Dynamics of the Orkney Passage Outflow (DynOPO)

Lead Research Organisation: British Antarctic Survey
Department Name: Science Programmes


During the last three decades, the Antarctic Botttom Water (AABW) filling the bulk of the global ocean abyss has exhibited a striking warming and contraction in volume over much of the world ocean, particularly in the Atlantic basin. While the causes of these changes are unknown, available evidence suggests that, in the Atlantic Ocean, the warming and contraction of AABW may be caused by changes in winds over the northern Weddell Sea, where much AABW is produced. This hypothesis asserts that those winds regulate the volume and temperature of the AABW exported northward via the Orkney Passage (a major AABW exit route from the Weddell Sea) by altering the intensity of the turbulent mixing between AABW and overlying warmer waters in the passage.
In this proposal, we set out to test and, if necessary, redefine this hypothesis by:
(1) carrying out the first systematic measurements of how AABW flows through the Orkney Passage, how its properties change along the way, and what processes are important in determining the AABW flow and transformation in the passage;
(2) determining how and why the flux and properties of AABW in the Orkney Passage respond to wind forcing on time scales of up to several years.
To address task (1) above, we will measure the velocity and properties of AABW and the intensity of turbulent mixing at several key locations in the passage. The observations will be obtained both with instruments lowered to the seabed from a ship and with a novel autonomous underwater vehicle, which is particularly effective at measuring a range of potentially crucial processes occurring near the ocean floor. To address task (2), we will enhance an array of moorings recently deployed in the Orkney Passage by the British Antarctic Survey to monitor the flux and properties of AABW. We will equip the moorings with sufficient oceanographic instrumentation to identify the processes determining the AABW's response to wind forcing, which are not resolved by the present array.
We will use our findings from tasks (1) and (2) to define how and why the volume and properties of the AABW escaping the Weddell Sea through the Orkney Passage react to changes in winds. Armed with this new understanding, we will revisit the widespread AABW warming and contraction observed over recent decades, and inform the international strategy to monitor future changes in AABW circulation.

Planned Impact

The aim of this proposal is to understand how Antarctic Bottom Water is exported and modified through the Orkney Passage, the overflow's controlling dynamics, and its downstream impact on the Atlantic Ocean abyss. While we will engage with the research community through our publications andpresentations in at least 5 national and international conferences, we will seek to maximise the wider impact of our research as follows.
Who - the following two communities will particularly benefit from our proposed research:
1. Climate modellers, including those at the NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL);
2. School pupils, their teachers and the general public.
How and what - relevance of our research to these communities and what will be done to ensure that they benefit from our research:
1. The impact of DynOPO on climate modellers will be through providing guidance to their efforts to improve the representation of oceanic overflows in climate models. To maximise this impact, we have developed a close collaboration with one of the leading authorities in the field of overflow parameterization, and entrained her in the planning of the experiment and the exploitation of our results (see Legg Letter of Support);
2. The impact of DynOPO on school pupils, their teachers and the general public will be enabled by a range of outreach activities (development of an interactive website, a teaching package for the "Scientists on the Road" outreach programme, and a rotating-table demonstration of oceanic overflows for showcasing in a range of venues; visits to schools as part of the Hampshire STEMnet ambassadors programme) targeted at cultivating enthusiasm for and understanding of marine and climate science by those communities. The activities for school pupils are also designed to encourage them to take science subjects at school and university, thus contributing to the UK's skillbase.


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Meredith MP (2014) Dense waters of the Weddell and Scotia Seas: recent changes in properties and circulation. in Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences

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Jullion L (2014) The contribution of the Weddell Gyre to the lower limb of the Global Overturning Circulation in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans

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Polzin K (2014) Boundary mixing in O rkney P assage outflow in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans

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Brown P (2015) Carbon dynamics of the Weddell Gyre, Southern Ocean in Global Biogeochemical Cycles

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Naveira Garabato A (2016) The thermodynamic balance of the Weddell Gyre in Geophysical Research Letters

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Meijers A (2016) Wind-driven export of W eddell S ea slope water in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans

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Naveira Garabato AC (2019) Rapid mixing and exchange of deep-ocean waters in an abyssal boundary current. in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

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MacGilchrist GA (2019) Reframing the carbon cycle of the subpolar Southern Ocean. in Science advances

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Spingys C (2021) Mixing and Transformation in a Deep Western Boundary Current: A Case Study in Journal of Physical Oceanography

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Naveira Garabato A (2022) Ocean Mixing

