Atmospheric Forcing of the Iceland Sea (AFIS)

Lead Research Organisation: University of East Anglia
Department Name: Environmental Sciences


The subpolar region of the North Atlantic is crucial for the global climate system. It is where coupled atmosphere-ocean processes, on a variety of spatial scales, require an integrated approach for their improved understanding and prediction. This region has enhanced 'communication' between the atmosphere and ocean. Here large surface fluxes of heat and moisture make the surface waters colder, saltier and denser resulting in a convective overturning that contributes to the lower limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). The AMOC is an ocean circulation that carries warm water from the tropics northward with a return flow of cold water southwards at depth; it is instrumental in keeping Europe's climate relatively mild.

The Iceland Sea - to the north and east of Iceland - is arguably the least studied of the North Atlantic's subpolar seas. However new discoveries are forcing a redesign of our conceptual model of the North Atlantic's ocean circulation which places the Iceland Sea at the heart of this system and suggests that it requires urgent scientific focus. The recently discovered North Icelandic Jet is thought to be one of two pathways for dense water to pass through the Denmark Strait - the stretch of ocean between Iceland and Greenland - which is the main route for dense waters from the north to enter the Atlantic. Its discovery suggests a new paradigm for where dense water entering the North Atlantic originates. However at present the source of the North Icelandic Jet remains unknown. It is hypothesized that relatively warm Atlantic-origin water is modified into denser water in the Iceland Sea, although it is unclear precisely where, when or how this happens.

We will test this hypothesis and investigate this new ocean circulation paradigm. We will examine wintertime atmosphere-ocean processes in the Iceland Sea by characterising its atmospheric forcing, i.e. observing the spatial structure and variability of surface heat, moisture and momentum fluxes in the region and the weather systems that dictate these fluxes. We will make in situ observations of air-sea interaction processes from several platforms (an aircraft; and via project partners an unmanned airborne vehicle, a meteorological buoy and a research vessel) and use these to evaluate meteorological analyses and reanalyses from operational weather forecasting centres. These meteorological analyses and reanalyses are a blend of observations and model output and represent the atmosphere as best we know it.

We will carry out numerical modelling experiments to investigate the dynamics of selected weather systems which strongly influence the region, but appear not to be well represented; for example, the boundary layers that develop over transitions between sea ice and the open ocean during cold-air outbreaks; or the jets and wakes that occur downstream of Iceland. We will use our unique observations to improve model representation of these systems.

We will also carry out new high-resolution climate simulations. A series of experiments will cover recent past and likely future situations; as well as some idealised situations such as no wintertime sea ice in the Iceland Sea region. We will use a state-of-the-art atmospheric model with high resolution over the Iceland Sea to investigate changes in the atmospheric circulation and surface fluxes.

Finally, in collaboration with our international partners, we will analyse new ocean observations and establish which weather systems are important for changing ocean properties in this region. We will use a range of ocean and atmospheric models to establish how current and future ocean circulation pathways function. In short, we will determine the role that atmosphere-ocean processes in the Iceland Sea play in creating the dense waters that flow through Denmark Strait and feed into the lower limb of the AMOC.

Planned Impact

The main impacts from this project will be:

(1) Improved weather forecasts for Iceland, the Iceland Sea and the North Atlantic region by the inclusion of additional radiosonde soundings into operational forecasting systems. This impact will be for the period of the field campaign and will be on all global forecasting agencies and relevant regional agencies. Beneficiaries of this impact will include residents of Iceland and other forecast users in this region.

(2) An assessment of meteorological analyses and reanalyses products for the subpolar North Atlantic specifically, but with relevance to climatologically similar locations too; for example near marginal-ice-zones and steep mountains. Evaluating the quality of these products will have long-lasting benefits for all their users. Note these products are very widely used; for example, the paper describing the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecast's (ECMWF) ERA Interim product (Dee et al. 2011) has been cited over 2500/3600 times (Web of Science/Google Scholar), implying it has been used at least this many times - in all likelihood many more. We will establish any systematic biases or errors, and seek the cause and possible solutions to these. Consequently one potential impact would be an improvement in future reanalyses products (the PI has a track record of impact in this regard - see Pathways to Impact). A variety of analyses and reanalyses will be assessed, including the UK, Icelandic and ECMWF operational analyses and several reanalyses products including from the ECMWF and the Arctic System Reanalyses (ASR). It is planned for some of our project partners, namely the UK Met Office and the Icelandic Met Office, to be directly involved in this work. In addition we will exploit opportunities provide by the WMO's Polar Prediction Project to directly engage with other forecast providers.

(3) Improved numerical weather and climate prediction models, primarily through testing and development of parameterization schemes and model configurations. This will also be a long-lasting benefit to society as a whole through improved weather and climate prediction. Our project partners, the UK Met Office and the Icelandic Met Office have already been involved in developing some aspects of our plans, so are already engaged and will collaborate here. Particular areas of model deficiency are outlined in the Case, the Pathway to Impact and in project partner Letters of Support. These include poor representation of boundary-layer structure and mixed-phase cloud development over sea ice and during cold-air outbreaks. Note some parameterization deficiencies are also known weaknesses in many models, so there should be impact on other national and private meteorological service providers and numerical weather- or climate-prediction model development teams.

