Artificial Light Impacts on Coastal Ecosystems (ALICE)

Lead Research Organisation: Plymouth University
Department Name: Sch of Biological and Marine Sciences


Coastlines are illuminated with artificial light at night (ALAN) from piers, promenades, ports harbours, and dockyards. Artificial sky glow created by lighting from coastal settlements can now be detected above 22% of the world's coasts nightly, and will dramatically increase as coastal human populations more than double by year 2060. Life history adaptations to the moon and sun are near ubiquitous in the upper 200m of the sea, such that cycle's and gradients of light intensity and colour are major structuring factors in marine ecosystems. The potential for ALAN to reshape the ecology of coastal habitats by interfering with natural light cycles and the biological processes they inform is increasingly recognised.

Marine invertebrates are extremely sensitive to natural light throughout their life cycle. Examples include synchronised broadcast spawning in reef corals informed by moonlight cycles, zooplankton sensitivity to moonlight at >100m depth, and phototaxis of larvae under light equivalent to moonless overcast nights. The reproductive, larval and adult phases of marine invertebrates are all affected by night-time lighting of equivalent illuminances to those found in ports and harbours. Further, direct impacts on organism behaviour can indirectly affect other species in coastal food web's, changing ecosystem structure. The potential for coastal ALAN to disrupt marine organisms, species interactions, population dynamics, and organism distributions is clear.

The growing use of white Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) (69% of global lighting by 2020) will exacerbate ALAN's impacts. LEDs emit more blue wavelength light that: i) penetrates deeper into seawater compared to older lighting technologies; and ii) many marine organism responses are most sensitive to. Tailoring LEDs to avoid blue wavelengths represents one mitigation option trialled on land that can be improved by investigating the spectral dependence of biological responses.

ALICE will tackle fundamental gaps in our understanding of marine ecosystem responses to ALAN, by carrying out the following research: -

1. Laboratory experiments to determine the impacts of ALAN on coastal organisms: Parallel experiments will quantify the impacts of ALAN interference with natural light cycles on the life history responses of marine invertebrates. These relationships will be used to model the growth rate of marine invertebrate populations exposed to different intensities of cool white LED light assuming optimal conditions with no predators or competitors.

2. Laboratory experiments to determine the impact of ALAN on species interactions: The relationships between white LED light intensity, and species interactions (predation,competition and mutualism) will be simultaneously quantified during the above experiments, and used to model the impacts of ALAN on marine invertebrate populations accounting for their relationships with one another in nature.

3. Mapping and modelling the distribution of ALAN in coastal marine habitats: The intensity of colour composition of ALAN in coastal waters will be mapped across three contrastingly urbanised UK estuaries. These data, and associated optical modelling, will be used with satellite data to globally map ALAN intensity from the sea surface to a depth of 100m.

4. Modelling ALAN impacts on species distributions: The population models (1,2) and the ALAN distribution model (3), will allow a synthesis assessment of long term changes in species distributions that may result from ALAN impacts.

5. Quantifying the benefits of avoiding ALAN wavelengths: we will quantify the ecological benefits of: i) removing blue light form LEDs blue using optical filters; ii) replacing white, with longer wavelength Amber LEDs. In addition we will quantify the responses of marine invertebrate larvae to different colours of light, so that the design of ecologically friendly LED lighting can be better informed.

Planned Impact

ALICE will target four distinctive groups of stakeholders in order to maximise the impact of the project. These will be: 1) conservation organisations; 2) the outdoor lighting industry; 3) the aquarium, agriculture and aquaculture industry and; 4) the general public.

Importantly, to maximise impact, ALICE will hold a series of five one-day structured workshops to facilitate knowledge transfer to and between our project partners from marine conservation, coral reef management, lighting industry and public outreach organisations to co-design ecologically sustainable lighting practices and technologies. Specifically, ALICE will use a real-life test case within the North Devon UNESCO site where the project science team, conservationists and industry can co-design technological solutions with the knowledge gained from the project.

The knowledge gained will be presented in a detailed report summarised by 'codes of best practice', for publication and wider circulation across project partner networks.

1) We will ensure that the outcomes of ALICE will be considered by governmental and non-governmental conservation organisations, particularly those concerned with the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive descriptor 11 (Energy - which includes light, and noise) and achieving Good Environmental Status by 2020 are engaged with ALICE as project partners from the proposal writing stage (Natural England; Natural Resources Wales; North Devon UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserve; The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel; Israel Nature and Parks Authority and the Mideast Coral Reef Society).

2) We will engage with the outdoor lighting industry is increasingly aware of the ecological concerns associated with the use of white LED lighting which is popular in maritime industries. ALICE will capitalise on established relationships between the science team and major players in the UK lighting industry including the Institution of Lighting Professionals (representing the whole UK lighting industry), Kingfisher Lighting (developer of ecologically friendly lighting technologies), and Lighting Technology Products (exterior lighting architects whose coastal projects include the O2 Arena London, Dragon Bridge in Rhyl, and Bristol harbourside).

