HEPData 2.0: new technologies and services

Lead Research Organisation: Durham University
Department Name: Physics


The successful interpretation of data from modern high-energy particle physics experiments is a complex process involving not only the actual measurement but also the input of a variety of theoretical or phenomenological models and processes, which, of course, rely on previous data. The HEPData project at the IPPP Durham will continue to compile HEP Experimental scattering data from particle physics experiments around the world and make these freely and openly available. It will keep these data easily accessible and thus promote them to a wider audience.

The data in HEPData allow, among others, the planning and interpretation of new measurements and the re-interpretation of older data in light of new findings, precision tests of theoretical models and the extraction of fundamental parameters or their limits, and the tuning and validation of simulation tools.

Through a better integration with Inspire, the central publication database of particle physics, HEPData will provide a vastly improved persistent open-access repository of published data, serving as the living memory of particle physics. HEPData will eventually become a formal member of the emerging INSPIRE collaboration, which currently consists of CERN, DESY, SLAC, FERMILAB and IHEP in China, and will thus represent the UK particle physics community in one aspect of the global data preservation strategy in particle physics.

One of the effects of this integration is that valuable time of the trained physicist managing HEPData will be freed for central and important aspects of data curation, for further developments and for a broadening of the scope of HEPData.
This will include extending the abilities of the new HEPdata-Inspire framework with respect to the old HEPData database, for instance by allowing the inclusion of supporting material that has not been part of the journal publication, by allowing cross linking with essential analysis software, thus providing a more integrated vision for data persistence, and by adding other modes and formats for data submission by the experimenters. In addition, we plan to broaden the scope of HEPData, to incorporate also data from particle decays or low-energy or astro-particle experiments, and to include also data relevant for the construction of detector simulation. Providing a repository for such data will also be useful for other fields of science, such as material science, space science, or medical physics.

HEPDATA will also continue to provide a server for Parton Distribution Function (PDF) codes and maintain and improve facilities for plotting them. It will take part in developing and maintaining LHAPDF, the new library of PDFs for use in current and future analyses.

Planned Impact

Our research has a wide range of potential beneficiaries, including:

- Academics and other researchers : experimental and theoretical particle physics communities in the UK and Internationally. More generally this category extends beyond particle physics and includes computer scientists, astronomers and mathematical physicists. Through our public lectures on campus, it also includes university students within and outside the Science Faculty.
In the long term, HepData envisages to also include various other low-energy particle physics data, such as particle-nucleus collision data that have been instrumental in constructing detectors and detector simulations like Geant4. We anticipate that this kind of data will be useful for other fields of science, such as medical physics.

- Schools: pupils and teachers. We organise annual Masterclass events for local schoolchildren and their teachers; workshops for teachers to strengthen science teaching based on discussions of recent advances in particle physics and astronomy. HEPData is a freely available resource for information and education.

- General Public: to bring the wonder and excitement of cutting-edge science using the LHC as a particularly powerful example. It is used to encourage and inspire people to study science and as a result leads to advances in science and technology far beyond particle physics.

- Business, Industry, Public and Private Sectors: IPPP staff, including HEPData personnel, are fully engaged in teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate students at Durham University. Apart from usual lectures and tutorials, each year we supervise individually more than a dozen of year-4 undergraduate students doing research projects on particle physics. After leaving the University these students will be able to use their skills acquired in first-hand learning about cutting-edge particle physics research for wider benefits of society. Postgraduate students trained by us and working on these research projects, also provide a significant and valuable contribution to society.


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De Blas J (2020) Higgs Boson studies at future particle colliders in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Andersen J (2019) HEJ 2: High energy resummation for hadron colliders in Computer Physics Communications

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Chala M (2019) Mapping the shape of the scalar potential with gravitational waves in International Journal of Modern Physics A

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Campbell J (2019) H + 1 jet production revisited in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Banerjee S (2019) Revisiting the t t ¯ h h channel at the FCC-hh in Physical Review D

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Butterworth J (2019) Higgs phenomenology as a probe of sterile neutrinos in Physical Review D

Description The Durham High-Energy Physics Database (HEPData) has been built up over the past four decades as a unique open-access repository for scattering data from experimental particle physics. It currently comprises the data points from plots and tables related to several thousand publications including those from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). HEPData is funded by a grant from the UK STFC and is based at the IPPP at Durham University. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Hepdata impact is through the preservation of knowledge. This knowledge, relevant for HEPData purposes, is provided in the form of particle physics data collected and analysed by past and on-going experiments around the world, many of which have received substantial funding by the UK community through STFC or its predecessors. These data are of fundamental importance for the further development of our field, as they continue to provide insights into experimental findings and practical realities. Thereby, the collected data of HEPData impact on analysing current experiments, for instance by providing input to the validation and tuning of simulation tools, and on planning future experiments. Furthermore, it is of significant importance for the culture defining our society that accumulated knowledge is valued and preserved. In the case of HEPData this knowledge manifests itself as experimental information, which concerns our fundamental understanding of physical processes in the universe, collected over many years, and it is the legacy of our field which we cannot afford to lose. 
URL https://www.hepdata.net/
Title New HEPData web interface and direct link into Invenio database 
Description A new version of the HEPData database. 
Type Of Technology Webtool/Application 
Year Produced 2016 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact Improved data handling for high-level experimental results. 
URL http://hepdata.net/