(4) Improved coupled forecasting systems via model development and testing against a unique coupled atmosphere-ocean observational data set for a critical region for the climate system. Many forecasting centres are currently developing or trialling coupled forecasting systems for the short-term (they are already in use for the few centres that carry out seasonal prediction) and this presents a host of new challenges, particularly around coupled model initialisation and the representation of sea ice. Our unique data set will be invaluable in testing these systems in the challenging environment of the subpolar seas. This data set is eagerly anticipated by the Met Office (see their Letter) and is likely to be sought after by the international community too. This impact will also lead to a long-lasting benefit to society as a whole through improved weather and climate prediction.

(5) The broader Iceland Sea Project provides an excellent outreach opportunity for us to engage with the public about the science we do. We plan to contribute to a multifaceted outreach programme being led by our US project partners.


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Moore G (2016) Arctic System Reanalysis improvements in topographically forced winds near Greenland in Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society

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Renfrew I (2018) Modification of Polar Low Development by Orography and Sea Ice in Monthly Weather Review

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Renfrew I (2019) Atmospheric sensitivity to marginal-ice-zone drag: Local and global responses in Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society

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Renfrew I (2019) The Iceland Greenland Seas Project in Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

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Wilson J (2023) The YOPP Final Summit: Assessing Past and Forecasting Future Polar Prediction Research in Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

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Renfrew I (2023) Coupled atmosphere-ocean observations of a cold-air outbreak and its impact on the Iceland Sea in Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society

Title IGP French Documentary 
Description Contribution to a documentary film "the weather adventure", produced by ZED. Major documentary for National TV in France on weather forecasting, including a section on Arctic weather forecasting. Sending a camera team to Akureyri during 4-7 March 2018. Interviewed numerous times. Helping with film production and animations. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact Film yet to be broadcast 
Title Podcasts & radio interviews during IGP field campaign 
Description Interviewed for radio broadcasts and podcasts. Ari Shapiro ? Radio journalist ? Coming to Iceland during late February 2018, to visit the Alliance during refuel in Isafjordur and visit the aircraft team in Akureyri. ? Interviewing scientists and touring the ship and aircraft ? Putting together a radio documentary piece to be broadcast on Public Radio International's "The World" and also aims to do a Facebook Live event through NOVA. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2018 
Impact Broadcast to audience of millions 
Title WHOI Funded outreach films 
Description Contributed to a number of short outreach films funded by partners WHOI. ? Going on Alliance cruise and interviewed/interviewing a number of scientists, also using some Go Pro footage from the Twin Otter campaign ? Putting together a short documentary with the aim of showing it at film festivals - will also appear on WHOI-funded outreach web site. Amanda Kowalski 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact Still to be completed 
Description The Iceland Greenland Seas Project achieved the first coordinated atmosphere-ocean field campaign during winter in the subpolar seas of the North Atlantic. A remarkable feature of the field campaign was the highly coordinated deployment of the observing platforms, whereby the research vessel and aircraft tracks were planned in concert to allow simultaneous sampling of the atmosphere, the ocean and their interactions.

Using observations from a meteorological buoy, a research vessel and a research aircraft, we have carried out an evaluation of the ERA5 reanalysis product (from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) focusing on surface-layer meteorology and surface turbulent fluxes in winter and spring. We find the ERA5 surface layer meteorology and fluxes are less accurate over the MIZ than over water, due to an overly smooth sea ice distribution. A parallel evaluation of higher resolution forecast fields from the Met Office's Unified Model corroborates these findings.

Aircraft observations from two Arctic field campaigns - namely ACCACIA (NE/I028297/1) and AFIS (NE/N009754/1) which was part of the Iceland Greenland Seas Project - have been used to characterise and model surface heat and moisture exchange over the marginal ice zone (MIZ).

Observations over the marginal ice zone show that surface scalar exchange is a function of the aerodynamic roughness of the surface, which itself is a function of the surface characteristics (for example, the concentration of sea ice within the marginal ice zone).

Existing scalar exchange parameterization schemes do not represent this sensitivity; we propose a new scheme that does. We believe this is the first surface exchange scheme for heat and moisture that is suitable for the marginal ice zone within weather and climate models. We show the new scheme is more accurate in offline calculations of surface heat fluxes, especially for aerodynamically rough conditions.

A novel diagnostic for cold air outbreaks (the CAO depth) has been developed and we demonstrate this shows important characteristics that are not captured in the traditional diagnostic of CAO index. We use this to examine CAO events for two regions: the Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian Seas and the Labrador Sea. Despite the nearly 20-degree difference in latitude, CAO events over both regions exhibit similar evolution and characteristics including surface fluxes and thermodynamic structure. About two-thirds
of the identified CAO events are accompanied by polar mesoscale cyclogenesis, with the majority of mesoscale cyclones originating inside the cold air masses. Neither the duration, nor the maturity of the CAO event seems relevant for mesoscale cyclogenesis. Mesoscale cyclogenesis conditions during CAO events over the Labrador Sea are warmer, moister and exhibit stronger surface latent heat fluxes than their Norwegian Sea counterparts.