3) ALICE will build on established relationships with project partner Tropical Marine Centre (London) in order to create the most advanced indoor natural lighting solutions for aquarists, aquaculture, indoor farmers and scientific laboratories. This will use Java translations of Davies' existing lunar sky brightness models and recent advances on the CIE standard model, will allow the team to fully simulate moon and sun light irradiance and spectra in real time for any location on Earth using TMC's existing lighting control technology.

4) Coral reefs are ideally suited to communicate marine conservation topics to the general public as members are increasingly aware of the significance of reefs among the biologically most diverse ecosystems and the associated importance for humanity. The concern about the potential loss of the reefs is correspondingly high. We will therefore communicate our progress in providing a scientific knowledge base for marine conservation to a large public audience will be reached via the established communication channels of the Horniman Museum, London previously utilised by Co-Is Wiedenmann and D'Angelo, including "Project Coral" headed by project partner Jamie Craggs.

Finally, all ALICE project outputs will be publicised in the global media (online, print, television and radio) using the science teams' respective press offices'. A website will inform the public about coastal light pollution and the ALICE project, contain an archive of published scientific outputs including an interactive global map of marine light pollution, links to online data repositories, and dedicated web pages to the impact plan.


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Description Light pollution from cities can disrupt the movement of invertebrates on shorelines several miles away.

Light pollution reaches the seafloor adjacent to cities in sufficient quantities to theoretically elicit biological responses.

Coastal street lighting can reshape the structure of ecological communities on adjacent sandy shores.

Light pollution changes the ability of prey to camouflage against predators on intertidal rocky shores.

Light pollution disorientates marine organisms that use the moon as a compass to guide shoreline migrations.

Light pollution alters patterns monthly regimes of nocturnal predator activity that are otherwise guided by moonlight.

Light pollution accelerates the development and reduces the survival of marine invertebrate larvae.

Light pollution from coastal megacities disrupts natural regimes of sunlight and moonlight under the sea.

A global analysis revealed that coral synchronised broadcast spawning is advanced by the presence of artificial light at night.
Exploitation Route The research findings so far indicate that coastal lighting is having an impact on the adjacent marine environment. Initial findings suggest that adopting red lighting in coastal installations will significantly reduce the penetration of light in seawater, however the extent to which biological impacts would be mitigated or exacerbated is yet to be established. This findings form a critical body of evidence that can inform the development of future policy for managing the impacts of light pollut
Sectors Environment


Democracy and Justice

Description ASSEMBLE PLUS project (European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, Grant Agreement No. 730984)
Amount € 5,000 (EUR)
Funding ID Application code 13176.2 
Organisation European Commission 
Department Horizon 2020
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 03/2021 
End 06/2021
Description Aquatic Pollution from Light and Anthropogenic Noise: Management of Impacts on Biodiversity
Amount € 3,508,271 (EUR)
Funding ID 101135471 
Organisation European Commission 
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 01/2024 
End 12/2027
Description Erasmus + Staff Mobility via University of Plymouth
Amount € 1,875 (EUR)
Organisation Erasmus + 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2022 
End 06/2022
Description NERC ENVIRONMENTAL OMICS FACILITY 2022 Early Career Researchewr Pilot Competition
Amount £7,083 (GBP)
Funding ID NEOF1426 
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2022 
End 12/2023
Description PhD Studentship
Amount £66,265 (GBP)
Organisation University of Plymouth 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2021 
End 09/2024
Title A Global Atlas of Artificial Light At Night Under the Sea 
Description Coastlines globally are increasingly being illuminated with Artificial Light At Night (ALAN) from various urban infrastructures such as houses, offices, piers, roads, ports and dockyards. Artificial sky glow can now be detected above 22% of the world's coasts nightly and will dramatically increase as coastal human populations more than double by the year 2060. One of the clearest demonstrations that we have entered another epoch, the urbanocene, is the prevalence of ALAN visible from space. Photobiological life history adaptations to the moon and sun are near ubiquitous in the surface ocean (0-200m), such that cycles and gradients of light intensity and spectra are major structuring factors in marine ecosystems. The potential for ALAN to reshape the ecology of coastal habitats by interfering with natural light cycles and the biological processes they inform is increasingly recognized and is an emergent focus for research. This dataset is derived from two primary satellite data sources: an artificial night sky brightness world atlas (Falchi et al., 2016) and an in-water Inherent Optical Property (Lee et al., 2002) dataset derived from ESA's Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI These primary datasets are both used in conjunction with in-situ derived measurements and radiative transfer modelling in order to quantify the critical depth (Zc) to which biologically relevant ALAN penetrates throughout the global ocean's estuarine, coastal and near shore regions, in particular the area defined by an individual country's Exclusive Economic Zone. The critical depth is defined as the depth at which the modelled light level in the water column, illuminated by ALAN, drops below 0.102 µWm-2, the minimum irradiance of white light that elicits diel vertical migration in adult female Calanus copepods (Batnes et al., 2015). This is function of incident ALAN irradiance at the surface as well as the in-water transparency (governed by in-water optically active constituents). 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact One publication supported by this data set so far. Smyth, Timothy J; Davies, Thomas A; McKee, David (accepted): A global atlas of artificial light at night under the sea. Elementa - Science of the Anthropocene, 9:1, 
Title Data from Artificial light at night reverses monthly foraging pattern under simulated moonlight 
Description Mounting evidence shows that artificial light at night (ALAN) alters biological processes across levels of organization, from cells to communities. Yet, the combined impacts of ALAN and natural sources of night-time illumination remain little explored. This is in part due the lack of accurate simulations of the complex changes moonlight intensity, timing and spectra throughout a single night and lunar cycles in laboratory experiments. We custom-built a novel system to simulate natural patterns of moonlight to test how different ALAN intensities affect predator-prey relationship over the full lunar cycle. Exposure to high intensity ALAN (10 and 50 lx) reversed the natural lunar guided foraging pattern by the gastropod mesopredator Nucella lapillus on its prey Semibalanus balanoides. Foraging decreased during brighter moonlight in naturally lit conditions. When exposed to high intensity ALAN, foraging increased with brighter moonlight. Low intensity ALAN (0.1 and 0.5 lx) had no impact on foraging. Our results show that ALAN alters the foraging pattern guided by changes in moonlight brightness. ALAN impacts on ecosystems can depend on lunar light cycles. Accurate simulations of night-time light cycle will warrant more realistic insights into ALAN impacts and also facilitate advances in fundamental night-time ecology and chronobiology. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Data from Artificial light at night reverses monthly foraging pattern under simulated moonlight 
Description Mounting evidence shows that artificial light at night (ALAN) alters biological processes across levels of organization, from cells to communities. Yet, the combined impacts of ALAN and natural sources of night-time illumination remain little explored. This is in part due the lack of accurate simulations of the complex changes moonlight intensity, timing and spectra throughout a single night and lunar cycles in laboratory experiments. We custom-built a novel system to simulate natural patterns of moonlight to test how different ALAN intensities affect predator-prey relationship over the full lunar cycle. Exposure to high intensity ALAN (10 and 50 lx) reversed the natural lunar guided foraging pattern by the gastropod mesopredator Nucella lapillus on its prey Semibalanus balanoides. Foraging decreased during brighter moonlight in naturally lit conditions. When exposed to high intensity ALAN, foraging increased with brighter moonlight. Low intensity ALAN (0.1 and 0.5 lx) had no impact on foraging. Our results show that ALAN alters the foraging pattern guided by changes in moonlight brightness. ALAN impacts on ecosystems can depend on lunar light cycles. Accurate simulations of night-time light cycle will warrant more realistic insights into ALAN impacts and also facilitate advances in fundamental night-time ecology and chronobiology. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Green fluorescent protein-like pigments optimize the internal light environment in symbiotic reef building corals 