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Meredith MP (2022) Carbon storage shifts around Antarctica. in Nature communications

Description The Weddell Sea is a key region for the formation and export of Antarctic Bottom Water, the densest water mass in the global ocean. Formation and sinking of this water represents one of the prime mechanisms for the exchange of heat and carbon (including that produced by humans) between the atmosphere and deep ocean interior. The properties of this dense water exported from the Weddell Sea have been observed to change over the last several decades, becoming markedly warmer and fresher, but the mechanisms driving these changes are unclear. A central piece of the puzzle of these observed trends and changes is the South Scotia Ridge, a major topographic obstacle that acts to impede the movement of water between the Weddell Sea and in the Scotia Sea downstream, and therefore the wider ocean. Through a coordinated analysis of mooring and ship-based observations at the key export 'choke-points' across the South Scotia Ridge, we have shown that much of the observed interannual variability in export properties may be driven by changes in winds over the Weddell Gyre. Strengthening of eastward winds appears to spin up the Weddell Gyre boundary current on timescales of a few months, and in doing so deepens the interface of density surfaces with the South Scotia Ridge, resulting warmer and saltier export. These mooring-based results over five years agree with the much more irregularly-sampled, but longer (20 years) time series of ship-based sections across Drake Passage, suggesting that this mechanistic relationship is robust and has wide-reaching consequences over the Scotia Sea and the Atlantic beyond. We have also shown for the first time that in the eastern Scotia Sea the volume of the densest water masses from the Weddell Sea have been diminishing over the last 20 years. We find that the known freshening trend of this water is insufficient to explain the observed change in water volume, and instead show through analysis of the long term mooring array in the critical Orkney Passage chokepoint that changes in the volume of dense water transport across the South Scotia Ridge may be responsible for this trend. These studies lay the groundwork for ongoing analyses of the processes that may explain the timing and distribution of dense water export trends and ultimately link them back to observed changes in surface forcing around the Antarctic margin and wider climate trends.
Exploitation Route The project is ongoing, and the research conducted to date has laid the groundwork nicely for further investigations to come. The major research cruise in the key Orkney Passage area in season 2016/17 went extremely well, with deployment of a range of ship-based and autonomous technologies to better understand the dynamical controls on dense water flows and mixing as the deep waters of the Weddell Sea are exported toward the Atlantic. This work is already being used by others, most significantly a related (successful) NSF proposal led by our American collaborators (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory at Princeton), which will add further important detail to our understanding of how abyssal ocean processes control and structure dense water properties, and what the consequences of these are for ocean climate on larger scales.
Sectors Environment


Description The DynOPO research cruise in the Southern Ocean generated enormous media interest, since it was the first deployment of the autonomous underwater vehicle known as Boaty McBoatface. We used this opportunity to communicate to a broad spectrum of stakeholders concerning the importance and relevance of the science we are undertaking, as well as the sheer intellectual interest of it. This involved interviews on BBC national and local radio, in countless newspaper articles, and diverse magazines, in addition to Sky Television News.
First Year Of Impact 2017
Sector Environment
Impact Types Cultural


Description NERC LTSM NC
Amount £8,400,000 (GBP)
Funding ID NE/N018095/1 
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2016 
End 03/2021
Title A bathymetric compilation around the South Orkney Islands, 1987-2017 
Description We present a new bathymetric compilation around the South Orkney Islands here defined by the following bounding box: 47 to 37 W, 63 to 59 S. This bathymetry grid was compiled from a variety of multibeam swath bathymetry data acquired during 46 different cruises (see lineage). The data is available as a grid of approximately 100 m resolution in a GMT-compatible (2-D) NetCDF format using geographic coordinates on the WGS84 datum. Three versions of the grid are available: the first one shows only swath bathymetry data while the second and third have been merged with the global compilations from the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO), GEBCO_2014 (version 20150318) and GEBCO_2019, respectively. Funding was provided by the NERC grants NE/K012843/1 and NE/N018095/1 as well as national capability 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Gridded bathymetric compilation of selected areas within the Orkney Passage, Scotia Sea from multibeam echosounder data collected by multiple vessels (1989 - 2017) 
Description We present two new gridded bathymetric compilations of the Orkney Passage, Scotia Sea here defined by the following bounding boxes: 39.1 to 39.6 W, 60.55 to 60.7 S and 41.7 to 42.6 W, 60.45 to 60.8 S. These bathymetry grids were compiled from a variety of multibeam swath bathymetry data acquired during 12 different cruises (see lineage). The data is available as grids of 50 m resolution in a GMT-compatible (2-D) NetCDF format using geographic coordinates on the WGS84 datum. This grid was compiled in support of the ongoing monitoring efforts in and around Orkney Passage as part of the Ocean Regulation of Climate by Heat and Carbon Sequestration and Transports (ORCHESTRA) programme and preceding BAS NC projects, and the Dynamics of the Orkney Passage Outflow (DynOPO) project. Funding was provided by the NERC grants NE/K012843/1 and NE/N018095/1 as well as national capability 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://data.bas.ac.uk/full-record.php?id=GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01317
Description Joint UK-US partnership in the DynOPO project 
Organisation Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Country United States 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution This NERC award has funded the fieldwork, equipment and scientist/technician time for a major programme investigating the dynamics that control dense water export from the Southern Ocean. The UK participants provide expertise on ocean dynamics, physical oceanography, marine technology (including deep-ocean moorings and an autonomous submarine), and numerical modelling.
Collaborator Contribution NSF have funded a parallel project, led by Prof. Kurt Polzin of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts. This is providing extra ocean equipment, and allowing the participation of Prof. Polzin in the fieldwork elements and analyses. There is also participation from Profs. Sonya Legg and Stephen Griffies of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton, who are adding unique capability in ultra-high resolution modelling and climate modelling.
Impact Collaboration has greatly enhanced the planning of the field campaign, which is very soon to commence. Collaboration will strengthen the quality and impact of subsequent outputs, due following completion of the fieldwork.
Start Year 2015
Description ORCHESTRA as an enabler of community science 
Organisation Meteorological Office UK
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Aside from extensive collaborations within the ORCHESTRA centres and the Met Office, active ORCHESTRA related collaborations are ongoing with three separate grant bids into the RoSES call and two large grant bids (SOO-SPLENDID/TICTOC). Active collaborations are underway with researchers from the University of Newcastle, University of Southampton, University of Gothenburg, Washington State University, L'OCEAN Paris, the University of Tasmania, and very many others. These collaborations have strengthened ORCHESTRA science by enabling and drawing benefit from non-NC funded science, and is in line with the ethos of LTSM science enabling the broader community.
Collaborator Contribution Aside from extensive collaborations within the ORCHESTRA centres and the Met Office, active ORCHESTRA related collaborations are ongoing with three separate grant bids into the RoSES call and two large grant bids (SOO-SPLENDID/TICTOC). Active collaborations are underway with researchers from the University of Newcastle, University of Southampton, University of Gothenburg, Washington State University, L'OCEAN Paris, the University of Tasmania, and very many others. These collaborations have strengthened ORCHESTRA science by enabling and drawing benefit from non-NC funded science, and is in line with the ethos of LTSM science enabling the broader community.
Impact See Publications, many of which are direct collaborations with non-ORCHESTRA institutes.
Start Year 2016
Description ORCHESTRA as an enabler of community science 
Organisation Pierre and Marie Curie University - Paris 6
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Aside from extensive collaborations within the ORCHESTRA centres and the Met Office, active ORCHESTRA related collaborations are ongoing with three separate grant bids into the RoSES call and two large grant bids (SOO-SPLENDID/TICTOC). Active collaborations are underway with researchers from the University of Newcastle, University of Southampton, University of Gothenburg, Washington State University, L'OCEAN Paris, the University of Tasmania, and very many others. These collaborations have strengthened ORCHESTRA science by enabling and drawing benefit from non-NC funded science, and is in line with the ethos of LTSM science enabling the broader community.
