DiRAC-2.5 - the pathway to DiRAC Phase 3

Lead Research Organisation: Durham University
Department Name: Physics


We request funding to relocate the Blue Wonder HPC cluster and associated storage, currently at the Hartree Centre at Daresbury, to Durham, together with installation and hardware maintenance costs. This move would enable DiRAC to expand the current DiRAC-2 Data centric service, managed by Durham, by a factor of two in both computing power and data storage capacity. The new service would be called the DiRAC-2.5 Data Centric service.

Planned Impact

DiRAC would seek to continue to engage with industry at various levels, from the
provision of computing cycles for industrial applications to the
exchange of technical knowledge and shared training programmes. The
facility will serve to train young scientists in the most advanced
techniques for supercomputing. These have extensive applications beyond
academia, for example in industry and finance. Finally, output from Dirac-based
projects will be used for science outreach activities.


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Pagano P (2020) Effect of coronal loop structure on wave heating through phase mixing in Astronomy & Astrophysics

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Jin S (2023) Massive galaxy formation caught in action at z ~ 5 with JWST in Astronomy & Astrophysics

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Morello G (2023) Spitzer thermal phase curve of WASP-121 b in Astronomy & Astrophysics

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Cardoso V (2023) Curvature and dynamical spacetimes: can we peer into the quantum regime? in Classical and Quantum Gravity

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Evstafyeva T (2023) Unequal-mass boson-star binaries: initial data and merger dynamics in Classical and Quantum Gravity

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Radia M (2022) Lessons for adaptive mesh refinement in numerical relativity in Classical and Quantum Gravity

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Helfer T (2022) Malaise and remedy of binary boson-star initial data in Classical and Quantum Gravity

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Granelli A (2023) ULYSSES, universal LeptogeneSiS equation solver: Version 2 in Computer Physics Communications

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Trotta D (2022) Single-spacecraft techniques for shock parameters estimation: A systematic approach in Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences

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Oman K (2017) The "Building Blocks" of Stellar Halos in Galaxies

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Bartlett D (2024) Exhaustive Symbolic Regression in IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation

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Heyl J (2023) Data quality and autism: Issues and potential impacts in International Journal of Medical Informatics

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Becker C (2020) Proca-stinated cosmology. Part I. A N -body code for the vector Galileon in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

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Poole-McKenzie R (2020) Informing dark matter direct detection limits with the ARTEMIS simulations in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

Description See Dirac annual report https://dirac.ac.uk
Exploitation Route See Dirac annual report https://dirac.ac.uk
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)


URL https://dirac.ac.uk