Salmon Health, gill tissue response to toxic phytoplankton and gelatinous plankton

Lead Research Organisation: University of St Andrews
Department Name: Finance Advice and Support


Investigating tissue response, specifically in gills, of farmed Atlantic Salmon to harmful environmental phytoplankton and gelatinous plankton.
Salmon reared in sea cages are particularly vulnerable to damage from small toxic organisms that can pass through the nets that prevent the fish escaping. Mass kills due to jellyfish and harmful algal blooms are well documented but much is still to be learnt of the subclinical and physiological effects of these organisms on fish outwith extreme bloom events. This project aims to investigate structural alterations to the gills following natural exposure, as well as immunological and genetic expression, with a view to exploring mitigation of these harmful environmental organisms.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
BB/M010996/1 30/09/2015 31/03/2024
1645103 Studentship BB/M010996/1 30/09/2015 29/09/2019
Description - Identification of microorganisms previously associated with disease in salmon as part of the resident bacterial community of jellyfish

- Assessment of gene expression in response to algae

- Analysis of the bacteria present on salmon gills during the marine phase of production.
Exploitation Route Remaining tissue material from year long sampling regime of gill tissue

Further exploration of pathogens or gene expression in marine phase fish
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink
