Forecasting land management and extreme weather effects on earthworm populations, soil function and ecosystem services

Lead Research Organisation: University of Reading
Department Name: Sch of Biological Sciences


Soils form the basic substrate for terrestrial life. They benefit the human population by supporting the production of food, fuel and fiber and regulating the climate, disease and water resources by facilitating essential services such as soil formation and nutrient cycling. Crucial for an exponentially growing human population are the foundations that soils provide for agriculture.

The activities of ecosystem engineers are important to the soil functions that underpin the provision of ecosystem services. Earthworms act as ecosystem engineers in soils both directly through digestion and burrowing activities and indirectly by encouraging other beneficial soil organisms. Management practices which optimise soil environmental conditions (e.g. soil organic carbon (SOM) and soil moisture) also stimulate earthworm biomass production. In turn the effects of earthworm activity on soil aggregate stability, nutrient cycling and soil carbon dynamics improve crop yields.

Although changes in land management may increase the abundance of soil organisms, these effects depend on specific combinations of management practices and environmental factors. This makes the results of experimental field studies hard to extrapolate for different scenarios, such as in extreme weather. Thus, tools are needed to better forecast how management practices affect the provision of ecosystem services through their effects on important ecosystem engineers.

Existing population models of how populations will respond to anthropogenic environmental change ignore the underlying mechanisms. Many focus only on the level of populations or individuals, rather than representing the processes which link both levels of biological organisation. Mechanistic models are needed that capture key biological, physiological and ecological mechanisms underpinning system functioning. Such models will have much better predictive power.

In this proposal I show how I will develop and validate mechanistic models of earthworms which deliver important soil functions in a range of habitats. Once the models have demonstrated that they realistically capture earthworm population dynamics in the field, they will be applied to numerous agricultural scenarios, with different combinations of soil and weather conditions, crop management practices (e.g. tillage) and extreme weather (flood and drought) events. Model results will indicate the ecological consequences of the different agricultural systems by forecasting earthworm populations in these different scenarios.

Relatively little is known about how earthworms respond to flood and drought. This proposal will identify the underpinning mechanisms by refining the mechanistic models to match new data under these extreme weather conditions. I will relate the role of earthworms as ecosystem engineers to soil functions and ecosystem services such as crop production and yield, by reviewing the relevant scientific literature. This knowledge will be used to provide new methods for quantifying the value of earthworms as ecosystem engineers which will allow better cost-benefit analysis of contrasting land management systems and promote the use of earthworms as a natural resource to land managers.

Planned Impact

The ecological tools developed during this proposal have a breadth of practical applications in sustainable soil management throughout Europe. The results of this project will also provide a better understanding about how biological populations and soil functions respond to combinations of land management practices and extreme weather events. New methods for quantifying the value of earthworms as ecosystem engineers in soils will further facilitate better cost-benefit analysis of land management systems.

These project outcomes will directly benefit land managers, from individual farmers to environmental consultancies such as ADAS, as the modelling tools can be used at the individual field scale and account for farm specific weather, soil and management conditions. Ecological risk assessors, such as Syngenta and Bayer CropScience, and regulatory bodies who make decisions about the risks that new chemicals pose to the wider environment (e.g. Chemicals Regulation Directorate (CRD) and European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)) will have an accessible tool which will be fully validated against independent data. Using this tool for ecological risk assessment will allow more accurate judgements (e.g. chemical effects in flood and drought as well as standard weather conditions) to be made on the soil system for the refinement of guidance materials. The models' forecasting abilities will also be of direct relevance to policy makers, such as Defra, as the effects of land management on soil functions can be quantified. The models can also be used to explore implementation of EU soil protection strategies in different locations. Statutory agencies involved in water and soil conservation (e.g. Environment Agency) will also benefit from having tools to communicate the central idea of sustainable land management to a range of stakeholders, from the general public through the simple models that I will design for young children, to farmers.

The immediate benefits of this research to the stakeholders outlined above will be realised within 10 years. A key vehicle for this impact is the training of myself, along with other Soil Security programme fellows, as early career scientists in agricultural sustainability which have much longer term impact. Larger societal benefits to the general public, to be realised in the long term through resulting collaborative research from this and similar proposals, include potential insights into the links between soil and food security, and how these can be optimised by management practices under uncertain future weather conditions (flood and drought). Within the context of the NERC Soil Security programme, the potential long term impact is a new consensus on how to approach sustainable agricultural intensification and new inter-disciplinary research agendas to progress these concepts.


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Description 1) Modelling soil population responses to environmental change at local scales.
Soils harbour vastly diverse biological communities which play key roles in the multiple soil functions (e.g. carbon and nutrient cycling) that are essential for ecosystem service provision. Soil biota also display divergent responses to environmental changes, and collective shifts in the composition of soil communities can have dramatic consequences for terrestrial ecosystems. At local scales, mechanistic models of soil populations allow species population dynamics to emerge from detailed individual physiological and behavioural processes and the interactions between individuals and their changing environment. During this fellowship, I developed consensus about how to develop and standardise mechanistic population models, and developed and extensively validated such approaches for different earthworm species. Model outcomes can be used to support ecological risk assessments in various management schemes and environmental change scenarios. Towards the end of this fellowship, I was involved in a cross-industry consortia focused on further developing these earthworm models as a standardised tool for European chemical risk assessments.

2) Earthworm and soil communities across diverse ecosystem types.
At landscape to ecosystem scales complex feedbacks between soil communities and their environment necessitate the use of statistical, rather than mechanistic, approaches. Many of the mechanisms that link environmental drivers, soil communities and ecosystem functions are also not well known at large spatial scales. Stochastic approaches help to test a range of possible drivers, and ensemble approaches allow central tendencies to emerge alongside a characterisation of uncertainty. During the fellowship I synthesised global soil community data to reveal common environmental controls on soil communities across diverse ecosystem types. I also compiled a global earthworm dataset to investigate how changes in earthworm species richness, abundance and community composition shifted in managed compared to natural ecosystems globally. These studies bridge knowledge gaps about how soil communities follow fundamental ecological patterns at large spatial scales, and identify gaps that need to be addressed in the future.

3) Linking soil communities and ecosystem functions at a global scale
Soils store most of the Earth's terrestrial carbon (C) and so are critical in determining the trajectory of future climate changes. That is, if soils release more carbon dioxide (CO2) into the air with increasing temperatures than they store, then a positive soil-climate feedback would further accelerate climate change. This rate of CO2 release from soils - known as soil respiration - is the conversion of organic C from plant inputs to CO2 by all the organisms that live in the soil. We would therefore expect soil respiration rates to shift according to the soil biota inhabiting an ecosystem and their sensitivity to environmental drivers. During the fellowship I demonstrated the influence of soil communities on soil respiration at different temperatures in this way, by linking the metabolic rates of soil biota, and composition of soil communities to the temperature sensitivity (how quickly respiration increases with temperature) of soil respiration across global biomes. In contrast to the Earth System Models used to predict climate changes, this research indicated that the composition of animal and microbial populations can have large impacts on how quickly carbon is lost from soils as temperatures rise.
Exploitation Route The earthworm models have gained great interest from industry for their predictive power. At present, a consortia of industry partners (including Bayer CropScience, BASF and Syngenta) are working towards standardising the models developed by myself for wide-scale use in ecological risk assessments of plant protection products.

Uncovering global patterns in soil animals advances our understanding of the ways in which complex communities can be explained by fundamental ecological principles. This work provides a foundation to build predictive soil ecology models at continental scales, of great interest to environmental managers and policy makers.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


Description The earthworm models developed during this project have formed the basis for a standardized approach to modelling agricultural chemical effects on non-target organisms in soil ecosystems. In a workshop funded by the European Crop Protection Agency, academic, industry and regulatory partners were brought together to provide consensus on how the earthworm models can be further developed to account for various pesticide fates and effects in different European locations over the coming years.
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Chemicals
Impact Types Policy & public services

Title Data from: Multiple environmental controls explain global patterns in soil animal communities 
Description Synthesis of soil animal community mass-abundance measurements reported in thirteen ecosystems ranging from arctic tundra to tropical rainforest. Soil animal groups include Nematoda, Collembola, Enchytraeidae, Acari, Diptera, Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Isopoda, Chilopoda, Araneae, Blattodea, Diplopoda, Gastropoda, Clitellata or Other groups. The dataset provides abundance and mass measurements per study and soil animal group, summarised from the raw soil community dataset (Nraw = 1503). Data were summarised for soil animal groups and study years. The summarised dataset provides 117 data points, relating the body mass, abundance and biomass of each sampled soil animal group per study. Environmental variable measurements are provided alongside soil animal measurements, to allow a comparative analysis of global environmental controls on soil animal communities. The dataset is analysed in Johnston, A.S.A., Sibly, R.M., 2020. Multiple environmental controls explain global patterns in soil animal communities. Oecologia. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-020-04640-w 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title EEEworm: Lumbricus terrestris IBM 
Description Individual-based model of Lumbricus terrestris populations in different soil, habitat, management and weather conditions. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact EEEworm was used to investigate a combination of tillage and soil warming impacts anecic earthworm populations, which act as important ecosystem engineers, in agricultural fields. We used the model to understand how different tillage practices achieve their effects on Lumbricus terrestris, revealing that the removal of litter from the soil surface was the major driver, which acts in combination with direct mortality rates and burrow destruction. Under a future climate warming scenario, increasing tillage intensity had increasingly detrimental effects on earthworm populations. Meanwhile, an increase in temperature in the direct drilled scenario led to an increase in population biomass as individuals could meet higher energy demands with sufficient food resources. 
Title Global earthworm communities in natural and managed ecosystems 
Description Compilation of data relating variations in earthworm communities across globally distributed sites to environmental controls and land management. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact na 
Title Global soil communities and soil respiration 
Description Compilation of globally distributed observations on the abundance and biomass of different soil biota groups, together with soil respiration rates to link the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration to the composition of soil communities across principal biomes. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Other researchers have used the database to explore fundamental questions about the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration, a major area of uncertainty in current Earth System Models used to predict future climate changes. 
Description Bayer CropScience 
Organisation Bayer
Department Bayer CropScience Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Bayer CropScience are holding workshops and hiring research staff to standardise the earthworm models developed by myself for wide-scale use in ecological risk assessments of plant protection products on soil organisms.
Collaborator Contribution NA
Impact NA
Start Year 2019
Description Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ 
Organisation Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres
Department Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The earthworm models developed during this project were used as a case study in good modelling practice, presented in the paper 'The ODD protocol for describing agent-based and other simulation models: a second update to improve clarity, replication, and structural realism' (currently under revision), to update guidance documents for applying individual-based models to management problems.
Collaborator Contribution Academics at Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ led the development of the update to good modelling practice guidance.
Impact 'The ODD protocol for describing agent-based and other simulation models: a second update to improve clarity, replication, and structural realism' (currently under revision - accepted with minor revisions - for Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation)
Start Year 2019
Description Syngenta Ltd 
Organisation Syngenta International AG
Country Switzerland 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Use of earthworm models for higher tier ecological risk assessments of new test items.
Collaborator Contribution Data sharing (earthworm population field data) and insights into applications of the research to real world ecological risk assessment problems.
Impact Johnston ASA, Sibly RM, Thorbek P. Forecasting tillage and soil warming effects on earthworm populations. J Appl Ecol. 2018;00:1-12.
Start Year 2016
Description FORESEE Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Based on preliminary meetings with Bayer CropScience and BASF in January 2019 about the earthworm models developed during this project, the FORESEE workshop ((In)Field Organism Risk modElling by coupling Soil Exposure and Effect) was organised to bring academics, industry members and chemical regulators/policy makers together to work towards developing the models further as a standardized approach for predicting the effects of agricultural chemicals on earthworm populations. Funded by the European Crop Protection Agency (ECPA), the three-day workshop aimed to debate and achieve regulatory acceptance on earthworm modelling, by developing one common modelling framework for earthworms and including all stakeholders in an early development phase. The workshop approached technical, ecological, ecotoxicological, and regulatory questions on how to gain agreement on further proceedings. The outcome of the workshop will be published in a paper (currently in prep.)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2020
Description Industry showcase 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Talk at Industry Showcase event for the QMEE CDT award. Increased interest from industry about applications of research, and increased interest in the QMEE CDT partnership.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013,2017