The Standard Model and Beyond

Lead Research Organisation: University of Edinburgh
Department Name: Sch of Physics and Astronomy


Currently, our understanding of Nature at the most fundamental level is at the crossroads. This year, the LHC at CERN will collide protons at higher energies than ever before, sufficient to explore physics in depth at the TeV scale. Nobody yet knows what these data will reveal. However, there are very good reasons to believe that something fundamentally new will be discovered, which might transform our understanding of basic physics, making the next few years the most exciting time for a generation or more. The discoveries could be new types of particle, such as the Higgs boson, new kinds of symmetries such as supersymmetry, or indeed something even more dramatic such as extra dimensions. Our rolling programme of research in Particle Physics Theory at the University of Edinburgh is designed to be at the forefront of these new discoveries: indeed Peter Higgs himself is Emeritus Professor here. Specifically, we provide theoretical calculations, using pen and paper, and the most powerful supercomputers, of both the huge number of background processes to be seen at LHC due to known physics, and the tiny signals expected in various models of new physics, in order to discriminate between signal and background, and thus maximise the discovery potential of the LHC. In parallel, we will attempt to understand the more complete picture of all the forces of Nature that should begin to emerge, in our ultimate quest for a Theory of Everything.


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Abreu S (2014) From multiple unitarity cuts to the coproduct of Feynman integrals in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Afshar H (2013) Spin-3 gravity in three-dimensional flat space. in Physical review letters

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Akerblom N (2010) Marginal deformations and 3-algebra structures in Nuclear Physics B

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Alday L (2013) Surface defects, the superconformal index and q-deformed Yang-Mills in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Altarelli G (2008) Small x resummation with quarks: Deep-inelastic scattering in Nuclear Physics B

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Aminov G (2015) Seiberg-Witten curves and double-elliptic integrable systems in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Andersen J (2010) Constructing all-order corrections to multi-jet rates in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Antonelli M (2010) Flavor physics in the quark sector in Physics Reports

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Antonio DJ (2008) Neutral-kaon mixing from (2+1)-flavor domain-wall QCD. in Physical review letters

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Arthur R (2013) Monte Carlo integration with subtraction in Computer Physics Communications

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Arthur R (2013) Domain wall QCD with near-physical pions in Physical Review D

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Aschieri P (2015) Triproducts, nonassociative star products and geometry of R -flux string compactifications in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

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Badger S (2015) One-loop triple collinear splitting amplitudes in QCD in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Badger S (2014) Computation of multi-leg amplitudes with NJET in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

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Badger S (2013) A two-loop five-gluon helicity amplitude in QCD in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Badger S (2014) Multi-loop Integrand Reduction with Computational Algebraic Geometry in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

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Badger S (2015) A complete two-loop, five-gluon helicity amplitude in Yang-Mills theory in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Bagchi A (2013) Tensionless strings and Galilean Conformal Algebra in Journal of High Energy Physics

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BAGCHI A (2013) HOLOGRAMS OF FLAT SPACE in International Journal of Modern Physics D

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Bagchi A (2009) Supersymmetric extension of Galilean conformal algebras in Physical Review D

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Bagchi A (2010) GCA in 2d in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Bagchi A (2009) Galilean conformal algebras and AdS/CFT in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Bagchi A (2013) Holography of 3D flat cosmological horizons. in Physical review letters

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Balasubramanian V (2014) Black holes, entanglement and random matrices in Classical and Quantum Gravity

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Balasubramanian V (2010) What is a chiral 2d CFT? And what does it have to do with extremal black holes? in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Balasubramanian V (2013) A strongly coupled zig-zag transition in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Bali G (2013) Mesons in large-N QCD in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Ball P (2008) Distribution amplitudes of the ? b baryon in QCD in Physics Letters B

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Ball R (2013) Higgs production in gluon fusion beyond NNLO in Nuclear Physics B

Description Lots of interesting Particle Physics
Exploitation Route Lots of ways
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)
