Particle Physics Research Centre Consolidated Grant Submission

Lead Research Organisation: Queen Mary University of London
Department Name: Physics


Our mission is to study fundamental particle interactions with matter, and from that learn about the subatomic nature of matter, and the broader implications of that research. This is the study of "Radiation for Science and Society", driven by the most important fundamental challenges in modern physics today.

This grant proposal focuses on members of the Particle Physics Research Centre (PPRC) at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) exploring the fundamental nature of the Universe. This will be achieved through studies of the Higgs boson, neutrinos and precision measurements of Standard Model processes, as well as searches for manifestations of new physics, namely deviations from the Standard Model. These goals are aligned with the STFC strategic priorities and to achieve these goals we also work on instrument construction for the ATLAS Upgrade and the DUNE experiments, as well as performing research and development toward future colliders and generic technology development targeting future accelerator based experiments and future neutrino and dark matter experiments.

On ATLAS we will perform precision Higgs measurements, searches for rare Higgs boson processes that could elucidate our understanding of cosmological evolution of the Universe. We will search for new physics including Dark Matter via the Dark Machines collaboration and via rare decay searches, including di-Higgs production. We will study the Standard Model through a variety of high energy processes and through studies of rare B decays.

On the ATLAS upgrade we will work on the construction of the Inner Tracker Upgrade and the Level 1 Calorimeter trigger to ensure that UK MoU contributions are met and that the maximum physics yield is achievable from that project. Likewise on the DUNE experiment we will work toward the construction of the near detector to ensure that the UK MoU requirements are met and that the physics output from the UK investment is maximised.

Our contribution to the NOvA neutrino experiment focuses on the measurement of cross section data that are crucial to determination of oscillation parameters in the neutrino sector, and ultimately linked to the search for matter-antimatter asymmetries in neutrinos that could be the answer to why we live in a matter dominated Universe. This experimental activity will lead us naturally into exploitation of the DUNE experiment once construction of that is completed.

To enable maximum physics output from the STFC programme as a part of the global particle physics programme, the PPRC works on the development of underpinning detector technology for future experiments. Mature technologies are spun out into near term goals, such as ATLAS Upgrade and DUNE activities. For the longer term we identify barriers such as the need for low mass tracking systems, technology that can function in high fluence, ergo high radiation, environments, data acquisition for current and next generation experiments. We also focus on evaluating emerging and novel technology with the intent to overcome challenges or limitations of the existing technologies, looking beyond the current generation of instruments. For example ways to reduce neutron background in future dark-matter and neutrino experiments, and possible applications to other STFC experimental programmes.

We actively engage in impact through both societal and economic routes. QMUL was founded to facilitate education and opportunity for the local community. Today outreach and public engagement, particularly with the local community, remains strong. QMUL holds a gold watermark for public engagement. Outreach activities are embedded into the core ethos of our programme as a result of both our historic roots as an organisation, and the strategic vision shown by QMUL for public engagement. We also strive to work with the commercial sector and other stakeholders for economic benefit to the UK, and actively pursue technology innovation, IP generation


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Description ANITA/PUEO 
Organisation National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Lead simulation team effort on this experiment, and contribute to data analysis
Collaborator Contribution Helped create a world leading balloon experiment that provides unique and valuable data for analysis
Impact see publications
Start Year 2020
Description ATLAS Collaboration 
Organisation European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
Country Switzerland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The ATLAS Collaboration at CERN, including R&D toward upgrades of the CERN LHC Facility
Collaborator Contribution International laboratory hosting an experiment
Impact These include the discovery of the Higgs boson, many publications and preliminary results, machine learning technology integrated into teaching resources for undergraduate and graduate students.
Description AWE Ltd 
Organisation Atomic Weapons Establishment
Department National Nuclear Security Programme
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Working on the development of a novel neutron detector.
Collaborator Contribution Partners have funded the development of device readout and simulation. This underpins technology refinements that have accelerated technology development.
Impact Outputs are being finalised in terms of publications and IP protection.
Start Year 2015
Description Belle 2 
Organisation KEK
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution QMUL have joined the Belle 2 collaboration at KEK in Japan, bring the UK onto this world leading particle physics experiment. We are working on detector upgrades and physics analysis.
Collaborator Contribution provision of access to a unique data set for particle physics analysis.
Impact Too early to report outcomes.
Start Year 2023
Description DUNE Collaboration 
Organisation Fermilab - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Department DUNE
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution We have recently joined this experimental collaboration and are making contributions to the design of the near detector gas TPC data acquisition system.
Collaborator Contribution We are collaborating closely with Imperial College and Royal Holloway as part of the UK consortium for this experiment. Our work fits into the broader international picutre where our international partners have contributed to the design of a world leading mega science project, with a neutrino production source via the Fermi Lab National Accelerator Laboratory accelerator system, and a two-stage detector system; a near detector at that laboratory's site and a far detector at the SURF facility in South Dakota, USA.
Impact It is too early to have generated outcomes from this work so far.
Start Year 2019
Description Dounreay 
Organisation Dounreay Site Restoration Limited
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Characterisation team at Dounreay
Collaborator Contribution identified and facilitating access to a nuclear power station for decommissioning purposes
Impact NDA Studentship has just been awarded, which will be a 143k contribution to the organisation
Start Year 2022
Description GridPP 
Organisation GridPP Collaboration
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Learned Society 
PI Contribution Operation of a Grid cluster with significant resources to support the LHC computing requirements
Collaborator Contribution Provided computing resource that underpins many of the analysis results listed under the publications for this award.
Impact See publications
Description Micron Semiconductor Ltd (CVD Diamond) 
Organisation Micron Semiconductor
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Our team has developed technology for our organic neutron detector work with the AWE Ltd. that has the potential for us to merge Micron's CVD diamond to make a new type of neutron detector. We have partnered with MSL to explore ways to realise this new type of neutron detector.
Collaborator Contribution Our collaboration partner has so far provided an in kind contribution through provision of commercial (market) and technical information on products and applications. This has led to us being able to seek funding, where MSL has pledged a 100k in-kind contribution, AWE a 45k in kind contribution to go toward a product development programme. The outcome of that application will be known in June 2020.
Impact It is too early to report outputs from this new collaboration. We will record outputs under our next consolidated grant.
Start Year 2019
Description MoEDAL 
Organisation European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
Country Switzerland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We lead the machine learning effort on this international experiment and have contributed to searching for new particles. Participation in this collaboration provides us access to valuable and unique data.
Collaborator Contribution Collaboration partners have contributed indirectly via providing a group of world leading scientists to network with, and work closely with on instrument development and algorithm development.
Impact none
Start Year 2016
Description NOvA 
Organisation Fermilab - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Data analysis and detector operations
Collaborator Contribution Data analysis, management of analysis working groups
Impact See publication list
Start Year 2020
Description National Nuclear Laboratory 
Organisation National Nuclear Laboratory
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution My team and NNL have had 5 or 6 very productive in depth discussions about the usage of our technology for decommissioning activities. The company has learned about the capabilities our novel technology brings and is discussing those with some of its customer sites.
Collaborator Contribution We have developed a deeper understanding of the needs of industry and submitted applications for future CASE and NDA funded studentships. We have submitted a funding proposal with NLL as a partner, and for that submission we have a pledged in-kind contribution from the company.
Impact This collaboration covers physics and chemistry, and includes sub-fields of particle physics and condensed matter.
Start Year 2021