Resource Modelling and Optimisation for SLA Guarantees in Hyperconverged Communication Infrastructures

Lead Research Organisation: UNIVERSITY OF EXETER
Department Name: Computer Science


Hyperconverged infrastructures and virtualisation are at Communications Service Providers (CSP) centre of attention for the architecture of Future Data Centres and IoT. Compute, storage and network become commoditised resources dynamically provisioned on demand and at scale to meet customer SLAs. Multi-tenancy and multiple resource controlling authorities increase the complexity of SLA management. Studying first Virtualised Network Functions and shifting to other resource types, this project will develop cost-effective analytical models coupled with innovative multiple-objective optimization methods to dynamically manage and tune resource allocation in order to achieve SLA guarantees and maximize utilization. New solutions will be integrated with BT testbeds to investigate their viability.

To achieve the aims of this project, four cooperative tasks to be completed are:
Task1: Cost-effective and efficient analytical modelling for NFV networks
Task2: Model-driven network resource allocation and optimization
Task3: Algorithms validation and improvement through simulation experiments
Task4: Investigation of the proposed solutions in BT's testbeds or using industry benchmarks


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/P51049X/1 30/09/2016 29/09/2021
2006920 Studentship EP/P51049X/1 31/03/2017 29/09/2021 Joseph Billingsley