Ultrasonic Testing of Strip Thickness During Metal Rolling

Lead Research Organisation: University of Sheffield
Department Name: Mechanical Engineering


Measure the metal thickness of sheet metal whilst it is being rolled.

Prevent the metal from being damaged or marked.

Provide feedback to a control system to influence the metal rollers during the rolling process.

The research involves using ultrasound to investigate the strip thickness of sheet metal whilst it is being rolled. Other parameters will also be investigated to see what can be observed on a pilot rolling mill as well as a full sized industrial rolling mill. The impact this research will have is to the metal rolling industry as being able to control the rolling process during rolling allows for time to be saved and other value to be added. To this end the research is sponsored by Tata steel.

The ultrasound method being used is pitch-catch oblique ultrasound and the pulses are sent via a Picoscope. Previous measuring methods have used radiation or have relied on physical contact, however these methods have limitations that the ultrasound method is believe to mitigate.

This project aligns to the manufacturing goal of the EPSRC.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/N509346/1 30/09/2015 29/03/2021
1719744 Studentship EP/N509346/1 16/08/2015 15/04/2019 Thomas Holdich