Space Plague: An immersive, collaborative and scaleable experience providing deep engagement with the physical sciences for young people and families

Lead Research Organisation: Middlesex University
Department Name: Faculty of Science & Technology


SMASHfestUK seek Nucleus award funding for the purposes of developing a physical science specific, immersive theatrical experience for the purposes of ultra-deep engagement with STFC scientists, research and facilities. "Space Plague" is aimed at engaging, young people and their families, and will be specifically focussed on working with culturally diverse socially-economically disadvantaged communities in London and Bradford initially.

SMASHfestUK has previously developed disaster-based and narrative-lead STEM festivals over 4 years, which have been very successful in reaching disadvantaged and under-represented audiences and attracting audiences who are 60-70% BME and up to 80% fifth quintile POLAR postcodes (most deprived). Some of this work has been funded and supported by previous STFC Spark awards, providing learnings which we are basing this application on. Evaluation evidence suggest strongly that the disaster-themed narrative angle of the festival is a very successful way of engaging young people, particularly those who do not normally engage with science. The festival format however, makes it very resource-heavy, limiting the ability of the festival to travel and reach wider audiences effectively and the level of engagement with specific research can be variable, depending on factors such as volunteers knowledge.

"Space Plague" will be an interactive experience which will use methodologies developed from immersive theatre, escape rooms and existing SMASHfestUK interactive installations to create a fully immersive production in which audiences will take part in a performance, carrying out experiments, solving clues and finding solutions to problems that threaten the future of humankind. Although fictional, the storyline will be based on real, (possible) events and the solutions will come through engagement (within the narrative) with STFC researchers and facilities. We will partner with researchers and facilities to develop the story and script. A single "performance" lasting around 60 minutes will process 60 visitors who will experience 3 linked storylines, (each with its own interactive scientific elements) in which visitors help prevent a coming disaster. It is envisaged that the performance will form a central experience at Science festivals (repeated multiple times daily), and that real scientists will feature as live characters in the stories (semi-fictionalised). We will also create filmed assets with the researchers and the research facilities so that it can be toured around more rural areas and also into schools on smaller budgets, if individuals are unable to participate live. In this way we will create an activity which can be enjoyed with a full "cast" featuring live scientists and actors at large events such as festivals, but can also be customised for touring to schools or rural areas in a more resource friendly manner, extending the life-span and audience reach of the piece.

We seek funding to develop and deliver the specific storyline for the first iteration of Space Plague - the core of the story - which will form a standalone performance/experience. We envisage that other storylines could be attached to it in the future to create sequels and new "episodes". In this sense we intend to create a production which is customisable, scaleable and can be distributed and experienced in different ways depending on the available resources. Although the title of the piece is Plague, these modules specifically revolve around real STFC funded research and facilities in the UK.

The performances will be piloted, developed and performed across 3 festivals, Bradford Science Festival (2019 and 20) and SMASHfestUK (Deptford) in 2020.
Title MRC LMS Gene Home 
Description Gene Home, a collaboration between the MRC LMS (Medical Research Council Laboratory of Medical Sciences) and SMASHfestUK, was an immersive installation, exhibition, and pop-up shop in Westfield Shepherd's Bush celebrating the invaluable contributions of Black communities to the realms of science and medicine and exploring genetic linked health issues: What do your genes say about you? How likely are you to get ill from diabetes or heart disease, prostate cancer? "Step inside the LMS Gene Home and take a load off your feet in our West Indies living room. Explore the kitchen, bathroom, gene-home and yard to find out how you can take control of your health and wellbeing. Have your vital signs checked, read our timeline of Black biomedical innovation and explore how the Windrush generation and their descendants are taking control of their health. Or maybe even do some hands-on science and extract some DNA. Or simply chill and chat with our scientists! 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact 3500 local people attended. 80% of whom were of black heritage. A visual diary of snapshots of the events is available here: 
Title Space Plague Phase 1 - Live Immersive Show - Bradford 
Description Live multidisciplinary immersive show over two days, at Bradford Science Festival. 
