Quota Studentships

Lead Research Organisation: Swansea University
Department Name: College of Science


Doctoral Training Partnerships: a range of postgraduate training is funded by the Research Councils. For information on current funding routes, see the common terminology at https://www.ukri.org/apply-for-funding/how-we-fund-studentships/. Training grants may be to one organisation or to a consortia of research organisations. This portal will show the lead organisation only.


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Armoni A (2009) Z N domain walls in hot = 4 SYM at weak and strong coupling in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Elander D (2011) Towards multi-scale dynamics on the baryonic branch of Klebanov-Strassler in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Hollowood T (2009) The refractive index of curved spacetime II: QED, Penrose limits and black holes in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Hollowood T (2008) = 4 SYM on S 3 with near critical chemical potentials in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Hutasoit J (2009) Real time response on dS 3 : the topological AdS black hole and the bubble in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Piai M (2010) Mass-degenerate heavy vector mesons at hadron colliders in Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics