HepData - a Data Curation Facility for Particle Physics

Lead Research Organisation: Durham University
Department Name: Physics


The successful interpretation of data from modern high energy physics experiments is a complex process. It involves not only the actual measurement of data points but also the input of a variety of theoretical or phenomenological models and processes which invariably rely heavily on numerous other data measurements for their tuning and refinement. New theoretical ideas lead to predictions that can be tested experimentally, and new experimental findings challenge theorists to produce better ideas. The HEPDATA project at the centre of this proposal serves to facilitate the data input provision to this process. At the same time, the Institute of Particle Physics Phenomenology (IPPP) in Durham, with its wide-ranging expertise in phenomenology and a strong base in particle theory, is ideally suited to be the host of this project.

The Data Curation aspect of the HEPDATA project will continue to compile HEP experimental scattering data and associated bibliographic information from particle physics experiments around the world. All the content on HEPDATA is freely available and easily accessible to the entire physics community, thereby promoting the data to a wide audience. In addition HEPDATA will continue its links with the SLAC/SPIRES database project, hosting its UK mirror and engaging with its replacement database Inspire, providing mirroring facilities in the long-term. The Berkeley Particle Data Group UK mirror web pages will also continue to be hosted by the project. HEPDATA will also continue to provide a server for Parton Distribution Function (PDF) codes and continue to develop and maintain the LHAPDF library of PDF functions which are used in a large part of present and future analyses including at the LHC.

Planned Impact

Beneficiaries of our research include:

- Academics and other researchers : experimental and theoretical particle physics communities in the UK and Internationally. More generally this category extends beyond particle physics and includes computer scientists, astronomers and mathematical physicists. Through our public lectures on campus, it also includes university students within and outside the Science Faculty.

- Schools: pupils and teachers. We organise annual Masterclass events for local schoolchildren and their teachers; workshops for teachers to strengthen science teaching based on discussions of recent advances in particle physics and astronomy. HEPDATA is a freely available resource for information and education.

- General Public: to bring the wonder and excitement of cutting-edge science using the LHC as a particularly powerful example. It is used to encourage and inspire people to study science and as a result leads to advances in science and technology far beyond particle physics.

- Business, Industry, Public and Private Sectors: IPPP staff, including HEPDATA personnel, are fully engaged in teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate students at Durham University. Apart from usual lectures and tutorials, each year we supervise individually more than a dozen of year-4 undergraduate students doing research projects on particle physics. After leaving the University these students will be able to use their skills acquired in first-hand learning about cutting-edge particle physics research for wider benefits of society. Postgraduate students trained by us and working on these research projects, also provide a significant and valuable contribution to society.


10 25 50
Description I am not the current PI on this grant
Sector Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Other
Impact Types Cultural