Type Of Art Performance (Music, Dance, Drama, etc) 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact Learnings and briefing for Phase 2 Space Plague development. 
Title Space Plague Phase 2 - Live Immersive Show - Deptford 
Description Live multidisciplinary immersive show over two days, with five day support and public recruitment festival. 
Type Of Art Performance (Music, Dance, Drama, etc) 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact Learnings and briefing for Space Plague Phase 3. 
Title Space Plague VR (SPVR) 
Description SPVR is a fully playable prototype, expanding the 'synchrotron' segment, based in the Diamond Light Source, of the Space Plague live experience into a 15-20 minute VR game. This has been made freely available to an online audience as a 'beta' version, to gather insight and to build a digital co-design community around the project. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2021 
Impact Creation of a development network of VR coders, artists, creatiuve directoras and writers around the Spac e Plague project. Enablement of future work with Middlesex University open-source 6-degree-of-freedom VR chair development group. 
Title WILDFIRE! LiiVE Experience 
Description > Live Interactive Immersive Virtual/Physical Environment Adventure. A new concept in informal science and engineering learning, and a public engagement action research approach by SMASH_UK (SMASHfestUK). Supported by Middlesex University Royal Academy of Engineering British Science Association and in partnership with Copper Candle Lewisham Youth Theatre Phoenix Community Housing We'll be debuting 'Climate Crisis - WILDFIRE!', our first full LiiVE Adventure on Saturday April 1st at Lewisham Youth Theatre (keep an eye out for details). Real science and engineering in a compelling immersive hyperlocal story game with live in character problem solving and complex decision-making by public participants. Co-designed and Co-produced 'in the community, with the community, by the community'.. A mix of immersive theatre, escape room, simulation environment, live action role playing and collaborative gaming. Developed through the SMASHfestUK action research programmes from 'Survival Village', 'Living in Space' and theatre productions through to 'Space Plague'. 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact Debuting in April 2023. 
Description Space Plague created an effective mechanism - an immersive experience co-designed and co-produced in, with and by the participating communities that enabled effective positive changes to participants 'STEM Identity' through a process of 'narrative transportation'.

Children engaged strongly with the stories and would develop their own personal narratives around it. An individual response by a child to the question 'what
did you learn today' concluded, after the Space Plague experience 'That I AM a scientist!' (their capitalisation) (Keith & Griffiths, 2020).
Space Plague 2020 was, to our knowledge, the first time that this kind of immersive experience had been developed and delivered with the specific intent of engaging underserved audiences and as a vehicle for ISL for children. Results suggested not only that such immersion is effective in engaging audiences, but that it is also effective as a vehicle for informal learning and that it appears to positively affect attitudes in real life towards STEM subjects. Critical to this is an exploration of the importance of place and belonging in narrative
transportation and how important personalising events and experiences was in the success of the live events.
The SMASHfestUK SCENE Model, as a method for approaching ISL planning for underserved audiences and a tool for tailoring those ISL experiences, has been a successful approach for development and delivery of new and compelling ISL experiences. We recognised that while this approach has been successful there are significant challenges in employing the approach, due to high human, physical, financial and temporal resource requirements and complex delivery process. The new 'LiiVE Adventure' concept embodied in 'Climate Crisis - WILDFIRE!' has sought to mitigate these logistical and delivery challenges through compressing the experience components into a main screen based interactive and paper-based live related activities, needing a single room, standard computing and projection equipment and a single facilitator. Live public tesing of the concept will begin on April 1st 2023.
Exploitation Route Following the launch and testing of WILDFIRE!, plans are in place to tour the experience to Swansea and North London. Discussions for further tours to Edinburgh are underway.
Sectors Creative Economy



Description Findings have been referenced in academic articles referring to inclusion practice, 'narrative transportation' and effectiveness of immersion for positive personal and social transformation. The principles and findings have contributed to building an STFC Legacy Award bid and new collaborative group, used as training materials for the University of Oxford researchers and public engagement groups and for the Association of Science Discovery Centres and have directly built the 'MRC LMS Gene Home' experience, described in other sections.
