Camouflage and the light environment

Lead Research Organisation: UNIVERSITY OF EXETER
Department Name: Biosciences


Being spotted by a predator can spell the end for an animal. Camouflage is therefore critical to the survival of many species and is one of the most common anti-predator strategies in nature. An animal's camouflage often depends on matching the colours and patterns of its surroundings, but how can it achieve this when the lighting conditions continually alter the background's appearance? The vegetation and textures in a scene create complex shadows and patterns that rapidly disappear when a cloud passes over and diffuses the lighting. Likewise the colours in a scene depend on atmospheric conditions; on a clear day shadows are blue-tinted, and when overcast the lighting colour becomes uniform. Interactions between lighting conditions and three-dimensional habitat structure could therefore be essential for the success of an animal's camouflage and affect its very survival.

A number of camouflage strategies have been identified that help animals stay unseen, and they often depend on specific lighting conditions. For example, counter-shading is a strategy found in many species that have dark backs and pale underbellies. This coloration helps to cancel out the shadows on the animal's underside, making its tell-tale shape less easily recognised. Coloration that creates false textures and depth cues is also found in many species; tactics that mimic illumination by direct sunlight. Background pattern matching can protect animals from predators, but the background patterns will shift and change throughout the day. It is therefore possible that these strategies become ineffective or even counterproductive under diffuse, overcast conditions. Beyond basic colour differences it remains unknown how these camouflage strategies perform in different light environments and habitat structures; understanding this interaction - which could affect the survival of any visually hunted species - will be the focus of my proposed research.

I plan to use an innovative range of experiments to investigate the importance of three-dimensional habitat structure, colour and lighting conditions on camouflage. First, I will determine whether reed warblers can select nest sites with lighting conditions that optimise the camouflage of their eggs, and test whether a mismatch between egg coloration and lighting increases their likelihood of being spotted by predators. Next, I will create artificial nests in the wild, testing how different camouflage strategies perform given the habitat structure and lighting conditions at the time of predation. Finally, I will use an online evolution game that allows computer-generated 'eggs' to evolve under different lighting conditions and against different backgrounds. I predict that the optimal camouflage strategy should switch depending on how light interacts with the three-dimensional structure of a scene. Flat habitats should favour strategies that create false textures and depth cues, and direct lighting should promote counter-shading and red-green colour matching over blue-yellow.

My research will provide fundamental insights into the importance of lighting conditions and the shape of a habitat on the survival of individual animals. These findings would be of immediate value to conservation projects to develop land-use strategies and farming practices that help protect vulnerable species from predation. Humans are changing the lighting conditions of habitats across the world as a consequence of climate change, potentially altering the efficacy of camouflage strategies that had evolved under different lighting regimes. My research therefore has the potential to open up new areas of research in camouflage, environmental change and conservation.

Planned Impact

Conservation and Land Management:
Few habitats in the UK are not visually altered by human behaviour and land use practices. Understanding how vegetation structure and colour affects individual survival therefore has the potential to impact conservation via land-use policy. I will use my links with the British Trust for Ornithology and the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, and will contact other relevant organisations (such as Natural England, the National Trust, RSPB, BirdLife International, BugLife, The Woodland Trust, The Forestry Commission, and The Wildlife Trusts), providing them with reports and inviting delegates to a workshop that will disseminate the findings of the proposed research. A working group will then be formed for exploring the practical applications of the findings in land-use strategies and policy.

Visual ecology affects animal behaviour, and the ability to hide from view is essential in a number of sectors. The proposed research will develop new models for determining how coloration affects the conspicuousness of a given target, and how the light environment or surrounding features can affect the appearance or behaviour of an animal. These findings will be of immediate relevance to the defence sector, and I will discuss these with representatives from the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, QinetiQ and the Ministry of Defence by creating contacts and meeting delegates at camouflage conferences. Animal welfare in farming and pest control are other areas that could benefit from the project's output, where, for example the light environment could affect the behaviour of prey, or their camouflaged predators (e.g. creating microhabitats where birds are more comfortable to forage for insect pests, or light environments that reduce stress in livestock).

Humans are highly visual animals and research into animal coloration is often covered extensively by the popular press and wildlife/nature production companies. The public interest in camouflage and willingness to participate in online 'citizen science' games is pivotal to the proposed camouflage evolution experiment. The game will gather valuable empirical data for the project while simultaneously engaging the public interactively, and offering them further information about the research. The game will attract over ten thousand participants online, and a number of stands will be set up in public spaces to interact with the local community. I have considerable experience in disseminating my research through television, radio and printed/online media outlets, and have attended a course on media communication. I will use my links with production companies to investigate opportunities for disseminating research output, and will further publicise my research through press releases, blog posts, social media and school visits (continuing in my role as STEM ambassador). I will also continue to develop my open source image analysis toolbox which allows anyone to turn a digital camera into a powerful tool for measuring the visual world. Creating an online objective image analysis forum and filming additional 'how-to' videos will continue to allow members of the public to engage with science or pursue their own science projects.

Impressionist painters of the nineteenth century developed a new appreciation of how light, shadow and surrounding colours can influence the appearance of a scene long before the importance of these factors were investigated by science and industry. The artist Abbott Thayer later developed many theories of camouflage based his observations of nature that we are continuing to study today. Camouflage is a field where artists and scientists can easily learn from one another, and I have links with a number of artists interested in developing work based on animal vision, and software developers interested in augmented reality and seeing the world through the eyes of another species.


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publication icon
Bullough K (2023) Artificial light at night causes conflicting behavioural and morphological defence responses in a marine isopod in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

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Hancock GRA (2022) CamoEvo: An open access toolbox for artificial camouflage evolution experiments. in Evolution; international journal of organic evolution

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Heathcote RJP (2018) Dynamic eye colour as an honest signal of aggression. in Current biology : CB

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Hughes AE (2021) The evolution of patterning during movement in a large-scale citizen science game. in Proceedings. Biological sciences

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Jamie GA (2020) Multimodal mimicry of hosts in a radiation of parasitic finches. in Evolution; international journal of organic evolution

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Kolecek J (2018) Rufous Common Cuckoo chicks are not always female in Journal of Ornithology

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Troscianko J (2023) OSpRad: an open-source, low-cost, high-sensitivity spectroradiometer. in The Journal of experimental biology

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Troscianko J (2018) Camouflage strategies interfere differently with observer search images. in Proceedings. Biological sciences

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Troscianko J (2021) Variable crab camouflage patterns defeat search image formation. in Communications biology

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Troscianko J (2023) A model of colour appearance based on efficient coding of natural images. in PLoS computational biology

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Whitham W (2022) The gaze of a social monkey is perceptible to conspecifics and predators but not prey in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

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Yorzinski JL (2022) A songbird can detect the eyes of conspecifics under daylight and artificial nighttime lighting. in Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)

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Å ulc M (2022) Automatic identification of bird females using egg phenotype in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society

Title Example Motion Modelling Video from The evolution of patterning during movement in a large-scale citizen science game 
Description The motion dazzle hypothesis posits that high contrast geometric patterns can cause difficulties in tracking a moving target and has been argued to explain the patterning of animals such as zebras. Research to date has only tested a small number of patterns, offering equivocal support for the hypothesis. Here, we take a genetic programming approach to allow patterns to evolve based on their fitness (time taken to capture) and thus find the optimal strategy for providing protection when moving. Our 'Dazzle Bug' citizen science game tested over 1.5 million targets in a touch screen game at a popular visitor attraction. Surprisingly, we found that targets lost pattern elements during evolution and became closely background matching. Modelling results suggested that targets with lower motion energy were harder to catch. Our results indicate that low contrast, featureless targets offer the greatest protection against capture when in motion, challenging the motion dazzle hypothesis. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title Example Motion Modelling Video from The evolution of patterning during movement in a large-scale citizen science game 
Description The motion dazzle hypothesis posits that high contrast geometric patterns can cause difficulties in tracking a moving target and has been argued to explain the patterning of animals such as zebras. Research to date has only tested a small number of patterns, offering equivocal support for the hypothesis. Here, we take a genetic programming approach to allow patterns to evolve based on their fitness (time taken to capture) and thus find the optimal strategy for providing protection when moving. Our 'Dazzle Bug' citizen science game tested over 1.5 million targets in a touch screen game at a popular visitor attraction. Surprisingly, we found that targets lost pattern elements during evolution and became closely background matching. Modelling results suggested that targets with lower motion energy were harder to catch. Our results indicate that low contrast, featureless targets offer the greatest protection against capture when in motion, challenging the motion dazzle hypothesis. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Description The new "QCPA" toolbox has been released, allowing researchers to use calibrated digital imaging to model various aspects of animal vision, and to use this for spatiochromatic analyses (i.e. measuring colour and pattern simultaneously).

