LHCb Upgrade Bridging Funds Jan-Sept 2014

Lead Research Organisation: University of Oxford
Department Name: Oxford Physics


LHCb is a particle physics experiment operating at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. It is the world's leading physics experiment in its field and has a unique capability to explore physics beyond the Standard Model. LHCb's main aim is to search for new physics beyond the Standard Model through precision tests of matter anti-matter asymmetries (CP violation) and rare decays of particles containing beauty and charm quarks. The experiment also has world-class programmes in other areas due to its unique design and coverage of an angular region closer to the beams that at the other main LHC experiments.

The opportunity now exists to dramatically increase the reach of LHCb's programme and to widen its physics profile. The UK groups propose to lead the upgrade of the VELO (Vertex Locator), the most precise vertex detector at the LHC, and LHCb's unique RICH (Ring Imaging Cherenkov) particle identification (PID) system. A programme of physics performance studies, computing, reconstruction software and trigger algorithm development, and involvement in a new scintillating fibre tracker complements this work.

Planned Impact

The LHCb Upgrade offers strategic economic impact opportunities for UK Industry through the two major UK-led detectors (VELO, RICH), the novel scintillating fibre technology, and the DAQ and computing farm. External benefits include the development of novel pixel and cooling technology applicable to cancer treatment, molecular microscopy, light sources and fusion centres, and photon detectors applicable to medical imaging and positron emission tomography. The construction project has strong training opportunities for PhD students. LHCb-UK also has an enviable track record in public outreach through media, talks, exhibits and science festivals. A major exhibition on the theme of anti-matter will be sought for use at the Royal Society Summer Exhibition, and use at regional science museums.


10 25 50
Description LHCb bridging for upgraded experiment.
Exploitation Route LHCb bridging for upgraded experiment.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)



Description LHCb upgrade bridging. Preparation of upgraded experiment.