Collaborator Contribution Aside from extensive collaborations within the ORCHESTRA centres and the Met Office, active ORCHESTRA related collaborations are ongoing with three separate grant bids into the RoSES call and two large grant bids (SOO-SPLENDID/TICTOC). Active collaborations are underway with researchers from the University of Newcastle, University of Southampton, University of Gothenburg, Washington State University, L'OCEAN Paris, the University of Tasmania, and very many others. These collaborations have strengthened ORCHESTRA science by enabling and drawing benefit from non-NC funded science, and is in line with the ethos of LTSM science enabling the broader community.
Impact See Publications, many of which are direct collaborations with non-ORCHESTRA institutes.
Start Year 2016
Description ORCHESTRA as an enabler of community science 
Organisation Princeton University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Aside from extensive collaborations within the ORCHESTRA centres and the Met Office, active ORCHESTRA related collaborations are ongoing with three separate grant bids into the RoSES call and two large grant bids (SOO-SPLENDID/TICTOC). Active collaborations are underway with researchers from the University of Newcastle, University of Southampton, University of Gothenburg, Washington State University, L'OCEAN Paris, the University of Tasmania, and very many others. These collaborations have strengthened ORCHESTRA science by enabling and drawing benefit from non-NC funded science, and is in line with the ethos of LTSM science enabling the broader community.
Collaborator Contribution Aside from extensive collaborations within the ORCHESTRA centres and the Met Office, active ORCHESTRA related collaborations are ongoing with three separate grant bids into the RoSES call and two large grant bids (SOO-SPLENDID/TICTOC). Active collaborations are underway with researchers from the University of Newcastle, University of Southampton, University of Gothenburg, Washington State University, L'OCEAN Paris, the University of Tasmania, and very many others. These collaborations have strengthened ORCHESTRA science by enabling and drawing benefit from non-NC funded science, and is in line with the ethos of LTSM science enabling the broader community.
Impact See Publications, many of which are direct collaborations with non-ORCHESTRA institutes.
Start Year 2016
Description ORCHESTRA as an enabler of community science 
Organisation University of California, San Diego (UCSD)
Department Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Aside from extensive collaborations within the ORCHESTRA centres and the Met Office, active ORCHESTRA related collaborations are ongoing with three separate grant bids into the RoSES call and two large grant bids (SOO-SPLENDID/TICTOC). Active collaborations are underway with researchers from the University of Newcastle, University of Southampton, University of Gothenburg, Washington State University, L'OCEAN Paris, the University of Tasmania, and very many others. These collaborations have strengthened ORCHESTRA science by enabling and drawing benefit from non-NC funded science, and is in line with the ethos of LTSM science enabling the broader community.
Collaborator Contribution Aside from extensive collaborations within the ORCHESTRA centres and the Met Office, active ORCHESTRA related collaborations are ongoing with three separate grant bids into the RoSES call and two large grant bids (SOO-SPLENDID/TICTOC). Active collaborations are underway with researchers from the University of Newcastle, University of Southampton, University of Gothenburg, Washington State University, L'OCEAN Paris, the University of Tasmania, and very many others. These collaborations have strengthened ORCHESTRA science by enabling and drawing benefit from non-NC funded science, and is in line with the ethos of LTSM science enabling the broader community.
Impact See Publications, many of which are direct collaborations with non-ORCHESTRA institutes.
Start Year 2016
Description ORCHESTRA as an enabler of community science 
Organisation University of East Anglia
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Aside from extensive collaborations within the ORCHESTRA centres and the Met Office, active ORCHESTRA related collaborations are ongoing with three separate grant bids into the RoSES call and two large grant bids (SOO-SPLENDID/TICTOC). Active collaborations are underway with researchers from the University of Newcastle, University of Southampton, University of Gothenburg, Washington State University, L'OCEAN Paris, the University of Tasmania, and very many others. These collaborations have strengthened ORCHESTRA science by enabling and drawing benefit from non-NC funded science, and is in line with the ethos of LTSM science enabling the broader community.
Collaborator Contribution Aside from extensive collaborations within the ORCHESTRA centres and the Met Office, active ORCHESTRA related collaborations are ongoing with three separate grant bids into the RoSES call and two large grant bids (SOO-SPLENDID/TICTOC). Active collaborations are underway with researchers from the University of Newcastle, University of Southampton, University of Gothenburg, Washington State University, L'OCEAN Paris, the University of Tasmania, and very many others. These collaborations have strengthened ORCHESTRA science by enabling and drawing benefit from non-NC funded science, and is in line with the ethos of LTSM science enabling the broader community.
Impact See Publications, many of which are direct collaborations with non-ORCHESTRA institutes.
Start Year 2016
Description ORCHESTRA as an enabler of community science 
Organisation University of Gothenburg