We/I have set up an entire website and online community to host the software and provide detailed user guides.

Our work has highlighted the potential impact of artificial light on the visual ecology of moths, including their ability to detect flowers at night. Broadband amber lights (such as PC amber or high pressure sodium lamps) are predicted to have odd intensity-dependent effects on flower detection. Conversely, the vision of the moths' predators is unlikely to be negatively impacted by the same light sources.

Other work has identified the role artificial light plays on the perceived predation risk of Eurasian curlew. Higher levels of artificial light were found to increase flight initiation distances substantially, and our research suggests that this is partially driven by a fear of taking flight in darkness.

We have linked the structure of light at night to behavioural and physiological responses in a marine isopod. This work highlights how not only light intensity, but also its structure (e.g. diffuseness/directness) can affect biological systems.

I have developed a low-cost spectroradiometer that can measure light at low levels using 3D printed parts, off-the-shelf components and open-source software that links to a smart phone. It costs around £250, and has better low-light sensitivity than typical laboratory spectrometers.

We have adapted our camouflage evolution algorithm to generate real-world prey, and have demonstrated the method's practicality using wild birds.
Exploitation Route The micaToolbox software is already in use by many researchers, and given its accessibility and scope is likely to be used by many more in the future. The software is primarily used by biologists, but has also been used in biomedicine, dentistry and industry (e.g. fashion industry)

Our work on artificial light in moths and curlew paints a complex picture, and describes nuanced effects. Further behavioural work is required to determine how moths are affected by different light sources, and the knock-on implications for the predators and prey of curlew are yet to be determined.

The OSpRad low-cost spectroradiometer releases a new tool for researchers, particularly those interested in investigating the effects of artificial light at night. However, the tool is potentially valuable to a wide range of fields that use spectrometry.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine

Creative Economy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)




including Industrial Biotechology



Museums and Collections

Description Animal vision modelling is used by a number of industries and artists. For example, my animal vision models were used by UGG (the footwear maker) to develop a new line of shoes that showcase different animal vision types. My work was also part of an art installation by Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg's "Pollinator Pathway" project, a collaboration with the Eden Project designed to make gardens attractive to pollinators.
First Year Of Impact 2019
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Agriculture, Food and Drink,Chemicals,Creative Economy,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Education,Environment,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology,Other
Impact Types Cultural



