MetOp NRT ozone and CH4 processing hardware for CEMS

Lead Research Organisation: Science and Technology Facilities Council
Department Name: RAL Space


The bid will help to enable forecasting of air quality and numerical weather prediction.
Ozone data produced by the operational system from MetOp are of insufficient quality in the troposphere for the Air Quality forecasting applications being developed within the GMES/Copernicus MACC-II framework, Met.Office or other operational centres. The RAL Remote Sensing Group's algorithm [Munro, 1998] has been developed through NERC/NCEO to produce tropospheric ozone data from MetOp's uv-nadir spectrometer GOME-2 which substantially exceeds the quality provided of the standard operational products. This has led to the inclusion of the RAL scheme in the ESA Climate Change Initiative (Essential Climate Variables) Ozone project and to request for operational data provision. Further improvements to tropospheric quality is achieved by adding (via joint retrieval) information from the thermal infra-red sounder IASI. Similarly, the Group's IASI methane scheme developed in NERC/NCEO is unique in delivering global height resolved information on this critical greenhouse gas. This methane processor is to be used in the NERC consortium grant GAUGE.

Due to the large data volumes and CPU requirements, combined with the time-critical acquisition of auxiliary data, real time processing of the MetOp data with RAL's schemes has not been viable. Looking ahead to CEMS, the resource required for dedicated NRT processing cannot be guaranteed due to the sharing of this resource with many other users

The resource requested here will make use of the existing CEMS-academic infrastructure, data and management, but will provide the essential, dedicated minimum number of cores to enable delivery of the Near Real Time products.

Reference: Munro1998: "Direct measurement of tropospheric ozone distributions from space", Munro R; Siddans R; Reburn WJ; Kerridge BJK, 1998, NATURE 392 (6672): 168-171

Planned Impact

The hardware will enable the NRT provision of tropospheric ozone, methane, CO and other constituent datasets for air quality forecasting, numerical weather prediction and the wider scientific community, e.g. in measurement campaigns and extreme event analysis.
The development of the NRT system will also prepare for future application to the Sentinel 5 Precursor and advanced geostationary MTG-S/Sentinel-4 and polar orbiting satellites MetOp-SG/Sentinel-5.


10 25 50
Description Procurement of hardware/storage as part of the JASMIN/CEMS computing infrastructure and setup of supporting data to enable Near Real Time system of test data.
Exploitation Route If ECMWF trials are successful and the project extended, all users of Copernicus NRT air quality and atmospheric composition data will benefit from the outputs project. The work from this project could extended to both longer term processing of the trial scheme and to implement other algorithms, eg. advanced ozone scheme using joint GOME-2/IASI instruments or IASI CH4 products.
The hardware has also helped enable the Group inclusion in both ESA-CCI and Copernicus Climate Change Service to provide the nadir ozone data.
Data has been used to inform ACSIS flight campaign observations (Feb 2017).
Interest has been shown by BP on the use of the NRT data products, with demonstration bids for collaboration in progress.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink





Democracy and Justice


Description The computing infrastructure is being used but test data has yet to be evaluated by ECMWF.
First Year Of Impact 2014
Description EO4CDS
Amount £18,000 (GBP)
Organisation UK Space Agency 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2015 
End 03/2016
Title ESA CCI Ozone profile from GOME, SCIAMACHY, GOME-2(A) 
Description Processing and delivery of GOME, SCIAMACHY, GOME-2(A) full mission data sets from 1995 to mid-2013 to retrieve nadir ozone profiles for the ESA Climate Change Initiative for Essential Climate Variables. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2015 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This is the phase 1 CCI-ozone project generating initial almost 20 data sets for climate monitoring and model inter-comparison and led to phase2 funding which will produce a more consistent 20-year data set for climate analysis. The group has been invited to contribute to the IGAC Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report. 
