Quota Studentship 2011

Lead Research Organisation: Swansea University
Department Name: College of Science


Doctoral Training Partnerships: a range of postgraduate training is funded by the Research Councils. For information on current funding routes, see the common terminology at https://www.ukri.org/apply-for-funding/how-we-fund-studentships/. Training grants may be to one organisation or to a consortia of research organisations. This portal will show the lead organisation only.


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Lozano Y (2014) A new AdS 4/CFT 3 dual with extended SUSY and a spectral flow in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Lawrance R (2014) About fermion hierarchies from doubly warped extra dimensions in Nuclear Physics B

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Bongiovanni, Lorenzo And Aarts, Gert And Seiler, Erhard And Sexty, Denes And Stamatescu, Ion-Olimpiu (2013) Adaptive gauge cooling for complex Langevin dynamics

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Aarts, Gert And Bongiovanni, Lorenzo And Seiler, Erhard And Sexty, Denes And Stamatescu, Ion-Olimpiu (2013) Complex Langevin simulation for QCD-like models

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Aarts G (2013) Controlling complex Langevin dynamics at finite density in The European Physical Journal A

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Datta S (2014) Higher spin entanglement entropy from CFT in Journal of High Energy Physics

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LAWRANCE R (2013) HOLOGRAPHIC TECHNI-DILATON AND LHC SEARCHES in International Journal of Modern Physics A

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LAWRANCE R (2013) HOLOGRAPHIC TECHNI-DILATON AND LHC SEARCHES in International Journal of Modern Physics A