Climate model analysis has demonstrated that in the Greenland and Iceland Seas, and under global warming, the buoyancy loss is inhibited as the atmosphere warms more rapidly than the ocean, which reduces the air-sea temperature difference. This occurs most prominently farther away from the retreating ice edge, over the Greenland Sea Gyre. Over the gyre the upper ocean also warms significantly, resulting in a more stratified water column and, as a consequence, a reduction in the depth of convective mixing. In contrast, closer to the coast the effect of global warming is overshadowed by the effect of the sea ice retreat, leading to significant changes in ocean temperature and salinity in the vicinity of the marginal ice zone.

Climate modelling experiments have demonstrated a role for sea-ice in the wintertime heat fluxes in the Iceland and Greenland Seas, that is dependent on the location and the large-scale atmospheric circulation.

A new sea-ice drag parameterization has a significant impact on the atmospheric boundary layer, changing the: surface momentum flux (comparably to the mean), low-level winds and low-level temperatures near the MIZ. Comparing against aircraft observations over the MIZ the new 'L12E16' drag scheme has the lowest bias and lowest root-mean-square errors. In global simulations the atmospheric response is relatively widespread - impacting most of the Arctic and Antarctic sea-ice areas - critical impact on atmospheric drag. The largest changes are in the vicinity of the MIZ and affect atmospheric BL. The new L12E16 scheme is in Met Office operational model from Sep. 2018 and planned for next climate model configuration - significantly improved skill via MSLP, etc.

Sea-ice retreat suggests a re-organization of water mass transformation in the Nordic and Barents Seas - new findings making use of IGP field campaign data sets and model evaluation. We show wintertime sea-ice retreat and a warming climate are impacting the ocean currents of the Nordic Seas - the headwaters of the AMOC. We examine surface fluxes along the currents & find the orientation of the current relative to the direction of sea-ice retreat is critical.

For the southward flowing East Greenland Current, the sea-ice retreats parallel to the current, exposing the entire EGC to more cooling and potentially direct water transformation. For the northward flowing Norwegian Atlantic Current, sea-ice retreat has been in the direction of the Barents Sea and Svalbard branches of the current. Meaning cooling and potentially water transformation is occurring further north.

Previous work has shown a reduction in cooling in the interior of the Nordic Seas so in combination this suggests a reorganization is underway in where water mass transformation processes are occurring, with consequences for the AMOC.

The first analysis of a cold-air outbreak and its impacts on the ocean over the subpolar North Atlantic has been carried out. We found the CAO to be relatively well-mixed vertically and, away from the sea-ice edge, relatively homogeneous spatially. The response of the ocean to the CAO is spatially dependent. In the interior of the Iceland Sea the mixed layer cools, while in the boundary current region it warms. In both locations, the mixed layer deepens and becomes more saline. Combining our observations with one-dimensional mixed-layer modelling, we show that in the interior of the Iceland Sea, atmospheric forcing dominates the ocean response. In contrast, in the boundary current region lateral advection and mixing counteract the short-term impact of the atmospheric forcing. Time series observations of the late-winter period illustrate a highly variable ocean mixed layer, with lateral advection and mixing often masking the ocean's general cooling and deepening response to individual CAO events.

We identify an annual salinity cycle in the Denmark Strait Overflow of 0.02 peak to trough amplitude, with a minimum in May. Freshening of the low salinity lid of the overflow at Denmark Strait in spring likely contributes to the freshening. Salinity anomalies advect from the Shelf break East Greenland Current north of Denmark Strait to the overflow in the Irminger Basin.

Convective coherent structures shape the atmospheric boundary layer over the lifecycle of marine cold-air outbreaks (CAOs). We present a novel ship-based approach to determine the evolution of the coherent-structure characteristics, based on profiling lidar observations. Over the lifecycle of a multi-day CAO we show how these structures interact with boundary-layer characteristics, simultaneously obtained by a multi-sensor set-up. For the evaluated CAO event, we successfully identify cellular coherent structures of varying size in the order of 4 × 102 m to 104 m and velocity amplitudes of up to 0.5 m s-1 in the vertical and 1 m s-1 in the horizontal.

The ocean is forced by the atmosphere on a range of spatial and temporal scales. In numerical models the atmospheric resolution sets a limit on these scales and for typical climate models mesoscale (<500 km) atmospheric forcing is absent or misrepresented. Previous studies have demonstrated that mesoscale forcing significantly affects key ocean circulation systems such as the North Atlantic subpolar gyre (SPG) and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC). Here we present ocean model simulations that demonstrate that the addition of realistic mesoscale atmospheric forcing leads to coherent patterns of change: a cooler sea surface in the tropical and subtropical Atlantic Ocean and deeper mixed layers in the subpolar North Atlantic in autumn, winter, and spring. These lead to robust statistically significant increases in the volume transport of the North Atlantic SPG by 10% and the AMOC by up to 10%. Our simulations use a novel stochastic parameterization - based on a cellular automata algorithm - to represent spatially coherent weather systems realistically over a range of scales, including down to the smallest resolvable by the ocean grid (~10 km). Convection permitting atmospheric models predict changes in the intensity and frequency of mesoscale weather systems due to climate change, so representing them in coupled climate models would bring higher fidelity to future climate projections.
Exploitation Route Through ongoing impact work and via paradigm shifting findings on cold air outbreaks and their impact on the ocean
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine



Description A parameterisation developed using data from this project has now been coded up by project partners the Met Office. It is now being evaluated by us, in collaboration with researchers at the Met Office. Work is based on Elvidge et al. (2021) output. Follow up paper Elvidge et al. 2023 is now accepted, and this has Met Office co-authors and describes output with new parameterisation. We are also continuing impact work with ECMWF and Metro France, as well as other agencies on this research.
First Year Of Impact 2021
Sector Environment
Impact Types Economic

Description Met Office Science Advisory Committee
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Impact Advice to Met Office on continuing development of their models and services
Description COVID extension fund
Amount £31,044 (GBP)
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2020 
End 09/2021
Description NERC Airborne Research Facility
Amount £20,000 (GBP)
Funding ID D226 
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2018 
End 03/2018
Description Orographic flow representation in weather and climate models
Amount £89,000 (GBP)
Funding ID NE/R007810/1 
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2017 
End 12/2022
Title BAS-MASIN flight 292-306 airborne meteorological observations from the Iceland Greenland Seas Project (IGP) 
Description 15 flights using the MASIN platform 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Several of the papers related to this grant 
Title IGP surface fluxes database 
Description Air-sea and Air-ice fluxes database, using surface layer and boundary layer aircraft data 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact None yet. 
Title IGP surface fluxes database v3 
Description Update to previous surface flux database 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Several publications - see publications 
Title Iceland Greenland Seas Project (IGP): surface layer meteorological measurements on board the NATO Research Vessel Alliance 
Description Iceland Greenland Seas Project (IGP): surface layer meteorological measurements on board the NATO Research Vessel Alliance 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact See IGP publications 
Title Iceland Greenland Seas Project (IGP): three dimensional wind profile measurements from the University of Bergen Windcube V2 pulsed Lidar on board the NATO Research Vessel Alliance 
Description Iceland Greenland Seas Project (IGP): three dimensional wind profile measurements from the University of Bergen Windcube V2 pulsed Lidar on board the NATO Research Vessel Alliance 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact IGP publications 
Title Iceland Greenland Seas Project (IGP): water isotope measurements from the University of Bergen vapour isotope analyzer on board the BAS research aircraft MASIN within SNOWPACE 
Description Iceland Greenland Seas Project (IGP): water isotope measurements from the University of Bergen vapour isotope analyzer on board the BAS research aircraft MASIN within SNOWPACE This dataset contains measurements of the water vapour isotope composition of ambient vapour obtained from a water vapour isotope analyzers manufactured by Picarro Inc, as well as discrete samples of water standards used for calibration. The analyzer was installed onboard the research aircraft MASIN of the British Antarctic Survey. Discrete sampling included standards from the on-board calibration system on the MASIN aircraft. The Picarro L2130-i analyzer is a cavity ring-down spectrometer that uses infrared absorption bands for the retrieval of the water isotope ratios for H216O, H218O, and HDO, quantified as mixing ratio of water vapour (w, ppmv), delta 18-O, and delta-D (permil) at 1 Hz time resolution. The water isotope data set for the MASIN aircraft is joined with the airborne meteorological observations data set from the MASIN aircraft at different averaging times. For further details and figures on the Picarro analyzers, and processing thereafter, please read the attached documentation. This research is funded by the Research Council of Norway under the Sources of the Norwegian winter season snow pack constrained by stable water isotopes - SNOWPACE project (Project Nr. 262710) and the Facility for advanced isotopic research and monitoring of weather, climate and biogeochemical cycling (FARLAB) project (Project Nr. 245907). The flights were part of the AFIS NERC grant. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Sodemann, H.; Touzeau, A. (2022): Iceland Greenland Seas Project (IGP): water isotope measurements from the University of Bergen vapour isotope analyzer on board the BAS research aircraft MASIN within SNOWPACE. NERC EDS Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, 
Title Iceland Greenland Seas Project (IGP): water isotope measurements from the University of Bergen vapour isotope analyzer on board the NATO Research Vessel Alliance within SNOWPACE 