Title Global height-resolved multi-year ozone data sets from GOME-1, GOME-2, SCIAMACHY and OMI 
Description Global multi-year height-resolved ozone data sets from the GOME-1, GOME-2, SCIAMACHY and OMI satellite sensors, spanning 1995-2016 are being produced from the state-of-the-art retrieval scheme developed by RAL Remote Sensing-Group, whose development was funded by NERC-NCEO. These data sets are being produced in ESA's Climate Change Initiative and will be extended through the Copernicus Climate Change Service. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Sub-sets of data from GOME-1 and GOME-2A have been provided to UK University partners and international partners. On the basis of the quality of the data, ECMWF has selected this for the next major re-analysis (ERA-5) and a near-real time production chain has been established for trial assimilation by ECMWF Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service for MetOp-A and now also -B. 
Description Copernicus Climate Change Service 
Organisation Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy
Country Belgium 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Based on schemes for height-resolved ozone and aerosol retrieval developed through NERC NCEO and applied extensively in ESA's Climate Change Initiative (C3S), our team has involvement in the first phase of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, led by ECMWF. Multi-year global satellite data sets on ozone and aerosol are to be produced using the JASMIN computer infrastructure at RAL managed by CEDA. Our retrieval scheme for satellite uv nadir sounders provides sensitivity to tropospheric as well as stratospheric ozone. Our aerosol retrieval scheme (ORAC) was first developed for the dual-view ATSR-2 and is now applicable to a range of satellite vis/ir dual- and single-view imagers.
Collaborator Contribution The C3S ozone and aerosol projects are led by, respectively, BIRA-IASB (Belgium) and DLR (Germany), and involve consortia of European partners: C3S ozone - LATMOS/IPSL(France), DLR (Germany), U.Bremen (Germany), KNMI (Netherlands), Telespazio-Vega (UK), FMI (Finland) C3S aerosol - FMI (Finland), ICARE (France), MET-NO (Norway), ULB (Belgium), BIRA-IASB (Belgium), LMD (France), U.Bremen (Germany), U.Swansea (UK) Our partners provide multi-year global satellite data sets on ozone or aerosol which complement those from our group. In the case of ozone, our partners provide total columns, stratospheric profiles from limb-sounders or height-resolved data from ir nadir sounders whose height-sensitivity differs from that of the uv nadir sounders for which we are responsible. In the case of aerosol, our partners provide stratospheric profiles from limb sounders, optical properties from ir nadir sounders to augment particle size and type information from vis/near-ir wavelengths for which we are responsible, or else aerosol optical depth and other properties from vis/near-ir sensors with which to compare to ours.
Impact The C3S collaboration is only just commencing.
Start Year 2017
Description Copernicus Climate Change Service 
Organisation Finnish Meteorological Institute
Country Finland 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Based on schemes for height-resolved ozone and aerosol retrieval developed through NERC NCEO and applied extensively in ESA's Climate Change Initiative (C3S), our team has involvement in the first phase of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, led by ECMWF. Multi-year global satellite data sets on ozone and aerosol are to be produced using the JASMIN computer infrastructure at RAL managed by CEDA. Our retrieval scheme for satellite uv nadir sounders provides sensitivity to tropospheric as well as stratospheric ozone. Our aerosol retrieval scheme (ORAC) was first developed for the dual-view ATSR-2 and is now applicable to a range of satellite vis/ir dual- and single-view imagers.
Collaborator Contribution The C3S ozone and aerosol projects are led by, respectively, BIRA-IASB (Belgium) and DLR (Germany), and involve consortia of European partners: C3S ozone - LATMOS/IPSL(France), DLR (Germany), U.Bremen (Germany), KNMI (Netherlands), Telespazio-Vega (UK), FMI (Finland) C3S aerosol - FMI (Finland), ICARE (France), MET-NO (Norway), ULB (Belgium), BIRA-IASB (Belgium), LMD (France), U.Bremen (Germany), U.Swansea (UK) Our partners provide multi-year global satellite data sets on ozone or aerosol which complement those from our group. In the case of ozone, our partners provide total columns, stratospheric profiles from limb-sounders or height-resolved data from ir nadir sounders whose height-sensitivity differs from that of the uv nadir sounders for which we are responsible. In the case of aerosol, our partners provide stratospheric profiles from limb sounders, optical properties from ir nadir sounders to augment particle size and type information from vis/near-ir wavelengths for which we are responsible, or else aerosol optical depth and other properties from vis/near-ir sensors with which to compare to ours.
