Stellar Astrophysics at Keele

Lead Research Organisation: Keele University
Department Name: Sch of Chemistry & Physics


Our home is a planet orbiting a star. To understand our origins and place in the universe we need to understand how planets and stars form. Using a novel sky-survey instrument, which we are building in South Africa, we will search for planets around other stars. Using the latest and biggest telescopes and satellites we will study stellar nurseries where stars are born. We will investigate how they evolve, how they interact with each other, how they interact with their environment, and how they enrich interstellar space with the chemical ingredients from which a new generation of stars and planets will form, and from which, ultimately, we ourselves are made.


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{Lobban}, A.~P. And {Reeves}, J.~N. And {Porquet}, D. And {Braito}, V. And {Markowitz}, A. And {Miller}, L. And {Turner}, T.~J. (2010) Evidence for a truncated accretion disc in the low-luminosity Seyfert galaxy, NGC 7213? in \mnras

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{McQuillin}, R. And {Evans}, A. And {Wilson}, D. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Pollacco}, D. And {West}, R.~G. And {Hounsell}, R.~A. And {Bode}, M.~F. (2012) Novae in the SuperWASP data base in \mnras

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{Anderson}, D.~R. And {Collier Cameron}, A. And {Gillon}, M. And {Hellier}, C. And {Jehin}, E. And {Lendl}, M. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Queloz}, D. And {Smalley}, B. And {Smith}, A.~M.~S. And {Triaud}, A.~H.~M.~J. And {West}, R.~G. And {Pepe}, F. And {Pollacco}, D. And {S{\'e}gransan}, D. And {Todd}, I. And {Udry}, S. (2012) WASP-44b, WASP-45b and WASP-46b: three short-period, transiting extrasolar planets in \mnras

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{Tombesi}, F. And {Cappi}, M. And {Reeves}, J.~N. And {Braito}, V. (2012) Evidence for ultrafast outflows in radio-quiet AGNs - III. Location and energetics in \mnras

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{Woods}, P.~M. And {Oliveira}, J.~M. And {Kemper}, F. And {van Loon}, J.~T. And {Sargent}, B.~A. And {Matsuura}, M. And {Szczerba}, R. And {Volk}, K. And {Zijlstra}, A.~A. And {Sloan}, G.~C. And {Lagadec}, E. And {McDonald}, I. And {Jones}, O. And {Gorjian}, V. And {Kraemer}, K.~E. And {Gielen}, C. And {Meixner}, M. And {Blum}, R.~D. And {Sewi{\l}o}, M. And {Riebel}, D. And {Shiao}, B. And {Chen}, C.-H.~R. And {Boyer}, M.~L. And {Indebetouw}, R. And {Antoniou}, V. And {Bernard}, J.-P. And {Cohe (2011) The SAGE-Spec Spitzer Legacy programme: the life-cycle of dust and gas in the Large Magellanic Cloud - Point source classification I in \mnras

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{Collier Cameron}, A. And {Davidson}, V.~A. And {Hebb}, L. And {Skinner}, G. And {Anderson}, D.~R. And {Christian}, D.~J. And {Clarkson}, W.~I. And {Enoch}, B. And {Irwin}, J. And {Joshi}, Y. And {Haswell}, C.~A. And {Hellier}, C. And {Horne}, K.~D. And {Kane}, S.~R. And {Lister}, T.~A. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Norton}, A.~J. And {Parley}, N. And {Pollacco}, D. And {Ryans}, R. And {Scholz}, A. And {Skillen}, I. And {Smalley}, B. And {Street}, R.~A. And {West}, R.~G. And {Wilson}, D.~M. And { (2009) The main-sequence rotation-colour relation in the Coma Berenices open cluster in \mnras

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{Lobban}, A.~P. And {Reeves}, J.~N. And {Miller}, L. And {Turner}, T.~J. And {Braito}, V. And {Kraemer}, S.~B. And {Crenshaw}, D.~M. (2011) Contemporaneous Chandra HETG and Suzaku X-ray observations of NGC 4051 in \mnras