Country Sweden 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Aside from extensive collaborations within the ORCHESTRA centres and the Met Office, active ORCHESTRA related collaborations are ongoing with three separate grant bids into the RoSES call and two large grant bids (SOO-SPLENDID/TICTOC). Active collaborations are underway with researchers from the University of Newcastle, University of Southampton, University of Gothenburg, Washington State University, L'OCEAN Paris, the University of Tasmania, and very many others. These collaborations have strengthened ORCHESTRA science by enabling and drawing benefit from non-NC funded science, and is in line with the ethos of LTSM science enabling the broader community.
Collaborator Contribution Aside from extensive collaborations within the ORCHESTRA centres and the Met Office, active ORCHESTRA related collaborations are ongoing with three separate grant bids into the RoSES call and two large grant bids (SOO-SPLENDID/TICTOC). Active collaborations are underway with researchers from the University of Newcastle, University of Southampton, University of Gothenburg, Washington State University, L'OCEAN Paris, the University of Tasmania, and very many others. These collaborations have strengthened ORCHESTRA science by enabling and drawing benefit from non-NC funded science, and is in line with the ethos of LTSM science enabling the broader community.
Impact See Publications, many of which are direct collaborations with non-ORCHESTRA institutes.
Start Year 2016
Description ORCHESTRA as an enabler of community science 
Organisation University of Newcastle
Country Australia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Aside from extensive collaborations within the ORCHESTRA centres and the Met Office, active ORCHESTRA related collaborations are ongoing with three separate grant bids into the RoSES call and two large grant bids (SOO-SPLENDID/TICTOC). Active collaborations are underway with researchers from the University of Newcastle, University of Southampton, University of Gothenburg, Washington State University, L'OCEAN Paris, the University of Tasmania, and very many others. These collaborations have strengthened ORCHESTRA science by enabling and drawing benefit from non-NC funded science, and is in line with the ethos of LTSM science enabling the broader community.
Collaborator Contribution Aside from extensive collaborations within the ORCHESTRA centres and the Met Office, active ORCHESTRA related collaborations are ongoing with three separate grant bids into the RoSES call and two large grant bids (SOO-SPLENDID/TICTOC). Active collaborations are underway with researchers from the University of Newcastle, University of Southampton, University of Gothenburg, Washington State University, L'OCEAN Paris, the University of Tasmania, and very many others. These collaborations have strengthened ORCHESTRA science by enabling and drawing benefit from non-NC funded science, and is in line with the ethos of LTSM science enabling the broader community.
Impact See Publications, many of which are direct collaborations with non-ORCHESTRA institutes.
Start Year 2016
Description ORCHESTRA as an enabler of community science 
Organisation University of Southampton
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Aside from extensive collaborations within the ORCHESTRA centres and the Met Office, active ORCHESTRA related collaborations are ongoing with three separate grant bids into the RoSES call and two large grant bids (SOO-SPLENDID/TICTOC). Active collaborations are underway with researchers from the University of Newcastle, University of Southampton, University of Gothenburg, Washington State University, L'OCEAN Paris, the University of Tasmania, and very many others. These collaborations have strengthened ORCHESTRA science by enabling and drawing benefit from non-NC funded science, and is in line with the ethos of LTSM science enabling the broader community.
Collaborator Contribution Aside from extensive collaborations within the ORCHESTRA centres and the Met Office, active ORCHESTRA related collaborations are ongoing with three separate grant bids into the RoSES call and two large grant bids (SOO-SPLENDID/TICTOC). Active collaborations are underway with researchers from the University of Newcastle, University of Southampton, University of Gothenburg, Washington State University, L'OCEAN Paris, the University of Tasmania, and very many others. These collaborations have strengthened ORCHESTRA science by enabling and drawing benefit from non-NC funded science, and is in line with the ethos of LTSM science enabling the broader community.
Impact See Publications, many of which are direct collaborations with non-ORCHESTRA institutes.
Start Year 2016
Description ORCHESTRA as an enabler of community science 
Organisation University of Tasmania
Country Australia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Aside from extensive collaborations within the ORCHESTRA centres and the Met Office, active ORCHESTRA related collaborations are ongoing with three separate grant bids into the RoSES call and two large grant bids (SOO-SPLENDID/TICTOC). Active collaborations are underway with researchers from the University of Newcastle, University of Southampton, University of Gothenburg, Washington State University, L'OCEAN Paris, the University of Tasmania, and very many others. These collaborations have strengthened ORCHESTRA science by enabling and drawing benefit from non-NC funded science, and is in line with the ethos of LTSM science enabling the broader community.
Collaborator Contribution Aside from extensive collaborations within the ORCHESTRA centres and the Met Office, active ORCHESTRA related collaborations are ongoing with three separate grant bids into the RoSES call and two large grant bids (SOO-SPLENDID/TICTOC). Active collaborations are underway with researchers from the University of Newcastle, University of Southampton, University of Gothenburg, Washington State University, L'OCEAN Paris, the University of Tasmania, and very many others. These collaborations have strengthened ORCHESTRA science by enabling and drawing benefit from non-NC funded science, and is in line with the ethos of LTSM science enabling the broader community.