Description Pigments homologous to the Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) have been proposed to fine-tune the internal light microclimate of corals, facilitating photoacclimation of photosynthetic coral symbionts (Symbiodiniaceae) to life in different reef habitats and environmental conditions. However, direct measurements of the in vivo light conditions inside the coral tissue supporting this conclusion are lacking. Here, we quantified the intra-tissue spectral light environment of corals expressing GFP-like proteins from widely different light regimes. We focus on (1) photoconvertible red fluorescent proteins (pcRFPs), thought to enhance photosynthesis in mesophotic habitats via wavelength conversion, and (2) chromoproteins (CPs), which provide photoprotection to the symbionts in shallow water via light absorption. Optical microsensor measurements indicated that both pigment groups strongly alter the coral tissue light environment. Estimates derived from light spectra measured in pcRFP-containing corals showed that fluorescence emission can contribute to >50% of orange-red light available to the photosynthetic symbionts at mesophotic depths. We further show that upregulation of pink CPs in shallow-water corals during bleaching leads to a reduction of orange light by 10-20% compared to low-CP tissue. Thus, screening by CPs has an important role in mitigating the light-enhancing effect of coral tissue scattering during bleaching. Our results provide the first experimental quantification of the importance of GFP-like proteins in fine-tuning the light microclimate of corals during photoacclimation. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title R script from Artificial light at night reverses monthly foraging pattern under simulated moonlight 
Description Mounting evidence shows that artificial light at night (ALAN) alters biological processes across levels of organization, from cells to communities. Yet, the combined impacts of ALAN and natural sources of night-time illumination remain little explored. This is in part due the lack of accurate simulations of the complex changes moonlight intensity, timing and spectra throughout a single night and lunar cycles in laboratory experiments. We custom-built a novel system to simulate natural patterns of moonlight to test how different ALAN intensities affect predator-prey relationship over the full lunar cycle. Exposure to high intensity ALAN (10 and 50 lx) reversed the natural lunar guided foraging pattern by the gastropod mesopredator Nucella lapillus on its prey Semibalanus balanoides. Foraging decreased during brighter moonlight in naturally lit conditions. When exposed to high intensity ALAN, foraging increased with brighter moonlight. Low intensity ALAN (0.1 and 0.5 lx) had no impact on foraging. Our results show that ALAN alters the foraging pattern guided by changes in moonlight brightness. ALAN impacts on ecosystems can depend on lunar light cycles. Accurate simulations of night-time light cycle will warrant more realistic insights into ALAN impacts and also facilitate advances in fundamental night-time ecology and chronobiology. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title R script from Artificial light at night reverses monthly foraging pattern under simulated moonlight 
Description Mounting evidence shows that artificial light at night (ALAN) alters biological processes across levels of organization, from cells to communities. Yet, the combined impacts of ALAN and natural sources of night-time illumination remain little explored. This is in part due the lack of accurate simulations of the complex changes moonlight intensity, timing and spectra throughout a single night and lunar cycles in laboratory experiments. We custom-built a novel system to simulate natural patterns of moonlight to test how different ALAN intensities affect predator-prey relationship over the full lunar cycle. Exposure to high intensity ALAN (10 and 50 lx) reversed the natural lunar guided foraging pattern by the gastropod mesopredator Nucella lapillus on its prey Semibalanus balanoides. Foraging decreased during brighter moonlight in naturally lit conditions. When exposed to high intensity ALAN, foraging increased with brighter moonlight. Low intensity ALAN (0.1 and 0.5 lx) had no impact on foraging. Our results show that ALAN alters the foraging pattern guided by changes in moonlight brightness. ALAN impacts on ecosystems can depend on lunar light cycles. Accurate simulations of night-time light cycle will warrant more realistic insights into ALAN impacts and also facilitate advances in fundamental night-time ecology and chronobiology. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title R script from Impacts of artificial light at night on the early life history of two ecosystem engineers 
Description Sessile marine invertebrates play a vital role as ecosystem engineers and in benthic-pelagic coupling. Most benthic fauna develop through larval stages and the importance of natural light cycles for larval biology and ecology is long-established. Natural light-dark cycles regulate two of the largest ocean-scale processes that are fundamental to larvae's life cycle: the timing of broadcast spawning for successful fertilization and diel vertical migration for foraging and predator avoidance. Given the reliance on light and the ecological role of larvae, surprisingly little is known about the impacts of artificial light at night (ALAN) on the early life history of habitat-forming species. We quantified ALAN impacts on larval performance (survival, growth, development) of two cosmopolitan ecosystem engineers in temperate marine ecosystems, the mussel Mytilus edulis and the barnacle Austrominius modestus. Higher ALAN irradiance reduced survival in both species (57% and 13%, respectively). ALAN effects on development and growth were small overall, and different between species, time-points, and parentage. Our results show that ALAN adversely affects larval survival and reiterates the importance of paternal influence on offspring performance. ALAN impacts on the early life stages of ecosystem engineering species have implications not only for population viability but also the ecological communities these species support.This article is part of the theme issue 'Light pollution in complex ecological systems'. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title R script from Impacts of artificial light at night on the early life history of two ecosystem engineers 