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{Brown}, D.~J.~A. And {Cameron}, A.~C. And {Anderson}, D.~R. And {Enoch}, B. And {Hellier}, C. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Miller}, G.~R.~M. And {Pollacco}, D. And {Queloz}, D. And {Simpson}, E. And {Smalley}, B. And {Triaud}, A.~H.~M.~J. And {Boisse}, I. And {Bouchy}, F. And {Gillon}, M. And {H{\'e}brard}, G. (2012) Rossiter-McLaughlin effect measurements for WASP-16, WASP-25 and WASP-31 in \mnras

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{Southworth}, J. And {Mancini}, L. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Bruni}, I. And {Tregloan-Reed}, J. And {Barbieri}, M. And {Ruocco}, N. And {Wheatley}, P.~J. (2012) Physical properties and radius variations in the HAT-P-5 planetary system from simultaneous four-colour photometry in \mnras

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{McDonald}, I. And {van Loon}, J.~T. And {Dupree}, A.~K. And {Boyer}, M.~L. (2010) Discovery of long-period variable stars in the very metal-poor globular cluster M15 in \mnras

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{Patrick}, A.~R. And {Reeves}, J.~N. And {Porquet}, D. And {Markowitz}, A.~G. And {Lobban}, A.~P. And {Terashima}, Y. (2011) Iron line profiles in Suzaku spectra of bare Seyfert galaxies in \mnras

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{Pounds}, K.~A. And {Reeves}, J.~N. (2009) Quantifying the fast outflow in the luminous Seyfert galaxy PG1211+143 in \mnras

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{Javadi}, A. And {van Loon}, J.~T. And {Mirtorabi}, M.~T. (2011) The UK Infrared Telescope M33 monitoring project - I. Variable red giant stars in the central square kiloparsec in \mnras

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{Pollacco}, D. And {Skillen}, I. And {Collier Cameron}, A. And {Loeillet}, B. And {Stempels}, H.~C. And {Bouchy}, F. And {Gibson}, N.~P. And {Hebb}, L. And {H{\'e}brard}, G. And {Joshi}, Y.~C. And {McDonald}, I. And {Smalley}, B. And {Smith}, A.~M.~S. And {Street}, R.~A. And {Udry}, S. And {West}, R.~G. And {Wilson}, D.~M. And {Wheatley}, P.~J. And {Aigrain}, S. And {Alsubai}, K. And {Benn}, C.~R. And {Bruce}, V.~A. And {Christian}, D.~J. And {Clarkson}, W.~I. And {Enoch}, B. And {Evans}, A. An (2008) WASP-3b: a strongly irradiated transiting gas-giant planet in \mnras

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{Joshi}, Y.~C. And {Pollacco}, D. And {Collier Cameron}, A. And {Skillen}, I. And {Simpson}, E. And {Steele}, I. And {Street}, R.~A. And {Stempels}, H.~C. And {Christian}, D.~J. And {Hebb}, L. And {Bouchy}, F. And {Gibson}, N.~P. And {H{\'e}brard}, G. And {Keenan}, F.~P. And {Loeillet}, B. And {Meaburn}, J. And {Moutou}, C. And {Smalley}, B. And {Todd}, I. And {West}, R.~G. And {Anderson}, D.~R. And {Bentley}, S. And {Enoch}, B. And {Haswell}, C.~A. And {Hellier}, C. And {Horne}, K. And {Irwin} (2009) WASP-14b: 7.3 M$_{J}$ transiting planet in an eccentric orbit in \mnras

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{Smith}, R. And {Jeffries}, R.~D. And {Oliveira}, J.~M. (2011) Debris discs in the 27 Myr old open cluster IC 4665 in \mnras

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{Bell}, C.~P.~M. And {Naylor}, T. And {Mayne}, N.~J. And {Jeffries}, R.~D. And {Littlefair}, S.~P. (2012) Pre-main-sequence isochrones - I. The Pleiades benchmark in \mnras

