Stellar Astrophysics at Keele

Lead Research Organisation: Keele University
Department Name: Sch of Chemistry & Physics


Our home is a planet orbiting a star. To understand our origins and place in the universe we need to understand how planets and stars form. Using a novel sky-survey instrument, which we are building in South Africa, we will search for planets around other stars. Using the latest and biggest telescopes and satellites we will study stellar nurseries where stars are born. We will investigate how they evolve, how they interact with each other, how they interact with their environment, and how they enrich interstellar space with the chemical ingredients from which a new generation of stars and planets will form, and from which, ultimately, we ourselves are made.


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Maxted P (2013) Spitzer 3.6 and 4.5 µm full-orbit light curves of WASP-18 in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

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Allen T (2012) SPITZER IMAGING OF THE NEARBY RICH YOUNG CLUSTER, Cep OB3b in The Astrophysical Journal

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{Allen}, T.~S. And {Gutermuth}, R.~A. And {Kryukova}, E. And {Megeath}, S.~T. And {Pipher}, J.~L. And {Naylor}, T. And {Jeffries}, R.~D. And {Wolk}, S.~J. And {Spitzbart}, B. And {Muzerolle}, J. (2012) Spitzer Imaging of the nearby Rich Young Cluster, Cep OB3b in \apj

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{Bonanos}, A.~Z. And {Lennon}, D.~J. And {K{\"o}hlinger}, F. And {van Loon}, J.~T. And {Massa}, D.~L. And {Sewilo}, M. And {Evans}, C.~J. And {Panagia}, N. And {Babler}, B.~L. And {Block}, M. And {Bracker}, S. And {Engelbracht}, C.~W. And {Gordon}, K.~D. And {Hora}, J.~L. And {Indebetouw}, R. And {Meade}, M.~R. And {Meixner}, M. And {Misselt}, K.~A. And {Robitaille}, T.~P. And {Shiao}, B. And {Whitney}, B.~A. (2010) Spitzer SAGE-SMC Infrared Photometry of Massive Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud in \aj

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{Nymeyer}, S. And {Harrington}, J. And {Hardy}, R.~A. And {Stevenson}, K.~B. And {Campo}, C.~J. And {Madhusudhan}, N. And {Collier-Cameron}, A. And {Loredo}, T.~J. And {Blecic}, J. And {Bowman}, W.~C. And {Britt}, C.~B.~T. And {Cubillos}, P. And {Hellier}, C. And {Gillon}, M. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Hebb}, L. And {Wheatley}, P.~J. And {Pollacco}, D. And {Anderson}, D.~R. (2011) Spitzer Secondary Eclipses of WASP-18b in \apj

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Nymeyer S (2011) SPITZER SECONDARY ECLIPSES OF WASP-18b in The Astrophysical Journal

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Garland Justin (2016) Spitzer Secondary Eclipses of WASP-32b in AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts #48

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Matsuura M (2007) Spitzer Space Telescope spectral observations of AGB stars in the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

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Lagadec E (2007) Spitzer spectroscopy of carbon stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

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Mocnik T (2016) STARSPOTS ON WASP-85 in The Astronomical Journal

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{Suda}, T. And {Hirschi}, R. And {Fujimoto}, M.~Y. (2011) Stellar Evolution Constraints on the Triple-{$\alpha$} Reaction Rate in \apj

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Tashiro M (2007) Strategy of the Suzaku gamma-ray burst observations in Advances in Space Research

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Da Rio N (2014) Strong biases in estimating the time dependence of mass accretion rates in young stars in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

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{McLaughlin}, D.~E. And {Barmby}, P. And {Harris}, W.~E. And {Forbes}, D.~A. And {Harris}, G.~L.~H. (2008) Structural parameters for globular clusters in NGC 5128 - III. ACS surface brightness profiles and model fits in \mnras

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{Sambruna}, R.~M. And {Reeves}, J.~N. And {Braito}, V. And {Lewis}, K.~T. And {Eracleous}, M. And {Gliozzi}, M. And {Tavecchio}, F. And {Ballantyne}, D.~R. And {Ogle}, P.~M. And {Barth}, A.~J. And {Tueller}, J. (2009) Structure of the Accretion Flow in Broad-Line Radio Galaxies: The Case of 3C 390.3 in \apj