Description Sessile marine invertebrates play a vital role as ecosystem engineers and in benthic-pelagic coupling. Most benthic fauna develop through larval stages and the importance of natural light cycles for larval biology and ecology is long-established. Natural light-dark cycles regulate two of the largest ocean-scale processes that are fundamental to larvae's life cycle: the timing of broadcast spawning for successful fertilization and diel vertical migration for foraging and predator avoidance. Given the reliance on light and the ecological role of larvae, surprisingly little is known about the impacts of artificial light at night (ALAN) on the early life history of habitat-forming species. We quantified ALAN impacts on larval performance (survival, growth, development) of two cosmopolitan ecosystem engineers in temperate marine ecosystems, the mussel Mytilus edulis and the barnacle Austrominius modestus. Higher ALAN irradiance reduced survival in both species (57% and 13%, respectively). ALAN effects on development and growth were small overall, and different between species, time-points, and parentage. Our results show that ALAN adversely affects larval survival and reiterates the importance of paternal influence on offspring performance. ALAN impacts on the early life stages of ecosystem engineering species have implications not only for population viability but also the ecological communities these species support.This article is part of the theme issue 'Light pollution in complex ecological systems'. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title READmeFile from Artificial light at night reverses monthly foraging pattern under simulated moonlight 
Description Mounting evidence shows that artificial light at night (ALAN) alters biological processes across levels of organization, from cells to communities. Yet, the combined impacts of ALAN and natural sources of night-time illumination remain little explored. This is in part due the lack of accurate simulations of the complex changes moonlight intensity, timing and spectra throughout a single night and lunar cycles in laboratory experiments. We custom-built a novel system to simulate natural patterns of moonlight to test how different ALAN intensities affect predator-prey relationship over the full lunar cycle. Exposure to high intensity ALAN (10 and 50 lx) reversed the natural lunar guided foraging pattern by the gastropod mesopredator Nucella lapillus on its prey Semibalanus balanoides. Foraging decreased during brighter moonlight in naturally lit conditions. When exposed to high intensity ALAN, foraging increased with brighter moonlight. Low intensity ALAN (0.1 and 0.5 lx) had no impact on foraging. Our results show that ALAN alters the foraging pattern guided by changes in moonlight brightness. ALAN impacts on ecosystems can depend on lunar light cycles. Accurate simulations of night-time light cycle will warrant more realistic insights into ALAN impacts and also facilitate advances in fundamental night-time ecology and chronobiology. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title READmeFile from Artificial light at night reverses monthly foraging pattern under simulated moonlight 
Description Mounting evidence shows that artificial light at night (ALAN) alters biological processes across levels of organization, from cells to communities. Yet, the combined impacts of ALAN and natural sources of night-time illumination remain little explored. This is in part due the lack of accurate simulations of the complex changes moonlight intensity, timing and spectra throughout a single night and lunar cycles in laboratory experiments. We custom-built a novel system to simulate natural patterns of moonlight to test how different ALAN intensities affect predator-prey relationship over the full lunar cycle. Exposure to high intensity ALAN (10 and 50 lx) reversed the natural lunar guided foraging pattern by the gastropod mesopredator Nucella lapillus on its prey Semibalanus balanoides. Foraging decreased during brighter moonlight in naturally lit conditions. When exposed to high intensity ALAN, foraging increased with brighter moonlight. Low intensity ALAN (0.1 and 0.5 lx) had no impact on foraging. Our results show that ALAN alters the foraging pattern guided by changes in moonlight brightness. ALAN impacts on ecosystems can depend on lunar light cycles. Accurate simulations of night-time light cycle will warrant more realistic insights into ALAN impacts and also facilitate advances in fundamental night-time ecology and chronobiology. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title TidalLight 
Description A model capable of generating the solar, lunar, and artificial lightscape - in PAR (Broadband) OR Skye meter wavelengths R: 620-740nm, G: 495-560nm, B: 400-500nm (Spectral) - at and below surface of (theoretically) any global coastal position. The model requires a location with associated tidal gauge data (recommend as a starting point) to permit accuracte modelling of tidal harmonics and subsequent tide levels. A reference datum is selected by the user (default 10%). Defining a datum percetage (line 296, determines the "Below Tide" values of the selected light source over the defined time period to calculate the total light received at this depth (Designed to mimic an area within the intertidal zone). Datum: Specified as a distance below the lowest astronomical tide for the time frame input Critical depth of the incoming light source can also be determined for validation with in-situ measurements in either Broadband or Spectral groups Note: World_Atlas_2015.tif & NetCDF4 files, containing global ALAN & Kd information respectively, are not included in this repository due to file size limits. Use a local copy in the following locations for any spectral model directory chain: Relevant to lines 81 & 85 of datadir = '../../ALAN_Map+Kd/' # Relative path to directory that contains Kd files on local machine Python 3.6 is required to run this model. To run this model open a command line in the TidalLight repository (Linux or WSL): bash This will run an example of some of the functionalities of the model, to see all possible commands: python3 -h. Resources: The following modules are used in the model, for a theoretical understanding/explanation of these calculations see the relevant materials (referenced in --> TidalLight/Papers/) and READMEs of the listed modules: astropy: astropy pysolar: DOI UTide: 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Publications: Smyth, T. J., Wright, A. E., Edwards-Jones, A., Mckee, D., Queirós, A., Rendon, O., ... & Davies, T. W. (2022). Disruption of marine habitats by artificial light at night from global coastal megacities. Elem Sci Anth, 10(1), 00042. Collaborations: Model output compatible for providing customized light cycle simulation via the BioLumen Pro lighting control system available through Biosystems (Tropical Marine Centre). 
Title datasets from Impacts of artificial light at night on the early life history of two ecosystem engineers 
