NSFGEO-NERC: A Thermodynamic Chemical Speciation Model for the Oceans, Seas, and Estuaries

Lead Research Organisation: University of East Anglia
Department Name: Environmental Sciences


Ocean acidification due to the dissolution of anthropogenic CO2, and the effects of cumulative stressors (including acidification, pollution, warming, and anoxia) are among the top priorities for ocean research, requiring accurate and consistent measurements across the globe to monitor and understand present effects, and modelling to evaluate future scenarios and methods of remediation. The work of observational scientists and modellers is linked by the need for an accurate knowledge of the chemical speciation of the inorganic carbonate system, pH, and nutrient and contaminate trace metals, in both natural waters and the reference materials and solutions used for instrument calibration.

Chemical speciation is defined as the distribution of a chemical element between different molecular and ionic forms in seawater, and determines its reactivity and bioavailability. Speciation depends on the value of the relevant thermodynamic equilibrium constant, and on the activities of each of the dissolved ions and molecules. These are complex functions of temperature, pressure, and salinity (or, more generally, solution composition), and cannot be predicted from theory. Many of the important reactions in seawater involve acid-base equilibria, which introduces pH as an additional variable. Despite the importance of chemical speciation, the available calculation tools are often only simple empirical equations that yield equilibrium constants for reactions as functions of salinity and temperature. Such equations cannot be used for many important natural waters whose composition differs from that of normal seawater (e.g., polar brines, estuaries, pore-waters, enclosed seas, and paleo-oceans). Furthermore, human-driven changes in seawater pH and carbonate chemistry in shelf seas and estuaries are complicated by the effects of eutrophication, upwelling, the dissolved solutes contained in river water, and changes in metal toxicity accompanying pH change. Consequently, despite the best efforts of physical chemists over the last several decades, there is not yet the ability to calculate the equilibria controlling the chemical factors impacting shellfish and a broader range of marine fauna in the brackish/mesohaline environments typical of many estuaries and coasts.

We will create a step change in the capability of marine scientists to measure, interpret, and predict chemical speciation and pH in natural waters of varying composition by creating a speciation model based upon the Pitzer equations for the calculation of solute and water activities. The approach has a long track record of success in geochemistry. The equations are based upon the concept that interactions between pairs and triplets of dissolved solute species control activities. The values of the parameters for these interactions are determined from a wide range of measurements of solution properties. Work in this project will include measuring activities and heat capacities, and using recent literature data, to improve and test the model; the computer coding and validation of the model and the development of methods to quantify the relationship between uncertainties in model-predicted speciation and those in the underlying measurements; and engagement with oceanographers internationally to help design practical speciation modelling tools and associated guidance for specific applications.

The completed model will enable the activities and speciation of all seawater components to be calculated within a unified framework that, (i) includes the major and trace elements in seawater and its mixtures with freshwaters, (ii) includes other saline environments of differing composition, and (iii) encompasses the buffers that are used to calibrate pH and other instruments, and. Our results will this advance the quantitative understanding of chemical speciation - from ocean measurements to ecosystem models - for an expanded range of natural water bodies and marine environments.

Planned Impact

The degree of saturation with respect to aragonite (a form of calcium carbonate) determines the ease with which molluscs are able to grow their shells. Farming and harvesting of oysters and other species are an industry worth tens of millions of pounds annually in the UK, and billions of dollars in the USA. The first economic and societal impact of our work will be through improved decision support tools in fisheries management, based on our speciation model, which will yield a more accurate quantification of the carbonate system, aragonite saturation, and toxicity of some metals based upon regular water sampling and monitoring. This will allow the shellfish stock to be protected and/or remediation action to be taken. This impact will be accelerated by working with the Marine Knowledge Exchange Network in the U.K., and project partners who are members of recently formed ocean acidification networks in the USA and Latin America.

The same elements of the chemical modelling noted above are also central to the assessment and control of water quality, ecosystem health, and ecosystem services in (often highly populated) estuaries and coastal areas. Our chemical speciation model has a role both in the interpretation of regular measurements used for monitoring purposes, and embedded in large scale marine ecosystem models - of the North Sea for example. It will begin an expansion of the capability of current marine ecosystem models to address policy and society relevant problems including the impact of contaminants (e.g. heavy metals) on biota and their accumulation along the trophic web, the role of micronutrients in bloom formation, and the global impact of multiple stressors. This is crucial to provide information to marine environment managers and to regulators for the achievement of the Good Environmental Status as required by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. In order to achieve impact in this area we will work with our project partner at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory first, to ensure our models include the range of inorganic species and ambient conditions required; second, to assist coding of our models in modular form to be included in ERSEM (the European Regional Seas Ecosystem Model).

This project will also have societal and economic impacts at the level of global marine environmental change, focused on the area of ocean acidification: the need to monitor and understand it over short to very long timescales, and to plan to mitigate its effects on marine environments of particular social, economic, and ecological value. The elements of our project that relate to these effects range from work to characterise the chemical speciation in buffers used to calibrate pH instrumentation (a particular interest of one of our co-investigators) and the development of stable reference materials, to the interpretation of monitoring data, and the use of marine ecosystem models to assess impacts and evaluate remediation methods.
Description The chemical speciation computer models implemented in this award have provided important insights into the pH scale used for the most precise and accurate measurements in the oceans. This, in turn, is important for understanding the magnitude and impact of ocean acidification.

The implementation, which includes a detailed propagation of uncertainties, has made clear the steps needed to improve these models for natural waters in general, and to be used for some research tasks that could previously only be carried out by laboratory measurement.
Exploitation Route When the project is finished, the outcomes will likely be used by marine chemists, and as a tool used in the monitoring and management of the marine environment.
Sectors Environment


Description It is likely that our work will be taken up as a tool for evaluating efforts in marine CO2 reduction, and we have been talking to practitioners in theis field. Our model was only released in summer of 2023, so this is early days yet.
First Year Of Impact 2024
Sector Environment
Title MarChemSpec 
Description A chemical speciation model (acid-base equilibrium, and trace metal complexation) in natural waters. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Chiefly academic interest, so far. 
URL http://marchemspec.org
Description Harned cell and solubility measurements of thermodynamic properties of seawater solutions and pH buffers 
Organisation Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres
Department Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution UEA leads this partnership of 5 institutions who are contributing data to the project at their own expense.
Collaborator Contribution The chemical speciation models being developed as the central element of this project rely heavily on thermodynamic measurement. Participation of these institutions has greatly expanded the data that will be available to us.
Impact Data have been obtained, a process that is continuing. The disciplines are: metrology, physical chemistry, oceanography. New measurements were made by collaborator PTB in January 2021, and a contract for measurements agreed with NIST.
Start Year 2017
Description Harned cell and solubility measurements of thermodynamic properties of seawater solutions and pH buffers 
Organisation National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Department National Metrology Institute of Japan
Country Japan 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution UEA leads this partnership of 5 institutions who are contributing data to the project at their own expense.
Collaborator Contribution The chemical speciation models being developed as the central element of this project rely heavily on thermodynamic measurement. Participation of these institutions has greatly expanded the data that will be available to us.
Impact Data have been obtained, a process that is continuing. The disciplines are: metrology, physical chemistry, oceanography. New measurements were made by collaborator PTB in January 2021, and a contract for measurements agreed with NIST.
Start Year 2017
Description Harned cell and solubility measurements of thermodynamic properties of seawater solutions and pH buffers 
Organisation National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST)
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution UEA leads this partnership of 5 institutions who are contributing data to the project at their own expense.
Collaborator Contribution The chemical speciation models being developed as the central element of this project rely heavily on thermodynamic measurement. Participation of these institutions has greatly expanded the data that will be available to us.
Impact Data have been obtained, a process that is continuing. The disciplines are: metrology, physical chemistry, oceanography. New measurements were made by collaborator PTB in January 2021, and a contract for measurements agreed with NIST.
Start Year 2017
Description Harned cell and solubility measurements of thermodynamic properties of seawater solutions and pH buffers 
Organisation National metrology and testing laboratory
Country France 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution UEA leads this partnership of 5 institutions who are contributing data to the project at their own expense.
Collaborator Contribution The chemical speciation models being developed as the central element of this project rely heavily on thermodynamic measurement. Participation of these institutions has greatly expanded the data that will be available to us.
Impact Data have been obtained, a process that is continuing. The disciplines are: metrology, physical chemistry, oceanography. New measurements were made by collaborator PTB in January 2021, and a contract for measurements agreed with NIST.
Start Year 2017
Description Harned cell and solubility measurements of thermodynamic properties of seawater solutions and pH buffers 
Organisation Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution UEA leads this partnership of 5 institutions who are contributing data to the project at their own expense.
Collaborator Contribution The chemical speciation models being developed as the central element of this project rely heavily on thermodynamic measurement. Participation of these institutions has greatly expanded the data that will be available to us.
Impact Data have been obtained, a process that is continuing. The disciplines are: metrology, physical chemistry, oceanography. New measurements were made by collaborator PTB in January 2021, and a contract for measurements agreed with NIST.
Start Year 2017
Title Draft speciation modelling tools for pH buffers and the carbonate system on seawater 
Description It is a computer program for calculating the effects of variations in aqueous solution composition on the pH of a buffer and the stoichiometric "K*" of dissolved inorganic carbonate. 
Type Of Technology Webtool/Application 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact Too early to say, but the final versions are likely to be published under the auspcies of the organisations SCOR and IAPSO. 
URL http://www.aim.env.uea.ac.uk/osm/main_page.html
Title MarChemSpec (Marine Chemical Speciation Model) 
Description The MarChemSpec Models These programs (for Windows, Linux, and macOS 'Apple silicon') implement the models described in the three papers, and one manuscript in preparation, listed further below. The models determine the equilibrium chemical speciation for each input natural water composition and temperature. Outputs are the equilibrium composition of the solution on both an amount content and molality basis, all activity coefficients, and other properties as noted below. The various zip and tar archives contain the executable programs, and functions that can be called by MATLAB or Python.The \docs directory of each archive contains manuals with instructions and examples. See marchemspec.org for details of our project, and email Simon Clegg (s.clegg@uea.ac.uk) or David Turner (david.turner@marine.gu.se) if you have questions. 1. Models Available as Standalone Programs Sea - The model of solutions containing the ions of seawater electrolyte (paper 3), including carbonate, borate, and fluoride acid-base equilibria. Outputs include the seawater state parameters alkalinity, pCO2 and fCO2, total and free pH; the stoichiometric acid-base equilibrium constants of carbonate, borate and fluoride; and the stoichiometric concentration product of calcium and carbonate. Estimates of the uncertainties of the calculated quantities are provided. Delta - This is the same chemical model as 'sea', but calculates the changes in the outputs listed above caused by a change in the natural water composition (typically from seawater to something different). Estimates of the uncertainties of these calculated changes are provided. Trace - The model of solutions containing the ions of seawater electrolyte, and inorganic complexation of the GEOTRACES metals Al, Cd, Co, Cu(II), Fe(II), Fe(III), Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn (paper 4). Outputs are the concentrations (as amount contents and molalities) of all species, and the free and complexed fractions of each of the trace metals. There are no estimates of uncertainties. 2. MATLAB and Python Functions These functions, available for Windows and for Linux, allow all three models above to be called directly within MATLAB and Python environments. In addition, the functions include the model of artificial seawater (like seawater electrolyte, but without Sr or carbonate, borate, and fluoride species); and also the draft model of Tris buffer in artificial seawater (papers 1 and 2). 3. Files for Download Model      Windows                                  Linux                            macOS (Apple silicon) sea           MarChemSpec_sea.zip              MCS_sea.tar.gz             MCS_sea_macOS.tar.gz trace         MarChemSpec_delta.zip           MCS_delta.tar.gz           MCS_delta_macOS.tar.gz delta         MarChemSpec_trace.zip           MCS_trace.tar.gz           MCS_trace_macOS.tar.gz all             MarChemSpec_MATLAB.zip      MCS_MATLAB.tar.gz                 -  all             MarChemSpec_Python.zip        MCS_Python.tar.gz                    - Note: The additional file All_MCS_Manuals.zip contains the manuals and instructions for all models, and it may be helpful to review this first. Windows file MarChemSpec_Excel.zip file contains an Excel worksheet that can be used to run the Sea, Delta, and Trace models (all of which are included in the zip file) on computers running Windows. 4. Papers and Other Documents 1. M. P. Humphreys, J. F. Waters, D. R. Turner, A. G. Dickson, and S. L. Clegg (2022) Chemical speciation models based upon the Pitzer activity coefficient equations, including the propagation of uncertainties: Artificial seawater from 0 to 45 °C. Mar. Chem. 244, art. 104095. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marchem.2022.104095 2. S. L. Clegg, M. P. Humphreys, J. F. Waters, D. R. Turner, and A. G. Dickson (2022) Chemical speciation models based upon the Pitzer activity coefficient equations, including the propagation of uncertainties. II. Tris buffers in artificial seawater at 25 °C, and an assessment of the seawater 'Total' pH scale. Mar. Chem. 244, art. 104096. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marchem.2022.104096 3. S. L. Clegg, J. F. Waters, D. R. Turner, and A. G. Dickson (2023) Chemical speciation models based upon the Pitzer activity coefficient equations, including the propagation of uncertainties. III. Seawater from the freezing point to 45 °C, including acid-base equilibria. Mar. Chem. 250, art. 104196. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marchem.2022.104196 4. The sources and values of equilibrium constants, and Pitzer activity coefficient parameters, are tabulated in the following document available from the authors: D. R. Turner and S. L. Clegg (2023) Sources of Pitzer parameters and equilibrium constants for the GEOTRACES core elements included in the SCOR Working Group 145 chemical speciation model. A manuscript that describes the trace metal model is in preparation. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact We expect widespread use among chemical oceanographers, esp. paleoceanography, trace metal chemistry, and applications in marine CO2 removal. 
URL https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.8373045
Description Workshop on the Use of the MarChemSpec Marine Chemical Speciation Model 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact The MarChemSpec model is a major output of the project, and our aim is that it be widely used in marine science (both academic and other). We had 30 or so in person attendees, and many more online.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
URL http://marchemspec.org