Electric Field Enhanced Crystallisation

Lead Research Organisation: University of Strathclyde


This project will aim at a deeper understanding of the effects of an electric field on particle suspensions and crystallisation processes. Due to a strong electric field in an isolator solvent suspension particle movement and particle collection at the electrode occur. To understand the phenomenon we will relate particle and solution properties to the electric field enhanced phenomena. We will further investigate whether the crystallisation behaviour of the compounds is influenced by the electric field. This will lead to the identification of scientific principles that govern the interaction between particle and electric field in a suspension. Then, we will identify and develop means to exploit the observed phenomena and scientific principles. We will for instance look into possibilities of separating mixtures of particles. In addition, we will develop electrode configurations to obtain and enhance the phenomena. This will be done both on a macroscopic and a microfluidic scale.

This project aligns with current and future activities of the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Continuous Manufacturing and Crystallisation (CMAC - www.cmac.ac.uk). The pharmaceutical industry has adopted continuous manufacturing processes as the way forward and CMAC delivers the fundamental and engineering knowledge to enable this. CMAC's state-of-the-art labs are located in the Technology & Innovation Centre of the University of Strathclyde. This project also sits astride the three different groups in Chemical & Process Engineering (CPE) in that it combines flow phenomena, nanomaterials electrochemistry and process development. Prof. Roy has over two decades of experience in developing and tuning processes for nano and micron scale materials, their behaviour and stability. The project, therefore, will bring electrochemical nanomaterials expertise to a complete new field of application - crystal separations.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/N509760/1 30/09/2016 29/09/2021
1814127 Studentship EP/N509760/1 01/11/2016 29/04/2020 Carlos Moreno Leon
Description An electric field applied to a suspension composed of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) in a non-polar solvent induces a selective motion of the suspended particles towards one of the electrodes. Non-polar solvents are used to avoid current generation that may arise as a strong potential difference is set between electrodes immersed in the solution. Different APIs move and collect at different electrodes, which indicates that a mixed suspension can be separated by the use of electric fields. During this project, a number of mixed systems have been subjected to electric fields and their separation have been achieved with purity values higher than 95%.

Additionally, the fundamentals of this motion has been studied. Experimental observations suggests that the solid particles are subjected to two different electrokinetic forces acting together. Dielectrophoretic forces arise as a non-uniform field is created due to the geometry of the crystallisation vessel, which generates a motion towards the strong electric field density regions. The second phenomenon, electrophoresis, acts on charged particles and attract them towards the electrode of opposite sign. Although the net charge of these particles is zero, localised charged due to functional groups may interact with water traces in the non-polar solvents.

Finally, the electric field has been used as a process intensification tool in order to enhanced nucleation kinetics of small organic molecules. Isonicotinamide, a commonly used compound for the co-crystallisation of APIs was used as a model compound. A solution of this compound in 1,4-dioxane was subjected to strong electric fields to study its crystallisation under the action of the field, and it was compared to an untreated isonicotinamide solution. It was observed that isonicotinamide crystallises at higher temperature under the influence of the field, which result in larger recovery of the valuable product. A local supersaturation near the electrode may explain the enhanced crystallisation effect of the electric field.
Exploitation Route The dissimilar motion of the compounds can be exploit to separate multi-component mixtures in continuous. As this technique uses a large electric field, it seems that the separation may be beneficial for continuous processes. Impurity removal may also be achieve by using electric fields.

Regarding the enhanced crystallisation by electric fields, crystallisation processes of compounds that are difficult to crystallise or which crystallisation is slow may benefit from the enhanced effect.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink




including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology