Solenoidal Magnet for ISOL-SRS

Lead Research Organisation: University of Liverpool
Department Name: Physics


The elements we see around us, and that constituent our bodies, are predominantly stable, yet we know these were forged in violent astrophysical scenarios. The traces from this violent history can be found in sensational new detailed astronomical observations of element abundances from exploding stars, meteoritic inclusions attributed to condensation of material following single explosive events, and observations of gamma-ray emission indicating these process are still ongoing in our universe. The synthesis of the elements in these explosive scenarios involves nuclear reactions involving unstable nuclei. The unknown structure and reactions of these unstable nuclei critically affects our understanding of the origin of elements we now see in a relatively quiescent state around us, and the nature and dynamics of the stellar environments in which they formed. As we have begun to explore the properties of these nuclei, surprising results have been found on the evolution of shell structure, indicating what we find to be the case in stable nuclei, cannot be simply extrapolated to unstable systems. Nature is far more rich and diverse then we anticipated, leading to new shell structures driven by the underlying nature of the nuclear interaction. The locations of these shell structures are subtle and intimately associated with the shapes of nuclei. One such example are Pear-shaped nuclei exhibiting permanent static octupole deformations.These provide a very promising laboratory to search for finite atomic electric dipole moments, indicative of CP violation beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics.

The science described above requires precision measurements of the structure and reactions of unstable nuclei. Furthermore, the studies need to be performed in the appropriate energy regime where these properties can be best probed. The new TSR heavy ion storage ring will be located at the ISOLDE facility CERN. This will be a unique facility worldwide. ISOLDE is the world's leading facility for the production of radioactive beams. Following new upgrades, these radioactive beams will be accelerated to the energy range perfect for precision reaction studies. These beams will be injected into the storage ring where they can be rapidly cooled to give very high quality radioactive beams enabling ultra high resolution measurements. For heavy radioactive species, the beam extracted from the storage ring will be allied to a novel solenoidal magnet and detection system. The ISOL-SRS spectrometer systems proposed by the UK community for use in conjunction with the TSR storage ring will enable a major breakthrough in precision studies of the reactions and properties of unstable nuclei across the vast range of masses and isotopes produced by the ISOLDE radioactive beams facility, CERN.

Planned Impact

Knowledge transfer: There exists a number of areas where knowledge transfer could occur. All detectors used with the external spectrometer must operate successfully in high magnetic field. In particular, we have highly segmented silicon detectors. The challenges making these highly-integrated detectors function in this environment are extremely close to the demands of combined PET/MRI or SPECT/MRI, seen as a high priority for medical imaging in the future. Highly-integrated electronics and ASICs may also be transferred over to the medical or other relevant sectors. In the exploitation phase, the ISOL-SRS system could be used to gather nuclear data relevant to fission reactors, decommissioning or future fusion reactors. The Liverpool group has experience in transferring nuclear physics detector technology towards the medical sector in areas such as SPECT imaging. Knowledge transfer may be facilitated between groups and companies concerned with applications in nuclear measurement techniques and instrumentation, including GE Healthcare, BAE Systems, AWE, Canberra, Centronic, Kromek, Canberra Harwell UK, Ametek (Ortec), John Caunt Scientific, National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) and Rapiscan. Liverpool has a 4-year STFC IPS Fellowship to maximize the impact of the STFC science portfolio. The role will deliver increased numbers of industrial studentships, enable "pump priming" of collaborative ideas through appropriate routes such as mini-IPS or mini-KTP projects and will facilitate potential staff exchanges with industrial collaborators.

Public engagement: There is considerable scope to engage with a variety of general audiences from schoolchildren to the wider public. Big science like nuclear/particle physics and astronomy is acknowledged as one of the key motivators for young people to decide to study Physics at university level and for a career. This project has an inspirational story attached relating to our fundamental understanding of nuclear structure and our understanding of the origin of the chemical elements. We are developing new instrumentation for the world's most famous scientific laboratory. Ongoing educational initiatives include Nuclear Physics Masterclasses for schoolchildren held at Liverpool, supported by outreach officers co-funded by the Ogden Trust. Public engagement work will be facilitated by the STFC outreach officer, Elizabeth Cunningham.


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publication icon
Butler P (2016) TSR: A storage and cooling ring for HIE-ISOLDE in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms

publication icon
Butler P (2023) Enhancing the performance of solenoidal spectrometers for inverse reactions in Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

Description This award funded the purchase of a 4T ex-MRI magnet that was shipped to CERN, where it was recommissioned. It now provides the magnetic field and vacuum enclosure for ISOLDE Solenoidal Spectrometer, which is now used for fundamental nuclear physics research at the ISOLDE facility, CERN. The first publications from experiments using the magnet presented measurements probing the microscopic origins of the "island of inversion" near 32Mg and of single-neutron states in 207Hg and its implications for nucleosynthesis in neutron star mergers and supernova explosions.
Exploitation Route The ISOLDE Solenoidal Spectrometer is now being exploited by teams of international researchers. A list of experiments can be found at the URL given above.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)




Security and Diplomacy

Title ISOLDE Solenoidal Spectrometer Sort Code 
Description A code to read and process the raw data from the ISOLDE Solenoidal Spectrometer experiment at CERN. It builds physics events and performs correlations, producing a range of histograms for the user. 
Type Of Material Data analysis technique 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact First experiments of ISOLDE Solenoidal Spectrometer use this code for the online data viewing and offline analysis. 
Title ISOLDESolenoidalSpectrometer/ISSSort: v3.0 
Description This release combines a large number of changes over the past year or so, some bug fixes and a couple of long-awaited enhancements. The main enhancements are in the ability to read simulated data from NPTool and PACE4. The histogrammer now makes a complete set of recoil time-random plots that can be used for subtraction, although the user must make the subtraction themselves. Some bug fixes included the n-side mapping, array histogram z bin limits, and some energy-loss and pulse-height-correction fixes. What's Changed Fixed missing dep for "make -j". by @hanstt in Silencing some compiler warnings. by @inkdot7 in Try a CI action file. by @inkdot7 in Add recoil E and dE eloss spectra. by @dj-clarke in Extend ex histograms by @ACeulemans in Print as (int) in error output. by @inkdot7 in Small bug fix and improvements to energy loss and pulse-height correction calculation by @berjones in B jones correct nside mapping by @berjones in Bug in autocal residuals plot by @dj-clarke in Fix bug #26 reported by Andreas Ceulemans by @lpgaff in Revert some changes and apply correct fix for issue #26 by @lpgaff in Update histogram limits for the z axis of the array by @lpgaff in Make -j fix by @inkdot7 in Correct the module indexing of detecors from nptool by @berjones in Histogrammer updates by @lpgaff in Set the Sumw2 method by default on histograms by @lpgaff in New Contributors @hanstt made their first contribution in @inkdot7 made their first contribution in @berjones made their first contribution in @lpgaff made their first contribution in Full Changelog: 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2024 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact All data from the ISOLDE Solenoidal Spectrometer is being analysed with this software. 
Description I'm a Scientist, Get Me Out Of Here (CERN Zone) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact I am leader of the ISOLDE Team in the CERN Zone of I'm A Scientist Get Me Out Of Here, which directly engages Y10-13 students in online chats, Q&A forums, laboratory updates/tours, etc.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022,2023