An efficient computational approach to guide intervention in treatment of stroke

Lead Research Organisation: University of Sheffield
Department Name: Mechanical Engineering


The project will develop an efficient computational platform, validated through a small clinical study, to ultimately inform clinical decision in the treatment of stroke.

Strokes are a life-threatening medical condition that occurs when blood supply to part of the brain is compromised. Ischaemic stroke (85 percent of all cases) consists of a blockage of blood supply caused by a blood clot (coagulated blood). In some cases surgery is necessary to physically capture and remove the blood clot, e.g. using retrieval devices such as retrieval stents.
This is often a risky procedure as the clot might escape during the procedure occluding vessels further downstream. The procedure is influenced by many factors that are difficult to predict or analyse experimentally, including clot size and shape, its mechanical properties, the patient anatomy and the design of the retrieval device.

The aim of the project will be that of developing a numerical platform that will allow the investigation of the mutual influence of the variables at play and their influence on clinical outcome (e.g. retrieval forces, obstruction of flow towards peripheral vessels, etc.) The resulting model will be complex and involve modelling of haemodynamics, clot solid mechanics, and the interaction between the two. Using such a complex model to investigate the model parameter space would be unfeasible. Therefore one of the project objectives will be that of developing a statistical emulator of the model (novel aspect of research), using Gaussian Process approaches. The project findings and correlations will be validated through clinical data available at University Hospital of Tours, France.

This project will be supported by the INSIGNEO Institute for in silico Medicine. INSIGNEO is a research initiative between the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Sheffield and the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust. INSIGNEO intends to realise the scientific ambition behind the Virtual Physiological Human, producing a transformational impact on healthcare. While recently established, INSIGNEO is already considered one of worldwide-leading institutions in the area of in silico medicine research.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/N509735/1 30/09/2016 29/09/2021
1947835 Studentship EP/N509735/1 30/09/2017 24/01/2021 Ahmad Mustafa
Description In the area of ischaemic stroke, the work produced thus far reached a point in where a publication has been submitted to Journal of Bio-mechanics titled "A computational framework to aid clinical decision in the treatment of ischaemic stroke". This dissemination, to the knowledge of myself and other authors of the paper, will be the first published work to use a 1D arterial blood flow model to simulate and analyse the effects of using a mechanical thrombectomy device in the cerebrovascular system. Results of this paper demonstrates comprehensive and quantitative analysis for all vessels in the Circle of Willis (main collection of vessels in the brain). There is work involved currently working on implementing catheter presence into the 1D simulation, also a new concept that has not been done before with analytical/1D vascular modelling.
Exploitation Route The 1D model poses many new outlets of research. The use of 1D arterial modelling has been used for many health issues involving vasculature such as vasospasm and infarct rate. The expansion of this 1D model insists a potential pathway though taking this work forward to creating a tool to aid clinicians in making more informed decisions.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)



including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology