in the animal world, and can occur in either direction.

In experimental settings the way that lifespan is measured, and longevity 'genes' identified, is often to use non-reproductive individuals, or those that are mated early in life and then kept away from the other sex. Such tests are therefore missing something important - the effects of regular exposure to the other sex.

It is now believed that the 'sexual conflicts' of the sort described by Gray and earlier considered by evolutionary biologists such as Geoff Parker, Richard Dawkins and Bill Rice can go a long way to explaining sex differences in lifespan and ageing by considering the effects of one sex upon the other.

The central aim of the research proposed here is to evaluate this idea and to examine the underlying genetic basis of the differences in these necessary, but sometimes dangerous, liaisons between the sexes.

The work is important because it will be the first full test of these ideas and the first to probe the genomic basis of sex differences caused by sexual conflict. Our proof of principle data gathered for this proposal show that the methods proposed can identify novel ageing genes. The work is also useful because these ideas can also be fed directly into husbandry practices for pest control in the applied sector.

Overall this is an exciting and novel project that will test whether sexual conflict can lead to increased ageing and will identify the underlying genes that are responsible.

Planned Impact

The School of Biological Sciences at UEA is committed to raising the economic and societal impact of its research (for further details, see Pathways to Impact).


We anticipate 4 main areas for potential impact:
1. Lifespan and ageing. Human females generally outlive males, and such sex differences (though not necessarily in this direction) are known all across the animal kingdom. Experimental studies of ageing however, often measure lifespan and ageing in largely non-reproductive individuals separated from the other sex. Much of our understanding of ageing genes detected by such studies therefore overlooks a vitally missing ingredient. Interactions between males and females will have a huge impact on lifespan. Males can cause a reduction in female lifespan through the actions of the seminal fluid proteins they pass during mating. Therefore to address a huge gap in our understanding we need to test the effect of each sex upon the rate of ageing of the other. This will shed light on universally observed, but little understood, sex differences in ageing and lifespan.
2. The battle of the sexes. The interplay between males and females is a powerful evolutionary force. Such interactions can be co-operative or conflicting. There is intuitive appeal in the study of adaptations that are good for males and bad for females, and vice versa and this is a topic that catches the public interest.
3. Husbandry practices for insect control: There is an applied context of this research in terms of the husbandry of insect pests that are mass reared for control. This is being explored through the applied partnerships described above, and also in a new NERC quota studentship (supervisor TC).
4. Communication between signals and receivers: The way in which signals are generated and received is a topic of broad importance and also of public interest.

The main beneficiaries are:
1. Academia: we aim to maximise impact of the research through open access papers, reviews, commentaries, lab research web sites etc. For this project, we plan a research blog to which the research team and particularly the PDRA would contribute.
2. Private sector: we are investigating the potential for conflicts of interest to impact upon husbandry and rearing regimes of insects used for pest control. We have already developed in the private sector the application of knowledge to fruitfly pests in two NERC-funded CASE studentships together with Oxford insect technologies (Oxitec). We plan to further increase impact by contributing to the next Fruit flies of Economic Importance conference in 2014 (in Bangkok, Thailand) and offer a poster (DS) outlining fundamental principles of relevance to control, drawn from the non-pest fruitfly model systems.
3. General public, schools: We have recently devised new exhibition materials for open days and visit days at UEA. We are also developing teaching resources for use in the Teacher Scientist Network (TSN) scheme. Together with our engagement Director in the School, we are tailoring these resources to the National Science Curriculum, for taking into schools via the TSN. We plan to base these around the concepts of sex differences and lifespan.

The beneficiaries named above will benefit through:

1. Increased economic competitiveness of UK plc through increased visibility of research outputs and increased engagement with the private sector.
2. Enhanced effectiveness in the transmission of research findings through the academic community.
3. Increased learning and awareness (through school visits) of the opportunities, relevance and range career choices available through academia.
4. An increased range of career options through training in media, communication, business and private sector practices, which could be employed in a range of employment sectors.


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Description We have explored the extent to which differences in lifespan between males and females are due to sexual conflict. This research shows that the differences between the lifespan of males and females can evolve and can be modified by the degree of competition between the sexes. Female lifespan is much more affected by exposure to males than vice versa. The research offers new insight into the elusive explanations for why, across many different species, the sexes show characteristic differences in the length of life. The analysis of gene expression differences is also providing insight into the underlying mechanisms of these differences.

Key outcomes arising from this work are the following:

Rostant WR, Fowler EK & Chapman T. (2020) Sexual conflict theory: concepts and empirical tests. The SAGE Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology, edited by Todd Shackelford.

Rostant, WR, Mason, JS, West, N, Smedley, R & Chapman, T. Sex differences in reproductive costs alter lifespan, morality and ageing rate. For submission to Aging Cell.

Rostant WR, Fricke C, Mason, JS, Fowler E, Haerty W & Chapman T. Genomic basis of ecological adaptation to divergent nutritional environments. For submission to Evolution Letters.