Impact The C3S collaboration is only just commencing.
Start Year 2017
Description Copernicus Climate Change Service 
Organisation German Aerospace Centre (DLR)
Department DLR Munich
Country Germany 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Based on schemes for height-resolved ozone and aerosol retrieval developed through NERC NCEO and applied extensively in ESA's Climate Change Initiative (C3S), our team has involvement in the first phase of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, led by ECMWF. Multi-year global satellite data sets on ozone and aerosol are to be produced using the JASMIN computer infrastructure at RAL managed by CEDA. Our retrieval scheme for satellite uv nadir sounders provides sensitivity to tropospheric as well as stratospheric ozone. Our aerosol retrieval scheme (ORAC) was first developed for the dual-view ATSR-2 and is now applicable to a range of satellite vis/ir dual- and single-view imagers.
Collaborator Contribution The C3S ozone and aerosol projects are led by, respectively, BIRA-IASB (Belgium) and DLR (Germany), and involve consortia of European partners: C3S ozone - LATMOS/IPSL(France), DLR (Germany), U.Bremen (Germany), KNMI (Netherlands), Telespazio-Vega (UK), FMI (Finland) C3S aerosol - FMI (Finland), ICARE (France), MET-NO (Norway), ULB (Belgium), BIRA-IASB (Belgium), LMD (France), U.Bremen (Germany), U.Swansea (UK) Our partners provide multi-year global satellite data sets on ozone or aerosol which complement those from our group. In the case of ozone, our partners provide total columns, stratospheric profiles from limb-sounders or height-resolved data from ir nadir sounders whose height-sensitivity differs from that of the uv nadir sounders for which we are responsible. In the case of aerosol, our partners provide stratospheric profiles from limb sounders, optical properties from ir nadir sounders to augment particle size and type information from vis/near-ir wavelengths for which we are responsible, or else aerosol optical depth and other properties from vis/near-ir sensors with which to compare to ours.
Impact The C3S collaboration is only just commencing.
Start Year 2017
Description Copernicus Climate Change Service 
Organisation Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Based on schemes for height-resolved ozone and aerosol retrieval developed through NERC NCEO and applied extensively in ESA's Climate Change Initiative (C3S), our team has involvement in the first phase of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, led by ECMWF. Multi-year global satellite data sets on ozone and aerosol are to be produced using the JASMIN computer infrastructure at RAL managed by CEDA. Our retrieval scheme for satellite uv nadir sounders provides sensitivity to tropospheric as well as stratospheric ozone. Our aerosol retrieval scheme (ORAC) was first developed for the dual-view ATSR-2 and is now applicable to a range of satellite vis/ir dual- and single-view imagers.
Collaborator Contribution The C3S ozone and aerosol projects are led by, respectively, BIRA-IASB (Belgium) and DLR (Germany), and involve consortia of European partners: C3S ozone - LATMOS/IPSL(France), DLR (Germany), U.Bremen (Germany), KNMI (Netherlands), Telespazio-Vega (UK), FMI (Finland) C3S aerosol - FMI (Finland), ICARE (France), MET-NO (Norway), ULB (Belgium), BIRA-IASB (Belgium), LMD (France), U.Bremen (Germany), U.Swansea (UK) Our partners provide multi-year global satellite data sets on ozone or aerosol which complement those from our group. In the case of ozone, our partners provide total columns, stratospheric profiles from limb-sounders or height-resolved data from ir nadir sounders whose height-sensitivity differs from that of the uv nadir sounders for which we are responsible. In the case of aerosol, our partners provide stratospheric profiles from limb sounders, optical properties from ir nadir sounders to augment particle size and type information from vis/near-ir wavelengths for which we are responsible, or else aerosol optical depth and other properties from vis/near-ir sensors with which to compare to ours.
Impact The C3S collaboration is only just commencing.
