Monitoring and predicting the effects of climate change on crop yields

Lead Research Organisation: UNIVERSITY OF EXETER
Department Name: Politics


Climate change poses one of the greatest risks to future food production both in the UK and globally. Around 72% (17.5 million hectares) of the UK land area is farmed, with 37% of this as productive arable land. In 2017, the UK agriculture sector employed 419,000 people directly and generated Gross Value Added of £10.3 billion each year. The general consensus is that climate change will have both significant positive and negative impacts on UK agriculture, and these will vary depending on geographic region. Climate-related impacts may occur through gradual, long-term change, or as a result of more rapid and stochastic changes triggered by extreme weather events, such as droughts and wet winters. In the short- to medium-term, we expect the growth of certain crops, such as maize, to benefit from longer growing seasons and higher temperatures. However, in the longer-term, changing patterns of rainfall, increased evaporation and reduced water availability will all threaten crop production. Similarly, increasingly wet autumns will constrain agricultural production by adversely affecting the timing of farming operations. These could indirectly result in environmental damage, such as soil compaction and erosion. However, considerable uncertainty remains as to the location and severity of these impacts, and the rate of recovery following perturbations. It remains a research major challenge to disaggregate the impacts of climate change on crop production from many other technological and socio-economic factors affecting yield. This uncertainty and a lack of knowledge have left the UK agricultural sector poorly prepared for a future, changing climate. An indication of this was provided by the significant impact of the 2018 summer drought on yields of many major crops.

BBSRC and NERC are currently funding a large national capability research programme "Achieving Sustainable Agricultural Systems, ASSIST" (, with strong support from the farming industry. As part of this programme, the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology has assembled a strong multi- and inter-disciplinary team to develop and test new farming systems. Building on ASSIST, the CROP-NET project aims to scope out the requirements for a robust, real-time crop and grass yield monitoring and modelling service for the UK to provide improved predictions of future climate change impacts. Specifically, we will explore:

1) the feasibility of using Earth Observation data in combination with large volumes of precision yield data collected by the farming industry to provide early warning detection of climate-related risks to crop yields across the UK;

2) the use of fine-scale projections of UK climate under UKCP18 to target locations across the UK that represent the full range of climate change scenarios over the next 30-40 years. This process will consider different climate variables (e.g. temperature, precipitation) at different temporal resolutions (e.g. average summer temperature, drought periods, and heat peaks) that are likely to affect crop growth and yield. In this way, the monitoring of yield will provide data to pick apart the different process by which climate change will affect yields;

3) the key social and economic factors affecting farmer perception of climate change threats, and their willingness and ability to adapt their farming systems in response to this; and

4) the viability of using data from an established, real-time crop yield monitoring network to improve the predictive power of crop growth models to build a demonstrator prediction service, and therefore inform climate adaptation strategies for crop production.

Planned Impact

The CROP-NET project aims to scope out the requirements for a robust, real-time crop and grass yield monitoring and modelling service for the UK to provide improved predictions of future climate change impacts on agriculture. This knowledge will inform a wide variety of end-users in respect of future land management and policy development decisions to optimise food production under climate change scenarios for the UK. Beneficiaries of the CROP-NET outputs will be:

1. Farming and Agri-businesses: CEH and its partners are working with a range of business partners to support end-users in the agricultural sector (farmers and agribusiness) by providing tools to support decision making to optimise food production and protect the environment. Examples include the development of the CEH Land Cover plus series of maps (Crops, Pesticides and Fertilisers), and our partnership with Agrimetrics to develop mobile apps for benchmarking farm crop yields against national and regional data. Farmers and our agri-business partners will benefit from the new knowledge, data and models generated by CROP-NET through the demonstration of a real-time crop and grass yield monitoring and modelling service. The Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board are a key knowledge broker and will be able to promote the demonstrator to the sector and enable better decision making around land management under climate change.

2. Policy-makers and implementers - Policy-makers in Defra, BEIS, and the devolved administrations, and policy-implementer and regulators in these departments, are likely to be amongst the main beneficiaries of CROP-NET research and have a strong interest in its outputs. The UK government has a number of key policies that are focused on reducing the risk from climate change and particularly in the agricultural sector. These include: Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan (25YEP); the new Agriculture Bill; BEIS Industrial Strategy and the Transforming Food Production programme; the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment and the National Adaptation Programme; the Paris Climate Change Agreement; Wales's Well-being of Future Generations Act 2015. Decision support tools, services and information to support the design of policy that benefit society, the economy and the environment under climate change is a key requirement of these beneficiaries.

3. Landowners and Trusts - Large landowners in the UK such as the National Trust and the Crown Estate have strategies and plans to restore and protect the natural environment and adapt to climate change. Agriculture is a key component of their activities, and by working with their farmers the Natural Trust is testing approaches to landscape scale land management to deliver healthy, resilient and productive land. The Crown Estate has set itself ambitious aspirations to be met by 2030 that focus on closing the waste loop using circular economy principles, decarbonisation, climate change adaptation, and the creation of healthy places where their business, communities and natural habitats can thrive. Knowledge, models and tools that can support decision making under climate and land use change will benefit these organisations in achieving such goals.


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Description As well as stakeholder workshops (see Engagement Activities), our research involved qualitative interviews with 31 stakeholders, including 15 farmers and 16 representatives from the wider agricultural industry. These interviews explored awareness and perceptions of climate risks for UK agriculture, lived experiences of extreme weather impacts on farming businesses, and how farmers are (or are not) responding to these risks, including barriers to, and enablers of, adaptation action.