First Year Of Impact 2019
Sector Creative Economy,Education,Environment
Impact Types Cultural


Description Climate Crisis - WILDFIRE! 
Organisation Royal Academy of Engineering
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Project lead. The programme is a year-long collaborative co-design and co-production programme resulted in four interim live public show performances, a new concept - a 'LiiVE Adventure' - in informal science and engineering learning and a public engagement action research approach with a week-long public run in Lewisham (based in Lewisham Youth Theatre in Lewisham Shopping Centre) and a national tour following, accompanied by a multi-disciplinary immersive participatory installation running for a week with follow-up activities running for three further months.
Collaborator Contribution The End of the World Immersive Adventure - Funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering 'INGENIOUS' Award: A situated immersive experience with immersive theatre, escape room and simulation environment elements, themed around the Climate Crisis (extreme drought - FIRE!) and STEM knowledge and skills. The experience will explore aspects of accessibility, meaningful connection with the local communities and removal of visible and invisible barriers to participation through a co-design and co-production programme with young people and participating specialists (climate scientists, engineers, public engagement professionals, designers, filmmakers/virtual production professionals) across Lewisham (and other areas of London). Researchers will be studying transformation of participants' personal ?STEM Identity' through ?narrative transportation mechanisms.
Impact The co-design and co-production programme resulted in four interim live public show performances, a new concept - a 'LiiVE Adventure' - in informal science and engineering learning and a public engagement action research approach with a week-long public run in Lewisham (based in Lewisham Youth Theatre in Lewisham Shopping Centre) and a national tour following, accompanied by a multi-disciplinary immersive participatory installation running for a week with follow-up activities running for three further months.
Start Year 2022
Description Gene Home, a collaboration between the MRC LMS (Medical Research Council Laboratory of Medical Sciences) and SMASHfestUK 
Organisation Imperial College London
Department MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Gene Home, was an immersive installation, exhibition, and pop-up shop in Westfield Shepherd's Bush celebrating the invaluable contributions of Black communities to the realms of science and medicine and exploring genetic linked health issues: What do your genes say about you? How likely are you to get ill from diabetes or heart disease, prostate cancer? The experience and programme was built around the research and approaches to co-design, inclusion and engagement developed by SMASHfestUK (Wyn Griffiths and Dr Lindsay keith). "Step inside the LMS Gene Home and take a load off your feet in our West Indies living room. Explore the kitchen, bathroom, gene-home and yard to find out how you can take control of your health and wellbeing. Have your vital signs checked, read our timeline of Black biomedical innovation and explore how the Windrush generation and their descendants are taking control of their health. Or maybe even do some hands-on science and extract some DNA. Or simply chill and chat with our scientists!
Collaborator Contribution Dr Lindsay Keith at the MRC LMS led development and delivery of Gene Home.
Impact One week immersive experience with multi-activities and events. Attendance 3500.
Start Year 2023
Description Space Plague: An immersive, collaborative and scaleable experience providing deep engagement with the physical sciences for young people and families > Collaborations and Partnerships - Co-Design and Development Network 
Organisation British Ecological Society
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Conceptual, administrative, production, logistical, delivery and co-design lead.
Collaborator Contribution Content, co-design, logistics and delivery development and support.
