Including Tree Diversity In Predictions Of Tropical Forest Drought Responses

Lead Research Organisation: UNIVERSITY OF EXETER
Department Name: Geography


Tropical forests are one of the world's most important ecosystems; they are a biodiversity hot spot, store vast quantities of carbon, mitigate climate change, and influence global weather patterns. Predicting how these tropical forests will respond to climate change is a priority for making global policy decisions. Prolonged reductions in soil moisture and acute drought events are predicted to be a key threat to tropical forest in the coming century. The fate of tropical forests if exposed to drought in the future will depend on which types of trees die and which can survive from seedling to adult. Understanding this requires knowledge of which properties trees possess that alter their risk of dying or their survivorship during drought, as well as how these properties change between trees of different types, ages or heights. Currently most vegetation models used to predict the responses of tropical forest responses to future climate change only consider there to be one or two fixed types of tropical tree. They only account for very limited differences in how trees of different canopy heights and positions respond to drought. Therefore these models are currently unlikely to capture the variations in drought responses from real-world diversity in tree properties and which will ultimately determine the resilience of tropical forests to drought stress.
Representing the dependency of tropical forest drought responses on the diversity of tree properties in vegetation models is complex. It requires new data on how trees of different functional types and developmental stages respond to prolonged exposure to drought stress. My aim is to collect the data necessary to understand how drought survivorship of tropical trees is related to tree properties and their variation throughout a trees development in drought conditions. I will use this data to develop vegetation models and provide a step change in how they represent tropical forest drought responses. I have the exciting opportunity to use the longest running tropical forest drought experiment in the world, a site where 50% of incoming rainfall has been excluded for the last 15 years. Here I will test if tropical trees at different developmental stages and with different properties respond differently to long-term drought stress and how this influences mortality risk. I will make detailed physiological measurements of properties associated with a trees ability to survive in drought, on important tree taxa of different size classes; these taxa will include species found to be highly sensitive and resistant to drought stress. To accompany this study, seedlings from the focal taxa will be grown in a seedling drought experiment which will be used to test if drought resistance in seedlings increases following prior exposure to drought. Finally seedlings from mother trees which have been exposed to 15 years of experimental drought and seedlings from those which have not been exposed to drought will be grown in lab conditions and subjected to various soil drought conditions. This will test if prior exposure to drought in mother trees induces production of seedling which are more drought-resistant.
My research will create the only data-set which is able to test how functional properties, developmental stage and drought exposure control the risk of drought-induced mortality and which types of tree are most likely to survive from seedling to adult to sustain tropical forests under future drought conditions. This will provide a unique opportunity for my model development work, using a hierarchy of models from the scale of a single tree model to a dynamic global vegetation model. My ultimate goal is to represent the important differences in drought responses, based on a trees canopy position and the properties it possesses, to enable more accurate predictions of how tropical forests will respond to future climate change.

Planned Impact

This research project will have global societal and economic benefits which will reach far beyond the important scientific developments it will achieve.

Tropical forests are a important global resource and therefore predicting and preparing for how they may be altered by climate change is a global issue. I envisage the results of this project having a direct impact on climate change policy, and therefore influencing global decisions on climate change mitigation and adaptation. Consequently world governments, NGOs and companies involved in climate change mitigation and adaptation will directly benefit from the improved capacity to predict the response of tropical forest to environmental change, that this project will create. Firstly I envisage institutions such as the Met Office gaining substantially from this project which will provide the opportunity for them to test their key vegetation model, the Joint UK land environment simulator, against unique experimental data. This will provide the opportunity for them to collaborate on making a step-change in the way this model simulates tropical forests. The results of this collaboration will directly benefit policy makers who are reliant on the predictions from model simulations to create targeted climate change mitigation and adaptation policy. In particular, the Brazilian government is likely to be interested in the results of this study, as the Amazon forest represents a important national resource, which Brazil stands to benefit most from. Within Brazil the Amazon forest is vital for securing local food and water availability, regulating local climate, contributing to the growing tourist industry and as a resource to numerous local communities. However, on a global scale the Amazon and other global tropical forests are central to controlling global climate patterns and therefore governments across the world stand to benefit the greater understanding this project will produce concerning how vulnerable tropical forests are to predicted long-term drought and other climate changes. Furthermore this information will also directly benefit NGOs concerned with the conservation of tropical forests and their biodiversity. Lastly the development of the UN REDD+ initiative is increasingly enabling an economic value to be placed on the ecosystem services tropical forests provide. However the economic value of a tropical forests to local and global businesses is dependent on how these forests will be affected by climate change and on what time-scales. Therefore the results of model predictions made within projects such as this are likely to have important consequences for the economic value of tropical forests and businesses which rely on these values.