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{Hellier}, C. And {Anderson}, D.~R. And {Collier Cameron}, A. And {Doyle}, A.~P. And {Fumel}, A. And {Gillon}, M. And {Jehin}, E. And {Lendl}, M. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Pepe}, F. And {Pollacco}, D. And {Queloz}, D. And {S{\'e}gransan}, D. And {Smalley}, B. And {Smith}, A.~M.~S. And {Southworth}, J. And {Triaud}, A.~H.~M.~J. And {Udry}, S. And {West}, R.~G. (2012) Seven transiting hot Jupiters from WASP-South, Euler and TRAPPIST: WASP-47b, WASP-55b, WASP-61b, WASP-62b, WASP-63b, WASP-66b and WASP-67b in \mnras

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{Anderson}, D.~R. And {Gillon}, M. And {Hellier}, C. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Pepe}, F. And {Queloz}, D. And {Wilson}, D.~M. And {Collier Cameron}, A. And {Smalley}, B. And {Lister}, T.~A. And {Bentley}, S.~J. And {Blecha}, A. And {Christian}, D.~J. And {Enoch}, B. And {Hebb}, L. And {Horne}, K. And {Irwin}, J. And {Joshi}, Y.~C. And {Kane}, S.~R. And {Marmier}, M. And {Mayor}, M. And {Parley}, N.~R. And {Pollacco}, D.~L. And {Pont}, F. And {Ryans}, R. And {S{\'e}gransan}, D. And {Skillen}, (2008) WASP-5b: a dense, very hot Jupiter transiting a 12th-mag Southern-hemisphere star in \mnras

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{McLaughlin}, D.~E. And {Barmby}, P. And {Harris}, W.~E. And {Forbes}, D.~A. And {Harris}, G.~L.~H. (2008) Structural parameters for globular clusters in NGC 5128 - III. ACS surface brightness profiles and model fits in \mnras

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{Jackson}, R.~J. And {Jeffries}, R.~D. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. (2009) The radii of M-dwarfs in the young open cluster NGC 2516 in \mnras

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{Littlefair}, S.~P. And {Naylor}, T. And {Mayne}, N.~J. And {Saunders}, E.~S. And {Jeffries}, R.~D. (2010) Rotation of young stars in Cepheus OB3b in \mnras

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{Sim}, S.~A. And {Miller}, L. And {Long}, K.~S. And {Turner}, T.~J. And {Reeves}, J.~N. (2010) Multidimensional modelling of X-ray spectra for AGN accretion disc outflows - II in \mnras

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{Jeffries}, R.~D. And {Jackson}, R.~J. And {Briggs}, K.~R. And {Evans}, P.~A. And {Pye}, J.~P. (2011) Investigating coronal saturation and supersaturation in fast-rotating M-dwarf stars in \mnras

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{Jeffries}, R.~D. And {Jackson}, R.~J. And {James}, D.~J. And {Cargile}, P.~A. (2009) Low-mass members of the young cluster IC 4665 and pre-main-sequence lithium depletion in \mnras

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{Oliveira}, J.~M. And {van Loon}, J.~T. And {Sloan}, G.~C. And {Indebetouw}, R. And {Kemper}, F. And {Tielens}, A.~G.~G.~M. And {Simon}, J.~D. And {Woods}, P.~M. And {Meixner}, M. (2011) Ice chemistry in massive young stellar objects: the role of metallicity in \mnras

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{Chumak}, Y.~O. And {Platais}, I. And {McLaughlin}, D.~E. And {Rastorguev}, A.~S. And {Chumak}, O.~V. (2010) Numerical simulations of tidal tails for the open cluster NGC 188 in \mnras

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{Jeffries}, R.~D. And {Littlefair}, S.~P. And {Naylor}, T. And {Mayne}, N.~J. (2011) No wide spread of stellar ages in the Orion Nebula Cluster in \mnras