Impact See Publications, many of which are direct collaborations with non-ORCHESTRA institutes.
Start Year 2016
Description ORCHESTRA as an enabler of community science 
Organisation Washington State University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Aside from extensive collaborations within the ORCHESTRA centres and the Met Office, active ORCHESTRA related collaborations are ongoing with three separate grant bids into the RoSES call and two large grant bids (SOO-SPLENDID/TICTOC). Active collaborations are underway with researchers from the University of Newcastle, University of Southampton, University of Gothenburg, Washington State University, L'OCEAN Paris, the University of Tasmania, and very many others. These collaborations have strengthened ORCHESTRA science by enabling and drawing benefit from non-NC funded science, and is in line with the ethos of LTSM science enabling the broader community.
Collaborator Contribution Aside from extensive collaborations within the ORCHESTRA centres and the Met Office, active ORCHESTRA related collaborations are ongoing with three separate grant bids into the RoSES call and two large grant bids (SOO-SPLENDID/TICTOC). Active collaborations are underway with researchers from the University of Newcastle, University of Southampton, University of Gothenburg, Washington State University, L'OCEAN Paris, the University of Tasmania, and very many others. These collaborations have strengthened ORCHESTRA science by enabling and drawing benefit from non-NC funded science, and is in line with the ethos of LTSM science enabling the broader community.
Impact See Publications, many of which are direct collaborations with non-ORCHESTRA institutes.
Start Year 2016
Description ORCHESTRA as an enabler of community science 
Organisation Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Country United States 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Aside from extensive collaborations within the ORCHESTRA centres and the Met Office, active ORCHESTRA related collaborations are ongoing with three separate grant bids into the RoSES call and two large grant bids (SOO-SPLENDID/TICTOC). Active collaborations are underway with researchers from the University of Newcastle, University of Southampton, University of Gothenburg, Washington State University, L'OCEAN Paris, the University of Tasmania, and very many others. These collaborations have strengthened ORCHESTRA science by enabling and drawing benefit from non-NC funded science, and is in line with the ethos of LTSM science enabling the broader community.
Collaborator Contribution Aside from extensive collaborations within the ORCHESTRA centres and the Met Office, active ORCHESTRA related collaborations are ongoing with three separate grant bids into the RoSES call and two large grant bids (SOO-SPLENDID/TICTOC). Active collaborations are underway with researchers from the University of Newcastle, University of Southampton, University of Gothenburg, Washington State University, L'OCEAN Paris, the University of Tasmania, and very many others. These collaborations have strengthened ORCHESTRA science by enabling and drawing benefit from non-NC funded science, and is in line with the ethos of LTSM science enabling the broader community.
Impact See Publications, many of which are direct collaborations with non-ORCHESTRA institutes.
Start Year 2016
Description A drop in the Southern Ocean 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact A movie of research in the Southern Ocean (http://vimeo.com/97260669) was constructed from footage from a DIMES cruise, shown in a number of schools across England and Wales, and accompanied by a short talk by two DIMES scientists. This was used to raise school kids' awareness of oceanography and science. Many schools reported on great interest in science careers from many of their pupils in the months following the movie / talk session.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
URL http://vimeo.com/97260669
Description Academic Consultancy to BBC for series "Frozen Planet 2", Mike Meredith 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This series is the successor to BBC's hugely successful Frozen Planet, which reached an audience of 500 million people globally. Prof Mike Meredith has been contracted by the BBC to serve as Academic Consultant for the production of its sequel. This work is underway; the series is due for broadcast in 2021, and will reach an audience similar to its predecessor.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description DynOPO connection with ORCHESTRA 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Strong media interest surrounded the DynOPO cruise, which is a separately-funded NERC project but one that connects strongly to ORCHESTRA and uses data that ORCHESTRA will be producing (moorings etc). Interviews were given by the ORCHESTRA PI (Mike Meredith) on BBC R4 Today programme, Sky TV News, various local radio outlets. ORCHESTRA participant Povl Abrahamsen was featured on the BBC website, plus numerous newspapers (Times, Guardian, Mail etc).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description ORCHESTRA online and media 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact An ORCHESTRA web domain for ORCHESTRA (www.orchestra.ac.uk) has been secured, and a wiki has been set up using that domain. Maintenance of facebook and twitter accounts has been ongoing to highlight ORCHESTRA progress and achievements. Direct engagement with the public via podcasts, TV and radio interviews and popular science book publications, as well as participation in science festivals.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017