During this project I will extend my existing public engagement project both within the UK and Brazil. Currently my public engagement targets teaching pupils about the interactions of people, tropical forest and climate change, from the ages of 5-17 years, and connects pupils in schools across Edinburgh to those in remote locations in Brazil. Such initiatives provide direct benefits to pupils and teachers through providing access to expertise and novel teaching resources, which actively encourage pupils to learn about the important global role of tropical forests. I have also found that regular outreach activities, in schools, such as those that will be undertaken in this project, directly encourage pupils to pursue further education in science related subjects, particularly female pupils. Furthermore I will aim to make contact with the Eden Project in Cornwall, where colleagues in the University of Exeter already have good connections. The Eden project will therefore benefit through collaborating to display presentations of important scientific findings related to tropical forests, which constitute one of the most popular biomes in the project.


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Description We are showing that there is a much stronger influence of the drought on the traits of saplings than large trees and that light availability is playing a large role in mediating these effects. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that there is incredibly high variability both within and between species in terms of their variability in hydraulic traits and how these traits adapt to drought stress.
We have now measured the same traits in trees ranging from saplings to large trees in forest that exist on a gradient of water availability in Borneo, to see if we find the same responses to changes in light and nutrient availability in these forests. We have now submitted one paper on the gradient in Borneo, with another close to submission, showing that water availability is having a very large effect of the species partitioning along a gradient from high to low water availability, due to species having plant water transport traits that are specifically adapted to particular soils types. These species also had photosynthetic traits that were highly specific to specific soil types, however most likely due to the co-variance of nutrient availability with water availability. These results show that the species in tropical forests in Borneo are highly specialized to particular soil types due to the plant functional traits, meaning they may be likely to have low capacity to adapt to changes in environmental conditions.
Exploitation Route These finding will be valuable to inform future research trajectories, they are being used to scale fluxes to tropical forest regions to estimate the effects of drought at large ecological scales.
The initial results from the Work in Brazil has also led to a new project in Borneo being developed as part of this work. The new collaborations from this work have led to a successful NERC urgency grant and a Successful NERC seed corn fund grant.
Sectors Environment

Description My findings from my work are being used to inform the displays and the resources taught to school children within the Eden project, Cornwall.
First Year Of Impact 2017
Sector Environment
Impact Types Societal