Start Year 2017
Description Copernicus Climate Change Service 
Organisation Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Country Norway 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Based on schemes for height-resolved ozone and aerosol retrieval developed through NERC NCEO and applied extensively in ESA's Climate Change Initiative (C3S), our team has involvement in the first phase of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, led by ECMWF. Multi-year global satellite data sets on ozone and aerosol are to be produced using the JASMIN computer infrastructure at RAL managed by CEDA. Our retrieval scheme for satellite uv nadir sounders provides sensitivity to tropospheric as well as stratospheric ozone. Our aerosol retrieval scheme (ORAC) was first developed for the dual-view ATSR-2 and is now applicable to a range of satellite vis/ir dual- and single-view imagers.
Collaborator Contribution The C3S ozone and aerosol projects are led by, respectively, BIRA-IASB (Belgium) and DLR (Germany), and involve consortia of European partners: C3S ozone - LATMOS/IPSL(France), DLR (Germany), U.Bremen (Germany), KNMI (Netherlands), Telespazio-Vega (UK), FMI (Finland) C3S aerosol - FMI (Finland), ICARE (France), MET-NO (Norway), ULB (Belgium), BIRA-IASB (Belgium), LMD (France), U.Bremen (Germany), U.Swansea (UK) Our partners provide multi-year global satellite data sets on ozone or aerosol which complement those from our group. In the case of ozone, our partners provide total columns, stratospheric profiles from limb-sounders or height-resolved data from ir nadir sounders whose height-sensitivity differs from that of the uv nadir sounders for which we are responsible. In the case of aerosol, our partners provide stratospheric profiles from limb sounders, optical properties from ir nadir sounders to augment particle size and type information from vis/near-ir wavelengths for which we are responsible, or else aerosol optical depth and other properties from vis/near-ir sensors with which to compare to ours.
Impact The C3S collaboration is only just commencing.
Start Year 2017
Description Copernicus Climate Change Service 
Organisation Pierre and Marie Curie University - Paris 6
Department Laboratory of Dynamic Meteorology
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Based on schemes for height-resolved ozone and aerosol retrieval developed through NERC NCEO and applied extensively in ESA's Climate Change Initiative (C3S), our team has involvement in the first phase of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, led by ECMWF. Multi-year global satellite data sets on ozone and aerosol are to be produced using the JASMIN computer infrastructure at RAL managed by CEDA. Our retrieval scheme for satellite uv nadir sounders provides sensitivity to tropospheric as well as stratospheric ozone. Our aerosol retrieval scheme (ORAC) was first developed for the dual-view ATSR-2 and is now applicable to a range of satellite vis/ir dual- and single-view imagers.
Collaborator Contribution The C3S ozone and aerosol projects are led by, respectively, BIRA-IASB (Belgium) and DLR (Germany), and involve consortia of European partners: C3S ozone - LATMOS/IPSL(France), DLR (Germany), U.Bremen (Germany), KNMI (Netherlands), Telespazio-Vega (UK), FMI (Finland) C3S aerosol - FMI (Finland), ICARE (France), MET-NO (Norway), ULB (Belgium), BIRA-IASB (Belgium), LMD (France), U.Bremen (Germany), U.Swansea (UK) Our partners provide multi-year global satellite data sets on ozone or aerosol which complement those from our group. In the case of ozone, our partners provide total columns, stratospheric profiles from limb-sounders or height-resolved data from ir nadir sounders whose height-sensitivity differs from that of the uv nadir sounders for which we are responsible. In the case of aerosol, our partners provide stratospheric profiles from limb sounders, optical properties from ir nadir sounders to augment particle size and type information from vis/near-ir wavelengths for which we are responsible, or else aerosol optical depth and other properties from vis/near-ir sensors with which to compare to ours.
Impact The C3S collaboration is only just commencing.
Start Year 2017
Description Copernicus Climate Change Service 
Organisation Swansea University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Based on schemes for height-resolved ozone and aerosol retrieval developed through NERC NCEO and applied extensively in ESA's Climate Change Initiative (C3S), our team has involvement in the first phase of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, led by ECMWF. Multi-year global satellite data sets on ozone and aerosol are to be produced using the JASMIN computer infrastructure at RAL managed by CEDA. Our retrieval scheme for satellite uv nadir sounders provides sensitivity to tropospheric as well as stratospheric ozone. Our aerosol retrieval scheme (ORAC) was first developed for the dual-view ATSR-2 and is now applicable to a range of satellite vis/ir dual- and single-view imagers.