Description Iceland Greenland Seas Project (IGP): water isotope measurements from the University of Bergen vapour isotope analyzer on board the NATO Research Vessel Alliance within SNOWPACE This dataset contains measurements of the water vapour isotope composition of ambient vapour, surface snow, ocean water, and precipitation obtained from water vapour isotope analyzers manufactured by Picarro Inc., as well as from discrete sampling and subsequent laboratory analysis. The analyzer was installed onboard the NATO Research Vessel Alliance during the Iceland Greenland Seas Project. Discrete sampling included precipitation, sea water, and standards from the R/V Alliance. The Picarro L2140-i analyzer is a cavity ring-down spectrometer that uses infrared absorption bands for the retrieval of the water isotope ratios for H216O, H218O, and HDO, quantified as mixing ratio of water vapour (w, ppmv), delta 18-O, and delta-D (permil) at 1 Hz time native resolution. The data set for the R/V Alliance has been joined with the meteorological data from R/V Alliance ( at 60 s averaging. For further details and figures on the Picarro analyzer, and the sample collection during the campaign, and processing thereafter, please read the attached documentation. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact odemann, H.; Weng, Y. (2022): Iceland Greenland Seas Project (IGP): water isotope measurements from the University of Bergen vapour isotope analyzer on board the NATO Research Vessel Alliance within SNOWPACE. NERC EDS Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, Work in progress 
Title Iceland Greenland Seas Project (IGP): water isotope measurements from the University of Iceland vapour isotope analyzer at Húsavik and samples of precipitation and surface snow in Iceland and southern Norway within SNOWPACE 
Description Iceland Greenland Seas Project (IGP): water isotope measurements from the University of Iceland vapour isotope analyzer at Húsavik and samples of precipitation and surface snow in Iceland and southern Norway within SNOWPACE This dataset contains measurements of the water vapour isotope composition of ambient vapour obtained from a water vapour isotope analyzer manufactured by Los Gatos Research (LGR), and from discrete sampling of surface snow and precipitation and subsequent laboratory analysis. The analyzer was installed in the harbour of Húsavik, Iceland. Discrete sampling included precipitation and surface snow from two surface transects in northern Iceland and in several locations in southern Norway. The LGR LWIA analyzer is an off-axis cavity ring-down spectrometer using infrared absorption bands for the retrieval of the water isotope ratios for H216O, H218O, and HDO, quantified as mixing ratio of water vapour (w, ppmv), delta 18-O, and delta-D (permil). The data set for the Húsavik station is accompanied by automatic weather station data (air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, sea-level pressure) from the Icelandic weather service ( for several nearby locations. For further details and figures for the vapour measurements, and the surface sample collection during the campaign, and processing thereafter, please read the attached documentation. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Sodemann, H.; Lacour, J.-L.; Jons, S.; Steen-Larsen, H.C.; Ólafsdóttir, R.; Touzeau, A.; Weng, Y. (2022): Iceland Greenland Seas Project (IGP): water isotope measurements from the University of Iceland vapour isotope analyzer at Húsavik and samples of precipitation and surface snow in Iceland and southern Norway within SNOWPACE. NERC EDS Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, 
Title Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP): Upper air sounding: Profiles of temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed and wind direction 
Description Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP): Upper air sounding: Profiles of temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed and wind direction 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact See IGP publications 
Title Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP): meteorological buoy measurements 
Description Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP): meteorological buoy measurements 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact See IGP publications 
Title Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP): precipitation measurements from the University of Bergen Micro Rain Radar (MRR2) on board the NATO Research Vessel Alliance 
Description Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP): precipitation measurements from the University of Bergen Micro Rain Radar (MRR2) on board the NATO Research Vessel Alliance 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact See IGP publications 
Title Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP):Humidity and temperature profiles from the NCAS Humidity And Temperature PROfilers (HATPRO) scanning radiometer on board the Alliance research vessel. 
Description Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP):Humidity and temperature profiles from the NCAS Humidity And Temperature PROfilers (HATPRO) scanning radiometer on board the Alliance research vessel. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact IGP publications 
Description Bergen IGP contribution 
Organisation University of Bergen
Country Norway 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Data analysis of meteorological data from instruments provided by University of Bergen for the Iceland Greenland seas Project cruise, and of the data from the UiB meteorological buoy.
