Experimental Particle Physics

Lead Research Organisation: University of Glasgow
Department Name: School of Physics and Astronomy


The four-year timescale is particularly exciting with the opening of a new energy frontier in LHC Run 2. We will focus our efforts on searches for BSM processes in the Higgs and top sectors for ATLAS, in the kaon sector for NA62, and in the charm and beauty sector for LHCb. We are simultaneously entering a major construction phase where synergies have been established between our ATLAS, LHCb and ILC detector developments. We anticipate that MICE will demonstrate ionization cooling as a major step towards a neutrino factory and Japan, with the international community, will decide to build the ILC. We have developed detector development and construction capacity to contribute to this future programme and have built up our technician and engineering effort in a carefully planned approach. Improved analysis techniques, well-calibrated detectors, increased computing power and theoretical input will be essential and we are at the forefront of the required developments in these areas.
All academics are heavily involved in the LHC programme and our strategy is to generate leading-edge physics results from three experiments (ATLAS, LHCb and NA62) based upon expertise developed in those experiments. We will provide timely first results in Higgs H->bb modes for ATLAS, based upon our current expertise. Having secured high-quality completion in Run 1, we will ensure that this experience will underpin future ATLAS publications. Based on our earlier work, we will be key players in answering questions concerning the origin of mass and the nature of CP violation. For LHCb, we will measure rare two body B decays, search for CP violation in charm and make precision measurements of CP violation in the Bs sector. We will measure the CKM angle gamma from loop-mediated processes which offer significant new physics sensitivity. We will perform new measurements and search for new states in the spectroscopy of charmed baryons and excited beauty mesons. For NA62 we will maintain the UK expertise in measuring the ratio of kaon decays to electrons and muons, establish measurements of the ratio of kaon and pion decays and search for dark photons.
We continue to invest in and promote a world-class Detector Development activity to enable longer-term initiatives and our Grid strength is aimed at maximising our impact in LHC physics as well as promoting new areas such as the linear collider. We additionally lever significant support through the College in these areas. We have set up physics analysis streams for each experiment, using the Grid, and will continue to fully exploit the LHC Run 2 data. We will also maintain our involvement in longer-term initiatives where we have leadership roles. We presently have leading roles in the ATLAS and LHCb upgrades, the linear collider and future neutrino initiatives. We anticipate greater involvement in these forward-looking programmes, based upon discoveries made at the LHC. Over the next four years we will develop these areas and progress those where early investment will become most productive, consistent with our highest priority of LHC physics exploitation.
To enhance the priority programme, we will be supported via the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA). This will ensure that we can meet our priorities in silicon detector development via support of the LHC upgrade and other programmes. We anticipate working with the IGR where we gain from joint facilities. This strategy is well suited to the skills and capacity of our core group. The associated responsive effort will be essential at a critical point in the evolution of UK particle physics.

Planned Impact

We will continue to generate impact though efforts focused on Knowledge Exchange, Communication and Engagement as well as providing leadership in our respective fields of expertise. The application of technical advances made in particle physics to solve problems in other areas has always been a very fruitful way to create impact and we plan to extend this. The principle activities that contribute to Knowledge Exchange in the group are from Detector Development and GridPP where technology and computing advances are deployed to solve problems in other disciplines and promote industrial uptake where appropriate.
The photon counting techniques developed by the group have been used with success for radiopharmaceutical (FDG) production: a novel material characterisation technique (Electron Back-Scattered Diffraction - EBSD) has been greatly improved by using this technology in work performed with Strathclyde. In addition, these devices have and will continue to be used to great effect to characterise the material quality of CdTe in beamtests carried out at a number of synchrotrons in the UK and Europe. The initial work done on qualifying the pixel detectors for dosimetry has led to the devices being used in ATLAS to measure the radiation environment around the experiment - this is particularly satisfying as Medipix was a spin out from particle physics. The dosimetric function of Medipix has found more widespread use with NASA being a key partner and the technology is now used on the International Space Station to provide dosimetry for the Astronauts and is undergoing evaluation for use in the Deep Space Capsule for the planned mission to Mars. The detector group has very strong links with industry and currently collaborates with Applied Scintillation Technologies, e2v, LabLogic, Kromek, Micron Semiconductors, NHS Glasgow, Probe Test Solutions and SensL to promote its technological advances and has several proposals for further work with industrial partners under development.
Our public engagement activities will build on the key themes of LHC physics at CERN, and cosmic rays - supporting the teaching of particle physics in schools will remain a priority. Our annual Particle Physics Masterclasses, our CERN visit competitions targeted at disadvantaged areas around the West of Scotland, and our support of teacher-led visits to CERN are important outreach activities for us.
The GridPP project, led from the University of Glasgow, provides another pathway to impact that has been very successful. Despite a focus on Particle Physics, GridPP also supports many other disciplines. For example, at Glasgow, we have continued many years of support for the BioMed community, working with a local NHS group to port simulation code and resulting in publications on computing the tomography dose index for conic beams. The Glasgow team has continued to work with industrial partners in several areas. The design and installation of a new networking infrastructure between the machine rooms in the Kelvin building with LAN3 and Extreme Networks, allowed both companies to demonstrate new capabilities, issue press releases and receive industry nominations and awards for innovative projects.
All investigators will play an active role in the generation of impact and knowledge exchange and will ensure that appropriate training is provided to all researchers associated with the group activities in the key aspects of communication, public engagement, media engagement, intellectual property protection and commercial exploitation.