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{Jeffries}, R.~D. And {Naylor}, T. And {Walter}, F.~M. And {Pozzo}, M.~P. And {Devey}, C.~R. (2009) The stellar association around Gamma Velorum and its relationship with Vela OB2 in \mnras

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{Lagadec}, E. And {Zijlstra}, A.~A. And {Matsuura}, M. And {Menzies}, J.~W. And {van Loon}, J.~T. And {Whitelock}, P.~A. (2008) Dust mass-loss rates from asymptotic giant branch stars in the Fornax and Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxies in \mnras

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{Jackson}, R.~J. And {Jeffries}, R.~D. (2012) Why do some young cool stars show spot modulation while others do not? in \mnras

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{Copperwheat}, C.~M. And {Morales-Rueda}, L. And {Marsh}, T.~R. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Heber}, U. (2011) Radial-velocity measurements of subdwarf B stars in \mnras

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{Ballo}, L. And {Braito}, V. And {Reeves}, J.~N. And {Sambruna}, R.~M. And {Tombesi}, F. (2011) The high-energy view of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 111 in \mnras

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{Botticella}, M.~T. And {Pastorello}, A. And {Smartt}, S.~J. And {Meikle}, W.~P.~S. And {Benetti}, S. And {Kotak}, R. And {Cappellaro}, E. And {Crockett}, R.~M. And {Mattila}, S. And {Sereno}, M. And {Patat}, F. And {Tsvetkov}, D. And {van Loon}, J.~T. And {Abraham}, D. And {Agnoletto}, I. And {Arbour}, R. And {Benn}, C. And {di Rico}, G. And {Elias-Rosa}, N. And {Gorshanov}, D.~L. And {Harutyunyan}, A. And {Hunter}, D. And {Lorenzi}, V. And {Keenan}, F.~P. And {Maguire}, K. And {Mendez}, J. An (2009) SN 2008S: an electron-capture SN from a super-AGB progenitor? in \mnras

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{Alsubai}, K.~A. And {Parley}, N.~R. And {Bramich}, D.~M. And {West}, R.~G. And {Sorensen}, P.~M. And {Collier Cameron}, A. And {Latham}, D.~W. And {Horne}, K. And {Anderson}, D.~R. And {Bakos}, G.~{\'A}. And {Brown}, D.~J.~A. And {Buchhave}, L.~A. And {Esquerdo}, G.~A. And {Everett}, M.~E. And {F{\.z}r{\'e}sz}, G. And {Hartman}, J.~D. And {Hellier}, C. And {Miller}, G.~M. And {Pollacco}, D. And {Quinn}, S.~N. And {Smith}, J.~C. And {Stefanik}, R.~P. And {Szentgyorgyi}, A. (2011) Qatar-1b: a hot Jupiter orbiting a metal-rich K dwarf star in \mnras

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{Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Anderson}, D.~R. And {Burleigh}, M.~R. And {Collier Cameron}, A. And {Heber}, U. And {G{\"a}nsicke}, B.~T. And {Geier}, S. And {Kupfer}, T. And {Marsh}, T.~R. And {Nelemans}, G. And {O'Toole}, S.~J. And {{\O}stensen}, R.~H. And {Smalley}, B. And {West}, R.~G. (2011) Discovery of a stripped red giant core in a bright eclipsing binary system in \mnras

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{Parsons}, S.~G. And {Marsh}, T.~R. And {Copperwheat}, C.~M. And {Dhillon}, V.~S. And {Littlefair}, S.~P. And {Hickman}, R.~D.~G. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {G{\"a}nsicke}, B.~T. And {Unda-Sanzana}, E. And {Colque}, J.~P. And {Barraza}, N. And {S{\'a}nchez}, N. And {Monard}, L.~A.~G. (2010) Orbital period variations in eclipsing post-common-envelope binaries in \mnras