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Morales-Rueda L (2006) Subdwarf B binaries in the Edinburgh-Cape survey in BALTIC ASTRONOMY

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Smalley B (2011) SuperWASP observations of pulsating Am stars in Astronomy & Astrophysics

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{Smalley}, B. And {Kurtz}, D.~W. And {Smith}, A.~M.~S. And {Fossati}, L. And {Anderson}, D.~R. And {Barros}, S.~C.~C. And {Butters}, O.~W. And {Collier Cameron}, A. And {Christian}, D.~J. And {Enoch}, B. And {Faedi}, F. And {Haswell}, C.~A. And {Hellier}, C. And {Holmes}, S. And {Horne}, K. And {Kane}, S.~R. And {Lister}, T.~A. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Norton}, A.~J. And {Parley}, N. And {Pollacco}, D. And {Simpson}, E.~K. And {Skillen}, I. And {Southworth}, J. And {Street}, R.~A. And {West} (2011) SuperWASP observations of pulsating Am stars in \aap

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Wilson D. M. (2006) SuperWASP observations of the transiting extrasolar planet XO-1b in PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC

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Street R (2007) SuperWASP-N extrasolar planet candidates between 18 < RA < 21 h in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

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Kane S (2008) SuperWASP-N extrasolar planet candidates from fields 06 h < RA < 16 h in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

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Clarkson W (2007) SuperWASP-North extrasolar planet candidates between 3h < RA < 6h in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

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Lister T (2007) SuperWASP-North extrasolar planet candidates: candidates from fields 17 h < RA < 18 h in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

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{Gordon}, K.~D. And {Meixner}, M. And {Meade}, M.~R. And {Whitney}, B. And {Engelbracht}, C. And {Bot}, C. And {Boyer}, M.~L. And {Lawton}, B. And {Sewi{\l}o}, M. And {Babler}, B. And {Bernard}, J.-P. And {Bracker}, S. And {Block}, M. And {Blum}, R. And {Bolatto}, A. And {Bonanos}, A. And {Harris}, J. And {Hora}, J.~L. And {Indebetouw}, R. And {Misselt}, K. And {Reach}, W. And {Shiao}, B. And {Tielens}, X. And {Carlson}, L. And {Churchwell}, E. And {Clayton}, G.~C. And {Chen}, C.-H.~R. And {Coh (2011) Surveying the Agents of Galaxy Evolution in the Tidally Stripped, Low Metallicity Small Magellanic Cloud (SAGE-SMC). I. Overview in \aj

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{Boyer}, M.~L. And {Srinivasan}, S. And {van Loon}, J.~T. And {McDonald}, I. And {Meixner}, M. And {Zaritsky}, D. And {Gordon}, K.~D. And {Kemper}, F. And {Babler}, B. And {Block}, M. And {Bracker}, S. And {Engelbracht}, C.~W. And {Hora}, J. And {Indebetouw}, R. And {Meade}, M. And {Misselt}, K. And {Robitaille}, T. And {Sewi{\l}o}, M. And {Shiao}, B. And {Whitney}, B. (2011) Surveying the Agents of Galaxy Evolution in the Tidally Stripped, Low Metallicity Small Magellanic Cloud (SAGE-SMC). II. Cool Evolved Stars in \aj

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{Krongold}, Y. And {Elvis}, M. And {Andrade-Velazquez}, M. And {Nicastro}, F. And {Mathur}, S. And {Reeves}, J.~N. And {Brickhouse}, N.~S. And {Binette}, L. And {Jimenez-Bailon}, E. And {Grupe}, D. And {Liu}, Y. And {McHardy}, I.~M. And {Minezaki}, T. And {Yoshii}, Y. And {Wilkes}, B. (2010) Suzaku Monitoring of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 5548: Warm Absorber Location and Its Implication for Cosmic Feedback in \apj

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Hayashda Kiyoshi (2007) Suzaku observation of 1H0707-495: Puzzling spectral drop around 7 keV in PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT

Description Lots and lots of them 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact We have particpated in dozens and dozens of such activites.

Lots. We have about dozens and dozens of such feedbacks.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity Pre-2006,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014