Impact The co-design process, to date, has involved: - 60 Year 5 pupils, and 6 teachers from Haberdashers Aske's Temple Grove Free School in South East London. - 240 pupils and 6 teachers from Tidemill School. - 240 pupils and 10 teachers from Edmund Waller School. - 20 young people (aged 10-16) from Riverside Youth Club/UnCover @ The Albany and 3 actor facilitators. - 25 young people (aged 16-21) from TRAMSHED and 3 actor facilitators. - 50 Final Year and 2 Year 2 Product Design and Engineering students from Middlesex University. - 12 Mathematics staff and students from Middlesex University. - 12 Performance: Design and Practice students and 1 tutor from Central St Martin's UAL. - 2 MSc Creative Technology students from Middlesex University. - 4 BSc Film and TV Production students from the University of Greenwich. - 20 Design, Engineering and Film Academics, Technical Tutors and GAAs from Middlesex University and the University of Greenwich. - 8 Scientists from the Structural Genomics Consortium - 4 Scientists and Public Engagement staff from the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - Diamond Light Source and ISIS Neutron and Muon Source. - 10 Scientists from the British Ecological Society - 1 Independent Public Engagement/Science/Performance expert. - 1 Science academic from Birmingham University. - 1 Engineering academic from UCL. - 1 Senior Engineer from the energy industry. - 8 Professional Actors/Performers. - 15 Bradford community volunteer facilitators, through the National Science and Media Museum. - 3 Bradford engineering volunteers. - 8 - Stage and Production professionals. - 6 - Science Communication specialists. - 4 SMASHfestUK Core Team. Two full scale, multi-day immersive theatre events. 1. Bradford July 2019. 2. Deptford February 2020.
Start Year 2019
Description Space Plague: An immersive, collaborative and scaleable experience providing deep engagement with the physical sciences for young people and families > Collaborations and Partnerships - Co-Design and Development Network 
Organisation Diamond Light Source
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Conceptual, administrative, production, logistical, delivery and co-design lead.
Collaborator Contribution Content, co-design, logistics and delivery development and support.
Impact The co-design process, to date, has involved: - 60 Year 5 pupils, and 6 teachers from Haberdashers Aske's Temple Grove Free School in South East London. - 240 pupils and 6 teachers from Tidemill School. - 240 pupils and 10 teachers from Edmund Waller School. - 20 young people (aged 10-16) from Riverside Youth Club/UnCover @ The Albany and 3 actor facilitators. - 25 young people (aged 16-21) from TRAMSHED and 3 actor facilitators. - 50 Final Year and 2 Year 2 Product Design and Engineering students from Middlesex University. - 12 Mathematics staff and students from Middlesex University. - 12 Performance: Design and Practice students and 1 tutor from Central St Martin's UAL. - 2 MSc Creative Technology students from Middlesex University. - 4 BSc Film and TV Production students from the University of Greenwich. - 20 Design, Engineering and Film Academics, Technical Tutors and GAAs from Middlesex University and the University of Greenwich. - 8 Scientists from the Structural Genomics Consortium - 4 Scientists and Public Engagement staff from the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - Diamond Light Source and ISIS Neutron and Muon Source. - 10 Scientists from the British Ecological Society - 1 Independent Public Engagement/Science/Performance expert. - 1 Science academic from Birmingham University. - 1 Engineering academic from UCL. - 1 Senior Engineer from the energy industry. - 8 Professional Actors/Performers. - 15 Bradford community volunteer facilitators, through the National Science and Media Museum. - 3 Bradford engineering volunteers. - 8 - Stage and Production professionals. - 6 - Science Communication specialists. - 4 SMASHfestUK Core Team. Two full scale, multi-day immersive theatre events. 1. Bradford July 2019. 2. Deptford February 2020.
Start Year 2019
Description Space Plague: An immersive, collaborative and scaleable experience providing deep engagement with the physical sciences for young people and families > Collaborations and Partnerships - Co-Design and Development Network 
Organisation GLYPT - Tramshed
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Conceptual, administrative, production, logistical, delivery and co-design lead.
Collaborator Contribution Content, co-design, logistics and delivery development and support.
