Explicit Arithmetic of Hilbert Modular Surfaces

Lead Research Organisation: University of Warwick
Department Name: Mathematics


Hilbert modular surfaces is a classical field within number theory going back to the early 1900s. These are moduli spaces that classify hypergeometric abelian surfaces with specified endomorphism ring and level structure. In a monumental paper, Elkies and Kummar give explicit equations for Hilbert modular surfaces without level structure and with endomorphism ring of discriminant at most 100. In view of applications to modularity switching (such as in the work of Ellenberg), it is important to have explicit equations for Hilbert modular surfaces with level structure, and this is the aim of the project.


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publication icon
Box J (2020) Quadratic points on modular curves with infinite Mordell-Weil group in Mathematics of Computation

Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/N509796/1 30/09/2016 29/09/2021
1935534 Studentship EP/N509796/1 01/10/2017 30/03/2021 Josha Box