Collaborator Contribution Meteorological equipment and resources to deploy it in the Iceland Sea: a wind cube lidar, a rain radar, and a meteorological buoy. Isotope equipment on board the research vessel and research aircraft and on Iceland
Impact Data currently being analysed Renfrew, I.A., C. Barrell, A. D. Elvidge, J. K. Brooke, C. Duscha, J. C. King, J. Kristiansen, T. Lachlan Cope, G. W. K. Moore, R.S. Pickart, J. Reuder, I. Sandu, D. Sergeev, A. Terpstra, K. Våge, A. Weiss 2021: An evaluation of surface meteorology and fluxes over the Iceland and Greenland Seas in ERA5 reanalysis: the impact of sea ice distribution, Quarterly J. Royal Meteorol. Soc., 147, 691-712. doi:10.1002/qj.3941 Renfrew, I.A., R. S. Pickart, K. Våge, G. W. K. Moore, T. J. Bracegirdle, A. D. Elvidge, E. Jeansson, T. Lachlan-Cope, L.T. McRaven, L. Papritz, J. Reuder, H. Sodemann, A. Terpstra, S. Waterman, H. Valdimarsson, A. Weiss, M. Almansi, F. Bahr, A. Brakstad, C. Barrell, J. K. Brooke, B.J. Brooks, I. M. Brooks, M. E. Brooks, E. M. Bruvik, C. Duscha, I. Fer, H. M. Golid, M. Hallerstig, I. Hessevik, J. Huang, L. Houghton, S. Jónsson, M. Jonassen, K. Jackson, K. Kvalsund, E. W. Kolstad, K. Konstali, J. Kristiansen, R. Ladkin, P. Lin, A. Macrander, A. Mitchell, H. Olafsson, A. Pacini, C. Payne, B. Palmason, M. D. Pérez-Hernández, A. K. Peterson, G. N. Petersen, M. N. Pisareva, J. O. Pope, A. Seidl, S. Semper, D. Sergeev, S. Skjelsvik, H. Søiland, D. Smith, M. A. Spall, T. Spengler, A. Touzeau, G. Tupper, Y. Weng, K. D. Williams, X. Yang, S. Zhou 2019: The Iceland Greenland Seas Project, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 100, 1795-1817. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0217.1
Start Year 2017
Description ECMWF collaboration on sea ice representation 
Organisation European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting ECMWF
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Discussed preliminary results with relevant scientists. Led an assessment of ERA5, and made recommendations on changing sea-ice distribution product. Previewed science results from IGP project. Recommend parameterisation changes to their model, with potential for improved forecasting system In winter 2021/22 we met with scientists at ECMWF to discuss surface heat and moisture exchange over sea ice, based on our publication. Elvidge, A. D., I. A. Renfrew, I. M., Brooks, P. Srivastava, M. J. Yelland and J. Prytherch, 2021: Surface heat and moisture exchange in the marginal ice zone: Observations and a new parameterization scheme for weather and climate models, J. Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, e2021JD034827, doi:10.1029/2021JD034827 ECMWF scientists have been evaluating the use of this parameterization in their systems. We hope to collaborate. Met virtually in 2022 and in person in February 2023 - collaborations ongoing.
Collaborator Contribution ECMWF scientists have run some experiments to see if the above parameterizaiton would have much impact in the forecast system.
Impact Renfrew, I.A., C. Barrell, A. D. Elvidge, J. K. Brooke, C. Duscha, J. C. King, J. Kristiansen, T. Lachlan Cope, G. W. K. Moore, R.S. Pickart, J. Reuder, I. Sandu, D. Sergeev, A. Terpstra, K. Våge, A. Weiss 2021: An evaluation of surface meteorology and fluxes over the Iceland and Greenland Seas in ERA5 reanalysis: the impact of sea ice distribution, Quarterly J. Royal Meteorol. Soc., 147, 691-712. doi:10.1002/qj.3941
Start Year 2015
Description Icelandic Met Office IGP contribution 
Organisation Icelandic Met Office
Country Iceland 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution We are providing radiosonde observations from the ship in real time to the IMO and other forecasting centres. We will analyse IMO forecast products after the field campaign and assess their accuracy.
Collaborator Contribution Met Office are providing additional radiosonde launches during the IGp from Iceland. They are providing bespoke forecast charts for the field campaign, plotted from a real time high resolution forecasting system.
Impact Renfrew, I.A., R. S. Pickart, K. Våge, G. W. K. Moore, T. J. Bracegirdle, A. D. Elvidge, E. Jeansson, T. Lachlan-Cope, L.T. McRaven, L. Papritz, J. Reuder, H. Sodemann, A. Terpstra, S. Waterman, H. Valdimarsson, A. Weiss, M. Almansi, F. Bahr, A. Brakstad, C. Barrell, J. K. Brooke, B.J. Brooks, I. M. Brooks, M. E. Brooks, E. M. Bruvik, C. Duscha, I. Fer, H. M. Golid, M. Hallerstig, I. Hessevik, J. Huang, L. Houghton, S. Jónsson, M. Jonassen, K. Jackson, K. Kvalsund, E. W. Kolstad, K. Konstali, J. Kristiansen, R. Ladkin, P. Lin, A. Macrander, A. Mitchell, H. Olafsson, A. Pacini, C. Payne, B. Palmason, M. D. Pérez-Hernández, A. K. Peterson, G. N. Petersen, M. N. Pisareva, J. O. Pope, A. Seidl, S. Semper, D. Sergeev, S. Skjelsvik, H. Søiland, D. Smith, M. A. Spall, T. Spengler, A. Touzeau, G. Tupper, Y. Weng, K. D. Williams, X. Yang, S. Zhou 2019: The Iceland Greenland Seas Project, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 100, 1795-1817. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0217.1
Start Year 2017
Description Met Office IGP contribution 
Organisation Meteorological Office UK
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We are providing observations both in operationally to improve forecasts and after the campaign for analysis. we will validate and analyse Met Office foreasts and simulations. We are also evaluating climate model output for this region - the HadGEM3 model.
Collaborator Contribution Met Office are providing operational bespoke forecasts for the IGP field campaign. As well as advice and collaborations on analysis. Contributions in these outputs, which have Met Office coauthors: Renfrew, I.A., C. Barrell, A. D. Elvidge, J. K. Brooke, C. Duscha, J. C. King, J. Kristiansen, T. Lachlan Cope, G. W. K. Moore, R.S. Pickart, J. Reuder, I. Sandu, D. Sergeev, A. Terpstra, K. Våge, A. Weiss 2021: An evaluation of surface meteorology and fluxes over the Iceland and Greenland Seas in ERA5 reanalysis: the impact of sea ice distribution, Quarterly J. Royal Meteorol. Soc., 147, 691-712. doi:10.1002/qj.3941 Renfrew, I. A., A. D. Elvidge, J. Edwards 2019: Atmospheric sensitivity to marginal-ice-zone drag: local and global responses, Quarterly J. Royal Meteorol. Soc., 145, 1165-1179. doi:10.1002/qj.3486 Renfrew, I.A., R. S. Pickart, K. Våge, G. W. K. Moore, T. J. Bracegirdle, A. D. Elvidge, E. Jeansson, T. Lachlan-Cope, L.T. McRaven, L. Papritz, J. Reuder, H. Sodemann, A. Terpstra, S. Waterman, H. Valdimarsson, A. Weiss, M. Almansi, F. Bahr, A. Brakstad, C. Barrell, J. K. Brooke, B.J. Brooks, I. M. Brooks, M. E. Brooks, E. M. Bruvik, C. Duscha, I. Fer, H. M. Golid, M. Hallerstig, I. Hessevik, J. Huang, L. Houghton, S. Jónsson, M. Jonassen, K. Jackson, K. Kvalsund, E. W. Kolstad, K. Konstali, J. Kristiansen, R. Ladkin, P. Lin, A. Macrander, A. Mitchell, H. Olafsson, A. Pacini, C. Payne, B. Palmason, M. D. Pérez-Hernández, A. K. Peterson, G. N. Petersen, M. N. Pisareva, J. O. Pope, A. Seidl, S. Semper, D. Sergeev, S. Skjelsvik, H. Søiland, D. Smith, M. A. Spall, T. Spengler, A. Touzeau, G. Tupper, Y. Weng, K. D. Williams, X. Yang, S. Zhou 2019: The Iceland Greenland Seas Project, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 100, 1795-1817. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0217.1
Impact Outcomes include improved global forecasts. Renfrew, I.A., C. Barrell, A. D. Elvidge, J. K. Brooke, C. Duscha, J. C. King, J. Kristiansen, T. Lachlan Cope, G. W. K. Moore, R.S. Pickart, J. Reuder, I. Sandu, D. Sergeev, A. Terpstra, K. Våge, A. Weiss 2021: An evaluation of surface meteorology and fluxes over the Iceland and Greenland Seas in ERA5 reanalysis: the impact of sea ice distribution, Quarterly J. Royal Meteorol. Soc., 147, 691-712. doi:10.1002/qj.3941 Renfrew, I. A., A. D. Elvidge, J. Edwards 2019: Atmospheric sensitivity to marginal-ice-zone drag: local and global responses, Quarterly J. Royal Meteorol. Soc., 145, 1165-1179. doi:10.1002/qj.3486
Start Year 2017
Description Met Office surface scalar exchange collaboration 
Organisation Meteorological Office UK
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Collaboration to evaluate and improve surface scalar exchange over sea ice in Met Office weather and climate models
Collaborator Contribution Evaluation of existing parameterisation. Recommendation of a new one. In winter 2021/22 the Met Office coded up a branch of JULES/Unified Model for surface heat and moisture exchange over sea ice, based on our publication. Elvidge, A. D., I. A. Renfrew, I. M., Brooks, P. Srivastava, M. J. Yelland and J. Prytherch, 2021: Surface heat and moisture exchange in the marginal ice zone: Observations and a new parameterization scheme for weather and climate models, J. Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, e2021JD034827, doi:10.1029/2021JD034827 We are collaborating on an evaluation of this parameterisation - work is ongoing. We met in November 2021 and have had email discussions during December-February 2022. Further testing done via a collaborative paper with Met Office authors: Elvidge, A. D., I. A. Renfrew, J. M. Edwards, I. M. Brooks, P. Srivastava, A. I. Weiss 2023: Improved simulation of the Arctic atmospheric boundary layer via an aerodynamic-roughness-dependent parameterisation for surface heat and moisture exchange over sea ice, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, in press.
Impact Renfrew, I. A., A. D. Elvidge, J. Edwards 2019: Atmospheric sensitivity to marginal-ice-zone drag: local and global responses, Quarterly J. Royal Meteorol. Soc., 145, 1165-1179. doi:10.1002/qj.3486 Elvidge, A. D., I. A. Renfrew, J. M. Edwards, I. M. Brooks, P. Srivastava, A. I. Weiss 2023: Improved simulation of the Arctic atmospheric boundary layer via an aerodynamic-roughness-dependent parameterisation for surface heat and moisture exchange over sea ice, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, in press.
Start Year 2018
Description Meteo France collaboration 
Organisation Météo France
Country France 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Collaboration with Virginie Guemas on surface exchange parameterisations. WE've provided data sets from ACCACIA and IGP projects and expertise on their use. We've presented our preliminary results to the group.
Collaborator Contribution see above
Impact None yet.
Start Year 2020
Description Toronto IGP contribution 
Organisation University of Toronto
Department Department of Physics
Country Canada 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Data for evaluation of meteorological products
Collaborator Contribution Satellite data of sea-ice from microwave products and SAR for assisting in the field campaign.