Description Sessile marine invertebrates play a vital role as ecosystem engineers and in benthic-pelagic coupling. Most benthic fauna develop through larval stages and the importance of natural light cycles for larval biology and ecology is long-established. Natural light-dark cycles regulate two of the largest ocean-scale processes that are fundamental to larvae's life cycle: the timing of broadcast spawning for successful fertilization and diel vertical migration for foraging and predator avoidance. Given the reliance on light and the ecological role of larvae, surprisingly little is known about the impacts of artificial light at night (ALAN) on the early life history of habitat-forming species. We quantified ALAN impacts on larval performance (survival, growth, development) of two cosmopolitan ecosystem engineers in temperate marine ecosystems, the mussel Mytilus edulis and the barnacle Austrominius modestus. Higher ALAN irradiance reduced survival in both species (57% and 13%, respectively). ALAN effects on development and growth were small overall, and different between species, time-points, and parentage. Our results show that ALAN adversely affects larval survival and reiterates the importance of paternal influence on offspring performance. ALAN impacts on the early life stages of ecosystem engineering species have implications not only for population viability but also the ecological communities these species support.This article is part of the theme issue 'Light pollution in complex ecological systems'. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title datasets from Impacts of artificial light at night on the early life history of two ecosystem engineers 
Description Sessile marine invertebrates play a vital role as ecosystem engineers and in benthic-pelagic coupling. Most benthic fauna develop through larval stages and the importance of natural light cycles for larval biology and ecology is long-established. Natural light-dark cycles regulate two of the largest ocean-scale processes that are fundamental to larvae's life cycle: the timing of broadcast spawning for successful fertilization and diel vertical migration for foraging and predator avoidance. Given the reliance on light and the ecological role of larvae, surprisingly little is known about the impacts of artificial light at night (ALAN) on the early life history of habitat-forming species. We quantified ALAN impacts on larval performance (survival, growth, development) of two cosmopolitan ecosystem engineers in temperate marine ecosystems, the mussel Mytilus edulis and the barnacle Austrominius modestus. Higher ALAN irradiance reduced survival in both species (57% and 13%, respectively). ALAN effects on development and growth were small overall, and different between species, time-points, and parentage. Our results show that ALAN adversely affects larval survival and reiterates the importance of paternal influence on offspring performance. ALAN impacts on the early life stages of ecosystem engineering species have implications not only for population viability but also the ecological communities these species support.This article is part of the theme issue 'Light pollution in complex ecological systems'. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title datasets from Impacts of artificial light at night on the early life history of two ecosystem engineers 
Description Sessile marine invertebrates play a vital role as ecosystem engineers and in benthic-pelagic coupling. Most benthic fauna develop through larval stages and the importance of natural light cycles for larval biology and ecology is long-established. Natural light-dark cycles regulate two of the largest ocean-scale processes that are fundamental to larvae's life cycle: the timing of broadcast spawning for successful fertilization and diel vertical migration for foraging and predator avoidance. Given the reliance on light and the ecological role of larvae, surprisingly little is known about the impacts of artificial light at night (ALAN) on the early life history of habitat-forming species. We quantified ALAN impacts on larval performance (survival, growth, development) of two cosmopolitan ecosystem engineers in temperate marine ecosystems, the mussel Mytilus edulis and the barnacle Austrominius modestus. Higher ALAN irradiance reduced survival in both species (57% and 13%, respectively). ALAN effects on development and growth were small overall, and different between species, time-points, and parentage. Our results show that ALAN adversely affects larval survival and reiterates the importance of paternal influence on offspring performance. ALAN impacts on the early life stages of ecosystem engineering species have implications not only for population viability but also the ecological communities these species support.This article is part of the theme issue 'Light pollution in complex ecological systems'. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title datasets from Impacts of artificial light at night on the early life history of two ecosystem engineers 
Description Sessile marine invertebrates play a vital role as ecosystem engineers and in benthic-pelagic coupling. Most benthic fauna develop through larval stages and the importance of natural light cycles for larval biology and ecology is long-established. Natural light-dark cycles regulate two of the largest ocean-scale processes that are fundamental to larvae's life cycle: the timing of broadcast spawning for successful fertilization and diel vertical migration for foraging and predator avoidance. Given the reliance on light and the ecological role of larvae, surprisingly little is known about the impacts of artificial light at night (ALAN) on the early life history of habitat-forming species. We quantified ALAN impacts on larval performance (survival, growth, development) of two cosmopolitan ecosystem engineers in temperate marine ecosystems, the mussel Mytilus edulis and the barnacle Austrominius modestus. Higher ALAN irradiance reduced survival in both species (57% and 13%, respectively). ALAN effects on development and growth were small overall, and different between species, time-points, and parentage. Our results show that ALAN adversely affects larval survival and reiterates the importance of paternal influence on offspring performance. ALAN impacts on the early life stages of ecosystem engineering species have implications not only for population viability but also the ecological communities these species support.This article is part of the theme issue 'Light pollution in complex ecological systems'. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title datasets from Impacts of artificial light at night on the early life history of two ecosystem engineers 
