Designing rheology protocols to quantify the 'printability' of soft-materials

Lead Research Organisation: University of Liverpool
Department Name: Engineering (Level 1)


Colloidal processing has demonstrated its potential in producing complex ceramics and composites with tailored microstructures. Through careful formulation and in conjunction with additive manufacturing (AM), colloidal processing can create dense or porous structures with precisely controlled geometries for applications that range from personalised medical implants and electrochemical energy storage systems to environmental clean-up. Additive manufacturing (AM) techniques have undergone enormous growth in the past couple of decades and have already revolutionised the process of rapid prototyping and manufacture of multifunctional, complex architectures. Robocasting (an AM technique also known as direct ink writing or 3D printing) involves continuous extrusion of colloidal pastes or gels through a fine nozzle to create 3D structures layer-by-layer. Precise formulation of the inks is critical in order to ensure "printability." There are several key properties that colloidal slurries should obtain through careful formulation and control of rheology. They must be shear thinning in order to easily flow through the nozzle at modest shear rates and then immediately set into a non-flowing structure once printed. They must also be able to support multiple layers on top and retain the shape across spans without deformation. "Printability" is still a broad concept and different fields have different sets of criteria as to what they define as printable. By combing extensional, shear and oscillatory rheology this work aims to create a quantifiable metric that will help predict the printability of soft materials.
2D colloids of graphene oxide - (GO, 2D flakes with amphiphilic nature) - behave as multifunctional additives and aid the printing of a wide range of materials. GO colloids exhibit a fascinating rheology and can aid the processing of different materials to develop 'printable' formulations. GO colloids in water form printable networks at relatively low concentrations and can behave as multifunctional additives and aid the printing of a wide range of materials. Due to unique surface chemistry GO, can be used to act as a rheology modifier that imparts a shear thinning behaviour and shear yield stress to suspensions of other materials even when is used in small concentrations. This work provides an in-depth rheological study of GO suspensions with a wide range of behaviours from Newtonian-like to viscoelastic 'printable' soft solids. The combination of extensional and shear rheology reveals the network formation process as GO concentration increases from <0.1 vol% to 3 vol%. Results from the extensional tests showed how the GO transitions from a Newtonian-like liquid (<0.1vol%) to weakly (<0.8vol%) and then strongly-established structural network as concentration is increased. Initial results demonstrate that the quantification of 'printability' can be based on three rheology parameters: the stiffness of the network via the storage modulus (G'), the solid-to-liquid transition or flow stress (of), and the flow transition index, which relates the flow and yield stresses (FTI=of/oy).


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/N509693/1 30/09/2016 29/09/2021
1946250 Studentship EP/N509693/1 30/09/2017 29/04/2021 Andrew Corker
Description This project is focused on a particular type of additive manufacturing named robocasting or direct ink writing. This is currently a niche type of 3D printing that is not yet commercially viable. This type of printing requires the user to formulate their own printing inks unlike other forms of AM in which printing materials can be easily purchased. Ink "printability " is currently based on experience rather than concrete theory and printability means different things to different people. We worked and have come up with a universal definition of printability as well as developing a set of measuring protocols be used to predict printability which can be used on all materials. These protocols can be used for any formulation using simple measuring techniques and can be used to create more advanced printing inks with tailored properties for a whole range of applications like: energy storage devices, bio-active scaffolds, bio-glass and surface coatings.
Exploitation Route Future researchers can use our printability protocols and printability metrics to create better printing inks with precisely tailored properties for a whole range of applications.
Sectors Energy


including Industrial Biotechology