Impact The co-design process, to date, has involved: - 60 Year 5 pupils, and 6 teachers from Haberdashers Aske's Temple Grove Free School in South East London. - 240 pupils and 6 teachers from Tidemill School. - 240 pupils and 10 teachers from Edmund Waller School. - 20 young people (aged 10-16) from Riverside Youth Club/UnCover @ The Albany and 3 actor facilitators. - 25 young people (aged 16-21) from TRAMSHED and 3 actor facilitators. - 50 Final Year and 2 Year 2 Product Design and Engineering students from Middlesex University. - 12 Mathematics staff and students from Middlesex University. - 12 Performance: Design and Practice students and 1 tutor from Central St Martin's UAL. - 2 MSc Creative Technology students from Middlesex University. - 4 BSc Film and TV Production students from the University of Greenwich. - 20 Design, Engineering and Film Academics, Technical Tutors and GAAs from Middlesex University and the University of Greenwich. - 8 Scientists from the Structural Genomics Consortium - 4 Scientists and Public Engagement staff from the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - Diamond Light Source and ISIS Neutron and Muon Source. - 10 Scientists from the British Ecological Society - 1 Independent Public Engagement/Science/Performance expert. - 1 Science academic from Birmingham University. - 1 Engineering academic from UCL. - 1 Senior Engineer from the energy industry. - 8 Professional Actors/Performers. - 15 Bradford community volunteer facilitators, through the National Science and Media Museum. - 3 Bradford engineering volunteers. - 8 - Stage and Production professionals. - 6 - Science Communication specialists. - 4 SMASHfestUK Core Team. Two full scale, multi-day immersive theatre events. 1. Bradford July 2019. 2. Deptford February 2020.
Start Year 2019
Description Space Plague: An immersive, collaborative and scaleable experience providing deep engagement with the physical sciences for young people and families > Collaborations and Partnerships - Co-Design and Development Network 
Organisation National Science and Media Museum
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Conceptual, administrative, production, logistical, delivery and co-design lead.
Collaborator Contribution Content, co-design, logistics and delivery development and support.
Impact The co-design process, to date, has involved: - 60 Year 5 pupils, and 6 teachers from Haberdashers Aske's Temple Grove Free School in South East London. - 240 pupils and 6 teachers from Tidemill School. - 240 pupils and 10 teachers from Edmund Waller School. - 20 young people (aged 10-16) from Riverside Youth Club/UnCover @ The Albany and 3 actor facilitators. - 25 young people (aged 16-21) from TRAMSHED and 3 actor facilitators. - 50 Final Year and 2 Year 2 Product Design and Engineering students from Middlesex University. - 12 Mathematics staff and students from Middlesex University. - 12 Performance: Design and Practice students and 1 tutor from Central St Martin's UAL. - 2 MSc Creative Technology students from Middlesex University. - 4 BSc Film and TV Production students from the University of Greenwich. - 20 Design, Engineering and Film Academics, Technical Tutors and GAAs from Middlesex University and the University of Greenwich. - 8 Scientists from the Structural Genomics Consortium - 4 Scientists and Public Engagement staff from the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - Diamond Light Source and ISIS Neutron and Muon Source. - 10 Scientists from the British Ecological Society - 1 Independent Public Engagement/Science/Performance expert. - 1 Science academic from Birmingham University. - 1 Engineering academic from UCL. - 1 Senior Engineer from the energy industry. - 8 Professional Actors/Performers. - 15 Bradford community volunteer facilitators, through the National Science and Media Museum. - 3 Bradford engineering volunteers. - 8 - Stage and Production professionals. - 6 - Science Communication specialists. - 4 SMASHfestUK Core Team. Two full scale, multi-day immersive theatre events. 1. Bradford July 2019. 2. Deptford February 2020.
Start Year 2019
Description Space Plague: An immersive, collaborative and scaleable experience providing deep engagement with the physical sciences for young people and families > Collaborations and Partnerships - Co-Design and Development Network 
Organisation Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC)
Department ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Conceptual, administrative, production, logistical, delivery and co-design lead.
Collaborator Contribution Content, co-design, logistics and delivery development and support.
