Can we detect changes in Arctic ecosystems?

Lead Research Organisation: Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
Department Name: CPR Survey


Ecosystems are communities of organisms that interact with each other and their environment. They are often considered in terms of food webs or chains, which describe the interactions between different organisms and their relative hierarchies, known as trophic position. Ocean ecosystems provide key services, such as nutrition, control of climate, support of nutrient cycling and have cultural significance for certain communities. It is thus important that we understand how changes to the environment reshape ecosystems in order to manage climate change impacts.

The Arctic Ocean is already being heavily impacted by climate change. It is warming faster than any other ocean region and as it absorbs fossil fuel emissions, it is gradually acidifying. Arctic sea ice is declining by 10% per decade. This affects the availability of sea ice habitats for organisms from plankton to mammals and modifies the ocean environment. Finally, the Arctic is affected by changes in the magnitude of water movement to and from the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and composition of these waters. Thus Arctic ecosystems are being impacted by multiple concurrent stressors and must adapt.

To understand how Arctic ecosystems will evolve in response to multiple stressors, it is crucial to evaluate the effects of on going change. Often these questions are tackled by studies that focus on a specific ecosystem in one location and document the various components of the food chain. However the Arctic is diverse, with a wide range of environments that are responding to unique stressors differently. We require a new approach that can provide information on Arctic ecosystems from a pan-Arctic perspective over decadal timescales.

To effectively monitor changes to pan-Arctic ecosystems requires tracers that focus on key ecosystem components and provide quantitative information on ecosystem structure, providing information for management and conservation of ecosystem services. Our goal is to respond to this challenge. We will focus simultaneously on the base of the food chain, controlled by the activity of marine phytoplankton, and key Arctic predators, harp and ringed seals. Seals are excellent candidates to monitor the food web due to their pan-Arctic distribution and foraging behaviour, which means they are exposed to the changing environment.

Nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes are often used to examine ecosystems as they are modified during trophic transfer up the food chain. Hence, they can quantify seal trophic position and food chain length, key determinants of ecosystem structure. Crucial in this context however is the isotope value of the base of the food web, known as the isoscape, which is itself affected by a range of environmental characteristics and fluctuates in space and time. Equally, by virtue of changing migration patterns, seals themselves may feed on similar prey in different isoscapes, which would affect the interpretation of ecosystem structure from stable isotopes. These are the major challenges in using stable isotopes.

We will link stable isotopes to novel tracers of the food web, known as biomarkers. When these tracers are compared against observations of the shifting isoscape and data on seal foraging, they permit seals to be used to monitor the Arctic ecosystem by quantifying their trophic position and overall food chain length. Via a range of observational platforms, our new food web tracers will be mechanistically linked to the spatial and seasonal trends in the Arctic isoscape and seal behaviour. By then combining historical observations from around the Arctic basin with state of the art ocean and seal population modelling, we can quantify past and future changes in Arctic ecosystems. This will provide information on past changes to Arctic ecosystems, but also put in place an approach that can be used to monitor future changes and aid in the management and conservation of ecosystem services

Planned Impact

The main beneficiaries of this project will be policy makers concerned with conservation of Arctic marine mammals, Inuit communities, school pupils, teachers and the wider general public.

Throughout much of their range, seals and other mammals are important cultural and nutritional resources for indigenous and non-indigenous communities. However, seals are being measurably impacted by climate change. Our project will provide observational and modelling evidence regarding the drivers of alterations to seals' trophic position, food web structure or foraging behaviour over decadal time scales. Using multiple tools, we will delineate if changes in seal trophic position, food chain length or foraging behaviour are due to environmental factors (e.g. sea ice changes), variations in the base of the food web (e.g. from reduced nutrient supply) or the addition of new trophic levels (e.g. migration of boreal species). Our work directly benefits ongoing programmes that monitor the Arctic, such as the Five-year Science Research Agenda from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Canada). Our work will benefit work by DFO and aid Inuit communities develop adaptation strategies (Letter of Support from Ferguson, DFO). We will disseminate results from our project to key international organisations, such as the International Council for Exploration of the Seas (ICES) and North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (NAMMCO), facilitated by NAMMCO General Secretary and project partner, Desportes. Other project partners (Stenson, Hammill, Ferguson and Hop) are also involved in ICES and NAMMCO, as well as the Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Programme (CBMP), making them able to disseminate our results in the context of management and policy. A one year PDRA will collate, analyse and model historical data on harp and ringed seal body condition and fecundity alongside environmental variables and determine the factors driving long term change in seal populations, disseminating their findings to ICES and NAMMCO at international meetings. This will allow the practical and applied project outputs to inform management and policy for marine mammals in the Arctic, with the potential to affect future decision making for seal populations. Thus, we directly address NERC strategy by providing tools for the 'Management of Environmental Change'.

It is essential that our research outcomes are disseminated to the UK community. This is challenging but vital to recruit students into sciences, convince the public that it is worthwhile funding this type of research and increase awareness of the sensitivity of the Arctic to a changing climate. Our project will provide teachers with tools to demonstrate key concepts in our research programme. To this end, we will produce three posters to convey for example, 'Arctic food webs', 'Stable isotopes in Arctic ecology' and 'Impact of climate change on the Arctic' to school pupils in order to demonstrate how food webs operate in the Arctic. Posters will be hand-drawn by a visual artist with experience of communicating complex ideas concisely and digitized by co-PI Heath.

The general public tends to engage with popular wild life television programmes that illustrate the fauna of the Arctic and the pressures imposed by climate change. We will explain the vital role of microscopic phytoplankton and nutrients within the environment by creating one short accessible scored video, with combinations of film, hand and digital animations with commentaries aimed at the general public. The video will be distributed via a project YouTube channel and via our own website.

At the programme level we suggest (a) creating a dedicated programme website and social media outlets, (b) soliciting the BBC or Discovery Channel to produce a short documentary about the programme and (c) hiring an expert in science communication and impact to represent the programme and/or train members of the research programme in science communication.
Description Our overall aim is to see if key food supply for larger animals in the arctic are changing. In the arctic, a type of crustacean copepod called Calanus live as free floating animals and members of the zooplankton community. They are highly abundant primary consumers that are eaten by fish and top predators and keystone species of the arctic food web. Doctoral student E. Price's project was to measure changes in nutrition in arctic copepods and link these oceanographic changes happening in subarctic and arctic environment over a 5 year period in the Barents Sea, a marginal sea of the Arctic Ocean. Climate change is causing Atlantification of the arctic and sub-arctic making the water more salty and warmer. Using the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey plankton taxonomic dataset, the project looked at how plankton biology was influenced by sea surface temperature, mixing of water masses and nutrients. His work revealed that the environment explained up to 50% of the variability in all types of plankton measured by the CPR survey. Using a combination of chemical and genetic methods that can determine dietary sources of food for Calanus, he discovered that a common Calanus species was omniverous- eating both plant-like plankton called phytoplankton and a variety of zooplankton. Such information may have consequences for the way energy is transferred to fish and marine mammals.

Despite Covid-19 restrictions in 2020, Elliott was able to complete all of his laboratory work at the University of Liverpool and has now passed his Doctoral thesis viva examination and has reported his work in his thesis. One paper has been withdrawn from biogeochemistry whilst more extensive revisions are taking place. A second chapter has been submitted to Global Change Biology (manuscript ID is GCB-23-0414). A second publication based on genetic and isotope results is in late stages of preparation and will be published in the next quarter
Exploitation Route The consequences of omniverous diet are very important for predictions on energy transfer in the arctic and the survival or arctic Calanus species which again feeds into biodiversity health aspects of the arctic and into trophic food web modelling. The use of genetics combined with amino acid isotope tracing is effective in tracing dietary preferences in zooplankton.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink



Democracy and Justice

Description To educate school aged children on arctic foodwebs through publishing a core concepts review-type article in an open access international journal. After being reviewed by a UK school, an article was published in this arctic special issue in Frontiers for Young Minds: The article is Zancker, B., Stern, R., Price, E., Cunliffe, M. (2020) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle in the Arctic Ocean with the Power of Microbes
First Year Of Impact 2020
Sector Education
Impact Types Societal

Description Extending the North Pacific Continuous Plankton Recorder survey into the Western Arctic Ocean
Amount $770,374 (USD)
Organisation North Pacific Research Board 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United States
Start 01/2024 
End 12/2027
Title Adaptation of published PNA-PCR assay for the genetic detection of organisms associated with copepods for PhD project 
Description As part of a plan to detect diet of copepods, we had planned to use a modified method published method by Cleary et al. 2016 ( We now have successfully generated eukaryotic amplicon sequences from individual calanoid copepod zooplankton specimens. In brief this method entails application of a standard DNA marker alongside a Peptide nucleic acid oligonucleotide that blocks the amplification of calanoid copepod DNA which would normally overwhelm the sequencing results in favour of copepod. A trial showed a variety of signals from microoganism species that are present in the arctic and a few new ones but two products were present which was difficult to sequence. Together with the Centre for Genomic Research (CGR), the PCR conditions were changed to favour one PCR product which makes the method much quicker and safer. All experimental samples have now been sequenced and are undergoing analysis at the CGR but delayed due to COVID priority sequencing there. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This methodology is a small adaptation of that published by Cleary et al. 2016. The tool has not been made public yet as we are awaiting the sequencing results that are delayed because CGR have new COVID related priorities. 
Title Identification of arctic copepods using 16S DNA barcoding primers 
Description Identification of a subset of arctic copepods preserved in RNAlater or formalin was trialled using a modified mitochondrial 16S gene assay from Lindeque et al. 1999. The results match those of the original study but it needs further confirmation by sequencing before being published. 
Type Of Material Biological samples 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This assay has previously been used on other animals, buts its application in arctic copepods will improve identification tools in copepods significantly, especially in light of their poor representation in public databases. 
Title New DNA extraction method 
Description Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) samples are plankton preserved in formalin. Environmental DNA from these samples are currently extracted by manual, laborious (week-long) and low throughput methods. These are samples capture rarely sampled open ocean environment and with a sample archive dating back 50 years, can show temporal changes to plankton. To improve the consistency, efficiency and quality of DNA, a new extraction method was trialed on CPR samples collected from arctic oceans. Using proprietary kits and purification methods from Purigen (California, USA), that developed methods to process human formalin-preserved tissue samples for DNA applications. Comparisons with existing methods showed it met minimum quantity criteria and purity standards that matched or exceeded current methods. 
Type Of Material Biological samples 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The Purigen methodology shortens sample processing time, improves efficiency with eight sample processed in one day and improves processing consistency by removing much of the manual element. This will allow many more samples to be processed, potentially on a routine basis for research and to be sent to other collaborators. Formalin creates artificial bonds with impurities like proteins that can inhibit downstream applications. The methodology removes safety considerations as many laboratories do not allow the use of phenol or chloroform. It also removes impurities bound to DNA from formalin action, but also naturally occurring impurities that can be present in environmental DNA extractions. The method has yet to be assessed through high throughput sequencing. 
Title Assessing presumptive diets of Calanus copepods across stratification and productivity gradients in the Fram Strait and Barents Sea using high throughput sequencing of partial 18S PCR products from individual copepods 
Description Partial 18S metabarcoding products from NERC cruise collected environmental whole copepods with controls to assess their diets using method that enriches for DNA from organisms internal to the copepod including their gut contents allowing us to find out their diet. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2024 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This publicly accessible dataset of copepods, the most abundant zooplankton in the seas can be used to compare across other arctic datasets to determine how environmental conditions affect food quality of zooplankton and energy transfer to larger marine organisms that depend on them. It also gives an idea of other associated organisms such as parasites or non natives that can provide additional environmental information on the health of arctic seas. 
Title DNA archive from individual calanoid copepods from research cruise and CPR samples 
Description This project has generated a DNA archive of over 200 individual copepods from planned NERC ARISE arctic cruises in 2017 in Barents Sea and Fram Strait, of which 155 are from historic Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) arctic samples. This archive presents additional tools to analyse copepod biology and ecology for other research programmes. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This unique DNA archive consists of individual specimens which has particular uses to confirm species. Some arctic copepod zooplankton cannot be identified to species level by microscopy from the arctic. This large arctic specimen DNA sample set will allow retrospective baseline analysis of species distribution over 5 years in the arctic that would provide additional impact on species composition of arctic copepods in NERC funded DIAPOD study. Since we are also assessing diets of copepods in NERC ARISE cruise, the DNA will have additional metadata associated with it for future researchers. 
Description Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) 
Organisation Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA)
Country Norway 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution ARISE technical and Doctoral students will be taking nutrient and biological data on board the ship of opportunity, Norbjørn, from Tromso in Norway to Longyearbyen, Svalbard. This arrangement was made as a direct result of ARISE grant proposal
Collaborator Contribution Researchers at NIVA will help organise access onto Norbjørn vessel and share abiotic data from the ferrybox system installed in this ship by NIVA.
Impact Knowledge exchange agreement and ship access
Start Year 2016
Description UK Canada Arctic Partnership 
Organisation Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The UK-Canada partnerships has awarded funds to carry out a plankton tow using the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) in Canadian Arctic and taxonomically analyse the plankton. This is led by Dr. Clare Ostle with Dr. Rowena Stern as a co-investigator. Due to lockdown and restrictions, lab work on this has been delayed but will be continued as part of an MRes student project with the University of Plymouth. We will look at Vibrio abundance and total bacterial diversity
Collaborator Contribution They have provided funds to carry out a CPR tow worth £5000 for for genetic analysis
Impact Post lockdown, we have now extracted DNA from three years and discovered harmful algae on one of these samples corresponding to a harmful algae bloom and this is being prepared as a publication on the return on PI from maternity leave. The samples are soon to be processed for DNA metabarcoding. We also used a novel DNA extraction approach with a US company that we are comparing with our standard methods. We are looking for arctic species and arctic harmful algae and Vibrio bacteria. We have used this to apply for and received further funding
Start Year 2020
Description Co-wrote an educational, peer-reviewed core concepts article on arctic ecosystems for the open access journal Frontiers for Young Minds, aimed at 11-15 year olds. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact To improve our educational outreach on arctic microbiology and food webs, B Zancker and myself co-wrote a review (core concepts) article for an open access journal called Frontiers for Young Minds aimed at school-aged children that is currently in review. It was also co-authored by my student, E. Price and M. Cunliffe. The article brought together how microbial food web is linked with what is considered more well known food webs in the context of arctic ecosystems and discusses climate change impacts on this system. The article is still in second round of review but initially was reviewed by a classroom of up to 30 pupils. This journal is part of a well known Frontiers scientific journal series. It is named a Great Website for Kids by the American Library Association with 1900 reviewers, 425 scientific mentors, 90 scientific editors in 450 countries. The reviewers did asked very insightful questions on climate change and we had good feedback on how to communicate to this age group.When published, it will reach an international audience.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019