Stellar Astrophysics at Keele

Lead Research Organisation: Keele University
Department Name: Sch of Chemistry & Physics


Our home is a planet orbiting a star. To understand our origins and place in the universe we need to understand how planets and stars form. Using a novel sky-survey instrument, which we are building in South Africa, we will search for planets around other stars. Using the latest and biggest telescopes and satellites we will study stellar nurseries where stars are born. We will investigate how they evolve, how they interact with each other, how they interact with their environment, and how they enrich interstellar space with the chemical ingredients from which a new generation of stars and planets will form, and from which, ultimately, we ourselves are made.


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Kassim H (2010) Effects of new nuclear reaction rates on the solar neutrino fluxes in Astrophysics and Space Science

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Chumak Y (2010) Numerical simulations of tidal tails for the open cluster NGC 188 in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

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Bennett M (2010) The effect of 12 C + 12 C rate uncertainties on s-process yields in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

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Littlefair S (2010) Rotation of young stars in Cepheus OB3b Rotation of young stars in Cep OB3b in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

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{Smalley}, B. And {Anderson}, D.~R. And {Collier Cameron}, A. And {Gillon}, M. And {Hellier}, C. And {Lister}, T.~A. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Queloz}, D. And {Triaud}, A.~H.~M.~J. And {West}, R.~G. And {Bentley}, S.~J. And {Enoch}, B. And {Pepe}, F. And {Pollacco}, D.~L. And {Segransan}, D. And {Smith}, A.~M.~S. And {Southworth}, J. And {Udry}, S. And {Wheatley}, P.~J. And {Wood}, P.~L. And {Bento}, J. (2010) WASP-26b: a 1-Jupiter-mass planet around an early-G-type star in \aap

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{Lobban}, A.~P. And {Reeves}, J.~N. And {Porquet}, D. And {Braito}, V. And {Markowitz}, A. And {Miller}, L. And {Turner}, T.~J. (2010) Evidence for a truncated accretion disc in the low-luminosity Seyfert galaxy, NGC 7213? in \mnras

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Parsons S (2010) Orbital period variations in eclipsing post-common-envelope binaries Eclipsing PCEBs in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

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Boyer M (2010) Cold dust in three massive evolved stars in the LMC in Astronomy and Astrophysics

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{Walborn}, N.~R. And {Howarth}, I.~D. And {Evans}, C.~J. And {Crowther}, P.~A. And {Moffat}, A.~F.~J. And {St-Louis}, N. And {Fari{\~n}a}, C. And {Bosch}, G.~L. And {Morrell}, N.~I. And {Barb{\'a}}, R.~H. And {van Loon}, J.~T. (2010) The Onfp Class in the Magellanic Clouds in \aj

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Worley C (2010) Heavy-element abundances in low-gravity globular cluster stars: 47 Tuc in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

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Jackson R (2010) Are the spin axes of stars randomly aligned within a cluster? in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

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Tillich A (2010) The HYPER-MUCHFUSS project-target selection and analysis in Astrophysics and Space Science

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{Bonanos}, A.~Z. And {Lennon}, D.~J. And {K{\"o}hlinger}, F. And {van Loon}, J.~T. And {Massa}, D.~L. And {Sewilo}, M. And {Evans}, C.~J. And {Panagia}, N. And {Babler}, B.~L. And {Block}, M. And {Bracker}, S. And {Engelbracht}, C.~W. And {Gordon}, K.~D. And {Hora}, J.~L. And {Indebetouw}, R. And {Meade}, M.~R. And {Meixner}, M. And {Misselt}, K.~A. And {Robitaille}, T.~P. And {Shiao}, B. And {Whitney}, B.~A. (2010) Spitzer SAGE-SMC Infrared Photometry of Massive Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud in \aj

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Walborn N (2010) THE Onfp CLASS IN THE MAGELLANIC CLOUDS in The Astronomical Journal

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{Frischknecht}, U. And {Hirschi}, R. And {Meynet}, G. And {Ekstr{\"o}m}, S. And {Georgy}, C. And {Rauscher}, T. And {Winteler}, C. And {Thielemann}, F.-K. (2010) Constraints on rotational mixing from surface evolution of light elements in massive stars in \aap

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Enoch B (2010) WASP-25b: a 0.6 MJ planet in the Southern hemisphere WASP-25b in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

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Copperwheat C (2010) Physical properties of IP Pegasi: an eclipsing dwarf nova with an unusually cool white dwarf in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