Further application for funding to BBSRC made, not yet successful.
Exploitation Route Further experimentation, testing for generality of mechanisms in the wider study of ageing across different animals.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink



Description BBSRC DTP PhD studentship
Amount £100,000 (GBP)
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2022 
End 09/2026
Description BBSRC DTP studentship to T Chapman and W Haerty on sexual detection - social responses in fruitflies
Amount £100,000 (GBP)
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2019 
End 09/2023
Description I see / smell / touch / hear and therefore I am: sex differences in perception alter survival and reproduction
Amount £643,797 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/W005174/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2022 
End 03/2025
Description NERC standard research grant
Amount £537,000 (GBP)
Funding ID NE/R010056/1 
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2018 
End 03/2021
Description Poor starts and silver spoons: how diet shapes sex-specific fitness from birth to death
Amount £436,257 (GBP)
Funding ID NE/R010056/1 
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2018 
End 03/2021
Description Social evolution and the evolution of ageing: testing the hypotheses
Amount £603,481 (GBP)
Funding ID NE/R000875/1 
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2017 
End 10/2021
Description The cost of longevity: transgenerational consequences of parental lifespan extension for offspring fitness
Amount £468,069 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/R017387/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2018 
End 06/2021
Title Data from: Manipulation of feeding regime alters sexual dimorphism for lifespan and reduces sexual conflict in Drosophila melanogaster 
Description Sexual dimorphism for lifespan (SDL) is widespread, but poorly understood. A leading hypothesis, which we test here, is that strong SDL can reduce sexual conflict by allowing each sex to maximize its sex-specific fitness. We used replicated experimental evolution lines of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, which had been maintained for over 360 generations on either unpredictable 'Random' or predictable 'Regular' feeding regimes. This evolutionary manipulation of feeding regime led to robust, enhanced SDL in Random over control, Regular lines. Enhanced SDL was associated with a significant increase in the fitness of focal males, tested with wild-type (WT) females. This was due to sex-specific changes to male life history, manifested as increased early reproductive output and reduced survival. In contrast, focal female fitness, tested with WT males, did not differ across regimes. Hence increased SDL was associated with a reduction in sexual conflict, which increased male fitness and maintained fitness in females. Differences in SDL were not associated with developmental time or developmental survival. Overall, the results showed that the expression of enhanced SDL, resulting from experimental evolution of feeding regimes, was associated with male-specific changes in life history, leading to increased fitness and reduced sexual conflict. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Data from: Resource limitation and responses to rivals in males of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster 
Description Diet has a profound direct and indirect effect on reproductive success in both sexes. Variation in diet quality and quantity can significantly alter the capacity of females to lay eggs and of males to deliver courtship. Here, we tested the effect of dietary resource limitation on the ability of male Drosophila melanogaster to respond adaptively to rivals by extending their mating duration. Previous work carried out under ad libitum diet conditions showed that males exposed to rivals prior to mating significantly extend mating duration, transfer more ejaculate proteins and achieve higher reproductive success. Such adaptive responses are predicted to occur because male ejaculate production may be limited. Hence, ejaculate resources require allocation across different reproductive bouts, to balance current vs. future reproductive success. However, when males suffer dietary limitation, and potentially have fewer reproductive resources to apportion, we expect adaptive allocation of responses to rivals to be minimized. We tested this prediction and found that males held on agar-only diets for 5-7 days lost the ability to extend mating following exposure to rivals. Interestingly, extended mating was retained in males held on low yeast/sugar: no sugar/yeast diet treatments, but was mostly lost when males were maintained on 'imbalanced' diets in which there was high yeast: no sugar and vice versa. Overall, the results show that males exhibit adaptive responses to rivals according to the degree of dietary resource limitation and to the ratio of individual diet components. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2016 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Data from: Sexual conflict over remating interval is modulated by the sex peptide pathway 
Description Sexual conflict, in which the evolutionary interests of males and females diverge, shapes the evolution of reproductive systems across diverse taxa. Here, we used the fruit fly to study sexual conflict in natural, three-way interactions comprising a female, her current and previous mates. We manipulated the potential for sexual conflict by using sex peptide receptor (SPR) null females and by varying remating from 3 to 48 h, a period during which natural rematings frequently occur. SPR-lacking females do not respond to sex peptide (SP) transferred during mating and maintain virgin levels of high receptivity and low fecundity. In the absence of SPR, there was a convergence of fitness interests, with all individuals gaining highest productivity at 5 h remating. This suggests that the expression of sexual conflict was reduced. We observed an unexpected second male-specific advantage to early remating, resulting from an increase in the efficiency of second male sperm use. This early window of opportunity for exploitation by second males depended on the presence of SPR. The results suggest that the SP pathway can modulate the expression of sexual conflict in this system, and show how variation in the selective forces that shape conflict and cooperation can be maintained. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Data from: Variation in the post-mating fitness landscape in fruitflies 
Description Sperm competition is pervasive and fundamental to determining a male's overall fitness. Sperm traits and seminal fluid proteins (Sfps) are key factors. However, studies of sperm competition may often exclude females that fail to remate during a defined period. Hence, the resulting datasets contain fewer data from the potentially fittest males that have most success in preventing female remating. It is also important to consider a male's reproductive success before entering sperm competition, which is a major contributor to fitness. The exclusion of these data can both hinder our understanding of the complete fitness landscapes of competing males and lessen our ability to assess the contribution of different determinants of reproductive success to male fitness. We addressed this here, using the Drosophila melanogaster model system, by (i) capturing a comprehensive range of intermating intervals that define the fitness of interacting wild type males, and (ii) analysing outcomes of sperm competition using selection analyses. We conducted additional tests using males lacking the sex peptide (SP) ejaculate component versus genetically matched (SP+) controls. This allowed us to assess the comprehensive fitness effects of this important Sfp on sperm competition. The results showed a signature of positive, linear selection in wild type and SP+ control males on the length of the intermating interval and on male sperm competition defense. However, the fitness surface for males lacking SP was distinct, with local fitness peaks depending on contrasting combinations of remating intervals and offspring numbers. The results suggest that there are alternative routes to success in sperm competition and provide an explanation for the maintenance of variation in sperm competition traits. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes