An Integrated Study of AIR Pollution PROcesses in Beijing (AIRPRO)

Lead Research Organisation: Lancaster University
Department Name: Lancaster Environment Centre


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Planned Impact

Air pollution is a high profile and fully globalised phenomena with a complex web of interested parties, influencers and decision-makers and academic researcher hold a key role as highly credible influencers. The public profile of air pollution is currently very high, both in China and the UK, and this provides opportunities for potential engagement with the public on the underlying science, and also potentially with a range of other organisations, for example NGOs, for which air pollution may be one of many environmental issues of interest. We identify that as a key influencer in the field, a key focus of efforts for impact should be through engagement with decision makers, accepting that there is rarely a direct route between a new science finding and an immediate change in public policy. The timescales are long, and the evidence typically accumulative, nonetheless the PIs have a track record of successful engagement in the UK and at a European level.

This pathway to impact plan relates specifically to the UK participants in the AIRPRO consortium and we are realistic about the extent to which UK universities can expect to engage with overseas decision-makers and directly influence Chinese Government policy. In this particular case our role as an influencer and by extension our route to impact must naturally must flow via our Chinese collaborators.

We identify three specific key impact areas for AIRPRO:
[1] Public understanding of the science and impacts of urban air pollution
[2] Supporting Chinese collaborators in their role as influencers of policy and practice in Beijing and China
[3] Translating AIRPRO science to megacities in a development context

[1] Many in the consortium are active in the public engagement arena, with media appearances, high profile science events as well as school visits and production of outreach materials. This work is ongoing and enduring and we identify that the most effective role for AIRPRO is to provide new basic materials for these existing bottom up and PI- led initiates. This will be a pooled effort, with the best in new visual aids, photographs, graphics, videos, images and model animations shared on the project website and via social media mechanisms.

[2] WP7 provides a ready-made route to impact via the development and improvement of models such as NAQPMS and NICAM-Chem used in China for air pollution prediction. These leading edge models are a central mechanism by which latest science understanding is translated to operational agencies and to decision makers on policy. WP7 can therefore be thought of as being a fundamental part of the pathway to impact for the project. We have assembled a large team of leading investigators to support its delivery and this should be viewed as a substantial investment in the pathway to impact. Our Chinese collaborators provide the next steps in delivery of impact through the application of these models in their research programmes and in their advice to Government. We will also work with our Chinese partners in their engagement with local ministries and agency, through the creation of effective science summaries for specialists and targeted presentations in China for policy-makers.

[3] Many of the underlying causes of air pollution in Beijing can be found in other developing cities, and much of the science and capability developed may have potential for translation to other locations. We will specifically target overseas development agencies such as DfID and key aid and policy organisations to highlight the state of the science and how this may be used to help countries identify the most effective areas for intervention. We identify some major impact opportunities that may be developed through raising awareness of practical public health improvements afforded by engagement with air pollution issues, and strong synergies with Newton Fund objectives.


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publication icon
Hollaway M (2019) Photochemical impacts of haze pollution in an urban environment in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Description In this project we have demonstrated and quantified the important role that atmospheric haze plays in reducing the intensity of sunlight and hence the rate of chemical transformation of pollutants in the urban atmosphere. The project provided the first numerical model assessment of these effects to be fully constrained by observational evidence, and provides strong support for our current understanding of the underlying mechanisms.

As a contribution to the project, we have fully coupled the aerosol and photolysis schemes in the UK Chemistry and Aerosols model (UKCA, the atmospheric chemistry component of the UK Earth System Model) so that the concentration and optical properties of particles in the model directly influence chemical processes. This improves the capabilities of the model and will benefit all future users.
Exploitation Route Our findings will allow more critical assessment of the processes affecting pollutant transformation in the urban boundary layer, contributing to the underlying understanding needed to inform policies aimed at mitigating urban air pollution. Through more robust, reliable assessment of pollutant transformation in Beijing, this strengthens the foundation for air pollution control measures, benefiting urban populations in China. The improvements we have made to the UKCA model will have wide benefits to future UKCA/UKESM model users investigating urban air quality or regional atmospheric composition and their impacts on global climate change.
Sectors Environment

Title APHH: Simulated photolysis rates using the Fast-JX model at the IAP-Beijing site during the winter and summer campaigns 
Description This dataset contains Simulated Photolysis rates using the Fast-JX model at the IAP-Beijing site during the winter and summer APHH-Beijing campaign for the Atmospheric Pollution & Human Health in a Chinese Megacity (APHH) programme. Fast-JX column photolysis model was used at Lancaster University to simulate column profiles of photolysis rates (JO3 and JNO2) centred on the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) tower site in Beijing. The photolysis rate profiles are simulated under different aerosol loadings to represent the optical effects of individual species and cloud cover on photochemistry. Citable as: Hollaway, M.; Wild, O. (2019): APHH: Simulated photolysis rates using the Fast-JX model at the IAP-Beijing site during the winter and summer campaigns. Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, date of citation. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Data are fully documented and made available to others; no evidence of direct impact is available yet. 
Title WRF-Chem model output for APEC temporal and sectoral emission controls 
Description PM2.5 surface concentrations from WRF-Chem model sensitivity experiments used in the study published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ( are stored in four different files. Data from the inner-most model domain (North China Plain, D03) are stored. The four files contain: 1. Results from one-day emission controls over Beijing, Near-Neighbourhood (NN) and Far-Neighbourhood (FN) with 20 different start and end dates as indicated in the variable names. The 24-hour controls were implemented from the 17th hour to the 40th hour in each run to reflect midnight to midnight controls in Beijing local time. The first 16 hours and the last 8 hours of these results were discarded to provide a 5-day time-series used in the analysis. 2. Results from continuous reduction (switching-off) of one emission sector at a time. The reductions were applied from the 17th hour of 20th October onwards in UTC time coordinates. The particular sector removed is indicated in the name of each variable. ind, pow, tran, res, NN and FN refer to industrial, power generation, transportation, residential, Near-Neighbourhood and Far-Neighbourhood respectively. 3. 4. Results from 60 simultaneous emission-perturbation runs. The perturbations were applied from the 17th hour of 20th October in UTC time coordinates. The corresponding emission perturbations for run 1 to run 60 are provided in Table S2 in the supplementary material of the published paper. Description 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This dataset supports an ACP publication (doi:10.5194/acp-2020-814) quantifying the contribution of different source sectors, regions, and times on air pollution in Beijing during the APEC period. The approaches developed here are being used in subsequent studies. 
Description IAP for APHH 
Organisation Chinese Academy of Sciences
Department Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP)
Country China 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have provided skills and experience in modelling atmospheric processes to focus on representation of the impacts of aerosol particles on short-wave radiation affecting chemical processing of pollutants in the urban atmosphere in Beijing. We have also hosted a number of scientists and students from IAP on long- and short-term visits to Lancaster.
Collaborator Contribution Our IAP partners have provided measurements of aerosol concentrations and optical properties from their tower site in Beijing, along with lidar profiles of aerosol optical extinction.
Impact Publications
Start Year 2016
Description Conversation article on air quality in China 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Article on health impacts of poor air quality in China, and on the measures being taken to clean up air quality in Beijing.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Light Up Lancaster 2019: Activity on Atmospheric Transport of Air Pollution 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A presentation/discussion activity on urban air pollution and its large-scale transport in the atmosphere. This was one of six contributions from Lancaster University to Lancaster City Council's annual "Lancaster Up Lancaster" festival in 2019 and ran over two days. The activities were targeted at children and the general public, and the total reach was about 3700 people.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019