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Eklund L (2016) Physics benchmarks of the VELO upgrade in Journal of Instrumentation

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Maneuski D (2019) TCAD simulation studies of novel geometries for CZT ring-drift detectors in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics

Description Discovery of VH, ttH and the H?bb decay [PLB 784 (2018) 173, PLB 786 (2018) 59-86]
First measurements of VH(bb) and ttH(bb) production at high Higgs pT [arXiv:2008.02508, ATLAS-CONF-2020-058]
Measurements of highly boosted top-quarks for m(tt) > 2 TeV [PRD 98 012003 (2018)]
First differential measurements of ttZ production [ATLAS-CONF-2020-028]
Discovery of CP violation in B_s^0?K^+ K^- at LHCb [arXiv:2012.05319]
Evidence of time-dependent CP violation in B_s^0?D_s^- K^+ p^- p^+ and world-best measurement of the oscillation frequency ?m_s from B_s^0?D_s^- p^+ p^- p^+ decays [arXiv:2011.12041]
Confirmation of double-charm baryons in ??_cc^(++)???_cc^+ p^+ [PRL 121 (2018) 162002]
First evidence of leptonic CP violation from T2K [Nature 580 (2020) 339-344 ]
First evidence of the rare +?+ ¯ process from NA62 [JHEP 11 (2020) 042]
Demonstration of ionization cooling by the MICE collaboration [Nature 578 (2020) 53-59]
Demonstration of Low Gain Avalanche Diode as a detector [IEEE NSS/MIC 2018 Proc]
Improved imaging of magnetic materials using Medipix [Ultramicroscopy 165, 42-50 (2016)]
Electric field maps of ITk strip sensors using micro-focussed X-rays [NIMA 980 (2020) 164509]
Improved charge collection in irradiated low-fill factor CMOS sensors [JINST 15 P02005]
Expanded CLIC physics case and Yellow Reports [CERN-2018-005-M] [CERN-2018-009-M]
Exploitation Route 1. Particle physicists and others with a direct interest in fundamental particles, within and beyond the Standard Model.
2. Users of silicon sensors in many fields of science, technology and industry e.g. synchrotron radiation facilities,
medical applications and security applications.
3. Users of large-scale computing resources in many fields of science.
4. Firms employing our graduates, RAs and technicians will benefit from their leading-edge skills and ability to work
in challenging international environments.
5. Physics graduates gain from undergraduate teaching and projects as well as from PhD training within the group.
6. Future physics graduates and others benefit from our outreach programme.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)



Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Security and Diplomacy

Description Glasgow has pioneered integration of MediPix3 detectors into transmission electron microscopes (TEMs). Their research developed novel imaging capabilities suited to imaging of low atomic number materials and adapted to take high-speed movies of structure dynamics. This integration technology has been licensed to UK's Quantum Detectors Ltd. Quantum Detectors were the first to enter the TEM market with MediPix3, enabling them to develop products that have led to an increase in staff from 4 to 18. The group has raised the funds required to join Medipix4 (250k CHF) and joined the collaboration in 2019. This enables us to take advantage of the innovations foreseen for the Medipix4 family of ASICs and continue to develop new and exciting applications in the pursuit of further impact generation. Members of the detector development groups have collaborated with the Glasgow School of Archaeology on the PAINT (Pigment Analysis and In-situ Non-destructive Testing) project. A remotely operated gantry system to house a Medipix system, as well as XRF (X-ray fluorescence) and Raman Spectrometry setups has been designed and built. This allows for mobile, non-destructive elemental, chemical and photo mapping of archaeological objects and artworks. Software to identify an object's composition by its elemental energy spectrum, permitting the creation of a 'fingerprint' database of archaeological objects has been written. LGAD 4D precision detectors will enable powerful new techniques in the fields of chemistry and materials science for studying structures and processes. 4D precision will drive significant improvements in medical imaging, in particular in real-time beam control for hadron therapy. Only with spatial precision in the sub-mm range, and time precision in the sub-100ps range can accurate beam steering in real time be achieved. In the field of materials science, the technique of X-ray correlation spectroscopy has been identified as a promising method giving access to many interesting phenomena (e.g. weak chemical bonds in dynamic processes, liquid-solid transition behaviour, crystal growth in real time). Such measurements rely on both spatial and temporal measurements to reach sensitivity to these processes and are directly limited in reach by the precision achieved. In particular, sub-ns precision timing along with small-pixel segmentation has already been recognised as a prerequisite. Cryo-Electron microscopy is a technique whereby electron microscopes are used to examine electron diffraction of organic molecules frozen into a target grid. The limiting factor on precision is currently the ability to precisely resolve the electron impact point on the sensor, which is limited by scattering. The addition of precise timing, while maintaining the small pixel size, can solve this problem by differentiating charge produced from the initial electron impact from that resulting from subsequent scatter in the sensor medium. Should this be achieved, it would for many use cases replace expensive synchrotron crystallography techniques, at a fraction of the cost. The Glasgow group has developed a Medipix3 based pixel system for TEM, sold under licence by Quantum Detectors Ltd, and it is expected that this work will be exploited in a similar fashion. Early studies using Timepix devices (25 ns precision) have produced promising results, but improved time precision is essential to reach the required sensitivity - Timepix4 has a bin resolution of 200 ps. These examples demonstrate the potential value of precise 4D sensors, in terms of fundamental research, industrial applications, and benefits to society. We are confident that many other applications will be identified as the sensors are made more readily available. The GridPP project, led by Glasgow, provides another successful pathway. Despite a focus on Particle Physics, GridPP supports many other disciplines, both for production and as an incubator for groups who will develop their own infrastructure. GridPP is a core founding member of the IRIS consortium in the UK that brings together STFC infrastructures (GridPP, DIRAC, SCD, JASMIN, etc) and user groups within the STFC science domain, many of whom do not have a viable e-infrastructure. The strategic importance of IRIS has been recognised with significant funding and is a key element of future STFC infrastructure proposals to UKRI. GridPP is a core member of the SWIFT-HEP proposal that has been funded for software development work. During the initial days of Covid19, GridPP rapidly submitted a RAMP (Rapid Assistance in Modelling the Pandemic) proposal and subsequently played a significant role in supporting various efforts, such as Folding-At-Home. Not only were significant computational resource provided, GridPP directly brokered meetings between the US Folding-At-Home team and the CERN-based RUCIO team to help solve data-transport issues and enable use of Hartree HPC resources for post-simulation analysis. Beyond STFC science, GridPP continues to support a number of organisations such as the BioMed community and the CERN@school organisation that brings the power of the Worldwide LHC computing Grid into classrooms across the UK. The associated Virtual Organisation (VO) - cernatschool.org - has proven useful as a "technology demonstrator" VO for GridPP's User Engagement toolkit. The tools have been used to store data from the school-based Timepix detectors and generate Monte Carlo simulations of the Langton Ultimate Cosmic ray Intensity Detector (LUCID) experiment's satellite-based detectors.
Sector Education,Electronics,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology,Security and Diplomacy
Impact Types Cultural