Description Sessile marine invertebrates play a vital role as ecosystem engineers and in benthic-pelagic coupling. Most benthic fauna develop through larval stages and the importance of natural light cycles for larval biology and ecology is long-established. Natural light-dark cycles regulate two of the largest ocean-scale processes that are fundamental to larvae's life cycle: the timing of broadcast spawning for successful fertilization and diel vertical migration for foraging and predator avoidance. Given the reliance on light and the ecological role of larvae, surprisingly little is known about the impacts of artificial light at night (ALAN) on the early life history of habitat-forming species. We quantified ALAN impacts on larval performance (survival, growth, development) of two cosmopolitan ecosystem engineers in temperate marine ecosystems, the mussel Mytilus edulis and the barnacle Austrominius modestus. Higher ALAN irradiance reduced survival in both species (57% and 13%, respectively). ALAN effects on development and growth were small overall, and different between species, time-points, and parentage. Our results show that ALAN adversely affects larval survival and reiterates the importance of paternal influence on offspring performance. ALAN impacts on the early life stages of ecosystem engineering species have implications not only for population viability but also the ecological communities these species support.This article is part of the theme issue 'Light pollution in complex ecological systems'. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title datasets from Impacts of artificial light at night on the early life history of two ecosystem engineers 
Description Sessile marine invertebrates play a vital role as ecosystem engineers and in benthic-pelagic coupling. Most benthic fauna develop through larval stages and the importance of natural light cycles for larval biology and ecology is long-established. Natural light-dark cycles regulate two of the largest ocean-scale processes that are fundamental to larvae's life cycle: the timing of broadcast spawning for successful fertilization and diel vertical migration for foraging and predator avoidance. Given the reliance on light and the ecological role of larvae, surprisingly little is known about the impacts of artificial light at night (ALAN) on the early life history of habitat-forming species. We quantified ALAN impacts on larval performance (survival, growth, development) of two cosmopolitan ecosystem engineers in temperate marine ecosystems, the mussel Mytilus edulis and the barnacle Austrominius modestus. Higher ALAN irradiance reduced survival in both species (57% and 13%, respectively). ALAN effects on development and growth were small overall, and different between species, time-points, and parentage. Our results show that ALAN adversely affects larval survival and reiterates the importance of paternal influence on offspring performance. ALAN impacts on the early life stages of ecosystem engineering species have implications not only for population viability but also the ecological communities these species support.This article is part of the theme issue 'Light pollution in complex ecological systems'. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title datasets from Impacts of artificial light at night on the early life history of two ecosystem engineers 
Description Sessile marine invertebrates play a vital role as ecosystem engineers and in benthic-pelagic coupling. Most benthic fauna develop through larval stages and the importance of natural light cycles for larval biology and ecology is long-established. Natural light-dark cycles regulate two of the largest ocean-scale processes that are fundamental to larvae's life cycle: the timing of broadcast spawning for successful fertilization and diel vertical migration for foraging and predator avoidance. Given the reliance on light and the ecological role of larvae, surprisingly little is known about the impacts of artificial light at night (ALAN) on the early life history of habitat-forming species. We quantified ALAN impacts on larval performance (survival, growth, development) of two cosmopolitan ecosystem engineers in temperate marine ecosystems, the mussel Mytilus edulis and the barnacle Austrominius modestus. Higher ALAN irradiance reduced survival in both species (57% and 13%, respectively). ALAN effects on development and growth were small overall, and different between species, time-points, and parentage. Our results show that ALAN adversely affects larval survival and reiterates the importance of paternal influence on offspring performance. ALAN impacts on the early life stages of ecosystem engineering species have implications not only for population viability but also the ecological communities these species support.This article is part of the theme issue 'Light pollution in complex ecological systems'. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title datasets from Impacts of artificial light at night on the early life history of two ecosystem engineers 
Description Sessile marine invertebrates play a vital role as ecosystem engineers and in benthic-pelagic coupling. Most benthic fauna develop through larval stages and the importance of natural light cycles for larval biology and ecology is long-established. Natural light-dark cycles regulate two of the largest ocean-scale processes that are fundamental to larvae's life cycle: the timing of broadcast spawning for successful fertilization and diel vertical migration for foraging and predator avoidance. Given the reliance on light and the ecological role of larvae, surprisingly little is known about the impacts of artificial light at night (ALAN) on the early life history of habitat-forming species. We quantified ALAN impacts on larval performance (survival, growth, development) of two cosmopolitan ecosystem engineers in temperate marine ecosystems, the mussel Mytilus edulis and the barnacle Austrominius modestus. Higher ALAN irradiance reduced survival in both species (57% and 13%, respectively). ALAN effects on development and growth were small overall, and different between species, time-points, and parentage. Our results show that ALAN adversely affects larval survival and reiterates the importance of paternal influence on offspring performance. ALAN impacts on the early life stages of ecosystem engineering species have implications not only for population viability but also the ecological communities these species support.This article is part of the theme issue 'Light pollution in complex ecological systems'. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title datasets from Impacts of artificial light at night on the early life history of two ecosystem engineers 
Description Sessile marine invertebrates play a vital role as ecosystem engineers and in benthic-pelagic coupling. Most benthic fauna develop through larval stages and the importance of natural light cycles for larval biology and ecology is long-established. Natural light-dark cycles regulate two of the largest ocean-scale processes that are fundamental to larvae's life cycle: the timing of broadcast spawning for successful fertilization and diel vertical migration for foraging and predator avoidance. Given the reliance on light and the ecological role of larvae, surprisingly little is known about the impacts of artificial light at night (ALAN) on the early life history of habitat-forming species. We quantified ALAN impacts on larval performance (survival, growth, development) of two cosmopolitan ecosystem engineers in temperate marine ecosystems, the mussel Mytilus edulis and the barnacle Austrominius modestus. Higher ALAN irradiance reduced survival in both species (57% and 13%, respectively). ALAN effects on development and growth were small overall, and different between species, time-points, and parentage. Our results show that ALAN adversely affects larval survival and reiterates the importance of paternal influence on offspring performance. ALAN impacts on the early life stages of ecosystem engineering species have implications not only for population viability but also the ecological communities these species support.This article is part of the theme issue 'Light pollution in complex ecological systems'. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title datasets from Impacts of artificial light at night on the early life history of two ecosystem engineers 
Description Sessile marine invertebrates play a vital role as ecosystem engineers and in benthic-pelagic coupling. Most benthic fauna develop through larval stages and the importance of natural light cycles for larval biology and ecology is long-established. Natural light-dark cycles regulate two of the largest ocean-scale processes that are fundamental to larvae's life cycle: the timing of broadcast spawning for successful fertilization and diel vertical migration for foraging and predator avoidance. Given the reliance on light and the ecological role of larvae, surprisingly little is known about the impacts of artificial light at night (ALAN) on the early life history of habitat-forming species. We quantified ALAN impacts on larval performance (survival, growth, development) of two cosmopolitan ecosystem engineers in temperate marine ecosystems, the mussel Mytilus edulis and the barnacle Austrominius modestus. Higher ALAN irradiance reduced survival in both species (57% and 13%, respectively). ALAN effects on development and growth were small overall, and different between species, time-points, and parentage. Our results show that ALAN adversely affects larval survival and reiterates the importance of paternal influence on offspring performance. ALAN impacts on the early life stages of ecosystem engineering species have implications not only for population viability but also the ecological communities these species support.This article is part of the theme issue 'Light pollution in complex ecological systems'. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Description Development of BioLumen Pro light control system for controlled environment lighting 
Organisation Tropical Marine Centre London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Davies (PI) guided the development of the new BioLumen Pro lighting control unit, the next generation photoperiod controller. Production and launch timetable for the new product and expect to be delivering first orders early in 2023. Whether it's improving the quality or research, complying with NC3Rs protocols, or improved productivity in the commercial sector, LSS protocols demand dynamic management of all relevant environmental variables. However, for obvious reasons life-critical variables such as temperature, DO, and salinity have been prioritised over those variables regarded as less vital. Lighting is the best example of this, with even the most advanced photoperiod controllers offering little more than an approximation of a natural photoperiod. As more and more evidence points to the subtle but important effects light on the biology and metabolism of animals, however, it has become clear that more advanced photoperiod control systems are required. The new BioLumen Pro Control has been developed specifically to meet this challenge. With dramatically increased resolution, and many new features, it not only addresses current photoperiod control requirements, but anticipates functionality that may be required in the future. This has mainly been achieved by adding the ability to upload external photometric data from high-resolution look-up tables. This "back door" capability means that users can create whatever photoperiod modulation or attenuation is required, at whatever time/intensity resolution is required, and then simply target the resultant dataset, either as a broadcast, or as an overlay to an existing program. Whether a natural attenuation such as tide or weather, or non-natural attenuations such as simulated light pollution (artificial light at night, or ALAN), any correctly formatted dataset can now be uploaded to the system and deployed via a single, integrated device, using the intuitive interactive BioLumen user interface. Davies (PI) advised on the funtional capabilities of the new device, user interface and provided simulated lighting routines to trial its capability. The BioLumen pro is the culmination of 5 years collaboration betwen Davies and Gyles Westcott at Tropical Marine Centre.
Collaborator Contribution While the concept development was driven by interactions with PI Davies, Gyles Westcott (Tropical Marine Centre and now Biosystems Ltd) developed the new control unit in collaboration with external software developers.
Impact The BioLumen Pro is due for release in 2023. No outputs or Outcomes have yet been realised.
Start Year 2019
Description Article for The Conservation 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact The monthly audience of The Conversation's UK edition is 5.5 million unique users on-site, with a total audience of 14 million, including through pieces republished under Creative Commons.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Meeting with CEO of International Drak Sky Association 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact Thomas Davies and Tim Smyth met with the IDA CEO to discuss a new 'Marine Dark Sky Park Initiative'
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Presentation at All Party Parliamentary Group for Dark Skies 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Thomas Davies and Tim Smyth attended APPG Dark Skies meeting in London to brief them on Marine Light Pollution and its Ecological Impacts
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Radio interview about artificial light at night and crustaceans for BBC Radio Wales Science Café (UK) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact According to RAJAR (Radio Joint Audience Research), BBC Radio Wales had a total UK listening share of 5.3% in 2021 (for Wales 14%). The Science Cafe produces one show of ca. 30 minutes a week.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020