Impact The co-design process, to date, has involved: - 60 Year 5 pupils, and 6 teachers from Haberdashers Aske's Temple Grove Free School in South East London. - 240 pupils and 6 teachers from Tidemill School. - 240 pupils and 10 teachers from Edmund Waller School. - 20 young people (aged 10-16) from Riverside Youth Club/UnCover @ The Albany and 3 actor facilitators. - 25 young people (aged 16-21) from TRAMSHED and 3 actor facilitators. - 50 Final Year and 2 Year 2 Product Design and Engineering students from Middlesex University. - 12 Mathematics staff and students from Middlesex University. - 12 Performance: Design and Practice students and 1 tutor from Central St Martin's UAL. - 2 MSc Creative Technology students from Middlesex University. - 4 BSc Film and TV Production students from the University of Greenwich. - 20 Design, Engineering and Film Academics, Technical Tutors and GAAs from Middlesex University and the University of Greenwich. - 8 Scientists from the Structural Genomics Consortium - 4 Scientists and Public Engagement staff from the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - Diamond Light Source and ISIS Neutron and Muon Source. - 10 Scientists from the British Ecological Society - 1 Independent Public Engagement/Science/Performance expert. - 1 Science academic from Birmingham University. - 1 Engineering academic from UCL. - 1 Senior Engineer from the energy industry. - 8 Professional Actors/Performers. - 15 Bradford community volunteer facilitators, through the National Science and Media Museum. - 3 Bradford engineering volunteers. - 8 - Stage and Production professionals. - 6 - Science Communication specialists. - 4 SMASHfestUK Core Team. Two full scale, multi-day immersive theatre events. 1. Bradford July 2019. 2. Deptford February 2020.
Start Year 2019
Description Space Plague: An immersive, collaborative and scaleable experience providing deep engagement with the physical sciences for young people and families > Collaborations and Partnerships - Co-Design and Development Network 
Organisation SmashFestUK
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Conceptual, administrative, production, logistical, delivery and co-design lead.
Collaborator Contribution Content, co-design, logistics and delivery development and support.
Impact The co-design process, to date, has involved: - 60 Year 5 pupils, and 6 teachers from Haberdashers Aske's Temple Grove Free School in South East London. - 240 pupils and 6 teachers from Tidemill School. - 240 pupils and 10 teachers from Edmund Waller School. - 20 young people (aged 10-16) from Riverside Youth Club/UnCover @ The Albany and 3 actor facilitators. - 25 young people (aged 16-21) from TRAMSHED and 3 actor facilitators. - 50 Final Year and 2 Year 2 Product Design and Engineering students from Middlesex University. - 12 Mathematics staff and students from Middlesex University. - 12 Performance: Design and Practice students and 1 tutor from Central St Martin's UAL. - 2 MSc Creative Technology students from Middlesex University. - 4 BSc Film and TV Production students from the University of Greenwich. - 20 Design, Engineering and Film Academics, Technical Tutors and GAAs from Middlesex University and the University of Greenwich. - 8 Scientists from the Structural Genomics Consortium - 4 Scientists and Public Engagement staff from the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - Diamond Light Source and ISIS Neutron and Muon Source. - 10 Scientists from the British Ecological Society - 1 Independent Public Engagement/Science/Performance expert. - 1 Science academic from Birmingham University. - 1 Engineering academic from UCL. - 1 Senior Engineer from the energy industry. - 8 Professional Actors/Performers. - 15 Bradford community volunteer facilitators, through the National Science and Media Museum. - 3 Bradford engineering volunteers. - 8 - Stage and Production professionals. - 6 - Science Communication specialists. - 4 SMASHfestUK Core Team. Two full scale, multi-day immersive theatre events. 1. Bradford July 2019. 2. Deptford February 2020.
Start Year 2019
Description Space Plague: An immersive, collaborative and scaleable experience providing deep engagement with the physical sciences for young people and families > Collaborations and Partnerships - Co-Design and Development Network 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Conceptual, administrative, production, logistical, delivery and co-design lead.
Collaborator Contribution Content, co-design, logistics and delivery development and support.