Policy & public services

Description PhD studentship
Amount £92,000 (GBP)
Organisation GW4 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2019 
End 09/2023
Description The effects of artificial nighttime lighting on moth visual ecology and survival
Amount £554,197 (GBP)
Funding ID NE/W006359/1 
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2022 
End 10/2025
Title A colour appearance model based on efficient coding and natural scene statistics 
Description We currently lack a usable colour appearance model for calculating the luminance or colour of objects that takes into account a range of visual phenomena. This project has developed a new model that uses information about contrast sensitivity functions and assumptions of limited neural bandwidth. The result is an extremely low-level (generalisable) model of colour appearance that can model an extremely wide range of phenomena. Future work will seek to extend the model into animal models. The pre-print is out, but the manuscript is currently under review (PLoS comp. biol. as of March 2023) 
Type Of Material Biological samples 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Existing models of animal colour vision are known to fail in many situation, but we lack any other models. Our new model has the potential to impact on vast numbers of future studies that attempt to model animal vision. 
Title Camouflage Genetic Algorithm 
Description We have developed a Genetic Algorithm designed specifically to optimise camouflage against a given background. The GA has a number of advanced features that make it ideally suited to tacking camouflage/visual ecology issues. Optimising camouflage is typically very difficult, and indeed it will be impossible to ever reach an optimum as long as tehre are predators that can learn to overcome any common strategy. GAs are therefore well suited to tackling this question because they can optimise multiple aspects of an individual's phenotype, and maintain a population that can can exhibit frequency-dependent effects. 
Type Of Material Biological samples 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This new tool will be used by our lab, but is also available to other researchers for investigating questions relating to camouflage optimisation. 
Title High sensitivity, low cost spectroradiometer 
Description I developed a low-cost, high-sensitivity spectroradiometer from off-the-shelf components. This equipment is suitable for measuring the spectrum of low-intensity light levels required for research into artificial light at night. 
Type Of Material Biological samples 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Too early to know impacts, but there have been a large number of researchers into ALAN wanting equipment like this, and multiple people asking for the equipment to be made more widely available. Pre-print is out, and a manuscript is under review (as of march 2023) with Journal of Experimental Biol. Ongoing work is developing this into a hyperspectral camera for structural measurements. 
Title Quantitative colour and pattern analysis framework 
Description The QCPA framework brings together tools for analysing spatial, chromatic and achromatic aspects of any scene, as perceived by a given visual system. The framework uses models of animal vision throughout to provide a large number of parameters which describe important visual properties of any sample/scene. The framework is built using open-source code and user-friendly workflows. 
Type Of Material Biological samples 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Major components of this framework have already been used by one of my collaborators for analysing the evolution of birds of paradise (paper in PLoS Biology). The tools should be released in a couple of weeks, and will hopefully be used in a wide range of fields by a large number of researchers. 
Title Colour_Results.csv;Isopods_R.pfd;Path_Results.csv;Path_Shadow.csv;path_Speed.csv from Artificial light at night causes conflicting behavioural and morphological defence responses in a marine isopod 
Description Sea-slater calibrated photography measurements, taken before and after each trial, converted to bluetit cone catch quanta;R markdown script showing the full statistical analysis;Measurements of the sea-slaters' movement;Data showing the proportion of time sea-slaters spent in each zone;Data of the sea-slaters' speed and intermittent movement 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Colour_Results.csv;Isopods_R.pfd;Path_Results.csv;Path_Shadow.csv;path_Speed.csv from Artificial light at night causes conflicting behavioural and morphological defence responses in a marine isopod 
Description Sea-slater calibrated photography measurements, taken before and after each trial, converted to bluetit cone catch quanta;R markdown script showing the full statistical analysis;Measurements of the sea-slaters' movement;Data showing the proportion of time sea-slaters spent in each zone;Data of the sea-slaters' speed and intermittent movement 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Description Butterfly wing dazzle 
Organisation University of Exeter
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I discovered a unique function of the patterns of butterfly wings when taking off, essentially tricking visual motion detectors into thinking the butterfly is moving in different directions to its actual direction of travel. I conceived the study, and wrote the code for analysing motion from videos.
Collaborator Contribution My collaborators are providing general expertise on the function of "dazzle" motion camouflage (Laura Kelley), and expertise in human psychophysics analysis (Anna Hughes).
Impact Motion detection algorithms for processing high-speed videos, controlling for the receiver's temporal and spatial acuity.
Start Year 2018
Description Coevolution between brood parasitic cuckoos and their hosts 
Organisation Griffith University
Country Australia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I am providing expertise in analysing the appearance of parasitic cuckoo eggs, and producing colour-matched artificial eggs which let us explore the evolutionary function of egg phenotype.
Collaborator Contribution This project is being led by a PhD student of Andrea Manica and Will Feeney. They run the field site, and are the experts in brood parasitism.
Impact Methods for creating patterned, colour-calibrated artificial eggs, with varied shapes and volumes.
Start Year 2018
Description Coevolution between brood parasitic cuckoos and their hosts 
Organisation University of Cambridge
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I am providing expertise in analysing the appearance of parasitic cuckoo eggs, and producing colour-matched artificial eggs which let us explore the evolutionary function of egg phenotype.
Collaborator Contribution This project is being led by a PhD student of Andrea Manica and Will Feeney. They run the field site, and are the experts in brood parasitism.
Impact Methods for creating patterned, colour-calibrated artificial eggs, with varied shapes and volumes.
Start Year 2018
Description Colour appearance modelling based on efficient coding and natural scene statistics 
Organisation University of Sussex
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I led the development of a novel colour appearance model, with the ultimate goal of being able to reliably model luminance and colour appearance based on a limited number of parameters.
Collaborator Contribution I collaborated with Prof. Daniel Osorio on this project. He provided valuable insights and fundamental concepts relating to his expertise in visual neuroscience.
Impact We have published a pre-print and the manuscript is currently (march 2023) in review with PloS Comp. Biol. We are currently extending the model to animal vision, and are likely to seek collaboration with other researchers to parametrise and validate the model in non-humans.
Start Year 2020
Description Effects of ALAN on antipredator defence strategies 
Organisation University of Exeter
Department Environment and Sustainability Institute
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Led research into various systems, including shorebirds and isopods
Collaborator Contribution One of the students was supported by an Erasmus+ traineeship.
Impact paper on curlew responses to light levels and landscape of fear (published in Comms. Biol.) currently (March 2023) we have a manuscript nearing submission linking isopod antipredator behaviour and physiology to light structure and microhabitat properties.
Start Year 2021
Description Quantitative Colour and Pattern Analysis Framework 
Organisation Deakin University
Country Australia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I have helped develop an image analysis framework which combines spatial, chromatic and achromatic visual processing. I have written all of the code 9many thousands of lines), and conceived key elements of the image-processing framework, including noise reduction/edge reconstruction, and image segmentation steps which are all based on models of colour and luminance detection in animals.
Collaborator Contribution The conceptual framework behind this analysis has been in development for over 30 years (primarily by Prof. John Endler), and John has continued to provide ideas, clarifications and fixes. Together with the labs of Karen Cheney, Justin Marshall and John Endler (brought together by a shared PhD student, Cedric van den Berg) we have further developed the framework, and performed debugging and testing of the code.
Impact The framework we have developed in beta testing phase (ready for advanced release). This framework is a huge undertaking, involving many thousands of lines of code. It provides a comprehensive suite image processing, analysis and visualisation tools. We currently have a manuscript nearly ready for pre-print release (we are on the final edits). We have built a website which hosts a knowledge base (approximately 50 articles spanning >100 pages of text at the moment), a user forum, and video walk-through guides.
Start Year 2018
Description Quantitative Colour and Pattern Analysis Framework 
Organisation University of Queensland
Country Australia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I have helped develop an image analysis framework which combines spatial, chromatic and achromatic visual processing. I have written all of the code 9many thousands of lines), and conceived key elements of the image-processing framework, including noise reduction/edge reconstruction, and image segmentation steps which are all based on models of colour and luminance detection in animals.
Collaborator Contribution The conceptual framework behind this analysis has been in development for over 30 years (primarily by Prof. John Endler), and John has continued to provide ideas, clarifications and fixes. Together with the labs of Karen Cheney, Justin Marshall and John Endler (brought together by a shared PhD student, Cedric van den Berg) we have further developed the framework, and performed debugging and testing of the code.