The findings suggest a mixed picture of resilience to climate risks within the UK farming industry. All interview participants had already experienced or witnessed negative impacts from extreme weather events in recent years and, at least to some extent, were conscious that such impacts were likely to occur again in future. Despite this, many in the industry are concerned that too few farm businesses are taking sufficient action to prepare for climate change and increase their business resilience to the risks. Many farmers do not perceive adapting to climate change to be a priority and view the risks as either too uncertain and/or too long-term to warrant any significant investment of time or money at present. It is easy to see why this is the case given the array of other challenges and uncertainties currently faced by the industry, with many farmers understandably preoccupied with short-term profitability and business survival. More positively, our findings also revealed a sense of optimism among some farmers and stakeholders around the potential opportunities posed by climate change and farming's ability to adapt and respond to changing conditions as they occur. Several participants were keen to stress the inherently innovative, adaptive and resilient nature of the industry.

We also found encouraging evidence of positive actions being taken by many, if not all, the farmers we spoke to, whether in direct response to climate change/extreme weather or as a result of other drivers such as soil health, policy and legislation, cost reduction, productivity and changing consumer demands. However, participants also discussed a range of issues and barriers that are constraining improved resilience across the industry, including some lack of awareness about the type and cost-effectiveness of potential adaptation options. Many of the potential enablers we discussed were very strongly supported, with improved industry collaboration, farmer to farmer learning, and better communication of context-specific information about how and why farmers should respond to climate risks seen as particularly crucial to increasing resilience within the sector.

The interviews suggested a high level of interest in the idea of a crop monitoring and prediction tool like that of the prototype being developed under the CROP-NET project. The vast majority of interviewees would consider using such a tool, though the final specifications of the tool, along with its perceived accuracy and reliability, would naturally determine the type and extent of its use, as there were a wide range of user requirements.

This research has provided greater insight into how a range of farmers and wider industry stakeholders perceive some of the impacts, challenges and opportunities associated with extreme weather and climate for UK agriculture. Whilst there are many innovative and exciting activities happening on farms across the country, it appears that there is still much more to be done to improve the resilience of individual farms and the industry as a whole.
Exploitation Route This funding has enabled our partners to include a range of agricultural stakeholders in the co-design of a prototype crop monitoring and climate prediction tool, which continues to be developed. The requirements and feedback from potential users is essential for the production of a tool which will be useful to farmers, farm advisors, and strategic bodies within agriculture when planning for changes in future climate and weather patterns.

The insights gained from the research interviews have been shared with Natural England and Defra so that they might be considered in the context of developing agri-environmental policy. Agricultural trade associations and other industry bodies, as well as individual farm advisors and consultants, might also use the findings to inform their approach to improving the resilience of UK farming to the risks associated with extreme weather and climate change.

The project findings will also be helpful to both academics researching climate impacts and adaptation in agriculture and scientists/engineers developing relevant technological solutions, as they provide insights into farmers' perceptions of the issues and some of the barriers (and opportunities) involved in adopting and implementing potential adaptation measures on the ground.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


Description helped inform engagement with agricultural stakeholders
First Year Of Impact 2019
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Environment
Impact Types Policy & public services

Description CEH 
Organisation UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Intellectual/Technical input into design of workshops and questionnaires
Collaborator Contribution Contribution to design of workshops to co-design specification for decision support tool with stakeholders.
Impact to be completed
Start Year 2018
Description UoL 
Organisation Lancaster University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is a new collaboration with computer scientists at Lancaster.
Collaborator Contribution Co-design of workshops to develop specification for cropnet tool.
Impact none yet
Start Year 2019
Description Cropnet stakeholder workshops 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Two interactive workshops with stakeholders (farmers, govt depts and agencies, NGOs, private businesses etc) to explore adaptation to climate change and extreme weather events and demand for a new crop yield prediction tool. Workshop participants were invited to discuss pros and cons of tools they already user and to map out 'user specifications for the new tool'. Two further workshops were held to discuss the results of our research, demonstrate the prototype tool and gain feedback from participants.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2020
Description Presentation at a regional seminar for Trowers & Hamlins LLP and Savills 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Presentation on climate impacts and adaptation in UK agriculture, including emerging findings from the Cropnet stakeholder interviews, at a seminar ('Climate change - threat or opportunity') organised by Trowers & Hamlins LLP and Savills for their agricultural clients. This prompted further discussion and requests from some delegates for further information on specific elements mentioned.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Presentation at the CLA's Climate Change Summit (national conference, London) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Presentation about climate impacts and adaptation for agriculture at the Country and Land Association (CLA)'s Climate Change Summit 2019. This reached an audience of 150-200 people, primarily land owners and managers. The presentation prompted a request for a representative to speak at another event aimed at landowners, a request for contribution to an article for a magazine ('Country Smallholding') and further engagement from one land manager in the Cropnet project itself.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Second set of Cropnet Stakeholder Workshops 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Two workshops to share key findings from the project and gain feedback on the prototype Cropnet crop monitoring and climate prediction tool. 19 farmers, farm advisors and other agricultural stakeholders from across the arable and livestock sectors attended. The findings from the interviews drew interest and prompted further discussion on relevant themes. A representative from Natural England attending one of the workshops asked to share the findings with Defra to inform their thinking around new Environmental Land Management Schemes and other relevant policies and subsequently facilitated this.The feedback on the prototype tool is being used to inform its further development. Participants were keen to be informed about this and expressed interest in a webinar being held in 6 months time to do so.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020