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{Deca}, J. And {Marsh}, T.~R. And {{\O}stensen}, R.~H. And {Morales-Rueda}, L. And {Copperwheat}, C.~M. And {Wade}, R.~A. And {Stark}, M.~A. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Nelemans}, G. And {Heber}, U. (2012) PG 1018-047: the longest period subdwarf B binary in \mnras

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{Chiappini}, C. And {Frischknecht}, U. And {Meynet}, G. And {Hirschi}, R. And {Barbuy}, B. And {Pignatari}, M. And {Decressin}, T. And {Maeder}, A. (2011) Imprints of fast-rotating massive stars in the Galactic Bulge in \nat

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{Cioni}, M.-R.~L. And {Bekki}, K. And {Clementini}, G. And {de Blok}, W.~J.~G. And {Emerson}, J.~P. And {Evans}, C.~J. And {de Grijs}, R. And {Gibson}, B.~K. And {Girardi}, L. And {Groenewegen}, M.~A.~T. And {Ivanov}, V.~D. And {Leisy}, P. And {Marconi}, M. And {Mastropietro}, C. And {Moore}, B. And {Naylor}, T. And {Oliveira}, J.~M. And {Ripepi}, V. And {van Loon}, J.~T. And {Wilkinson}, M.~I. And {Wood}, P.~R. (2008) The Magellanic Clouds as a Template for the Study of Stellar Populations and Galaxy Interactions in \pasa

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{Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Anderson}, D.~R. And {Collier Cameron}, A. And {Doyle}, A.~P. And {Fumel}, A. And {Gillon}, M. And {Hellier}, C. And {Jehin}, E. And {Lendl}, M. And {Pepe}, F. And {Pollacco}, D.~L. And {Queloz}, D. And {S{\'e}gransan}, D. And {Smalley}, B. And {Southworth}, K. And {Smith}, A.~M.~S. And {Triaud}, A.~H.~M.~J. And {Udry}, S. And {West}, R.~G. (2013) WASP-77 Ab: A Transiting Hot Jupiter Planet in a Wide Binary System in \pasp

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{Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Anderson}, D.~R. And {Collier Cameron}, A. And {Hellier}, C. And {Queloz}, D. And {Smalley}, B. And {Street}, R.~A. And {Triaud}, A.~H.~M.~J. And {West}, R.~G. And {Gillon}, M. And {Lister}, T.~A. And {Pepe}, F. And {Pollacco}, D. And {S{\'e}gransan}, D. And {Smith}, A.~M.~S. And {Udry}, S. (2011) WASP-41b: A Transiting Hot Jupiter Planet Orbiting a Magnetically Active G8V Star in \pasp

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{Massimi}, C. And {Koehler}, P. And {Bisterzo}, S. And {Colonna}, N. And {Gallino}, R. And {Gunsing}, F. And {K{\"a}ppeler}, F. And {Lorusso}, G. And {Mengoni}, A. And {Pignatari}, M. And {Vannini}, G. And {Abbondanno}, U. And {Aerts}, G. And {{\'A}lvarez}, H. And {{\'A}lvarez-Velarde}, F. And {Andriamonje}, S. And {Andrzejewski}, J. And {Assimakopoulos}, P. And {Audouin}, L. And {Badurek}, G. And {Barbagallo}, M. And {Baumann}, P. And {Be{\v C}v{\'a}{\v R}}, F. And {Belloni}, F. And {Bennett}, (2012) Resonance neutron-capture cross sections of stable magnesium isotopes and their astrophysical implications in \prc

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Garland Justin (2016) Spitzer Secondary Eclipses of WASP-32b in AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts #48

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Kittang A (2013) Adaptation response of Arabidopsis thaliana to random positioning in Advances in Space Research

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Reeves J (2006) XMM-Newton observation of a dust echo and X-ray flash in GRB 031203 in Advances in Space Research

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Tashiro M (2007) Strategy of the Suzaku gamma-ray burst observations in Advances in Space Research

Description Lots and lots of them 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact We have particpated in dozens and dozens of such activites.

Lots. We have about dozens and dozens of such feedbacks.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity Pre-2006,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014