Collaborator Contribution The C3S ozone and aerosol projects are led by, respectively, BIRA-IASB (Belgium) and DLR (Germany), and involve consortia of European partners: C3S ozone - LATMOS/IPSL(France), DLR (Germany), U.Bremen (Germany), KNMI (Netherlands), Telespazio-Vega (UK), FMI (Finland) C3S aerosol - FMI (Finland), ICARE (France), MET-NO (Norway), ULB (Belgium), BIRA-IASB (Belgium), LMD (France), U.Bremen (Germany), U.Swansea (UK) Our partners provide multi-year global satellite data sets on ozone or aerosol which complement those from our group. In the case of ozone, our partners provide total columns, stratospheric profiles from limb-sounders or height-resolved data from ir nadir sounders whose height-sensitivity differs from that of the uv nadir sounders for which we are responsible. In the case of aerosol, our partners provide stratospheric profiles from limb sounders, optical properties from ir nadir sounders to augment particle size and type information from vis/near-ir wavelengths for which we are responsible, or else aerosol optical depth and other properties from vis/near-ir sensors with which to compare to ours.
Impact The C3S collaboration is only just commencing.
Start Year 2017
Description Copernicus Climate Change Service 
Organisation Telespazio Vega (IDEAS)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Based on schemes for height-resolved ozone and aerosol retrieval developed through NERC NCEO and applied extensively in ESA's Climate Change Initiative (C3S), our team has involvement in the first phase of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, led by ECMWF. Multi-year global satellite data sets on ozone and aerosol are to be produced using the JASMIN computer infrastructure at RAL managed by CEDA. Our retrieval scheme for satellite uv nadir sounders provides sensitivity to tropospheric as well as stratospheric ozone. Our aerosol retrieval scheme (ORAC) was first developed for the dual-view ATSR-2 and is now applicable to a range of satellite vis/ir dual- and single-view imagers.
Collaborator Contribution The C3S ozone and aerosol projects are led by, respectively, BIRA-IASB (Belgium) and DLR (Germany), and involve consortia of European partners: C3S ozone - LATMOS/IPSL(France), DLR (Germany), U.Bremen (Germany), KNMI (Netherlands), Telespazio-Vega (UK), FMI (Finland) C3S aerosol - FMI (Finland), ICARE (France), MET-NO (Norway), ULB (Belgium), BIRA-IASB (Belgium), LMD (France), U.Bremen (Germany), U.Swansea (UK) Our partners provide multi-year global satellite data sets on ozone or aerosol which complement those from our group. In the case of ozone, our partners provide total columns, stratospheric profiles from limb-sounders or height-resolved data from ir nadir sounders whose height-sensitivity differs from that of the uv nadir sounders for which we are responsible. In the case of aerosol, our partners provide stratospheric profiles from limb sounders, optical properties from ir nadir sounders to augment particle size and type information from vis/near-ir wavelengths for which we are responsible, or else aerosol optical depth and other properties from vis/near-ir sensors with which to compare to ours.
Impact The C3S collaboration is only just commencing.
Start Year 2017
Description Copernicus Climate Change Service 
Organisation University of Bremen
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Based on schemes for height-resolved ozone and aerosol retrieval developed through NERC NCEO and applied extensively in ESA's Climate Change Initiative (C3S), our team has involvement in the first phase of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, led by ECMWF. Multi-year global satellite data sets on ozone and aerosol are to be produced using the JASMIN computer infrastructure at RAL managed by CEDA. Our retrieval scheme for satellite uv nadir sounders provides sensitivity to tropospheric as well as stratospheric ozone. Our aerosol retrieval scheme (ORAC) was first developed for the dual-view ATSR-2 and is now applicable to a range of satellite vis/ir dual- and single-view imagers.