Impact The framework we have developed in beta testing phase (ready for advanced release). This framework is a huge undertaking, involving many thousands of lines of code. It provides a comprehensive suite image processing, analysis and visualisation tools. We currently have a manuscript nearly ready for pre-print release (we are on the final edits). We have built a website which hosts a knowledge base (approximately 50 articles spanning >100 pages of text at the moment), a user forum, and video walk-through guides.
Start Year 2018
Description Signal evolution in birds of paradise 
Organisation Cornell University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I contributed to the analysis of bird of paradise visual displays, specifically providing tools for segmenting the displays into discrete colours for subsequent analysis.
Collaborator Contribution My collaborators ran all other parts of the study (data collection, analysis etc...)
Impact We have published a paper in PloS Biology.
Start Year 2017
Description Signalling and anti-predator function of guppy eye colour changes 
Organisation University of Exeter
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I have provided methodological expertise for making colour-matched artificial 3D guppies for behavioural experiments, and novel methods for tracking the movement of guppies. These are essential components for investigating the importance of eye colour changes in guppies.
Collaborator Contribution My collaborators run their guppy field and lab study systems, and have contributed all other aspects of the research.
Impact One paper in Current Biology to date, and another paper in preparation. We have pioneered new methods for performing predation experiments without killing the prey (by making colour-calibrated robotic prey)
Start Year 2018
Description The impact of artificial lighting on hawkmoth visual ecology 
Organisation University of Exeter
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This project is investigating the effect of different artificial light sources on the visual ecology of hawkmoths, and their predators. We are building up a picture of how artificial light could affect nocturnal pollination, sexual signalling, and visual anti-predator defences. We are providing the conceptual analysis framework for this study and collecting or collating the data.
Collaborator Contribution This collaboration is partnered with Kevin Gaston's lab, and Jon Bennie's lab. Kevin and Jon are providing expertise on ecology and artificial lighting.
Impact Currently we have assembled large datasets of hawkmoth reflectance spectra, and relevant background reflectance spectra.
Start Year 2018
Description The role of camouflage in the survival and conservation of ground-nesting birds 
Organisation Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution I am the PI of a NERC CASE PhD project, which is a collaboration with the GWCT and Prof. Innes Cuthill at Bristol.
Collaborator Contribution The GWCT is providing access to their field system, data and training for my PhD student. Prof. Cuthill is providing expertise in visual ecology.
Impact Development of camouflage evolution genetic algorithm, development of methodologies for studying ground nesting birds.
Start Year 2019
Description The role of camouflage in the survival and conservation of ground-nesting birds 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I am the PI of a NERC CASE PhD project, which is a collaboration with the GWCT and Prof. Innes Cuthill at Bristol.
Collaborator Contribution The GWCT is providing access to their field system, data and training for my PhD student. Prof. Cuthill is providing expertise in visual ecology.
Impact Development of camouflage evolution genetic algorithm, development of methodologies for studying ground nesting birds.
Start Year 2019
Description Using imaging techniques to classify cuckoo eggs and chicks 
Organisation Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Country Czech Republic 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I developed techniques for analysing the colours and patterns of cuckoo eggs, and the colours of cuckoo chicks in order to derive biologically useful information, such as the mother of a given egg, or the sex of a chick. The methods involve colour quantisation and egg-specific pattern analysis.
Collaborator Contribution My collaborators run the study system being used in these studies, and provide system-specific knowledge.
Impact One paper in the Journal of Ornithology, and new methods for investigating egg appearance based on pattern.
Start Year 2018
Title Quantitative colour and pattern analysis framework 
Description The QCPA framework brings together tools for analysing spatial, chromatic and achromatic aspects of any scene, as perceived by a given visual system. The framework uses models of animal vision throughout to provide a large number of parameters which describe important visual properties of any sample/scene. The framework is built using open-source code and user-friendly workflows. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2019 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact Major components of this framework have already been used by one of my collaborators for analysing the evolution of birds of paradise (paper in PLoS Biology). The tools should be released in a couple of weeks, and will hopefully be used in a wide range of fields by a large number of researchers. 
Description School outreach and science in the pub 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact School outreach included giving talks at our department's science of Christmas series (local schools), and also during the pandemic, making an online video of the talk. I also gave talks to general public at two science in the pub events.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018,2019,2020,2021,2022