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{Bouchy}, F. And {Hebb}, L. And {Skillen}, I. And {Collier Cameron}, A. And {Smalley}, B. And {Udry}, S. And {Anderson}, D.~R. And {Boisse}, I. And {Enoch}, B. And {Haswell}, C.~A. And {H{\'e}brard}, G. And {Hellier}, C. And {Joshi}, Y. And {Kane}, S.~R. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Mayor}, M. And {Moutou}, C. And {Pepe}, F. And {Pollacco}, D. And {Queloz}, D. And {S{\'e}gransan}, D. And {Simpson}, E.~K. And {Smith}, A.~M.~S. And {Stempels}, H.~C. And {Street}, R. And {Triaud}, A.~H.~M.~J. And { (2010) WASP-21b: a hot-Saturn exoplanet transiting a thick disc star in \aap

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Evans C (2010) A MASSIVE RUNAWAY STAR FROM 30 DORADUS in The Astrophysical Journal

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Uytterhoeven K (2010) Ground-based follow-up in relation to Kepler asteroseismic investigation in Astronomische Nachrichten

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Queloz D (2010) WASP-8b : a retrograde transiting planet in a multiple system in Astronomy and Astrophysics

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Barros S (2010) WASP-38b: a transiting exoplanet in an eccentric, 6.87d period orbit in Astronomy & Astrophysics

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Boyer M (2010) IS DUST FORMING ON THE RED GIANT BRANCH IN 47 Tuc? in The Astrophysical Journal

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{Butters}, O.~W. And {West}, R.~G. And {Anderson}, D.~R. And {Collier Cameron}, A. And {Clarkson}, W.~I. And {Enoch}, B. And {Haswell}, C.~A. And {Hellier}, C. And {Horne}, K. And {Joshi}, Y. And {Kane}, S.~R. And {Lister}, T.~A. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Parley}, N. And {Pollacco}, D. And {Smalley}, B. And {Street}, R.~A. And {Todd}, I. And {Wheatley}, P.~J. And {Wilson}, D.~M. (2010) The first WASP public data release in \aap

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Kemper F. (2010) The SAGE-Spec Spitzer Legacy Program: The Life Cycle of Dust and Gas in the Large Magellanic Cloud in PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC

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{McDonald}, I. And {van Loon}, J.~T. And {Dupree}, A.~K. And {Boyer}, M.~L. (2010) Discovery of long-period variable stars in the very metal-poor globular cluster M15 in \mnras

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{Cargile}, P.~A. And {James}, D.~J. And {Jeffries}, R.~D. (2010) Identification of the Lithium Depletion Boundary and Age of the Southern Open Cluster Blanco 1 in \apjl

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{Hebb}, L. And {Collier-Cameron}, A. And {Triaud}, A.~H.~M.~J. And {Lister}, T.~A. And {Smalley}, B. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Hellier}, C. And {Anderson}, D.~R. And {Pollacco}, D. And {Gillon}, M. And {Queloz}, D. And {West}, R.~G. And {Bentley}, S. And {Enoch}, B. And {Haswell}, C.~A. And {Horne}, K. And {Mayor}, M. And {Pepe}, F. And {Segransan}, D. And {Skillen}, I. And {Udry}, S. And {Wheatley}, P.~J. (2010) WASP-19b: The Shortest Period Transiting Exoplanet Yet Discovered in \apj

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{Sewi{\l}o}, M. And {Indebetouw}, R. And {Carlson}, L.~R. And {Whitney}, B.~A. And {Chen}, C.-H.~R. And {Meixner}, M. And {Robitaille}, T. And {van Loon}, J.~T. And {Oliveira}, J.~M. And {Churchwell}, E. And {Simon}, J.~D. And {Hony}, S. And {Panuzzo}, P. And {Sauvage}, M. And {Roman-Duval}, J. And {Gordon}, K. And {Engelbracht}, C. And {Misselt}, K. And {Okumura}, K. And {Beck}, T. And {Hora}, J. And {Woods}, P.~M. (2010) The youngest massive protostars in the Large Magellanic Cloud in \aap

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{Geier}, S. And {Heber}, U. And {Tillich}, A. And {Hirsch}, H. And {Edelmann}, H. And {Schaffenroth}, V. And {Kupfer}, T. And {M{\"u}ller}, S. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {{\O}stensen}, R. And {Podsiadlowski}, P. And {Marsh}, T. And {G{\"a}nsicke}, B. And {Morales-Rueda}, L. And {Nelemans}, G. And {Napiwotzki}, R. And {G{\"u}nther}, E.~W. And {Carone}, L. (2010) Hot subdwarfs in binary systems and the nature of their unseen companions in \apss

Description Lots and lots of them 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact We have particpated in dozens and dozens of such activites.

Lots. We have about dozens and dozens of such feedbacks.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity Pre-2006,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014