Collaborator Contribution The C3S ozone and aerosol projects are led by, respectively, BIRA-IASB (Belgium) and DLR (Germany), and involve consortia of European partners: C3S ozone - LATMOS/IPSL(France), DLR (Germany), U.Bremen (Germany), KNMI (Netherlands), Telespazio-Vega (UK), FMI (Finland) C3S aerosol - FMI (Finland), ICARE (France), MET-NO (Norway), ULB (Belgium), BIRA-IASB (Belgium), LMD (France), U.Bremen (Germany), U.Swansea (UK) Our partners provide multi-year global satellite data sets on ozone or aerosol which complement those from our group. In the case of ozone, our partners provide total columns, stratospheric profiles from limb-sounders or height-resolved data from ir nadir sounders whose height-sensitivity differs from that of the uv nadir sounders for which we are responsible. In the case of aerosol, our partners provide stratospheric profiles from limb sounders, optical properties from ir nadir sounders to augment particle size and type information from vis/near-ir wavelengths for which we are responsible, or else aerosol optical depth and other properties from vis/near-ir sensors with which to compare to ours.
Impact The C3S collaboration is only just commencing.
Start Year 2017
Description Copernicus Climate Change Service 
Organisation University of Lille
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Based on schemes for height-resolved ozone and aerosol retrieval developed through NERC NCEO and applied extensively in ESA's Climate Change Initiative (C3S), our team has involvement in the first phase of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, led by ECMWF. Multi-year global satellite data sets on ozone and aerosol are to be produced using the JASMIN computer infrastructure at RAL managed by CEDA. Our retrieval scheme for satellite uv nadir sounders provides sensitivity to tropospheric as well as stratospheric ozone. Our aerosol retrieval scheme (ORAC) was first developed for the dual-view ATSR-2 and is now applicable to a range of satellite vis/ir dual- and single-view imagers.
Collaborator Contribution The C3S ozone and aerosol projects are led by, respectively, BIRA-IASB (Belgium) and DLR (Germany), and involve consortia of European partners: C3S ozone - LATMOS/IPSL(France), DLR (Germany), U.Bremen (Germany), KNMI (Netherlands), Telespazio-Vega (UK), FMI (Finland) C3S aerosol - FMI (Finland), ICARE (France), MET-NO (Norway), ULB (Belgium), BIRA-IASB (Belgium), LMD (France), U.Bremen (Germany), U.Swansea (UK) Our partners provide multi-year global satellite data sets on ozone or aerosol which complement those from our group. In the case of ozone, our partners provide total columns, stratospheric profiles from limb-sounders or height-resolved data from ir nadir sounders whose height-sensitivity differs from that of the uv nadir sounders for which we are responsible. In the case of aerosol, our partners provide stratospheric profiles from limb sounders, optical properties from ir nadir sounders to augment particle size and type information from vis/near-ir wavelengths for which we are responsible, or else aerosol optical depth and other properties from vis/near-ir sensors with which to compare to ours.
Impact The C3S collaboration is only just commencing.
Start Year 2017
Title Near Real Time Processing Chain Prototype 
Description Processing chain framework for enabling STFC-RAL Space Remote Sensing Group to run pre-operational Near Real Time (NRT) retrieval algorithms on JASMIN-CEMS and make data available via the web. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2016 
Impact Gome2 MetOp-A chain run for 12 month trial, with data delivered to ECMWF to feed into air quality forecasting. Due to ingestion problems at ECMWF, the assessment will need to be continued into next FY. Setup of the processing chain enabled further development in association with UKSA to add ozone from Gome2 MetOp-B and implement methane from IASI MetOp-A. This, positioning the RSG for Copernicus C3S ITTs in the near future. 
Title Near Real-Time Processing chains for MetOp and MSG 
Description A near real-time processing chain for the MetOp satellite has been designed and implemented on the JASMIN infrastructure at RAL. The system produces height-resolved ozone data from GOME-2A and -2B and also methane data from IASI. A near real-time processing chain is being implemented for particulates from MSG SEVIRI in geostationary orbit. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2016 
Impact ECMWF is evaluating the ozone data from MetOp-A for assimilation into the CAMS system. A pre-processor for temperature, humidity, ozone and surface emissivity from MetOp-A IASI, MHS and AMSU-B is being implemented on JASMIN. It is intended to adapt and transfer the MetOp system to process co-located Sentinel-5P and Suomi-NPP CrIS data. Additional target species could also potentially be added. The processing chain for SEVIRI particulates is to be expanded to process data from HIMAWARI-8 over SE Asia.