Title Data from: Small tropical forest trees have a greater capacity to adjust carbon metabolism to long-term drought than large canopy trees 
Description The response of small understory trees to long-term drought is vital in determining the future composition, carbon stocks and dynamics of tropical forests. Long-term drought is, however, also likely to expose understory trees to increased light availability driven by drought-induced mortality. Relatively little is known about the potential for understory trees to adjust their physiology to both decreasing water and increasing light availability. We analysed data on maximum photosynthetic capacity (J max, V cmax), leaf respiration (R leaf), leaf mass per area (LMA), leaf thickness and leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations from 66 small trees across 12 common genera at the world's longest running tropical rainfall exclusion experiment and compared responses to those from 61 surviving canopy trees. Small trees increased J max, V cmax, R leaf and LMA (71%, 29%, 32%, 15% respectively) in response to the drought treatment, but leaf thickness and leaf nutrient concentrations did not change. Small trees were significantly more responsive than large canopy trees to the drought treatment, suggesting greater phenotypic plasticity and resilience to prolonged drought, although differences among taxa were observed. Our results highlight that small tropical trees have greater capacity to respond to ecosystem level changes and have the potential to regenerate resilient forests following future droughts. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Differential nutrient limitation and tree height control leaf physiology, supporting niche partitioning in tropical dipterocarp forests 
Description Revealing the mechanisms of environmental niche partitioning within lowland tropical forests is important for understanding the drivers of current species distributions and potential vulnerability to environmental change. Tropical forest structure and species composition change across edaphic gradients in Borneo over short distances. However, our understanding of how edaphic conditions affect tree physiology and whether these relationships drive niche partitioning within Bornean forests remains incomplete. This study evaluated how leaf physiological function changes with nutrient availability across a fine-scale edaphic gradient and whether these relationships vary according to tree height. Furthermore, we tested whether intraspecific leaf trait variation allows generalist species to populate a wider range of environments. We measured leaf traits of 218 trees ranging in height from 4 to 66 m from 13 dipterocarp species within four tropical forest types (alluvial, mudstone, sandstone, kerangas) occurring along an < 5km edaphic gradient in North Borneo. The traits measured included saturating photosynthesis (Asat), maximum photosynthetic capacity (Vcmax), leaf dark respiration (Rleaf), leaf mass per area (LMA), leaf thickness, minimum stomatal conductance (gdark) and leaf nutrient concentrations (N, P, Ca, K, Mg). Across all species, leaf traits varied consistently in response to soil nutrient availability across forest types except Rleaf_mass, [Mg]leaf and [Ca]leaf. Changes in photosynthesis and respiration rates were related to different leaf nutrients across forest types, with greater nutrient-use efficiency in more nutrient-poor environments. Generalist species partially or fully compensated reductions in mass-based photosynthesis through increasing LMA in more nutrient-poor environments. Leaf traits also varied with tree height, except Vcmax_mass, but only in response to height-related modifications of leaf morphology (LMA and leaf thickness). These height-trait relationships did not vary across the edaphic gradient, except for Asat, [N]leaf, [P]leaf and [K]leaf. Our results highlight that modification of leaf physiological function and morphology act as important adaptations for Bornean dipterocarps in response to edaphic and vertical environmental gradients. Meanwhile, multiple nutrients appear to contribute to niche partitioning and could drive species distributions and high biodiversity within Bornean forest landscapes. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Traits data from juvenile trees exposed to a 50% reduction in canopy throughfall at the Caxiuan drought experiment, Brazil, 2017 
Description A data set consisting of seventeen functional traits collected on 43 saplings from a Control and 33 saplings from a long-term drought experiment site in a tropical rainforest in NE Amazonia, Brazil. The experiment was designed to exclude 50% of the incoming rainfall to the soil and was conducted over a 1ha area, alongside the experiment there is a control (non- drought plot) of a corresponding size. The samples were collected in 2017, fifteen years after the start of the experiment on trees with a diameter at breast height (1.3m) of 1-10cm. The purpose of the dataset was to assess if traits relating to plant metabolism (photosynthesis and respiration) and plant hydraulic processes had been significantly altered in trees growing under drought conditions. The data collection was coordinated by Lucy Rowland, Andre Giles and David Bartholomew. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Traits data from trees exposed to a 50% reduction in canopy throughfall for 14 years in Caxiuanã, Brazil, September to October 2016 
Description Data comprise tree trait data collected during September and October 2016 (the peak dry season), in the Caxiuanã National Forest Reserve, eastern Amazon, Brazil. 17 traits (including plot type, tree species name, diameter at breast height, tree light score, carboxylation capacity, electron transport capacity, leaf respiration in the dark, stomatal conductance, stem CO2 efflux, leaf mass per area, leaf nitrogen and phosphorus content, branch wood density, leaf water potential, xylem pressure, lumen conductance, percentage loss of conductivity, hydraulic Safety Margin and leaf area to sapwood area ratio) of 176 trees (most common genera) were sampled across two experimental plots: a one-hectare through-fall exclusion plot with a plastic panel structure that excludes 50% of the canopy through-fall and has done since 2002 and a corresponding one-hectare control plot without any drought structure. This data comes from the Caxiuanã through-fall exclusion (TFE) experiment located in the terra firma forest, on yellow oxisol soils at 15 m above sea level, with a mean annual rainfall between 2,000-2,500 mm and a pronounced dry season between June and November. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Description Collaboration with the University of Campinas 
Organisation State University of Campinas
Country Brazil 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I am collaborating to co-supervise a PhD student in Brazil at the University of Campinas to study the effects of drought on tropical forest seed production. This arose as a spin off project from a field campaign conducted for this project in Sep-Nov 2016.
Collaborator Contribution Dr. Rafael Oliveira is the main supervisor for this student in Campinas and together with him we have jointly created the PhD project.
Impact The production of a PhD project for a Brazilian student Andre Giles.
Start Year 2016