Impact Sea ice products,. Renfrew, I.A., R. S. Pickart, K. Våge, G. W. K. Moore, T. J. Bracegirdle, A. D. Elvidge, E. Jeansson, T. Lachlan-Cope, L.T. McRaven, L. Papritz, J. Reuder, H. Sodemann, A. Terpstra, S. Waterman, H. Valdimarsson, A. Weiss, M. Almansi, F. Bahr, A. Brakstad, C. Barrell, J. K. Brooke, B.J. Brooks, I. M. Brooks, M. E. Brooks, E. M. Bruvik, C. Duscha, I. Fer, H. M. Golid, M. Hallerstig, I. Hessevik, J. Huang, L. Houghton, S. Jónsson, M. Jonassen, K. Jackson, K. Kvalsund, E. W. Kolstad, K. Konstali, J. Kristiansen, R. Ladkin, P. Lin, A. Macrander, A. Mitchell, H. Olafsson, A. Pacini, C. Payne, B. Palmason, M. D. Pérez-Hernández, A. K. Peterson, G. N. Petersen, M. N. Pisareva, J. O. Pope, A. Seidl, S. Semper, D. Sergeev, S. Skjelsvik, H. Søiland, D. Smith, M. A. Spall, T. Spengler, A. Touzeau, G. Tupper, Y. Weng, K. D. Williams, X. Yang, S. Zhou 2019: The Iceland Greenland Seas Project, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 100, 1795-1817. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0217.1 Renfrew, I.A., C. Barrell, A. D. Elvidge, J. K. Brooke, C. Duscha, J. C. King, J. Kristiansen, T. Lachlan Cope, G. W. K. Moore, R.S. Pickart, J. Reuder, I. Sandu, D. Sergeev, A. Terpstra, K. Våge, A. Weiss 2021: An evaluation of surface meteorology and fluxes over the Iceland and Greenland Seas in ERA5 reanalysis: the impact of sea ice distribution, Quarterly J. Royal Meteorol. Soc., 147, 691-712. doi:10.1002/qj.3941
Start Year 2017
Description WHOI IGP contribution 
Organisation Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Country United States 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution We are providing meteorological instruments for this research cruise, as well as radiosondes (consumables) and staff time to undertake the measurements and analyse the data. We are also providing written forecasts and access to bespoke forcast products.
Collaborator Contribution The Research Vessel for two 25 day cruises of the Iceland and Greenland Seas during February and March 2018. Access to oceanographic observations. A platform for the meteorological observations. A means to deploy the meteorological buoy.
Impact Collaboration is multi-disciplinary, meteorology and oceanography. Numerous papers have been published over recent years. New papers are being developed. Renfrew, I.A., R. S. Pickart, K. Våge, G. W. K. Moore, T. J. Bracegirdle, A. D. Elvidge, E. Jeansson, T. Lachlan-Cope, L.T. McRaven, L. Papritz, J. Reuder, H. Sodemann, A. Terpstra, S. Waterman, H. Valdimarsson, A. Weiss, M. Almansi, F. Bahr, A. Brakstad, C. Barrell, J. K. Brooke, B.J. Brooks, I. M. Brooks, M. E. Brooks, E. M. Bruvik, C. Duscha, I. Fer, H. M. Golid, M. Hallerstig, I. Hessevik, J. Huang, L. Houghton, S. Jónsson, M. Jonassen, K. Jackson, K. Kvalsund, E. W. Kolstad, K. Konstali, J. Kristiansen, R. Ladkin, P. Lin, A. Macrander, A. Mitchell, H. Olafsson, A. Pacini, C. Payne, B. Palmason, M. D. Pérez-Hernández, A. K. Peterson, G. N. Petersen, M. N. Pisareva, J. O. Pope, A. Seidl, S. Semper, D. Sergeev, S. Skjelsvik, H. Søiland, D. Smith, M. A. Spall, T. Spengler, A. Touzeau, G. Tupper, Y. Weng, K. D. Williams, X. Yang, S. Zhou 2019: The Iceland Greenland Seas Project, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 100, 1795-1817. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0217.1 Renfrew, I.A., C. Barrell, A. D. Elvidge, J. K. Brooke, C. Duscha, J. C. King, J. Kristiansen, T. Lachlan Cope, G. W. K. Moore, R.S. Pickart, J. Reuder, I. Sandu, D. Sergeev, A. Terpstra, K. Våge, A. Weiss 2021: An evaluation of surface meteorology and fluxes over the Iceland and Greenland Seas in ERA5 reanalysis: the impact of sea ice distribution, Quarterly J. Royal Meteorol. Soc., 147, 691-712. doi:10.1002/qj.3941
Start Year 2016
Description Contribution to "The Alliance" film 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Contribution to a feature film - The Alliance - which was filmed on board the research cruise of our Iceland Greenland Seas Project.
I was interviewed, my PhD student Chris Barrell featured. The Chief Scientist who was primary subject is a project partner in this project.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023,2024
Description L'Aventure Meteo (The Weather Adventure) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Involved in making a documentary - the Weather Adventure (L'Adventure Meteo).
I was interviewed several times and arranged for filming on board our research aircraft and on board our research vessel in 2018.
The documentary was broadcast on national TV in France and the English language version has been shown at numerous film festivals.
Likely audience of several million.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2020
Description Radio Interview and podcast PRI The World 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Interviewed several times for radio documentary, US PRI's The World
Story by Ari Daniel
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Teaching on a Postgraduate Winter School (Bergen, March 2019) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Teaching on a specialist winter School to class of 30 PhD students. Near Bergen, Norway.
An international audience.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019