Impact The co-design process, to date, has involved: - 60 Year 5 pupils, and 6 teachers from Haberdashers Aske's Temple Grove Free School in South East London. - 240 pupils and 6 teachers from Tidemill School. - 240 pupils and 10 teachers from Edmund Waller School. - 20 young people (aged 10-16) from Riverside Youth Club/UnCover @ The Albany and 3 actor facilitators. - 25 young people (aged 16-21) from TRAMSHED and 3 actor facilitators. - 50 Final Year and 2 Year 2 Product Design and Engineering students from Middlesex University. - 12 Mathematics staff and students from Middlesex University. - 12 Performance: Design and Practice students and 1 tutor from Central St Martin's UAL. - 2 MSc Creative Technology students from Middlesex University. - 4 BSc Film and TV Production students from the University of Greenwich. - 20 Design, Engineering and Film Academics, Technical Tutors and GAAs from Middlesex University and the University of Greenwich. - 8 Scientists from the Structural Genomics Consortium - 4 Scientists and Public Engagement staff from the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - Diamond Light Source and ISIS Neutron and Muon Source. - 10 Scientists from the British Ecological Society - 1 Independent Public Engagement/Science/Performance expert. - 1 Science academic from Birmingham University. - 1 Engineering academic from UCL. - 1 Senior Engineer from the energy industry. - 8 Professional Actors/Performers. - 15 Bradford community volunteer facilitators, through the National Science and Media Museum. - 3 Bradford engineering volunteers. - 8 - Stage and Production professionals. - 6 - Science Communication specialists. - 4 SMASHfestUK Core Team. Two full scale, multi-day immersive theatre events. 1. Bradford July 2019. 2. Deptford February 2020.
Start Year 2019
Description 37 co-design workshops. 2 Live events. 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The co-design process, to date, has involved:
- 60 Year 5 pupils, and 6 teachers from Haberdashers Aske's Temple Grove Free School in South East London.
- 240 pupils and 6 teachers from Tidemill School.
- 240 pupils and 10 teachers from Edmund Waller School.
- 20 young people (aged 10-16) from Riverside Youth Club/UnCover @ The Albany and 3 actor facilitators.
- 25 young people (aged 16-21) from TRAMSHED and 3 actor facilitators.
- 75 Final Year and 2 Year 2 Product Design and Engineering students from Middlesex University.
- 12 Mathematics staff and students from Middlesex University.
- 12 Performance: Design and Practice students and 1 tutor from Central St Martin's UAL.
- 2 MSc Creative Technology students from Middlesex University.
- 4 BSc Film and TV Production students from the University of Greenwich.
- 20 Design, Engineering and Film Academics, Technical Tutors and GAAs from Middlesex University and the University of Greenwich.
- 8 Scientists from the Structural Genomics Consortium
- 4 Scientists and Public Engagement staff from the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - Diamond Light Source and ISIS Neutron and Muon Source.
- 10 Scientists from the British Ecological Society
- 1 Independent Public Engagement/Science/Performance expert.
- 1 Science academic from Birmingham University.
- 1 Engineering academic from UCL.
- 1 Senior Engineer from the energy industry.
- 8 Professional Actors/Performers.
- 15 Bradford community volunteer facilitators, through the National Science and Media Museum.
- 3 Bradford engineering volunteers.
- 8 - Stage and Production professionals.
- 6 - Science Communication specialists.
- 4 SMASHfestUK Core Team.

The rich range of experience, experiences, perspectives and creativity that this collaborative group have brought together, and the training in co-design and immersive experience development and delivery that SMASHfestUK team have facilitated, ensured that Phase 2 at Deptford was both successful as an experience in itself, as the next stage building block in the Space Plague process, and as a development framework for the interdisciplinary, cross level and sector collaborating group.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2020
Description WILDFIRE! co-design and co-production programme 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The WILDFIRE! co-design and co-production programme has worked with 17 young people aged 16-24 from a Community Housing organisation, 18 young people aged 12-14 from a community youth theatre, 22 early career performance and engineering young people aged 21-25, and 78 members of the public aged from 10-65, alongside climate scientists, theatre professionals, fire and rescue professionals and designers and engineers across 46 community-based co-design and co-production workshops, resulting in 4 live theatrical performances, a participatory multi-disciplinary art installation takeover of a derelict floor of a building, a new concept in immersive informal science learning experience and 16 participatory performances of the experience.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022,2023