Organic Semiconductor Neutron Detectors for Dark Matter

Lead Research Organisation: Queen Mary University of London
Department Name: Physics


The physics potential of future dark matter searches at experiments such as DarkSide in Italy will be limited by the ability to identify and veto thermal neutrons. There are several sources of neutrons in the experimental setup, both in the cryogenic regions in the vicinity of the electronics reading out the SiPM sensors, and from the environment of the experimental cavern. Cold or warm operation solid state neutron detectors could help to reduce the backgrounds, and in turn increase the physics sensitivity for particle dark matter direct detection searches. In this proposal we build on our previous work with organic semiconductors (OSCs) for radiation detection by making prototype large area multi-channel OSC position sensitive neutron detectors. The purpose of this instrument development work is to evaluate the potential for using this technology in a future Dark Matter experiment for part of a neutron veto system.

We present a proposal to make and test a demonstrator thermal neutron detector with active area up to 10 square centimetres. This would provide a base-unit to consider the feasibility of making a larger area veto for experiments like DarkSide.

Our project has a risk register and Gantt chart (available on request, not submitted as that information was not requested for this call).

Planned Impact

Societal impact will be generated through dissemination of the potential for Dark Matter discoveries at all levels, through standard established outreach mechanisms within the School of Physics and Astronomy, across QMUL and with the general public from school children through to policy holder level.

Economic impact will be targeted through networking and developing industrial collaborations, and through training a STEM skilled worker. We have a patent pending for the underlying technology, and through existing work have a good relationship with the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) Ltd. The AWE provides relevant industry and government guidance on the most important commercial development route in order to facilitate us targeting low TRL work and identifying a route to market, which is a valuable in-kind contribution in itself. The AWE have invested/are investing approximately £230k in this area. This proposal will build on that background investment. We also have good relations with QM Innovation (QMI), who are aware of our previous work in this area, and have invested £50k in developing a four-channel pixel demonstrator; work that this proposal will build upon to construct a proof of concept targeting a dark matter detector. QMUL have historically invested a further £30k seed-corn funding in this area, based on commercial interest. That seed funding allowed us to develop this technology and establish industry connections outlined in this proposal. Thus this proposal is leveraging 310k of prior investment in developing the underlying technology.

Other companies that we are in contact with regarding the potential of this technology (based on our single channel devices) include:
- Symetrica: A Non-disclosure agreement (NDA) has been signed based on single channel devices, and device evaluation for potential future product development for a multichannel device. Symetrica sell hand-held, mobile, and port of entry neutron detectors and are keen to evaluate new technology. QMUL have issued a technology evaluation license to Symetrica.
- 3M: we are negotiating a NDA with 3M. They are very keen to establish a commercial R&D funding line to collaborate with us on single channel devices. 3M's application area of interest is sensors for personal protective equipment (PPE) for Chemical-Biological-Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) applications.
- Kromek: this company is interested in discussing our technology, and we will set up a meeting to explore the potential during the course of this programme.
- IP Group: this is a venture capital company, who work with QMI, and are interested in understanding the potential gains from this technology. The SPA has an existing track record of IP Group investing 6-figure sums into start-ups.

These lines of engagement with industry have potential economic impact spanning the nuclear threat reduction, military and CBRN PPE markets from established companies, through to a higher risk start up route. We expect these companies to be interested in exploring the potential for developing the output of this proposal toward market, and believe that we not only have a strong physics case, but also grounds to commercialise any technology developed. We are developing links with the UK Atomic Energy Authority, National Nuclear Laboratory, and STFC's Technology Division (that serves the needs of the ISIS facility at the Harwell campus). We will also be able to leverage the NuSec network industry partners to explore the potential for broader impact.

Scientific Impact: In addition to the potential to enhance the DM direct detection search potential; solid state neutron detectors have the potential for other scientific applications. For example, Nuclear Physics community users working with neutron sources, ISIS users, UKAEA and NNL scientist working on robotics, sensing and smart facilities of the future (e.g. fusion power plants).


10 25 50
Description pi-conjugated semiconductors can be used to make a fast and thermal neutron detector. The fast neutron detectors are effectively a heavily ionising radiation detector, so have applications for industrial applications including nuclear decommissioning, as well as medical and scientific applications.
Exploitation Route Have received funding from the NDA for a student ship and from AWE/NuSec for a studentship. Now seeking to develop stronger links with medical users for potential applications, and seeking to bridge to develop links with semiconductor companies regarding instrument fabrication. Interest from space weather researchers has recently been established, and planning for a satellite based technology demonstration.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine



Security and Diplomacy

Description AWE Ltd 
Organisation Atomic Weapons Establishment
Department National Nuclear Security Programme
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Working on the development of a novel neutron detector.
Collaborator Contribution Partners have funded the development of device readout and simulation. This underpins technology refinements that have accelerated technology development.
Impact Outputs are being finalised in terms of publications and IP protection.
Start Year 2015
Description Dounreay 
Organisation Dounreay Site Restoration Limited
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Characterisation team at Dounreay
Collaborator Contribution identified and facilitating access to a nuclear power station for decommissioning purposes
Impact NDA Studentship has just been awarded, which will be a 143k contribution to the organisation
Start Year 2022
Description National Nuclear Laboratory 
Organisation National Nuclear Laboratory
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution My team and NNL have had 5 or 6 very productive in depth discussions about the usage of our technology for decommissioning activities. The company has learned about the capabilities our novel technology brings and is discussing those with some of its customer sites.
Collaborator Contribution We have developed a deeper understanding of the needs of industry and submitted applications for future CASE and NDA funded studentships. We have submitted a funding proposal with NLL as a partner, and for that submission we have a pledged in-kind contribution from the company.
Impact This collaboration covers physics and chemistry, and includes sub-fields of particle physics and condensed matter.
Start Year 2021
Title Organic Semiconductor Neutron Detector 
Description Development of a pi-conjugated semiconductor polymer based radiation detector with additives that would work as a neutron detector including for thermal neutrons. 
IP Reference 1905234.9 UK patent 
Protection Patent / Patent application
Year Protection Granted 2019
Licensed No
Impact UK, EU, and US patents filled on technological developments surrounding organic semiconductor neutron detectors.